
This file contains:
  - Path lemmas used in the colimit-equivalence proof.

Verbose, indeed. But should be simple. The length mainly thanks to:
  - Degenerate cubes that seem "obvious", but have to be constructed manually;
  - J rule is cubersome to use, especially when iteratively applied,
    also it is overcomplicated to construct JRefl in nested cases.

{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.HITs.James.Inductive.Coherence where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

     ℓ' : Level

-- Lots of degenerate cubes used as intial input to J rule

  module _
    {A : Type }(a : A) where

    degenerate1 : (i j k : I)  A
    degenerate1 i j k =
      hfill  k  λ
        { (i = i0)  a
        ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl refl k j
        ; (j = i0)  a
        ; (j = i1)  a})
      (inS a) k

    degenerate1' : (i j k : I)  A
    degenerate1' i j k =
      hfill  k  λ
        { (i = i0)  a
        ; (i = i1)  compPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl k j
        ; (j = i0)  a
        ; (j = i1)  a})
      (inS a) k

    degenerate1'' : (i j k : I)  A
    degenerate1'' i j k =
      hfill  k  λ
        { (i = i0)  a
        ; (i = i1)  compPath-filler (refl {x = a}) (refl  refl) k j
        ; (j = i0)  a
        ; (j = i1)  degenerate1 i k i1})
      (inS a) k

    module _
      {B : Type ℓ'}(f : A  B) where

      degenerate2 : (i j k : I)  B
      degenerate2 i j k =
        hfill  k  λ
          { (i = i0)  f a
          ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = f a}) refl refl k j
          ; (j = i0)  f a
          ; (j = i1)  f a })
        (inS (f a)) k

      degenerate3 : (i j k : I)  B
      degenerate3 i j k =
        hfill  k  λ
          { (i = i0)  f (doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl refl k j)
          ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = f a}) refl refl k j
          ; (j = i0)  f a
          ; (j = i1)  f a })
        (inS (f a)) k

      someCommonDegenerateCube : (i j k : I)  B
      someCommonDegenerateCube i j k =
        hcomp  l  λ
          { (i = i0)  f a
          ; (i = i1)  degenerate3 k j l
          ; (j = i0)  f a
          ; (j = i1)  f a
          ; (k = i0)  f (degenerate1 i j l)
          ; (k = i1)  degenerate2 i j l })
        (f a)

    degenerate4 : (i j k : I)  A
    degenerate4 i j k =
      hfill  k  λ
        { (i = i0)  compPath-filler (refl {x = a}) (refl ∙∙ refl ∙∙ refl) k j
        ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl refl j k
        ; (j = i0)  a
        ; (j = i1)  (refl {x = a} ∙∙ refl ∙∙ refl) k })
      (inS a) k

    degenerate5 : (i j k : I)  A
    degenerate5 i j k =
      hcomp  l  λ
        { (i = i0)  compPath-filler (refl {x = a}) (refl ∙∙ refl ∙∙ refl) k j
        ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl refl (j  ~ l) k
        ; (j = i0)  a
        ; (j = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl refl (~ i  ~ l) k
        ; (k = i0)  a
        ; (k = i1)  degenerate4 i j i1 })
      (degenerate4 i j k)

    degenerate5' : (i j k : I)  A
    degenerate5' i j k =
      hfill  k  λ
        { (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl (refl  refl) k j
        ; (i = i1)  a
        ; (j = i0)  a
        ; (j = i1)  compPath-filler (refl {x = a}) refl (~ i) k })
      (inS a) k

