
ℚ is a Commutative Ring

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Rationals where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Data.Rationals
  renaming ( to ℚType ; _+_ to _+ℚ_; _·_ to _·ℚ_; -_ to -ℚ_)

open CommRingStr

ℚCommRing : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℚCommRing .fst = ℚType
ℚCommRing .snd .0r = 0
ℚCommRing .snd .1r = 1
ℚCommRing .snd ._+_ = _+ℚ_
ℚCommRing .snd ._·_ = _·ℚ_
ℚCommRing .snd .-_ = -ℚ_
ℚCommRing .snd .isCommRing = isCommRingℚ
    isCommRingℚ : IsCommRing 0 1 _+ℚ_ _·ℚ_ -ℚ_
    isCommRingℚ = makeIsCommRing
      isSetℚ +-assoc +-identityʳ
      +-inverseʳ +-comm ·-assoc
      ·-identityʳ  x y z  sym (·-distribˡ x y z)) ·-comm