{-# OPTIONS --safe --postfix-projections #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.OrderedCommMonoid.PropCompletion where
  The completion of an ordered monoid, viewed as monoidal prop-enriched category.
  This is used in the construction of the upper naturals, which is an idea of David
  Jaz Myers presented here


  It should be straight forward, but tedious,
  to generalize this to enriched monoidal categories.

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Functions.Logic
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation renaming (rec to propTruncRec; rec2 to propTruncRec2)

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.OrderedCommMonoid

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset

     : Level

module PropCompletion ( : Level) (M : OrderedCommMonoid  ) where
  open OrderedCommMonoidStr (snd M)
  _≤p_ : fst M  fst M  hProp 
  n ≤p m = (n  m) , (is-prop-valued _ _)

  isUpwardClosed : (s : fst M  hProp )  Type _
  isUpwardClosed s = (n m : fst M)  n  m  fst (s n)  fst (s m)

  isPropUpwardClosed : (N : fst M  hProp )  isProp (isUpwardClosed N)
  isPropUpwardClosed N =
    isPropΠ4  _ m _ _  snd (N m))

  isSetM→Prop : isSet (fst M  hProp )
  isSetM→Prop = isOfHLevelΠ 2 λ _  isSetHProp

  M↑ : Type _
  M↑ = Σ[ s  (fst M  hProp )] isUpwardClosed s

  isSetM↑ : isSet M↑
  isSetM↑ = isOfHLevelΣ 2 isSetM→Prop λ s  isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isPropUpwardClosed s)

  _isUpperBoundOf_ : fst M  M↑  Type 
  n isUpperBoundOf s = fst (fst s n)

  isBounded : (s : M↑)  Type _
  isBounded s = ∃[ m  (fst M) ] (m isUpperBoundOf s)

  isPropIsBounded : (s : M↑)  isProp (isBounded s)
  isPropIsBounded s = isPropPropTrunc

  _^↑ : fst M  M↑
  n ^↑ = n ≤p_ , isUpwardClosed≤
      isUpwardClosed≤ : {m : fst M}  isUpwardClosed (m ≤p_)
      isUpwardClosed≤ = λ {_ _ n≤k m≤n  is-trans _ _ _ m≤n n≤k}

  isBounded^ : (m : fst M)  isBounded (m ^↑)
  isBounded^ m =  (m , (is-refl m)) ∣₁

  1↑ : M↑
  1↑ = ε ^↑

  _·↑_ : M↑  M↑  M↑
  s ·↑ l = seq , seqIsUpwardClosed
           seq : fst M  hProp 
           seq n = (∃[ (a , b)  (fst M) × (fst M) ] fst ((fst s a)  (fst l b)  ((a · b) ≤p n) )) ,
           seqIsUpwardClosed : isUpwardClosed seq
           seqIsUpwardClosed n m n≤m =
               λ {((a , b) , wa , (wb , a·b≤n))   (a , b) , wa , (wb , is-trans _ _ _ a·b≤n n≤m) ∣₁}

  ·presBounded : (s l : M↑) (bs : isBounded s) (bl : isBounded l)  isBounded (s ·↑ l)
  ·presBounded s l =
      λ {(m , s≤m) (k , l≤k)
            (m · k) ,  (m , k) , (s≤m , (l≤k , (is-refl (m · k)))) ∣₁ ∣₁

  {- convenience functions for the proof that ·↑ is the multiplication of a monoid -}
  typeAt : fst M  M↑  Type _
  typeAt n s = fst (fst s n)

  M↑Path : {s l : M↑}  ((n : fst M)  typeAt n s  typeAt n l)  s  l
  M↑Path {s = s} {l = l} pwPath = path
       seqPath : fst s  fst l
       seqPath i n =
         Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp) {u = fst s n} {v = fst l n} (pwPath n) i

       path : s  l
       path = Σ≡Prop isPropUpwardClosed seqPath

  pathFromImplications : (s l : M↑)
            ((n : fst M)  typeAt n s  typeAt n l)
            ((n : fst M)  typeAt n l  typeAt n s)
            s  l
  pathFromImplications s l s→l l→s =
      M↑Path λ n  cong fst (propPath n)
            where propPath : (n : fst M)  fst s n  fst l n
                  propPath n = ⇒∶ s→l n
                               ⇐∶ l→s n

