{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections --guardedness #-}
module Cubical.Codata.M.Bisimilarity where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Fiberwise
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Codata.M

open Helpers using (J')

-- Bisimilarity as a coinductive record type.
record _≈_ {X : Type₀} {C : IxCont X} {x : X} (a b : M C x) : Type₀ where
  constructor _,_
    head≈ : a .head  b .head
    tails≈ :  y  (pa : C .snd x (a .head) y) (pb : C .snd x (b .head) y)
              (\ i  C .snd x (head≈ i) y) [ pa  pb ]
              a .tails y pa  b .tails y pb

open _≈_ public

module _ {X : Type₀} {C : IxCont X} where

  -- Here we show that `a ≡ b` and `a ≈ b` are equivalent.
  -- A direct construction of an isomorphism, like we do for streams,
  -- would be complicated by the type dependencies between the fields
  -- of `M C x` and even more so between the fields of the bisimilarity relation itself.
  -- Instead we rely on theorem 4.7.7 of the HoTT book (fiberwise equivalences) to show that `misib` is an equivalence.

  misib : {x : X} (a b : M C x)  a  b  a  b
  misib a b eq .head≈ i          = eq i .head
  misib a b eq .tails≈ y pa pb q = misib (a .tails y pa) (b .tails y pb) (\ i  eq i .tails y (q i))

  -- With `a` fixed, `misib` is a fiberwise transformation between (a ≡_) and (a ≈_).
  -- We show that the induced map on the total spaces is an
  -- equivalence because it is a map of contractible types.
  -- The domain is the HoTT singleton type, so contractible, while the
  -- codomain is shown to be contractible by `contr-T` below.

  T :  {x}  M C x  Type _
  T a = Σ (M C _) \ b  a  b

    lemma :  {A} (B : Type₀) (P : A  B) (pa : P i0) (pb : P i1) (peq : PathP (\ i  P i) pa pb)
           PathP (\ i  PathP (\ j  P j) (transp (\ k  P (~ k  i)) (~ i) (peq i)) pb)
                  (\ j  transp (\ k  P (~ k  j)) j pb)
    lemma {A} = J' _ \ pa  J' _ \ { i j  transp (\ _  A) (~ i  j) pa }

  -- We predefine `u'` so that Agda will agree that `contr-T-fst` is productive.
    module Tails x a φ (u : Partial φ (T {x} a)) y (p : C .snd x (hcomp  i .o  u o .snd .head≈ i) (a .head)) y) where
      q = transp (\ i  C .snd x (hfill (\ i o  u o .snd .head≈ i) (inS (a .head)) (~ i)) y) i0 p
      a' = a .tails y q
      u' : Partial φ (T a')
      u' (φ = i1) = u 1=1 .fst .tails y p
                  , u 1=1 .snd .tails≈ y q p \ j  transp (\ i  C .snd x (u 1=1 .snd .head≈ (~ i  j)) y) j p

  contr-T-fst :  x a φ  Partial φ (T {x} a)  M C x
  contr-T-fst x a φ u .head      = hcomp (\ i o  u o .snd .head≈ i) (a .head)
  contr-T-fst x a φ u .tails y p = contr-T-fst y a' φ u'
      open Tails x a φ u y p

  -- `contr-T-snd` is productive as the corecursive call appears as
  -- the main argument of transport, which is guardedness-preserving.
  contr-T-snd :  x a φ  (u : Partial φ (T {x} a))  a  contr-T-fst x a φ u
  contr-T-snd x a φ u .head≈ i = hfill  { i (φ = i1)  u 1=1 .snd .head≈ i }) (inS (a .head)) i
  contr-T-snd x a φ u .tails≈ y pa pb peq =
    let r = contr-T-snd y (a .tails y pa) φ (\ { (φ = i1)  u 1=1 .fst .tails y pb , u 1=1 .snd .tails≈ y pa pb peq }) in
      transport (\ i  a .tails y pa
                 contr-T-fst y (a .tails y (sym (fromPathP (\ i  peq (~ i))) i)) φ
                  (\ { (φ = i1)  u 1=1 .fst .tails y pb , u 1=1 .snd .tails≈ y
                                  ((fromPathP (\ i  peq (~ i))) (~ i)) pb
                                  \ j  lemma _  h  C .snd x (u _ .snd .head≈ h) y) pa pb peq i j })) r

