
This file contains:

  - Classical propositional logic and provability
  - Properties of classical propositional logic
  - Equivalence relation on formulas in terms of provability
  - Definition of Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra
  - Proof that the Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra is a Boolean algebra
  - Proof of soundness


{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Algebra.LindenbaumTarski where

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Properties

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude hiding (_∧_; _∨_)

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base

open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Prod.Base

open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Base

infix  35  _∧_
infix  30  _∨_
infixl 36  ¬_
infix  20  _⊢_
infix  23  _∷_

data Formula : Type where
  const :        Formula
  _∧_   : Formula  Formula  Formula
  _∨_   : Formula  Formula  Formula
  ¬_    : Formula  Formula
       : Formula
       : Formula

data ctxt : Type where
      : ctxt
  _∷_  : ctxt  Formula  ctxt

data _∈_ : Formula  ctxt  Type where
  Z  :  {Γ ϕ}    ϕ  Γ  ϕ
  S  :  {Γ ϕ ψ}  ϕ  Γ
                  ϕ  Γ  ψ

-- Provability
data _⊢_ : ctxt  Formula  Type where
  ∧-I : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}
       Γ  ϕ
       Γ  ψ
       Γ  ϕ  ψ

  ∧-E₁ : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}
        Γ  ϕ  ψ
        Γ  ϕ

  ∧-E₂ : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}
        Γ  ϕ  ψ
        Γ  ψ

  ∨-I₁ : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}
        Γ  ψ
        Γ  ϕ  ψ

  ∨-I₂ : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}
        Γ  ϕ
        Γ  ϕ  ψ

  ∨-E : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}
       Γ  ϕ  ψ
       Γ  ϕ  γ
       Γ  ψ  γ
       Γ  γ

  ¬-I : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ : Formula}
       Γ  ϕ  
       Γ  ¬ ϕ

  ¬-E : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ : Formula}
       Γ  ϕ
       Γ  ¬ ϕ

  ⊥-E : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ : Formula}
       Γ  ϕ

  ⊤-I : {Γ : ctxt}

  axiom : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ : Formula}
         ϕ  Γ
         Γ  ϕ

  LEM : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ : Formula}
       Γ  ¬ ϕ  ϕ

  weakening : {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}
             Γ  ψ
             Γ  ϕ  ψ

module _ {Γ : ctxt} where

  -- Implication
  infix  22  _⇒_
  _⇒_ : Formula  Formula  Formula
  ϕ  ψ = ¬ ϕ  ψ

  -- Useful lemmas
  mp :  {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  ψ  Γ  ϕ  Γ  ψ
  mp x y = ∨-E x (⊥-E (¬-E (weakening y) (axiom Z))) (axiom Z)

  deduct :  {Γ : ctxt} {ϕ ψ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  ψ  Γ  ϕ  ψ
  deduct x = ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ x)

  cut :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  γ  Γ  γ  ψ  Γ  ϕ  ψ
  cut x y = ∨-E x
                (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))
                (∨-E (weakening y)
                     (⊥-E (¬-E (axiom (S Z)) (axiom Z)))
                     (∨-I₁ (axiom Z)))


  Defining relation where two formulas are related
  if they are provably equivalent.


  _∼_ : Formula  Formula  Type
  ϕ  ψ = (Γ  ϕ  ψ) × (Γ  ψ  ϕ)

  ∼-refl :  (ϕ : Formula)  ϕ  ϕ
  ∼-refl _ = (LEM , LEM)

  ∼-sym :  {ϕ ψ : Formula}  ϕ  ψ  ψ  ϕ
  ∼-sym (A , B) = (B , A)

  ∼-trans :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  ϕ  γ  γ  ψ  ϕ  ψ
  ∼-trans (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) = (cut x₁ y₁ , cut y₂ x₂)


  Properties of propositional calculus


  ∧Comm :  {ϕ ψ : Formula}  ϕ  ψ  ψ  ϕ
  ∧Comm = (∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ comm)) ,
          (∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ comm))
      comm :  {ϕ ψ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  ψ  ψ  ϕ
      comm = ∧-I (∧-E₂ (axiom Z)) (∧-E₁ (axiom Z))

  ∨Comm :  {ϕ ψ : Formula}  ϕ  ψ  ψ  ϕ
  ∨Comm = ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ comm) ,
          ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ comm)
      comm : {ϕ ψ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  ψ  ψ  ϕ
      comm = ∨-E (axiom Z) (∨-I₁ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))

  ∧Assoc :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  γ
  ∧Assoc = ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ assoc1) ,
           ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ assoc2)
      assoc1 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  γ
      assoc1 = ∧-I (∧-I (∧-E₁ (axiom Z)) (∧-E₁ (∧-E₂ (axiom Z))))
                   (∧-E₂ (∧-E₂ (axiom Z)))
      assoc2 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  (ϕ  ψ)  γ  ϕ  (ψ  γ)
      assoc2 = ∧-I (∧-E₁ (∧-E₁ (axiom Z)))
                   (∧-I (∧-E₂ (∧-E₁ (axiom Z)))
                   (∧-E₂ (axiom Z)))