  ^↑Pres· : (x y : fst M)  (x · y) ^↑  (x ^↑) ·↑ (y ^↑)
  ^↑Pres· x y = pathFromImplications ((x · y) ^↑) ((x ^↑) ·↑ (y ^↑)) () 
       : (n : fst M)  typeAt n ((x · y) ^↑)  typeAt n ((x ^↑) ·↑ (y ^↑))
       n x·y≤n =  (x , y) , ((is-refl _) , ((is-refl _) , x·y≤n)) ∣₁

       : (n : fst M)  typeAt n ((x ^↑) ·↑ (y ^↑))  typeAt n ((x · y) ^↑)
       n = propTruncRec
              (snd (fst ((x · y) ^↑) n))
              λ {((m , l) , x≤m , (y≤l , m·l≤n))
                   is-trans _ _ _
                             (is-trans _ _ _ (MonotoneR x≤m)
                                             (MonotoneL y≤l))

  ·↑Comm : (s l : M↑)  s ·↑ l  l ·↑ s
  ·↑Comm s l = M↑Path λ n  cong fst (propPath n)
    where implication : (s l : M↑) (n : fst M)  fst (fst (s ·↑ l) n)  fst (fst (l ·↑ s) n)
          implication s l n = propTruncRec
                              {((a , b) , wa , (wb , a·b≤n))
                                 (b , a) , wb , (wa , subst  k  fst (k ≤p n)) (·Comm a b) a·b≤n) ∣₁ })
          propPath : (n : fst M)  fst (s ·↑ l) n  fst (l ·↑ s) n
          propPath n = ⇒∶ implication s l n
                       ⇐∶ implication l s n

  ·↑Rid : (s : M↑)  s ·↑ 1↑  s
  ·↑Rid s = pathFromImplications (s ·↑ 1↑) s () 
    where  : (n : fst M)  typeAt n (s ·↑ 1↑)  typeAt n s
           n = propTruncRec
                  (snd (fst s n))
                   {((a , b) , sa , (1b , a·b≤n))
                      (snd s) a n ( subst (_≤ n) (·IdR a) (is-trans _ _ _ (MonotoneL 1b) a·b≤n)) sa })
           : (n : fst M)  typeAt n s  typeAt n (s ·↑ 1↑)
           n = λ sn   (n , ε) , (sn , (is-refl _ , subst (_≤ n) (sym (·IdR n)) (is-refl _))) ∣₁

  ·↑Assoc : (s l k : M↑)  s ·↑ (l ·↑ k)  (s ·↑ l) ·↑ k
  ·↑Assoc s l k = pathFromImplications (s ·↑ (l ·↑ k)) ((s ·↑ l) ·↑ k) () 
    where  : (n : fst M)  typeAt n (s ·↑ (l ·↑ k))  typeAt n ((s ·↑ l) ·↑ k)
           n = propTruncRec
                λ {((a , b) , sa , (l·kb , a·b≤n))
                          {((a' , b') , la' , (kb' , a'·b'≤b))
                           ((a · a') , b') ,  (a , a') , (sa , (la' , is-refl _)) ∣₁ , kb' ,
                             (let a·⟨a'·b'⟩≤n = (is-trans _ _ _ (MonotoneL a'·b'≤b) a·b≤n)
                              in subst (_≤ n) (·Assoc a a' b') a·⟨a'·b'⟩≤n) ∣₁
                            }) l·kb
           : _
           n = propTruncRec
                λ {((a , b) , s·l≤a , (k≤b , a·b≤n))
                          {((a' , b') , s≤a' , (l≤b' , a'·b'≤a))
                           (a' , b' · b) , s≤a' , (  (b' , b) , l≤b' , (k≤b , is-refl _) ∣₁ ,
                             (let ⟨a'·b'⟩·b≤n = (is-trans _ _ _ (MonotoneR a'·b'≤a) a·b≤n)
                              in subst (_≤ n) (sym (·Assoc a' b' b)) ⟨a'·b'⟩·b≤n) ) ∣₁
                            }) s·l≤a

  asCommMonoid : CommMonoid (ℓ-suc )
  asCommMonoid = makeCommMonoid 1↑ _·↑_ isSetM↑ ·↑Assoc ·↑Rid ·↑Comm