  contr-T :  x a φ  Partial φ (T {x} a)  T a
  contr-T x a φ u .fst = contr-T-fst x a φ u
  contr-T x a φ u .snd = contr-T-snd x a φ u

  contr-T-φ-fst :  x a  (u : Partial i1 (T {x} a))  contr-T x a i1 u .fst  u 1=1 .fst
  contr-T-φ-fst x a u i .head = u 1=1 .fst .head
  contr-T-φ-fst x a u i .tails y p
   = let
        q = (transp (\ i  C .snd x (hfill (\ i o  u o .snd .head≈ i) (inS (a .head)) (~ i)) y) i0 p)
      in contr-T-φ-fst y (a .tails y q)
                       (\ o  u o .fst .tails y p
                            , u o .snd .tails≈ y q p \ j  transp (\ i  C .snd x (u 1=1 .snd .head≈ (~ i  j)) y) j p)

  -- `contr-T-φ-snd` is productive as the corecursive call appears as
  -- the main argument of transport, which is guardedness-preserving (even for paths of a coinductive type).
  contr-T-φ-snd :  x a  (u : Partial i1 (T {x} a))  (\ i  a  contr-T-φ-fst x a u i) [ contr-T x a i1 u .snd  u 1=1 .snd ]
  contr-T-φ-snd x a u i .head≈ = u _ .snd .head≈
  contr-T-φ-snd x a u i .tails≈ y pa pb peq = let
    eqh = u 1=1 .snd .head≈
    r = contr-T-φ-snd y (a .tails y pa) (\ o  u o .fst .tails y pb , u 1=1 .snd .tails≈ y pa pb peq)
    F : I  Type _
    F k = a .tails y pa
         contr-T-fst y
            (a .tails y (transp  j  C .snd x (eqh (k  ~ j)) y) (~ k) (peq k)))
             _  u _ .fst .tails y pb
                 , u _ .snd .tails≈ y
                       (transp  j  C .snd x (eqh (k  ~ j)) y) (~ k) (peq k))
                        j  lemma (C .snd x (u 1=1 .fst .head) y)  h  C .snd x (eqh h) y) pa pb peq k j)
    u0 = contr-T-snd y (a .tails y pa) i1  o  u o .fst .tails y pb , u o .snd .tails≈ y pa pb peq)
   in transport
          l  PathP
            z  a .tails y pa
                 contr-T-φ-fst y
                   (a .tails y (transp  k  C .snd x (u 1=1 .snd .head≈ (~ k  l)) y) (~ l) (peq l)))
                    _  u _ .fst .tails y pb
                        , u _ .snd .tails≈ y (transp  k  C .snd x (u _ .snd .head≈ (~ k  l)) y) (~ l) (peq l)) pb
                               \ j  lemma (C .snd x (u 1=1 .fst .head) y)  h  C .snd x (eqh h) y) pa pb peq l j)
           (transpFill {A = F i0} i0 (\ i  inS (F i)) u0 l)
           (u _ .snd .tails≈ y pa pb peq))

  contr-T-φ :  x a  (u : Partial i1 (T {x} a))  contr-T x a i1 u  u 1=1
  contr-T-φ x a u i .fst = contr-T-φ-fst x a u i
  contr-T-φ x a u i .snd = contr-T-φ-snd x a u i

  contr-T' :  {x} a  isContr (T {x} a)
  contr-T' a = isContrPartial→isContr (contr-T _ a) \ u  sym (contr-T-φ _ a (\ _  u))

  bisimEquiv :  {x} {a b : M C x}  isEquiv (misib a b)
  bisimEquiv = isContrToUniv _≈_ (misib _ _) contr-T'