{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.DirProd

open import Cubical.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Displayed.Auto
open import Cubical.Displayed.Record
open import Cubical.Displayed.Universe

open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv

open Iso

     ℓ' : Level

record IsAbGroup {A : Type }
                 (0g : A) (_+_ : A  A  A) (-_ : A  A) : Type  where

  constructor isabgroup

    isGroup : IsGroup 0g _+_ -_
    +Comm    : (x y : A)  x + y  y + x

  open IsGroup isGroup public
      ( ·Assoc      to +Assoc
      ; ·IdL        to +IdL
      ; ·IdR        to +IdR
      ; ·InvL       to +InvL
      ; ·InvR       to +InvR)

  infixl 6 _-_

  -- Useful notation for additive groups
  _-_ : A  A  A
  x - y = x + (- y)

unquoteDecl IsAbGroupIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ IsAbGroupIsoΣ (quote IsAbGroup)

record AbGroupStr (A : Type ) : Type (ℓ-suc ) where

  constructor abgroupstr

    0g        : A
    _+_       : A  A  A
    -_        : A  A
    isAbGroup : IsAbGroup 0g _+_ -_

  infixr 7 _+_
  infix  8 -_

  open IsAbGroup isAbGroup public

AbGroup :    Type (ℓ-suc )
AbGroup  = TypeWithStr  AbGroupStr

module _ {G : Type } {0g : G} {_+_ : G  G  G} { -_ : G  G}
         (is-setG : isSet G)
         (+Assoc   : (x y z : G)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
         (+IdR     : (x : G)  x + 0g  x)
         (+InvR    : (x : G)  x + (- x)  0g)
         (+Comm    : (x y : G)  x + y  y + x)

  makeIsAbGroup : IsAbGroup 0g _+_ -_
  makeIsAbGroup .IsAbGroup.isGroup =
    makeIsGroup is-setG +Assoc +IdR
                 x  +Comm _ _  +IdR x)
                 x  +Comm _ _  +InvR x)
  makeIsAbGroup .IsAbGroup.+Comm = +Comm

module _ {G : Type } (0g : G) (_+_ : G  G  G) (-_ : G  G)
         (is-setG : isSet G)
         (+Assoc  : (x y z : G)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
         (+IdR    : (x : G)  x + 0g  x)
         (+InvR   : (x : G)  x + (- x)  0g)
         (+Comm   : (x y : G)  x + y  y + x)

  makeAbGroup : AbGroup 
  makeAbGroup .fst = G
  makeAbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr.0g = 0g
  makeAbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr._+_ = _+_
  makeAbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr.-_ = -_
  makeAbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr.isAbGroup = makeIsAbGroup is-setG +Assoc +IdR +InvR +Comm

open GroupStr
open AbGroupStr
open IsAbGroup

AbGroupStr→GroupStr : {G : Type }  AbGroupStr G  GroupStr G
AbGroupStr→GroupStr A .1g = A .0g
AbGroupStr→GroupStr A ._·_ = A ._+_
AbGroupStr→GroupStr A .inv = A .-_
AbGroupStr→GroupStr A .isGroup = A .isAbGroup .isGroup

AbGroup→Group : AbGroup   Group 
fst (AbGroup→Group A) = fst A
snd (AbGroup→Group A) = AbGroupStr→GroupStr (snd A)

Group→AbGroup : (G : Group )  ((x y : fst G)  _·_ (snd G) x y  _·_ (snd G) y x)  AbGroup 
fst (Group→AbGroup G +Comm) = fst G
AbGroupStr.0g (snd (Group→AbGroup G +Comm)) = 1g (snd G)
AbGroupStr._+_ (snd (Group→AbGroup G +Comm)) = _·_ (snd G)
AbGroupStr.- snd (Group→AbGroup G +Comm) = inv (snd G)
IsAbGroup.isGroup (AbGroupStr.isAbGroup (snd (Group→AbGroup G +Comm))) = isGroup (snd G)
IsAbGroup.+Comm (AbGroupStr.isAbGroup (snd (Group→AbGroup G +Comm))) = +Comm

module _ ((G , abgroupstr _ _ _ GisGroup) : AbGroup ) where
  AbGroup→CommMonoid : CommMonoid 
  AbGroup→CommMonoid .fst = G
  AbGroup→CommMonoid .snd .CommMonoidStr.ε = _
  AbGroup→CommMonoid .snd .CommMonoidStr._·_ = _
  AbGroup→CommMonoid .snd .CommMonoidStr.isCommMonoid .IsCommMonoid.isMonoid = IsAbGroup.isMonoid GisGroup
  AbGroup→CommMonoid .snd .CommMonoidStr.isCommMonoid .IsCommMonoid.·Comm = IsAbGroup.+Comm GisGroup

