{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FreeCommAlgebra.Base where
  The free commutative algebra over a commutative ring,
  or in other words the ring of polynomials with coefficients in a given ring.
  Note that this is a constructive definition, which entails that polynomials
  cannot be represented by lists of coefficients, where the last one is non-zero.
  For rings with decidable equality, that is still possible.

  I learned about this (and other) definition(s) from David Jaz Myers.
  You can watch him talk about these things here:

  This file contains
  * the definition of the free commutative algebra on a type I over a commutative ring R as a HIT
    (let us call that R[I])
  * a prove that the construction is an commutative R-algebra
  For more, see the Properties file.
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Base

     ℓ' : Level

module Construction (R : CommRing ) where
  open CommRingStr (snd R) using (1r; 0r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_; _·_ to _·r_)

  data R[_] (I : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
    var : I  R[ I ]
    const : fst R  R[ I ]
    _+_ : R[ I ]  R[ I ]  R[ I ]
    -_ : R[ I ]  R[ I ]
    _·_ : R[ I ]  R[ I ]  R[ I ]            -- \cdot

    +-assoc : (x y z : R[ I ])  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z
    +-rid : (x : R[ I ])  x + (const 0r)  x
    +-rinv : (x : R[ I ])  x + (- x)  (const 0r)
    +-comm : (x y : R[ I ])  x + y  y + x

    ·-assoc : (x y z : R[ I ])  x · (y · z)  (x · y) · z
    ·-lid : (x : R[ I ])  (const 1r) · x  x
    ·-comm : (x y : R[ I ])  x · y  y · x

    ldist : (x y z : R[ I ])  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z)

    +HomConst : (s t : fst R)  const (s +r t)  const s + const t
    ·HomConst : (s t : fst R)  const (s ·r t)  (const s) · (const t)

    0-trunc : (x y : R[ I ]) (p q : x  y)  p  q

  _⋆_ : {I : Type ℓ'}  fst R  R[ I ]  R[ I ]
  r  x = const r · x

  ⋆-assoc : {I : Type ℓ'}  (s t : fst R) (x : R[ I ])  (s ·r t)  x  s  (t  x)
  ⋆-assoc s t x = const (s ·r t) · x       ≡⟨ cong  u  u · x) (·HomConst _ _) 
                  (const s · const t) · x  ≡⟨ sym (·-assoc _ _ _) 
                  const s · (const t · x)  ≡⟨ refl 
                  s  (t  x) 

  ⋆-ldist-+ : {I : Type ℓ'}  (s t : fst R) (x : R[ I ])  (s +r t)  x  (s  x) + (t  x)
  ⋆-ldist-+ s t x = (s +r t)  x             ≡⟨ cong  u  u · x) (+HomConst _ _) 
                    (const s + const t) · x  ≡⟨ ldist _ _ _ 
                    (s  x) + (t  x) 

  ⋆-rdist-+ : {I : Type ℓ'}  (s : fst R) (x y : R[ I ])  s  (x + y)  (s  x) + (s  y)
  ⋆-rdist-+ s x y = const s · (x + y)             ≡⟨ ·-comm _ _ 
                    (x + y) · const s             ≡⟨ ldist _ _ _ 
                    (x · const s) + (y · const s) ≡⟨ cong  u  u + (y · const s)) (·-comm _ _) 
                    (s  x) + (y · const s)       ≡⟨ cong  u  (s  x) + u) (·-comm _ _)  
                    (s  x) + (s  y) 

  ⋆-assoc-· : {I : Type ℓ'}  (s : fst R) (x y : R[ I ])  (s  x) · y  s  (x · y)
  ⋆-assoc-· s x y = (s  x) · y ≡⟨ sym (·-assoc _ _ _) 
                    s  (x · y) 

  0a : {I : Type ℓ'}  R[ I ]
  0a = (const 0r)

  1a : {I : Type ℓ'}  R[ I ]
  1a = (const 1r)

  isCommAlgebra : {I : Type ℓ'}  IsCommAlgebra R {A = R[ I ]} 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_
  isCommAlgebra = makeIsCommAlgebra 0-trunc
                                    +-assoc +-rid +-rinv +-comm
                                    ·-assoc ·-lid ldist ·-comm
                                    ⋆-assoc ⋆-rdist-+ ⋆-ldist-+ ·-lid ⋆-assoc-·

_[_] : (R : CommRing ) (I : Type ℓ')  CommAlgebra R (ℓ-max  ℓ')
(R [ I ]) = R[ I ] , commalgebrastr 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_ isCommAlgebra
  open Construction R