{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.SumFin.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Data.Empty as  using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Unit using (tt) renaming (Unit to ) public
open import Cubical.Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inl; inr) public

open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (elim)

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

     : Level
    k : 

Fin :   Type₀
Fin zero = 
Fin (suc n) =   (Fin n)

pattern fzero = inl tt
pattern fsuc n = inr n

  : (P :  {k}  Fin k  Type )
   (∀ {k}  P {suc k} fzero)
   (∀ {k} {fn : Fin k}  P fn  P (fsuc fn))
   {k : } (fn : Fin k)  P fn
elim P fz fs {zero}  f0        = ⊥.rec f0
elim P fz fs {suc k} fzero     = fz
elim P fz fs {suc k} (fsuc fk) = fs (elim P fz fs fk)

finj : Fin k  Fin (suc k)
finj {suc k} fzero    = fzero
finj {suc k} (fsuc n) = fsuc (finj {k} n)

flast : Fin (suc k)
flast {k = 0} = fzero
flast {k = suc k} = fsuc flast

toℕ : Fin k  
toℕ {suc k} (inl tt) = zero
toℕ {suc k} (inr x)  = suc (toℕ {k} x)

toℕ-injective : {m n : Fin k}  toℕ m  toℕ n  m  n
toℕ-injective {suc k} {fzero}  {fzero}  _ = refl
toℕ-injective {suc k} {fzero}  {fsuc x} p = ⊥.rec (znots p)
toℕ-injective {suc k} {fsuc m} {fzero}  p = ⊥.rec (snotz p)
toℕ-injective {suc k} {fsuc m} {fsuc x} p = cong fsuc (toℕ-injective (injSuc p))

fromℕ : (n : )  Fin (suc k)
fromℕ {k = 0} _ = fzero
fromℕ {k = suc k} 0 = fzero
fromℕ {k = suc k} (suc n) = fsuc (fromℕ n)

-- Thus, Fin k is discrete
discreteFin : Discrete (Fin k)
discreteFin fj fk with discreteℕ (toℕ fj) (toℕ fk)
... | yes p = yes (toℕ-injective p)
... | no ¬p = no  p  ¬p (cong toℕ p))

isSetFin : isSet (Fin k)
isSetFin = Discrete→isSet discreteFin

-- Summation and multiplication

totalSum : {k : }  (f : Fin k  )  
totalSum {k = 0} _ = 0
totalSum {k = suc n} f = f (inl tt) + totalSum {k = n}  x  f (inr x))

totalProd : {k : }  (f : Fin k  )  
totalProd {k = 0} _ = 1
totalProd {k = suc n} f = f (inl tt) · totalProd {k = n}  x  f (inr x))

totalSumConst : {m : }  (n : )  totalSum {k = m}  _  n)  m · n
totalSumConst {m = 0} _ = refl
totalSumConst {m = suc m} n i = n + totalSumConst {m = m} n i