-- Two fun examples of generic programming using univalence

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Experiments.Generic where

open import Agda.Builtin.String
open import Agda.Builtin.List

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Data.Prod

-- Dan Licata's example from slide 47 of:
-- http://dlicata.web.wesleyan.edu/pubs/l13jobtalk/l13jobtalk.pdf

There : Type₀  Type₀
There X = List ( × String × (X × ))

Database : Type₀
Database = There ( × )

us : Database
us = (4  , "John"  , (30 ,  5) , 1956)
    (8  , "Hugo"  , (29 , 12) , 1978)
    (15 , "James" , (1  ,  7) , 1968)
    (16 , "Sayid" , (2  , 10) , 1967)
    (23 , "Jack"  , (3  , 12) , 1969)
    (42 , "Sun"   , (20 ,  3) , 1980)

convert : Database  Database
convert d = transport  i  There (swapEq   i)) d

-- Swap the dates of the American database to get the European format
eu : Database
eu = convert us

-- A sanity check
_ : us  convert eu
_ = refl

-- Example inspired by:
-- Scrap Your Boilerplate: A Practical Design Pattern for Generic Programming
-- Ralf Lämmel & Simon Peyton Jones, TLDI'03

Address : Type₀
Address = String

Name : Type₀
Name = String

data Person : Type₀ where
  P : Name  Address  Person

data Salary (A : Type₀) : Type₀ where
  S : A  Salary A

data Employee (A : Type₀) : Type₀ where
  E : Person  Salary A  Employee A

Manager : Type₀  Type₀
Manager A = Employee A

-- First test of "mutual"
  data Dept (A : Type₀) : Type₀ where
    D : Name  Manager A  List (SubUnit A)  Dept A

  data SubUnit (A : Type₀) : Type₀ where
    PU : Employee A  SubUnit A
    DU : Dept A  SubUnit A

data Company (A : Type₀) : Type₀ where
  C : List (Dept A)  Company A

-- A small example

anders : Employee 
anders = E (P "Anders" "Pittsburgh") (S (pos 2500))

andrea : Employee 
andrea = E (P "Andrea" "Copenhagen") (S (pos 2000))

andreas : Employee 
andreas = E (P "Andreas" "Gothenburg") (S (pos 3000))

-- For now we have a small company
genCom : Company 
genCom =
  C ( D "Research" andreas (PU anders  PU andrea  [])

-- Increase the salary for everyone by 1
incSalary : Company   Company 
incSalary c = transport  i  Company (sucPathℤ i)) c

genCom1 : Company 
genCom1 = incSalary genCom

-- Increase the salary more
incSalaryℕ :   Company   Company 
incSalaryℕ n c = transport  i  Company (addEq n i)) c

genCom2 : Company 
genCom2 = incSalaryℕ 2 genCom

genCom10 : Company 
genCom10 = incSalaryℕ 10 genCom