{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Polynomials.UnivariateList.Base where

Polynomials over commutative rings

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _Nat+_; _·_ to _Nat·_) hiding (·-comm)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty.Base renaming (rec to ⊥rec )
open import Cubical.Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing


     ℓ' : Level
    A : Type 

module _ (R' : CommRing ) where
    R = fst R'

  open CommRingStr (snd R')

  data Poly : Type  where
    []    : Poly
    _∷_   : (a : R)  (p : Poly)  Poly
    drop0 : 0r  []  []

  infixr 5 _∷_

  pattern [_] x = x  []

module PolyMod (R' : CommRing ) where
    R = fst R'
  open CommRingStr (snd R') public

-- First definition of a polynomial.
-- A polynomial a₁ +  a₂x + ... + aⱼxʲ of degree j is represented as a list [a₁, a₂, ...,aⱼ]
-- modulo trailing zeros.
  module Elim (B      : Poly R'  Type ℓ')
              ([]*    : B [])
              (cons*  : (r : R) (p : Poly R') (b : B p)  B (r  p))
              (drop0* : PathP  i  B (drop0 i)) (cons* 0r [] []*) []*) where

   f : (p : Poly R')  B p
   f [] = []*
   f (x  p) = cons* x p (f p)
   f (drop0 i) = drop0* i

  -- Given a proposition (as type) ϕ ranging over polynomials, we prove it by:
  -- ElimProp.f ϕ ⌜proof for base case []⌝ ⌜proof for induction case a ∷ p⌝
  --           ⌜proof that ϕ actually is a proposition over the domain of polynomials⌝
  module _ (B : Poly R'  Type ℓ')
           ([]* : B [])
           (cons* : (r : R) (p : Poly R') (b : B p)  B (r  p))
           (BProp : {p : Poly R'}  isProp (B p)) where
   ElimProp : (p : Poly R')  B p
   ElimProp = Elim.f B []* cons* (toPathP (BProp (transport  i  B (drop0 i)) (cons* 0r [] []*)) []*))

  module _ (B         : Poly R'  Poly R'  Type ℓ')
           ([][]*     : B [] [])
           (cons[]*   : (r : R) (p : Poly R') (b : B p [])  B (r  p) [])
           ([]cons*   : (r : R) (p : Poly R') (b : B [] p)  B [] (r  p))
           (conscons* : (r s : R) (p q : Poly R') (b : B p q)  B (r  p) (s  q))
           (BProp     : {p q : Poly R'}  isProp (B p q)) where

    elimProp2 : (p q : Poly R')  B p q
    elimProp2 =
         p  (q : Poly R')  B p q)
        (ElimProp (B []) [][]*  r p b  []cons* r p b) BProp)
         r p b  ElimProp  q  B (r  p) q) (cons[]* r p (b []))  s q b'  conscons* r s p q (b q)) BProp)
        (isPropΠ  _  BProp))

  module Rec (B : Type ℓ')
             ([]* : B)
             (cons* : R  B  B)
             (drop0* : cons* 0r []*  []*)
             (Bset : isSet B) where
    f : Poly R'  B
    f = Elim.f  _  B) []*  r p b  cons* r b) drop0*

  module RecPoly ([]* : Poly R') (cons* : R  Poly R'  Poly R') (drop0* : cons* 0r []*  []*) where
    f : Poly R'  Poly R'
    f [] = []*
    f (a  p) = cons* a (f p)
    f (drop0 i) = drop0* i

-- Second definition of a polynomial. The purpose of this second definition is to
-- facilitate the proof that the first definition is a set. The two definitions are
-- then shown to be equivalent.
-- A polynomial a₀ +  a₁x + ... + aⱼxʲ of degree j is represented as a function f
-- such that for i ∈ ℕ we have  f(i) = aᵢ if i ≤ j, and 0 for i > j

  PolyFun : Type 
  PolyFun = Σ[ p  (  R) ] (∃[ n   ] ((m : )  n  m  p m  0r))

  isSetPolyFun : isSet PolyFun
  isSetPolyFun = isSetΣSndProp (isSetΠ  x  is-set)) λ f x y  squash₁ x y

  --construction of the function that represents the polynomial
  Poly→Fun : Poly R'  (  R)
  Poly→Fun [] =  _  0r)
  Poly→Fun (a  p) =  n  if isZero n then a else Poly→Fun p (predℕ n))
  Poly→Fun (drop0 i) = lemma i
    lemma :  n  if isZero n then 0r else 0r)   _  0r)
    lemma i zero = 0r
    lemma i (suc n) = 0r

  Poly→Prf : (p : Poly R')  ∃[ n   ] ((m : )  n  m  (Poly→Fun p m  0r))
  Poly→Prf = ElimProp  p   ∃[ n   ] ((m : )  n  m  (Poly→Fun p m  0r)))
                         0 ,  m ineq  refl) ∣₁
                         r p  map ( λ (n , ineq)  (suc n) ,
                                       λ { zero h  ⊥rec (znots (sym (≤0→≡0 h))) ;
                                           (suc m) h  ineq m (pred-≤-pred h)