  ∨Assoc :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  γ
  ∨Assoc = ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ assoc1) ,
           ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ assoc2)
      assoc1 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  γ
      assoc1 = ∨-E (axiom Z)
                   (∨-I₂ (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)))
                   (∨-E (axiom Z)
                        (∨-I₂ (∨-I₁ (axiom Z)))
                        (∨-I₁ (axiom Z)))
      assoc2 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  (ϕ  ψ)  γ  ϕ  (ψ  γ)
      assoc2 = ∨-E (axiom Z)
                   (∨-E (axiom Z)
                        (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))
                        (∨-I₁ (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))))
                   (∨-I₁ (∨-I₁ (axiom Z)))

  ∧Dist :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ  γ)
  ∧Dist = ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ dist1) ,
          ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ dist2)
      dist1 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ  γ)
      dist1 = ∨-E (∧-E₂ (axiom Z))
                  (∨-I₂ (∧-I (∧-E₁ (axiom (S Z))) (axiom Z)))
                  (∨-I₁ (∧-I (∧-E₁ (axiom (S Z))) (axiom Z)))
      dist2 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ  γ)  ϕ  (ψ  γ)
      dist2 = ∧-I (∨-E (axiom Z)
                       (∧-E₁ (axiom Z))
                       (∧-E₁ (axiom Z)))
                  (∨-E (axiom Z)
                       (∨-I₂ (∧-E₂ (axiom Z)))
                       (∨-I₁ (∧-E₂ (axiom Z))))

  ∨Dist :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ  γ)
  ∨Dist = ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ dist1) ,
          ∨-E LEM (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)) (∨-I₁ dist2)
      dist1 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  (ψ  γ)  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ  γ)
      dist1 = ∨-E (axiom Z)
                  (∧-I (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))
                       (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)))
                  (∧-I (∨-I₁ (∧-E₁ (axiom Z)))
                       (∨-I₁ (∧-E₂ (axiom Z))))
      dist2 :  {ϕ ψ γ : Formula}  Γ  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ  γ)  ϕ  (ψ  γ)
      dist2 = ∨-E (∧-E₁ (axiom Z))
                  (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))
                  (∨-E (∧-E₂ (axiom (S Z)))
                       (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))
                       (∨-I₁ (∧-I (axiom (S Z)) (axiom Z))))

  ∧Absorb :  {ϕ ψ : Formula}  ϕ  (ϕ  ψ)  ϕ
  ∧Absorb = (deduct (∧-E₁ (axiom Z))) ,
            (deduct (∧-I (axiom Z) (∨-I₂ (axiom Z))))

  ∨Absorb :  {ϕ ψ : Formula}  (ϕ  ψ)  ψ  ψ
  ∨Absorb = (deduct (∨-E (axiom Z) (∧-E₂ (axiom Z)) (axiom Z))) ,
            (deduct (∨-I₁ (axiom Z)))

  ∧Id :  {ϕ : Formula}  ϕ    ϕ
  ∧Id = (deduct (∧-E₁ (axiom Z)) ,
        (deduct (∧-I (axiom Z) ⊤-I)))

  ∨Id :  {ϕ : Formula}  ϕ    ϕ
  ∨Id = (deduct (∨-E (axiom Z) (axiom Z) (⊥-E (axiom Z)))) ,
        (deduct (∨-I₂ (axiom Z)))

  ∧Complement :  {ϕ : Formula}  ϕ  ¬ ϕ  
  ∧Complement = (deduct (¬-E (∧-E₁ (axiom Z)) (∧-E₂ (axiom Z)))) ,
                (deduct (⊥-E (axiom Z)))

  ∨Complement :  {ϕ : Formula}  ¬ ϕ  ϕ  
  ∨Complement = (deduct ⊤-I , deduct LEM)


  Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra is defined as the quotioent
  algebra obtained by factoring the algebra of formulas
  by the above defined equivalence relation.


  LindenbaumTarski : Type
  LindenbaumTarski = Formula / _∼_

  infixl 25 ¬/_

  _∧/_ : LindenbaumTarski  LindenbaumTarski  LindenbaumTarski
  A ∧/ B = setQuotBinOp ∼-refl ∼-refl _∧_ ∼-respects-∧ A B
      ∼-respects-∧ :  (ϕ ϕ' ψ ψ' : Formula)  ϕ  ϕ'  ψ  ψ'  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ'  ψ')
      ∼-respects-∧ ϕ ϕ' ψ ψ' (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) =
        deduct (∧-I (mp (weakening x₁) (∧-E₁ (axiom Z))) (mp (weakening y₁) (∧-E₂ (axiom Z)))) ,
        deduct (∧-I (mp (weakening x₂) (∧-E₁ (axiom Z))) (mp (weakening y₂) (∧-E₂ (axiom Z))))

