{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset.Base
open import Cubical.Structures.MultiSet

     : Level
    A : Type 

infixr 30 _++_

_++_ :  (xs ys : FMSet A)  FMSet A
[] ++ ys = ys
(x  xs) ++ ys = x  xs ++ ys
comm x y xs i ++ ys = comm x y (xs ++ ys) i
trunc xs zs p q i j ++ ys =
  trunc (xs ++ ys) (zs ++ ys) (cong (_++ ys) p) (cong (_++ ys) q) i j

unitl-++ :  (xs : FMSet A)  [] ++ xs  xs
unitl-++ xs = refl

unitr-++ :  (xs : FMSet A)  xs ++ []  xs
unitr-++ = ElimProp.f (trunc _ _) refl  x p  cong (_∷_ x) p)

assoc-++ :  (xs ys zs : FMSet A)  xs ++ (ys ++ zs)  (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
assoc-++ = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ2  _ _  trunc _ _))
                       ys zs  refl)
                       x p ys zs  cong (_∷_ x) (p ys zs))

cons-++ :  (x : A) (xs : FMSet A)  x  xs  xs ++ [ x ]
cons-++ x = ElimProp.f (trunc _ _)
   y {xs} p  comm x y xs  cong (_∷_ y) p)

comm-++ :  (xs ys : FMSet A)  xs ++ ys  ys ++ xs
comm-++ = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ  _  trunc _ _))
   ys  sym (unitr-++ ys))
   x {xs} p ys  cong (x ∷_) (p ys)
                  cong (_++ xs) (cons-++ x ys)
                  sym (assoc-++ ys [ x ] xs))

module FMSetUniversal {} {M : Type } (MSet : isSet M)
  (e : M) (_⊗_ : M  M  M)
  (comm-⊗ :  x y  x  y  y  x) (assoc-⊗ :  x y z  x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z)
  (unit-⊗ :  x  e  x  x)
  (f : A  M) where

  f-extend : FMSet A  M
  f-extend = Rec.f MSet e  x m  f x  m)
          x y m  comm-⊗ (f x) (f y  m)  sym (assoc-⊗ (f y) m (f x))  cong (f y ⊗_) (comm-⊗ m (f x)))

  f-extend-nil : f-extend []  e
  f-extend-nil = refl

  f-extend-cons :  x xs  f-extend (x  xs)  f x  f-extend xs
  f-extend-cons x xs = refl

  f-extend-sing :  x  f-extend [ x ]  f x
  f-extend-sing x = comm-⊗ (f x) e  unit-⊗ (f x)

  f-extend-++ :  xs ys  f-extend (xs ++ ys)  f-extend xs  f-extend ys
  f-extend-++ = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _  MSet _ _)
     ys  sym (unit-⊗ (f-extend ys)))
     x {xs} p ys  cong (f x ⊗_) (p ys)  assoc-⊗ (f x) (f-extend xs) (f-extend ys))

  module _ (h : FMSet A  M) (h-nil : h []  e) (h-sing :  x  h [ x ]  f x)
           (h-++ :  xs ys  h (xs ++ ys)  h xs  h ys) where

    f-extend-unique : h  f-extend
    f-extend-unique = funExt (ElimProp.f (MSet _ _)
                               x {xs} p  (h-++ [ x ] xs)  cong (_⊗ h xs) (h-sing x)  cong (f x ⊗_) p))

-- We want to construct a multiset-structure on FMSet A, the empty set and insertion are given by the constructors,
-- for the count part we use the recursor

-- If A has decidable equality we can define the count-function:
module _(discA : Discrete A) where
 FMScount-∷* : A  A    
 FMScount-∷* a x n with discA a x
 ... | yes a≡x = suc n
 ... | no  a≢x = n

 FMScount-comm* :  (a x y : A) (n : )
                    FMScount-∷* a x (FMScount-∷* a y n)
                    FMScount-∷* a y (FMScount-∷* a x n)
 FMScount-comm* a x y n with discA a x | discA a y
 ... | yes a≡x | yes a≡y = refl
 ... | yes a≡x | no  a≢y = refl
 ... | no  a≢x | yes a≡y = refl
 ... | no  a≢x | no  a≢y = refl

 FMScount : A  FMSet A  
 FMScount a = Rec.f isSetℕ 0 (FMScount-∷* a) (FMScount-comm* a)

 FMS-with-str : MultiSet A (Discrete→isSet discA)
 FMS-with-str = (FMSet A , [] , _∷_ , FMScount)

 -- We prove some useful properties of the FMScount function
 FMScount-≡-lemma :  {a} {x} xs  a  x  FMScount a (x  xs)  suc (FMScount a xs)
 FMScount-≡-lemma {a} {x} xs a≡x with discA a x
 ...                         | yes _   = refl
 ...                         | no  a≢x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)

 FMScount-≡-lemma-refl :  {x} xs  FMScount x (x  xs)  suc (FMScount x xs)
 FMScount-≡-lemma-refl {x} xs = FMScount-≡-lemma xs refl

 FMScount-≢-lemma :  {a} {x} xs  ¬ a  x  FMScount a (x  xs)  FMScount a xs
 FMScount-≢-lemma {a} {x} xs a≢x with discA a x
 ...                         | yes a≡x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)
 ...                         | no  _   = refl