-- Cubes of which mostly are constructed by J rule

module _
  {A : Type }{a : A} where

  coh-helper-refl :
    (q' : a  a)(h : refl  q')
     refl  refl ∙∙ refl ∙∙ q'
  coh-helper-refl q' h i j =
    hcomp  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  a
      ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler refl refl q' k j
      ; (j = i0)  a
      ; (j = i1)  h i k })

  coh-helper' :
    (b : A)(p : a  b)
    (c : A)(q : b  c)
    (q' : b  c)(r : PathP  i  p i  q i) p q')
     refl  (sym q) ∙∙ refl ∙∙ q'
  coh-helper' = J> J> coh-helper-refl

  coh-helper'-Refl1 : coh-helper' _ refl  J> coh-helper-refl
  coh-helper'-Refl1 = transportRefl _

  coh-helper'-Refl2 : coh-helper' _ refl _ refl  coh-helper-refl
  coh-helper'-Refl2 =  i  coh-helper'-Refl1 i _ refl)  transportRefl _

  coh-helper :
    {b c : A}(p : a  b)(q q' : b  c)
    (h : PathP  i  p i  q i) p q')
     refl  (sym q) ∙∙ refl ∙∙ q'
  coh-helper p = coh-helper' _ p _

  coh-helper-Refl : coh-helper-refl  coh-helper refl refl
  coh-helper-Refl = sym coh-helper'-Refl2

module _
  {A : Type }{B : Type ℓ'}{a b c d : A} where

  doubleCompPath-cong-filler :
    {a' b' c' d' : B} (f : A  B)
    {pa : f a  a'}{pb : f b  b'}{pc : f c  c'}{pd : f d  d'}
    (p : a  b)(q : b  c)(r : c  d)
    {p' : a'  b'}{q' : b'  c'}{r' : c'  d'}
    (h   : PathP  i  pa i  pb i) (cong f p) p')
    (h'  : PathP  i  pb i  pc i) (cong f q) q')
    (h'' : PathP  i  pc i  pd i) (cong f r) r')
     (i j k : I)  B
  doubleCompPath-cong-filler f p q r {p' = p'} {q' = q'} {r' = r'}  h h' h'' i j k =
    hfill  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  f (doubleCompPath-filler p q r k j)
      ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler p' q' r' k j
      ; (j = i0)  h   i (~ k)
      ; (j = i1)  h'' i  k })
    (inS (h' i j)) k

  doubleCompPath-cong : (f : A  B)
    (p : a  b)(q : b  c)(r : c  d)
     cong f (p ∙∙ q ∙∙ r)  cong f p ∙∙ cong f q ∙∙ cong f r
  doubleCompPath-cong f p q r i j =
    doubleCompPath-cong-filler f
      {pa = refl} {pb = refl} {pc = refl} {pd = refl}
      p q r refl refl refl i j i1

module _
  {A : Type }{a b c : A} where

  comp-cong-square' :
    (p : a  b)(q : a  c)
    (r : b  c)(h : r  sym p ∙∙ refl ∙∙ q)
     p  r  q
  comp-cong-square' p q r h i j =
    hcomp  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  compPath-filler p r k j
      ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym p) refl q j k
      ; (j = i0)  a
      ; (j = i1)  h i k })
    (p j)

  module _
    {B : Type ℓ'} where

    comp-cong-square : (f : A  B)
      (p : a  b)(q : b  c)
       cong f (p  q)  cong f p  cong f q
    comp-cong-square f p q i j =
      hcomp  k  λ
        { (i = i0)  f (compPath-filler p q k j)
        ; (i = i1)  compPath-filler (cong f p) (cong f q) k j
        ; (j = i0)  f a
        ; (j = i1)  f (q k) })
      (f (p j))

module _
  {A : Type }{B : Type ℓ'}{a b c : A}
  (f : A  B)(p : a  b)
  (q : f a  f c)(r : b  c)
  (h : cong f r  sym (cong f p) ∙∙ refl ∙∙ q) where

  comp-cong-helper-filler : (i j k : I)  B
  comp-cong-helper-filler i j k =
    hfill  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  comp-cong-square f p r (~ k) j
      ; (i = i1)  q j
      ; (j = i0)  f a
      ; (j = i1)  f c })
    (inS (comp-cong-square' _ _ _ h i j)) k

  comp-cong-helper : cong f (p  r)  q
  comp-cong-helper i j =
    comp-cong-helper-filler i j i1

