
This file contains:
  - The inductive construction of James.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.James.Inductive.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Nat

open import Cubical.HITs.SequentialColimit

     : Level

module _
  (X∙@(X , x₀) : Pointed ) where

  -- The family 𝕁ames n is equivalence to Brunerie's J n

  data 𝕁ames :   Type  where
    [] : 𝕁ames 0
    _∷_   : {n : }  X  𝕁ames n  𝕁ames (1 + n)
    incl  : {n : }  𝕁ames n  𝕁ames (1 + n)
    incl∷ : {n : }  (x : X)(xs : 𝕁ames n)  incl (x  xs)  x  incl xs
    unit  : {n : }  (xs : 𝕁ames n)  incl xs  x₀  xs
    coh   : {n : }  (xs : 𝕁ames n)  PathP  i  incl (unit xs i)  x₀  incl xs) (unit (incl xs)) (incl∷ x₀ xs)

  -- The direct system defined by 𝕁ames

  open Sequence

  𝕁amesSeq : Sequence 
  𝕁amesSeq .obj = 𝕁ames
  𝕁amesSeq .map = incl

  -- The 𝕁ames∞ wanted is the direct colimit of 𝕁ames n

  𝕁ames∞ : Type 
  𝕁ames∞ = SeqColim 𝕁amesSeq