AbGroupHom : (G : AbGroup ) (H : AbGroup ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
AbGroupHom G H = GroupHom (AbGroup→Group G) (AbGroup→Group H)

AbGroupIso : (G : AbGroup ) (H : AbGroup ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
AbGroupIso G H = GroupIso (AbGroup→Group G) (AbGroup→Group H)

IsAbGroupEquiv : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
  (G : AbGroupStr A) (e : A  B) (H : AbGroupStr B)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
IsAbGroupEquiv G e H = IsGroupHom (AbGroupStr→GroupStr G) (e .fst) (AbGroupStr→GroupStr H)

AbGroupEquiv : (G : AbGroup ) (H : AbGroup ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
AbGroupEquiv G H = Σ[ e  (G .fst  H .fst) ] IsAbGroupEquiv (G .snd) e (H .snd)

isPropIsAbGroup : {G : Type } (0g : G) (_+_ : G  G  G) (-_ : G  G)
                 isProp (IsAbGroup 0g _+_ (-_))
isPropIsAbGroup 0g _+_ -_ =
  isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 IsAbGroupIsoΣ
    (isPropΣ (isPropIsGroup 0g _+_ (-_))
              grp  isPropΠ2  _ _  grp .is-set _ _)))
  open IsGroup

𝒮ᴰ-AbGroup : DUARel (𝒮-Univ ) AbGroupStr 
𝒮ᴰ-AbGroup =
  𝒮ᴰ-Record (𝒮-Univ _) IsAbGroupEquiv
      data[ _+_  autoDUARel _ _  pres· ]
      data[ 0g  autoDUARel _ _  pres1 ]
      data[ -_  autoDUARel _ _  presinv ]
      prop[ isAbGroup   _ _  isPropIsAbGroup _ _ _) ])
  open AbGroupStr
  open IsGroupHom

-- Extract the characterization of equality of groups
AbGroupPath : (G H : AbGroup )  (AbGroupEquiv G H)  (G  H)
AbGroupPath =  𝒮ᴰ-AbGroup .UARel.ua

-- The module below defines an abelian group induced from an
-- equivalence between an abelian group G and a type A which preserves
-- the full raw group structure from G to A. This version is useful
-- when proving that some type equivalent to an abelian group is an
-- abelian group while also specifying the binary operation, unit and
-- inverse. For an example of this see Algebra.Matrix
module _ (G : AbGroup ) {A : Type }
  (m : A  A  A)
  (u : A)
  (inverse : A  A)
  (e :  G   A)
  (p+ :  x y  e .fst (G .snd ._+_ x y)  m (e .fst x) (e .fst y))
  (pu : e .fst (G .snd .0g)  u)
  (pinv :  x  e .fst (G .snd .-_ x)  inverse (e .fst x))

    module G = AbGroupStr (G .snd)

    BaseΣ : Type (ℓ-suc )
    BaseΣ = Σ[ B  Type  ] (B  B  B) × B × (B  B)

    FamilyΣ : BaseΣ  Type 
    FamilyΣ (B , m , u , i) = IsAbGroup u m i

    inducedΣ : FamilyΣ (A , m , u , inverse)
    inducedΣ =
      subst FamilyΣ
        (UARel.≅→≡ (autoUARel BaseΣ) (e , p+ , pu , pinv))

  InducedAbGroup : AbGroup 
  InducedAbGroup .fst = A
  InducedAbGroup .snd ._+_ = m
  InducedAbGroup .snd .0g = u
  InducedAbGroup .snd .-_ = inverse
  InducedAbGroup .snd .isAbGroup = inducedΣ

  InducedAbGroupEquiv : AbGroupEquiv G InducedAbGroup
  fst InducedAbGroupEquiv = e
  snd InducedAbGroupEquiv = makeIsGroupHom p+

  InducedAbGroupPath : G  InducedAbGroup
  InducedAbGroupPath = AbGroupPath _ _ .fst InducedAbGroupEquiv

-- The module below defines an abelian group induced from an
-- equivalence which preserves the binary operation (i.e. a group
-- isomorphism). This version is useful when proving that some type
-- equivalent to an abelian group G is an abelian group when one
-- doesn't care about what the unit and inverse are. When using this
-- version the unit and inverse will both be defined by transporting
-- over the unit and inverse from G to A.
module _ (G : AbGroup ) {A : Type }
  (m : A  A  A)
  (e :  G   A)
  ( :  x y  e .fst (G .snd ._+_ x y)  m (e .fst x) (e .fst y))

    module G = AbGroupStr (G .snd)

    FamilyΣ : Σ[ B  Type  ] (B  B  B)  Type 
    FamilyΣ (B , n) = Σ[ e  B ] Σ[ i  (B  B) ] IsAbGroup e n i

    inducedΣ : FamilyΣ (A , m)
    inducedΣ =
      subst FamilyΣ
        (UARel.≅→≡ (autoUARel (Σ[ B  Type  ] (B  B  B))) (e , ))
        (G.0g , G.-_ , G.isAbGroup)