module _
  {A : Type }{a : A} where

  push-helper-refl :
    (q' : a  a)(h : refl  q')
     refl  refl  q'
  push-helper-refl q' h i j =
    hcomp  k  λ
      { (i = i0)  a
      ; (i = i1)  compPath-filler refl q' k j
      ; (j = i0)  a
      ; (j = i1)  h i k })

  push-helper' :
    (b : A)(p : a  b)
    (c : A)(q : b  c)
    (q' : c  c)(h : refl  q')
     PathP  i  p i  q i) p (q  q')
  push-helper' = J> J> push-helper-refl

  push-helper'-Refl1 : push-helper' _ refl  J> push-helper-refl
  push-helper'-Refl1 = transportRefl _

  push-helper'-Refl2 : push-helper' _ refl _ refl  push-helper-refl
  push-helper'-Refl2 =  i  push-helper'-Refl1 i _ refl)  transportRefl _

  push-helper : {b c : A}
    (p : a  b)(q : b  c)(q' : c  c)(h : refl  q')
     PathP  i  p i  q i) p (q  q')
  push-helper p = push-helper' _ p _

  push-helper-Refl : push-helper-refl  push-helper refl refl
  push-helper-Refl = sym push-helper'-Refl2

module _
  {A : Type }{B : Type ℓ'}{a : A}(f : A  B) where

  push-helper-cong-Type : {b c : A}
    (p : a  b)(q : b  c)
    (q' : c  c)(sqr : refl  q')
     Type _
  push-helper-cong-Type p q q' sqr =
       i j  f (push-helper p q _ sqr i j)
           push-helper (cong f p) (cong f q) _  i j  f (sqr i j)) i j)
       i j  f (p i))
       i j  comp-cong-square f q q' j i)
       i j  f (p i))  i j  f (q i))

  push-helper-cong-refl : push-helper-cong-Type refl refl refl refl
  push-helper-cong-refl =
    transport  t 
         i j  f (push-helper-Refl t _  i j  a) i j)
           push-helper-Refl t _  i j  f a) i j)
         i j  f a)
         i j  comp-cong-square f (refl {x = a}) refl j i)
         i j  f a)  i j  f a))
         i j k  someCommonDegenerateCube a f i j k)

  push-helper-cong' :
    (b : A)(p : a  b)
    (c : A)(q : b  c)
    (q' : c  c)(sqr : refl  q')
     push-helper-cong-Type p q q' sqr
  push-helper-cong' = J> J> J> push-helper-cong-refl

  push-helper-cong :  {b c} p q q' sqr  push-helper-cong-Type {b = b} {c = c} p q q' sqr
  push-helper-cong p = push-helper-cong' _ p _

module _
  {A : Type }{a : A} where

  push-coh-helper-Type : {b c : A}
    (p : a  b)(q q' : b  c)
    (sqr : PathP  i  p i  q i) p q')
     Type _
  push-coh-helper-Type p q q' sqr =
       i j  push-helper p q _ (coh-helper _ _ _ sqr) i j  sqr i j)
       i j  p i)
       i j  comp-cong-square' q q' _ refl j i)
       i j  p i)  i j  q i)

  push-coh-helper-refl' :
       i j  push-helper-refl _ (coh-helper-refl _  i j  a)) i j  a)
       i j  a)
       i j  comp-cong-square' (refl {x = a}) refl _ refl j i)
       i j  a)
       i j  a)
  push-coh-helper-refl' i j k =
    hcomp  l  λ
      { (i = i0)  a
      ; (i = i1)  degenerate5 a k j l
      ; (j = i0)  a
      ; (j = i1)  degenerate1 a i l (~ k)
      ; (k = i0)  degenerate1'' a i j l
      ; (k = i1)  a })

  push-coh-helper-refl : push-coh-helper-Type refl refl refl refl
  push-coh-helper-refl =
    transport  t 
       i j  push-helper-Refl t _ (coh-helper-Refl t _  i j  a)) i j  a)
       i j  a)
       i j  comp-cong-square' (refl {x = a}) refl _ refl j i)
       i j  a)  i j  a)) push-coh-helper-refl'

