  Given a type A with a UARel and a family B over A,
  a SubstRel on B is a family of functions a ≅ a' → B a ≃ B a' path-equal to transport in that family.

  Any SubstRel gives rise to a DUARel in which b and b' are related over p when the transport of b along p is
  equial to b'.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Displayed.Subst where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Displayed.Base

    ℓA ℓ≅A ℓB : Level

record SubstRel {A : Type ℓA} {ℓ≅A : Level} (𝒮-A : UARel A ℓ≅A) (B : A  Type ℓB)
  : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓA ℓB) ℓ≅A)

  constructor substrel
  open UARel 𝒮-A

    act : {a a' : A}  a  a'  B a  B a'
    uaˢ : {a a' : A} (p : a  a') (b : B a)  subst B (≅→≡ p) b  equivFun (act p) b

  uaˢ⁻ : {a a' : A} (p : a  a') (b : B a')  subst B (sym (≅→≡ p)) b  invEq (act p) b
  uaˢ⁻ p b =
    subst B (sym (≅→≡ p)) b
      ≡⟨ cong (subst B (sym (≅→≡ p))) (sym (secEq (act p) b)) 
    subst B (sym (≅→≡ p)) (equivFun (act p) (invEq (act p) b))
      ≡⟨ cong (subst B (sym (≅→≡ p))) (sym (uaˢ p (invEq (act p) b))) 
    subst B (sym (≅→≡ p)) (subst B (≅→≡ p) (invEq (act p) b))
      ≡⟨ pathToIso (cong B (≅→≡ p)) .Iso.leftInv (invEq (act p) b) 
    invEq (act p) b

Subst→DUA : {A : Type ℓA} {ℓ≅A : Level} {𝒮-A : UARel A ℓ≅A} {B : A  Type ℓB}
   SubstRel 𝒮-A B  DUARel 𝒮-A B ℓB
DUARel._≅ᴰ⟨_⟩_ (Subst→DUA 𝒮ˢ-B) b p b' =
  equivFun (SubstRel.act 𝒮ˢ-B p) b  b'
DUARel.uaᴰ (Subst→DUA {𝒮-A = 𝒮-A} {B = B} 𝒮ˢ-B) b p b' =
  equivFun (SubstRel.act 𝒮ˢ-B p) b  b'
    ≃⟨ invEquiv (compPathlEquiv (sym (SubstRel.uaˢ 𝒮ˢ-B p b))) 
  subst B (≅→≡ p) b  b'
    ≃⟨ invEquiv (PathP≃Path  i  B (≅→≡ p i)) b b') 
  PathP  i  B (≅→≡ p i)) b b'
  open UARel 𝒮-A