{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Lattice.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice

open import Cubical.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Displayed.Auto
open import Cubical.Displayed.Record
open import Cubical.Displayed.Universe

open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv

open Iso

     ℓ' : Level

record IsLattice {L : Type }
                 (0l 1l : L) (_∨l_ _∧l_ : L  L  L) : Type  where

  constructor islattice

   joinSemilattice : IsSemilattice 0l _∨l_
   meetSemilattice : IsSemilattice 1l _∧l_
   absorb : (x y : L)  (x ∨l (x ∧l y)  x)
                      × (x ∧l (x ∨l y)  x)

  open IsSemilattice joinSemilattice public
     ( ·Assoc to ∨lAssoc
     ; ·IdL to ∨lLid
     ; ·IdR to ∨lRid
     ; ·Comm to ∨lComm
     ; idem to ∨lIdem
     ; isCommMonoid to ∨lIsCommMonoid
     ; isMonoid to ∨lIsMonoid
     ; isSemigroup to ∨lIsSemigroup )

  open IsSemilattice meetSemilattice public
     ( ·Assoc to ∧lAssoc
     ; ·IdL to ∧lLid
     ; ·IdR to ∧lRid
     ; ·Comm to ∧lComm
     ; idem to ∧lIdem
     ; isCommMonoid to ∧lIsCommMonoid
     ; isMonoid to ∧lIsMonoid
     ; isSemigroup to ∧lIsSemigroup )
     ( is-set )

  ∨lAbsorb∧l : (x y : L)  x ∨l (x ∧l y)  x
  ∨lAbsorb∧l x y = absorb x y .fst

  ∧lAbsorb∨l : (x y : L)  x ∧l (x ∨l y)  x
  ∧lAbsorb∨l x y = absorb x y .snd

record LatticeStr (A : Type )  : Type (ℓ-suc ) where

  constructor latticestr

    0l : A
    1l : A
    _∨l_ : A  A  A
    _∧l_ : A  A  A
    isLattice : IsLattice 0l 1l _∨l_ _∧l_

  infix 6 _∨l_
  infix 6 _∧l_

  open IsLattice isLattice public

Lattice :    Type (ℓ-suc )
Lattice  = TypeWithStr  LatticeStr

makeIsLattice : {L : Type } {0l 1l : L} {_∨l_ _∧l_ : L  L  L}
             (is-setL : isSet L)
             (∨l-assoc : (x y z : L)  x ∨l (y ∨l z)  (x ∨l y) ∨l z)
             (∨l-rid : (x : L)  x ∨l 0l  x)
             (∨l-comm : (x y : L)  x ∨l y  y ∨l x)
             (∧l-assoc : (x y z : L)  x ∧l (y ∧l z)  (x ∧l y) ∧l z)
             (∧l-rid : (x : L)  x ∧l 1l  x)
             (∧l-comm : (x y : L)  x ∧l y  y ∧l x)
             (∨l-absorb-∧l : (x y : L)  x ∨l (x ∧l y)  x)
             (∧l-absorb-∨l : (x y : L)  x ∧l (x ∨l y)  x)
            IsLattice 0l 1l _∨l_ _∧l_
makeIsLattice {0l = 0l} {1l = 1l} {_∨l_ = _∨l_} {_∧l_ = _∧l_}
              is-setL ∨l-assoc ∨l-rid ∨l-comm
                      ∧l-assoc ∧l-rid ∧l-comm ∨l-absorb-∧l ∧l-absorb-∨l =
     islattice (makeIsSemilattice is-setL ∨l-assoc ∨l-rid ∨l-comm ∨l-idem)
               (makeIsSemilattice is-setL ∧l-assoc ∧l-rid ∧l-comm ∧l-idem)
               λ x y  ∨l-absorb-∧l x y , ∧l-absorb-∨l x y
 ∨l-idem :  x  x ∨l x  x
 ∨l-idem x = cong (x ∨l_) (sym (∧l-rid _))  ∨l-absorb-∧l _ _

 ∧l-idem :  x  x ∧l x  x
 ∧l-idem x = cong (x ∧l_) (sym (∨l-rid _))  ∧l-absorb-∨l _ _

