{-# OPTIONS --no-exact-split --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Queue.Truncated2List where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP
open import Cubical.Structures.Queue

open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Data.Queue.1List

module Truncated2List {} (A : Type ) (Aset : isSet A) where
 open Queues-on A Aset

 data Q : Type  where
   Q⟨_,_⟩ : (xs ys : List A)  Q
   tilt :  xs ys z  Q⟨ xs ++ [ z ] , ys   Q⟨ xs , ys ++ [ z ] 
   trunc : (q q' : Q) (α β : q  q')  α  β

 multitilt : (xs ys zs : List A)  Q⟨ xs ++ rev zs , ys   Q⟨ xs , ys ++ zs 
 multitilt xs ys [] = cong₂ Q⟨_,_⟩ (++-unit-r xs) (sym (++-unit-r ys))
 multitilt xs ys (z  zs) =
   cong  ws  Q⟨ ws , ys ) (sym (++-assoc xs (rev zs) [ z ]))
    tilt (xs ++ rev zs) ys z
    multitilt xs (ys ++ [ z ]) zs
    cong  ws  Q⟨ xs , ws ) (++-assoc ys [ z ] zs)

  -- enq into the first list, deq from the second if possible

 emp : Q
 emp = Q⟨ [] , [] 

 enq : A  Q  Q
 enq a Q⟨ xs , ys  = Q⟨ a  xs , ys 
 enq a (tilt xs ys z i) = tilt (a  xs) ys z i
 enq a (trunc q q' α β i j) =
   trunc _ _ (cong (enq a) α) (cong (enq a) β) i j

 deqFlush : List A  Maybe (Q × A)
 deqFlush [] = nothing
 deqFlush (x  xs) = just (Q⟨ [] , xs  , x)

 deq : Q  Maybe (Q × A)
 deq Q⟨ xs , []  = deqFlush (rev xs)
 deq Q⟨ xs , y  ys  = just (Q⟨ xs , ys  , y)
 deq (tilt xs [] z i) = path i
   path : deqFlush (rev (xs ++ [ z ]))  just (Q⟨ xs , []  , z)
   path =
     cong deqFlush (rev-++ xs [ z ])
      cong  q  just (q , z)) (sym (multitilt [] [] (rev xs)))
      cong  ys  just (Q⟨ ys , []  , z)) (rev-rev xs)
 deq (tilt xs (y  ys) z i) = just (tilt xs ys z i , y)
 deq (trunc q q' α β i j) =
   isOfHLevelMaybe 0
     (isSetΣ trunc λ _  Aset)
     (deq q) (deq q') (cong deq α) (cong deq β)
    i j

 Raw : RawQueue
 Raw = (Q , emp , enq , deq)

 -- We construct an equivalence to 1Lists and prove this is an equivalence of queue structures

   module One = 1List A Aset
   open One renaming (Q to Q₁; emp to emp₁; enq to enq₁; deq to deq₁) using ()

 quot : Q₁  Q
 quot xs = Q⟨ xs , [] 

 eval : Q  Q₁
 eval Q⟨ xs , ys  = xs ++ rev ys
 eval (tilt xs ys z i) = path i
   path : (xs ++ [ z ]) ++ rev ys  xs ++ rev (ys ++ [ z ])
   path =
     ++-assoc xs [ z ] (rev ys)
      cong (_++_ xs) (sym (rev-++ ys [ z ]))
 eval (trunc q q' α β i j) = -- truncated case
   isOfHLevelList 0 Aset (eval q) (eval q') (cong eval α) (cong eval β) i j

 quot∘eval :  q  quot (eval q)  q
 quot∘eval Q⟨ xs , ys  = multitilt xs [] ys
 quot∘eval (tilt xs ys z i) = -- truncated case
     {A = λ i  quot (eval (tilt xs ys z i))  tilt xs ys z i}
     (trunc _ _)
     (multitilt (xs ++ [ z ]) [] ys) (multitilt xs [] (ys ++ [ z ]))
     .fst i
 quot∘eval (trunc q q' α β i j) = -- truncated case
     {A = λ i 
       PathP  j  quot (eval (trunc q q' α β i j))  trunc q q' α β i j)
         (quot∘eval q) (quot∘eval q')}
     (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isOfHLevelSuc 2 trunc _ _) _ _)
     (cong quot∘eval α) (cong quot∘eval β)
     .fst i j

 eval∘quot :  xs  eval (quot xs)  xs
 eval∘quot = ++-unit-r

 -- We get our desired equivalence
 quotEquiv : Q₁  Q
 quotEquiv = isoToEquiv (iso quot eval quot∘eval eval∘quot)

 -- Now it only remains to prove that this is an equivalence of queue structures
 quot∘emp : quot emp₁  emp
 quot∘emp = refl

 quot∘enq :  x xs  quot (enq₁ x xs)  enq x (quot xs)
 quot∘enq x xs = refl

 quot∘deq :  xs  deqMap quot (deq₁ xs)  deq (quot xs)
 quot∘deq [] = refl
 quot∘deq (x  []) = refl
 quot∘deq (x  x'  xs) =
   deqMap-∘ quot (enq₁ x) (deq₁ (x'  xs))
    sym (deqMap-∘ (enq x) quot (deq₁ (x'  xs)))
    cong (deqMap (enq x)) (quot∘deq (x'  xs))
    lemma x x' (rev xs)
   lemma :  x x' ys
      deqMap (enq x) (deqFlush (ys ++ [ x' ]))
        deqFlush ((ys ++ [ x' ]) ++ [ x ])
   lemma x x' [] i = just (tilt [] [] x i , x')
   lemma x x' (y  ys) i = just (tilt [] (ys ++ [ x' ]) x i , y)

 quotEquivHasQueueEquivStr : RawQueueEquivStr One.Raw Raw quotEquiv
 quotEquivHasQueueEquivStr = quot∘emp , quot∘enq , quot∘deq

 -- And we get a path between the raw 1Lists and 2Lists
 Raw-1≡2 : One.Raw  Raw
 Raw-1≡2 = sip rawQueueUnivalentStr _ _ (quotEquiv , quotEquivHasQueueEquivStr)

 -- We derive the axioms for 2List from those for 1List
 WithLaws : Queue
 WithLaws = Q , str Raw , subst (uncurry QueueAxioms) Raw-1≡2 (snd (str One.WithLaws))

 WithLaws-1≡2 : One.WithLaws  WithLaws
 WithLaws-1≡2 = sip queueUnivalentStr _ _ (quotEquiv , quotEquivHasQueueEquivStr)

 Finite : FiniteQueue
 Finite = Q , str WithLaws , subst (uncurry FiniteQueueAxioms) WithLaws-1≡2 (snd (str One.Finite))