{- The circle using _≡_

- loop path-"constructor" using _≡_

- recursion and induction scheme

- β-rules for recursion and induction in terms of _≡_

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Data.Equality.S1 where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
  using (PathP)
  renaming (cong to congPath)

open import Cubical.HITs.S1 as S1 public
  using (; base)

open import Cubical.HITs.S1 as S1
  using ()
  renaming (loop to loopPath)

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Int

open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Conversion
open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Univalence

  a  ℓ' : Level
  A : Type a

loop : base  base
loop = pathToEq loopPath

S¹-rec : {A : Type } (b : A) (l : b  b)    A
S¹-rec b l = S1.rec b (eqToPath l)

S¹-rec-loop : (b : A) (l : b  b)  ap (S¹-rec b l) loop  l
S¹-rec-loop b l =
  ap (S¹-rec b l) loop                      ≡⟨ ap≡congPath (S¹-rec b l) loopPath 
  pathToEq (congPath (S¹-rec b l) loopPath) ≡⟨ refl 
  pathToEq (eqToPath l)                     ≡⟨ pathToEq (pathToEq-eqToPath l) 

S¹-elimPath : (P :   Type ) (b : P base) (l : PathP  i  P (loopPath i)) b b)  (x : )  P x
S¹-elimPath _ b l base         = b
S¹-elimPath _ b l (loopPath i) = l i

S¹-elim : (P :   Type ) (b : P base) (l : transport P loop b  b)  (x : )  P x
S¹-elim P b l = S¹-elimPath P b (pathOver→PathP P loopPath l)

S¹-elim-base : (C :   Type ) (b : C base) (l : transport C loop b  b)  S¹-elim C b l base  b
S¹-elim-base C b l = refl

S¹-elim-loop : (C :   Type ) (b : C base) (l : transport C loop b  b)  apd (S¹-elim C b l) loop  l
S¹-elim-loop C b l = cong-PathP→apd-pathOver C (S¹-elim C b l) loopPath l refl

-- We now compute some winding numbers to check that everything computes as expected

Cover :   Type₀
Cover = S¹-rec  (pathToEq sucPathℤ)

ΩS¹ : Type₀
ΩS¹ = base  base

encode : {x : }  base  x  Cover x
encode p = transport Cover p (pos zero)

winding : ΩS¹  
winding = encode {base}

loop^ :   ΩS¹
loop^ (pos zero)       = refl
loop^ (pos (suc n))    = loop^ (pos n)  loop
loop^ (negsuc zero)    = sym loop
loop^ (negsuc (suc n)) = loop^ (negsuc n)  sym loop

  test-winding-refl : winding refl  pos 0
  test-winding-refl = refl

  test-winding-loop : winding loop  pos 1
  test-winding-loop = refl

  test-winding-pos5 : winding (loop^ (pos 2))  pos 2
  test-winding-pos5 = refl

  test-winding-neg5 : winding (loop^ (negsuc 2))  negsuc 2
  test-winding-neg5 = refl