 FMScount-0-lemma :  xs  (∀ a  FMScount a xs  0)  xs  []
 FMScount-0-lemma = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _  trunc _ _)  _  refl) θ
  θ :  x {xs}  ((∀ a  FMScount a xs  0)  xs  [])
                ((∀ a  FMScount a (x  xs)  0)  (x  xs)  [])
  θ x {xs} _ p = ⊥.rec (snotz (sym (FMScount-≡-lemma-refl xs)  p x))

 -- we define a function that removes an element a from a finite multiset once
 -- by simultaneously defining two lemmas about it
 remove1 : A  FMSet A  FMSet A
 remove1 a [] = []
 remove1 a (x  xs) with (discA a x)
 ...               | yes _ = xs
 ...               | no  _ = x  remove1 a xs
 remove1 a (comm x y xs i) with discA a x with discA a y
 ... | yes a≡x      | yes a≡y = ((sym a≡y  a≡x) i)  xs
 ... | yes a≡x      | no  _   = y  (eq i)
     eq : xs  remove1 a (x  xs)
     eq with discA a x
     eq | yes _   = refl
     eq | no  a≢x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)
 remove1 a (comm x y xs i) | no  _        | yes a≡y = x  (eq i)
   eq : remove1 a (y  xs)  xs
   eq with discA a y
   eq | yes _   = refl
   eq | no  a≢y = ⊥.rec (a≢y a≡y)
 remove1 a (comm x y xs i) | no  a≢x      | no  a≢y = ((λ i  x  (p i)) ∙∙ comm x y (remove1 a xs) ∙∙  i  y  (sym q i))) i
    p : remove1 a (y  xs)  y  (remove1 a xs)
    p with discA a y
    p | yes a≡y = ⊥.rec (a≢y a≡y)
    p | no  _   = refl
    q : remove1 a (x  xs)  x  (remove1 a xs)
    q with discA a x
    q | yes a≡x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)
    q | no  _   = refl
 remove1 a (trunc xs ys p q i j) = trunc (remove1 a xs) (remove1 a ys) (cong (remove1 a) p) (cong (remove1 a) q) i j

 remove1-≡-lemma :  {a} {x} xs  a  x  xs  remove1 a (x  xs)
 remove1-≡-lemma {a} {x} xs a≡x with discA a x
 ...                            | yes _   = refl
 ...                            | no  a≢x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)

 remove1-≢-lemma :  {a} {x} xs  ¬ a  x  remove1 a (x  xs)  x  remove1 a xs
 remove1-≢-lemma {a} {x} xs a≢x with discA a x
 ...                            | yes a≡x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)
 ...                            | no  _   = refl

 remove1-predℕ-lemma :  a xs  FMScount a (remove1 a xs)  predℕ (FMScount a xs)
 remove1-predℕ-lemma a = ElimProp.f (isSetℕ _ _) refl θ
  θ :  x {xs}  FMScount a (remove1 a xs)  predℕ (FMScount a xs)
                FMScount a (remove1 a (x  xs))  predℕ (FMScount a (x  xs))
  θ x {xs} p with discA a x
  ...        | yes _   = refl
  ...        | no  a≢x = FMScount-≢-lemma (remove1 a xs) a≢x  p

 remove1-zero-lemma :  a xs  FMScount a xs  zero  xs  remove1 a xs
 remove1-zero-lemma a = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _  trunc _ _)  _  refl) θ
  θ :  x {xs}  (FMScount a xs  zero  xs  remove1 a xs)
                FMScount a (x  xs)  zero  x  xs  remove1 a (x  xs)
  θ x {xs} hyp p with discA a x
  ...            | yes _ = ⊥.rec (snotz p)
  ...            | no  _ = cong (x ∷_) (hyp p)

 remove1-suc-lemma :  a n xs  FMScount a xs  suc n  xs  a  (remove1 a xs)
 remove1-suc-lemma a n = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _  trunc _ _)  p  ⊥.rec (znots p)) θ
  θ :  x {xs}  (FMScount a xs  suc n  xs  a  (remove1 a xs))
                FMScount a (x  xs)  suc n  x  xs  a  (remove1 a (x  xs))
  θ x {xs} hyp p with discA a x
  ...            | yes a≡x =  i  (sym a≡x i)  xs)
  ...            | no  a≢x = cong (x ∷_) (hyp p)  comm x a (remove1 a xs)

 FMScount-remove1-≢-lemma :  {a} {x} xs  ¬ a  x  FMScount a (remove1 x xs)  FMScount a xs
 FMScount-remove1-≢-lemma {a} {x} xs a≢x with discreteℕ (FMScount x xs) zero
 ...                     | yes p = cong (FMScount a) (sym (remove1-zero-lemma x xs p))
 ...                     | no ¬p = sym (FMScount-≢-lemma (remove1 x xs) a≢x)  cong (FMScount a) eq₁
   eq₁ : (x  remove1 x xs)  xs
   eq₁ = sym (remove1-suc-lemma x (predℕ (FMScount x xs)) xs (suc-predℕ (FMScount x xs) ¬p))