  _∨/_ : LindenbaumTarski  LindenbaumTarski  LindenbaumTarski
  A ∨/ B = setQuotBinOp ∼-refl ∼-refl _∨_ ∼-respects-∨ A B
      ∼-respects-∨ :  (ϕ ϕ' ψ ψ' : Formula)  ϕ  ϕ'  ψ  ψ'  (ϕ  ψ)  (ϕ'  ψ')
      ∼-respects-∨ ϕ ϕ' ψ ψ' (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) =
        deduct (∨-E (axiom Z)
                    (∨-I₂ (mp (weakening (weakening x₁)) (axiom Z)))
                    (∨-I₁ (mp (weakening (weakening y₁)) (axiom Z)))) ,
        deduct (∨-E (axiom Z)
                    (∨-I₂ (mp (weakening (weakening x₂)) (axiom Z)))
                    (∨-I₁ (mp (weakening (weakening y₂)) (axiom Z))))

  ¬/_ : LindenbaumTarski  LindenbaumTarski
  ¬/ A = setQuotUnaryOp ¬_ ∼-respects-¬ A
      ∼-respects-¬ :  (ϕ ϕ' : Formula)  ϕ  ϕ'  (¬ ϕ)  (¬ ϕ')
      ∼-respects-¬ ϕ ϕ' (x₁ , x₂) =
        deduct (¬-I (¬-E (mp (weakening (weakening x₁))
                             (mp (weakening (weakening x₂))
                                 (axiom Z)))
                         (⊥-E (¬-E (mp (weakening (weakening x₂))
                                       (axiom Z))
                                   (axiom (S Z)))))) ,
        deduct (¬-I (¬-E (mp (weakening (weakening x₂))
                             (mp (weakening (weakening x₁))
                                 (axiom Z)))
                         (⊥-E (¬-E (mp (weakening (weakening x₁))
                                       (axiom Z))
                                   (axiom (S Z))))))

  ⊤/ : LindenbaumTarski
  ⊤/ = [  ]

  ⊥/ : LindenbaumTarski
  ⊥/ = [  ]


  By showing the Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra can be viewed as
  a complemented distributive lattice, we prove that it is
  also a Boolean algebra.


  -- LT distributive lattice
  LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice : DistLattice _
  LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice = makeDistLattice∧lOver∨l
                                 ⊥/ ⊤/ _∨/_ _∧/_
                                 ∨/Assoc ∨/Id ∨/Comm
                                 ∧/Assoc ∧/Id ∧/Comm ∧/Absorb ∧/Dist
      isSet-LT :  (A B : LindenbaumTarski)  isProp(A  B)
      isSet-LT A B = squash/ _ _

      ∧/Comm :  (A B : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∧/ B  B ∧/ A
      ∧/Comm = elimProp2  _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∧Comm

      ∨/Comm :  (A B : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∨/ B  B ∨/ A
      ∨/Comm = elimProp2  _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∨Comm

      ∧/Assoc :  (A B C : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∧/ (B ∧/ C)  (A ∧/ B) ∧/ C
      ∧/Assoc = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∧Assoc

      ∨/Assoc :  (A B C : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∨/ (B ∨/ C)  (A ∨/ B) ∨/ C
      ∨/Assoc = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∨Assoc

      ∧/Dist :  (A B C : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∧/ (B ∨/ C)  (A ∧/ B) ∨/ (A ∧/ C)
      ∧/Dist = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∧Dist

      ∨/Dist :  (A B C : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∨/ (B ∧/ C)  (A ∨/ B) ∧/ (A ∨/ C)
      ∨/Dist = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∨Dist

      ∧/Absorb :  (A B : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∧/ (A ∨/ B)  A
      ∧/Absorb = elimProp2  _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∧Absorb

      ∨/Absorb :  (A B : LindenbaumTarski)  (A ∧/ B) ∨/ B  B
      ∨/Absorb = elimProp2  _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _  eq/ _ _ ∨Absorb

      ∨/Id :  (A : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∨/ ⊥/  A
      ∨/Id = elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ _  eq/ _ _ ∨Id

      ∧/Id :  (A : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∧/ ⊤/  A
      ∧/Id = elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ _  eq/ _ _ ∧Id

  open DistLatticeStr (snd LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice)

  -- Complemented
  LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice-supremum :
    (A : fst LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice)
     ¬/ A ∨l A  1l
  LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice-supremum A = ∨/Complement A
      ∨/Complement :  (A : LindenbaumTarski)  ¬/ A ∨/ A  ⊤/
      ∨/Complement = elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ _  eq/ _ _ ∨Complement

  LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice-infimum :
    (A : fst LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice)
     A ∧l ¬/ A  0l
  LindenbaumTarski-DistLattice-infimum A = ∧/Complement A
      ∧/Complement :  (A : LindenbaumTarski)  A ∧/ ¬/ A  ⊥/
      ∧/Complement = elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ _  eq/ _ _ ∧Complement


  If ϕ provable, then [ϕ] ≡ [⊤]

  sound :  {ϕ : Formula}  Γ  ϕ  [ ϕ ]  ⊤/
  sound x = eq/ _ _ (deduct ⊤-I , deduct (weakening x))