  InducedAbGroupFromPres· : AbGroup 
  InducedAbGroupFromPres· .fst = A
  InducedAbGroupFromPres· .snd ._+_ = m
  InducedAbGroupFromPres· .snd .0g = inducedΣ .fst
  InducedAbGroupFromPres· .snd .-_ = inducedΣ .snd .fst
  InducedAbGroupFromPres· .snd .isAbGroup = inducedΣ .snd .snd

  InducedAbGroupEquivFromPres· : AbGroupEquiv G InducedAbGroupFromPres·
  fst InducedAbGroupEquivFromPres· = e
  snd InducedAbGroupEquivFromPres· = makeIsGroupHom 

  InducedAbGroupPathFromPres· : G  InducedAbGroupFromPres·
  InducedAbGroupPathFromPres· = AbGroupPath _ _ .fst InducedAbGroupEquivFromPres·

dirProdAb : AbGroup   AbGroup ℓ'  AbGroup (ℓ-max  ℓ')
dirProdAb A B =
  Group→AbGroup (DirProd (AbGroup→Group A) (AbGroup→Group B))
                 λ p q  ΣPathP (+Comm (isAbGroup (snd A)) _ _
                                , +Comm (isAbGroup (snd B)) _ _)

trivialAbGroup :  {}  AbGroup 
fst trivialAbGroup = Unit*
0g (snd trivialAbGroup) = tt*
_+_ (snd trivialAbGroup) _ _ = tt*
(- snd trivialAbGroup) _ = tt*
isAbGroup (snd trivialAbGroup) = makeIsAbGroup
                                 (isProp→isSet isPropUnit*)
                                  _ _ _  refl)
                                  _  refl)
                                  _  refl)
                                  _ _  refl)

-- useful lemma
-- duplicate propeerties => this file should be split !
move4 :  {} {A : Type } (x y z w : A) (_+_ : A  A  A)
        ((x y z : A)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
        ((x y : A)  x + y  y + x)
       (x + y) + (z + w)  ((x + z) + (y + w))
move4 x y z w _+_ assoc +Comm =
     sym (assoc x y (z + w))
  ∙∙ cong (x +_) (assoc y z w ∙∙ cong (_+ w) (+Comm y z) ∙∙ sym (assoc z y w))
  ∙∙ assoc x z (y + w)

---- The type of homomorphisms A → B is an AbGroup if B is -----
module _ { ℓ' : Level} (AGr : Group ) (BGr : AbGroup ℓ') where
    strA = snd AGr
    strB = snd BGr

    _* = AbGroup→Group

    A = fst AGr
    B = fst BGr
    open IsGroupHom

    open AbGroupStr strB
      renaming (_+_ to _+B_ ; -_ to -B_ ; 0g to 0B
              ; +IdR to +IdRB ; +IdL to +IdLB
              ; +Assoc to +AssocB ; +Comm to +CommB
              ; +InvR to +InvRB ; +InvL to +InvLB)
    open GroupStr strA
      renaming (_·_ to _∙A_ ; inv to -A_
                ; 1g to 1A ; ·IdR to ·IdRA)

  trivGroupHom : GroupHom AGr (BGr *)
  fst trivGroupHom x = 0B
  snd trivGroupHom = makeIsGroupHom λ _ _  sym (+IdRB 0B)

  compHom : GroupHom AGr (BGr *)  GroupHom AGr (BGr *)  GroupHom AGr (BGr *)
  fst (compHom f g) x = fst f x +B fst g x
  snd (compHom f g) =
      makeIsGroupHom λ x y
       cong₂ _+B_ (pres· (snd f) x y) (pres· (snd g) x y)
       move4 (fst f x) (fst f y) (fst g x) (fst g y)
              _+B_ +AssocB +CommB

  invHom : GroupHom AGr (BGr *)  GroupHom AGr (BGr *)
  fst (invHom (f , p)) x = -B f x
  snd (invHom (f , p)) =
      λ x y  cong -B_ (pres· p x y)
            ∙∙ GroupTheory.invDistr (BGr *) (f x) (f y)
            ∙∙ +CommB _ _

  open AbGroupStr

  HomGroup : AbGroup (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  fst HomGroup = GroupHom AGr (BGr *)
  0g (snd HomGroup) = trivGroupHom
  _+_ (snd HomGroup) = compHom
  - snd HomGroup = invHom
  isAbGroup (snd HomGroup) =
     { (f , p) (g , q) (h , r)  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                                             (funExt λ x  +AssocB _ _ _) })
     { (f , p)  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _) (funExt λ y  +IdRB _)})
    ((λ { (f , p)  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _) (funExt λ y  +InvRB _)}))
     { (f , p) (g , q)  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _) (funExt λ x  +CommB _ _)})