    Poset structure on M↑
  _≤↑_ : (s l : M↑)  Type _
  s ≤↑ l = (m : fst M)  fst ((fst l) m)  fst ((fst s) m)

  isBounded→≤↑ : (s : M↑)  isBounded s  ∃[ m  fst M ] (s ≤↑ (m ^↑))
  isBounded→≤↑ s =
      λ {(m , mIsBound)
             m ,  n m≤n  snd s m n m≤n mIsBound) ∣₁

  ≤↑IsProp : (s l : M↑)  isProp (s ≤↑ l)
  ≤↑IsProp s l = isPropΠ2  x p  snd (fst s x))

  ≤↑IsRefl : (s : M↑)  s ≤↑ s
  ≤↑IsRefl s = λ m x  x

  ≤↑IsTrans : (s l t : M↑)  s ≤↑ l  l ≤↑ t  s ≤↑ t
  ≤↑IsTrans s l t p q x = (p x)  (q x)

  ≤↑IsAntisym : (s l : M↑)  s ≤↑ l  l ≤↑ s  s  l
  ≤↑IsAntisym s l p q = pathFromImplications _ _ q p

    Compatability with the monoid structure
  ·↑IsRMonotone : (l t s : M↑)  l ≤↑ t  (l ·↑ s) ≤↑ (t ·↑ s)
  ·↑IsRMonotone l t s p x =
      λ { ((a , b) , l≤a , (s≤b , a·b≤x))   (a , b) , p a l≤a , s≤b , a·b≤x ∣₁}

  ·↑IsLMonotone : (l t s : M↑)  l ≤↑ t  (s ·↑ l) ≤↑ (s ·↑ t)
  ·↑IsLMonotone l t s p x =
      λ {((a , b) , s≤a , (l≤b , a·b≤x))   (a , b) , s≤a , p b l≤b , a·b≤x ∣₁}

  asOrderedCommMonoid : OrderedCommMonoid (ℓ-suc ) 
  asOrderedCommMonoid .fst = _
  asOrderedCommMonoid .snd .OrderedCommMonoidStr._≤_ = _≤↑_
  asOrderedCommMonoid .snd .OrderedCommMonoidStr._·_ = _·↑_
  asOrderedCommMonoid .snd .OrderedCommMonoidStr.ε = 1↑
  asOrderedCommMonoid .snd .OrderedCommMonoidStr.isOrderedCommMonoid =
          (CommMonoidStr.isCommMonoid (snd asCommMonoid))
          ≤↑IsProp ≤↑IsRefl ≤↑IsTrans ≤↑IsAntisym ·↑IsRMonotone ·↑IsLMonotone

  boundedSubstructure : OrderedCommMonoid (ℓ-suc ) 
  boundedSubstructure =
       s  (isBounded s , isPropIsBounded s))
      (isBounded^ ε)

PropCompletion :
   OrderedCommMonoid (ℓ-suc ) 
PropCompletion M = PropCompletion.asOrderedCommMonoid _ M

BoundedPropCompletion :
   OrderedCommMonoid (ℓ-suc ) 
BoundedPropCompletion M = PropCompletion.boundedSubstructure _ M

isSetBoundedPropCompletion :
     (M : OrderedCommMonoid  )
    isSet ( BoundedPropCompletion M )
isSetBoundedPropCompletion M =
  isSetΣSndProp is-set
                λ x  PropCompletion.isPropIsBounded _ M x
  open OrderedCommMonoidStr (str (PropCompletion M))