makeLattice : {L : Type } (0l 1l : L) (_∨l_ _∧l_ : L  L  L)
             (is-setL : isSet L)
             (∨l-assoc : (x y z : L)  x ∨l (y ∨l z)  (x ∨l y) ∨l z)
             (∨l-rid : (x : L)  x ∨l 0l  x)
             (∨l-comm : (x y : L)  x ∨l y  y ∨l x)
             (∨l-idem : (x : L)  x ∨l x  x)
             (∧l-assoc : (x y z : L)  x ∧l (y ∧l z)  (x ∧l y) ∧l z)
             (∧l-rid : (x : L)  x ∧l 1l  x)
             (∧l-comm : (x y : L)  x ∧l y  y ∧l x)
             (∧l-idem : (x : L)  x ∧l x  x)
             (∨l-absorb-∧l : (x y : L)  x ∨l (x ∧l y)  x)
             (∧l-absorb-∨l : (x y : L)  x ∧l (x ∨l y)  x)
makeLattice 0l 1l _∨l_ _∧l_ is-setL ∨l-assoc ∨l-rid ∨l-comm ∨l-idem
            ∧l-assoc ∧l-rid ∧l-comm ∧l-idem ∨l-absorb-∧l ∧l-absorb-∨l =
   _ , latticestr 0l 1l _∨l_ _∧l_
   (makeIsLattice is-setL ∨l-assoc ∨l-rid ∨l-comm
                          ∧l-assoc ∧l-rid ∧l-comm ∨l-absorb-∧l ∧l-absorb-∨l)

record IsLatticeHom {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (L : LatticeStr A) (f : A  B) (M : LatticeStr B)
  : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')

  -- Shorter qualified names
    module L = LatticeStr L
    module M = LatticeStr M

    pres0 : f L.0l  M.0l
    pres1 : f L.1l  M.1l
    pres∨l : (x y : A)  f (x L.∨l y)  f x M.∨l f y
    pres∧l : (x y : A)  f (x L.∧l y)  f x M.∧l f y

unquoteDecl IsLatticeHomIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ IsLatticeHomIsoΣ (quote IsLatticeHom)

LatticeHom : (L : Lattice ) (M : Lattice ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
LatticeHom L M = Σ[ f  ( L    M ) ] IsLatticeHom (L .snd) f (M .snd)

idLatticeHom : (L : Lattice )  LatticeHom L L
fst (idLatticeHom L) x = x
IsLatticeHom.pres0 (snd (idLatticeHom L)) = refl
IsLatticeHom.pres1 (snd (idLatticeHom L)) = refl
IsLatticeHom.pres∨l (snd (idLatticeHom L)) x y = refl
IsLatticeHom.pres∧l (snd (idLatticeHom L)) x y = refl

IsLatticeEquiv : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (M : LatticeStr A) (e : A  B) (N : LatticeStr B)
   Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
IsLatticeEquiv M e N = IsLatticeHom M (e .fst) N

LatticeEquiv : (L : Lattice ) (M : Lattice ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
LatticeEquiv L M = Σ[ e  ( L    M ) ] IsLatticeEquiv (L .snd) e (M .snd)

isPropIsLattice : {L : Type } (0l 1l : L) (_∨l_ _∧l_ : L  L  L)
              isProp (IsLattice 0l 1l _∨l_ _∧l_)
isPropIsLattice 0l 1l _∨l_ _∧l_ (islattice LJ LM LA) (islattice MJ MM MA) =
  λ i  islattice (isPropIsSemilattice _ _ LJ MJ i)
                  (isPropIsSemilattice _ _ LM MM i)
                  (isPropAbsorb LA MA i)
  open IsSemilattice LJ using (is-set)

  isPropAbsorb : isProp ((x y : _)  (x ∨l (x ∧l y)  x) × (x ∧l (x ∨l y)  x))
  isPropAbsorb = isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp× (is-set _ _) (is-set _ _)

isPropIsLatticeHom : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (R : LatticeStr A) (f : A  B) (S : LatticeStr B)
                    isProp (IsLatticeHom R f S)
isPropIsLatticeHom R f S = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 IsLatticeHomIsoΣ
                           (isProp×3 (is-set _ _)
                                     (is-set _ _)
                                     (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  is-set _ _)
                                     (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  is-set _ _))
  open LatticeStr S

𝒮ᴰ-Lattice : DUARel (𝒮-Univ ) LatticeStr 
𝒮ᴰ-Lattice =
  𝒮ᴰ-Record (𝒮-Univ _) IsLatticeEquiv
      data[ 0l  null  pres0 ]
      data[ 1l  null  pres1 ]
      data[ _∨l_  bin  pres∨l ]
      data[ _∧l_  bin  pres∧l ]
      prop[ isLattice   _ _  isPropIsLattice _ _ _ _) ])
  open LatticeStr
  open IsLatticeHom

  -- faster with some sharing
  null = autoDUARel (𝒮-Univ _)  A  A)
  bin = autoDUARel (𝒮-Univ _)  A  A  A  A)

LatticePath : (L M : Lattice )  LatticeEquiv L M  (L  M)
LatticePath =  𝒮ᴰ-Lattice .UARel.ua

Lattice→JoinSemilattice : Lattice   Semilattice 
Lattice→JoinSemilattice (A , latticestr _ _ _ _ L) = semilattice _ _ _ (L .IsLattice.joinSemilattice )

Lattice→MeetSemilattice : Lattice   Semilattice 
Lattice→MeetSemilattice (A , latticestr _ _ _ _ L) = semilattice _ _ _ (L .IsLattice.meetSemilattice )