  Poly→PolyFun : Poly R'  PolyFun
  Poly→PolyFun p = (Poly→Fun p) , (Poly→Prf p)

  -- this function corresponds to multiplication by the indeterminate X and
  -- is used to show that multiplication by X is injective on Poly R'
  shiftPolyFun : PolyFun  PolyFun
  fst (shiftPolyFun _) zero = 0r
  fst (shiftPolyFun (f , _)) (suc n) = f n
  snd (shiftPolyFun (f , f-vanishes)) =
       (k , vanishes-at-k)
          (suc k) ,
             {zero  λ _  refl;
                (suc m)  λ k+1≤m+1  vanishes-at-k m (pred-≤-pred k+1≤m+1)

  shiftPolyFunPrepends0 : (p : Poly R')  shiftPolyFun (Poly→PolyFun p)  Poly→PolyFun (0r  p)
  shiftPolyFunPrepends0 p =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropPropTrunc)
            λ {i zero  0r; i (suc n)  fst (Poly→PolyFun p) n}

-- Start of code by Anders Mörtberg and Evan Cavallo

  at0 : (  R)  R
  at0 f = f 0

  atS : (  R)  (  R)
  atS f n = f (suc n)

  polyEq : (p p' : Poly R')  Poly→Fun p  Poly→Fun p'  p  p'
  polyEq [] [] _ = refl
  polyEq [] (a  p') α =
    sym drop0 ∙∙ cong₂ _∷_ (cong at0 α) (polyEq [] p' (cong atS α)) ∙∙ refl
  polyEq [] (drop0 j) α k =
       l  λ
        { (j = i1)  drop0 l
        ; (k = i0)  drop0 l
        ; (k = i1)  drop0 (j  l)
      (is-set 0r 0r (cong at0 α) refl j k  [])
  polyEq (a  p) [] α =
    refl ∙∙ cong₂ _∷_ (cong at0 α) (polyEq p [] (cong atS α)) ∙∙ drop0
  polyEq (a  p) (a₁  p') α =
    cong₂ _∷_ (cong at0 α) (polyEq p p' (cong atS α))
  polyEq (a  p) (drop0 j) α k =
    hcomp -- filler
       l  λ
        { (k = i0)  a  p
        ; (k = i1)  drop0 (j  l)
        ; (j = i0)  at0 (α k)  polyEq p [] (cong atS α) k
      (at0 (α k)  polyEq p [] (cong atS α) k)
  polyEq (drop0 i) [] α k =
       l  λ
        { (i = i1)  drop0 l
        ; (k = i0)  drop0 (i  l)
        ; (k = i1)  drop0 l
      (is-set 0r 0r (cong at0 α) refl i k  [])
  polyEq (drop0 i) (a  p') α k =
    hcomp -- filler
       l  λ
        { (k = i0)  drop0 (i  l)
        ; (k = i1)  a  p'
        ; (i = i0)  at0 (α k)  polyEq [] p' (cong atS α) k
      (at0 (α k)  polyEq [] p' (cong atS α) k)
  polyEq (drop0 i) (drop0 j) α k =
       l  λ
        { (k = i0)  drop0 (i  l)
        ; (k = i1)  drop0 (j  l)
        ; (i = i0) (j = i0)  at0 (α k)  []
        ; (i = i1) (j = i1)  drop0 l
      (is-set 0r 0r (cong at0 α) refl (i  j) k  [])

  PolyFun→Poly+ : (q : PolyFun)  Σ[ p  Poly R' ] Poly→Fun p  q .fst
  PolyFun→Poly+ (f , pf) = rec lem  x  rem1 f (x .fst) (x .snd) ,
                                               funExt (rem2 f (fst x) (snd x))
                                   ) pf
    lem : isProp (Σ[ p  (Poly R')] Poly→Fun p  f)
    lem (p , α) (p' , α') =
      ΣPathP (polyEq p p' (α  sym α'), isProp→PathP  i  (isSetΠ λ _  is-set) _ _) _ _)

    rem1 : (p :   R) (n : )  ((m : )  n  m  p m  0r)  Poly R'
    rem1 p zero h = []
    rem1 p (suc n) h = p 0  rem1  x  p (suc x)) n  m x  h (suc m) (suc-≤-suc x))

    rem2 : (f :   R) (n : )  (h : (m : )  n  m  f m  0r) (m : ) 
                                                                 Poly→Fun (rem1 f n h) m  f m
    rem2 f zero h m = sym (h m zero-≤)
    rem2 f (suc n) h zero = refl
    rem2 f (suc n) h (suc m) = rem2  x  f (suc x)) n  k p  h (suc k) (suc-≤-suc p)) m

  PolyFun→Poly : PolyFun  Poly R'
  PolyFun→Poly q = PolyFun→Poly+ q .fst

  PolyFun→Poly→PolyFun : (p : Poly R')  PolyFun→Poly (Poly→PolyFun p)  p
  PolyFun→Poly→PolyFun p = polyEq _ _ (PolyFun→Poly+ (Poly→PolyFun p) .snd)

--End of code by Mörtberg and Cavallo

  isSetPoly : isSet (Poly R')
  isSetPoly = isSetRetract Poly→PolyFun