  push-coh-helper' :
    (b : A)(p : a  b)
    (c : A)(q : b  c)
    (q' : b  c)(sqr : PathP  i  p i  q i) p q')
     push-coh-helper-Type p q q' sqr
  push-coh-helper' = J> J> J> push-coh-helper-refl

  push-coh-helper :  {b c} p q q' sqr  push-coh-helper-Type {b = b} {c = c} p q q' sqr
  push-coh-helper p q q' sqr = push-coh-helper' _ p _ q q' sqr

module _
  {A : Type }{a : A} where

  push-square-helper-refl :
    refl ∙∙ refl ∙∙ (refl  refl)  refl {x = a}
  push-square-helper-refl i j = degenerate5' a i j i1

  push-square-helper' :
    (b : A)(q  : a  b)
    (c : A)(q' : b  c)
     sym q ∙∙ refl ∙∙ (q  q')  q'
  push-square-helper' = J> J> push-square-helper-refl

  push-square-helper'-Refl1 : push-square-helper' _ refl  J> push-square-helper-refl
  push-square-helper'-Refl1 = transportRefl _

  push-square-helper'-Refl2 : push-square-helper' _ refl _ refl  push-square-helper-refl
  push-square-helper'-Refl2 =  i  push-square-helper'-Refl1 i _ refl)  transportRefl _

  push-square-helper : {b c : A}
    (q : a  b)(q' : b  c)
     sym q ∙∙ refl ∙∙ (q  q')  q'
  push-square-helper p = push-square-helper' _ p _

  push-square-helper-Refl : push-square-helper-refl  push-square-helper refl refl
  push-square-helper-Refl = sym push-square-helper'-Refl2

module _
  {A : Type }{a : A} where

  coh-cube-helper-Type :
    {b c : A}(p : a  b)(q : b  c)
    (q' : c  c)(sqr : refl  q')
     Type _
  coh-cube-helper-Type {c = c} p q q' sqr =
       i j  coh-helper _ _ _ (push-helper p q q' sqr) i j  sqr i j)
       i j  c)
       i j  push-square-helper q q' j i)
       i j  c)  i j  c)

  coh-cube-helper-refl' :
       i j  coh-helper-refl _ (push-helper-refl refl  i j  a)) i j  a)
       i j  a)
       i j  push-square-helper-refl {a = a} j i)
       i j  a)  i j  a)
  coh-cube-helper-refl' i j k =
    hcomp  l  λ
      { (i = i0)  a
      ; (i = i1)  degenerate5' a k j l
      ; (j = i0)  a
      ; (j = i1)  degenerate1' a i l (~ k)
      ; (k = i0)  degenerate1'' a i j l
      ; (k = i1)  a })

  coh-cube-helper-refl : coh-cube-helper-Type refl refl refl refl
  coh-cube-helper-refl =
    transport  t 
       i j  coh-helper-Refl t _ (push-helper-Refl t refl  i j  a)) i j  a)
       i j  a)
       i j  push-square-helper-Refl {a = a} t j i)
       i j  a)  i j  a)) coh-cube-helper-refl'

  coh-cube-helper' :
    (b : A)(p : a  b)
    (c : A)(q : b  c)
    (q' : c  c)(sqr : refl  q')
     coh-cube-helper-Type p q q' sqr
  coh-cube-helper' = J> J> J> coh-cube-helper-refl

  coh-cube-helper :  {b c} p q q' sqr  coh-cube-helper-Type {b = b} {c = c} p q q' sqr
  coh-cube-helper p q q' sqr = coh-cube-helper' _ p _ q q' sqr

module _
  {A : Type }{B : Type ℓ'}{a : A}(f : A  B) where

  coh-helper-cong-Type : {b c : A}{a' b' c' : B}
    (pa : f a  a')(pb : f b  b')(pc : f c  c')
    {p  : a   b }(q  r  : b   c )
    {p' : a'  b'}{q' r' : b'  c'}
    (h   : PathP  i  pa i  pb i) (cong f p) p')
    (h'  : PathP  i  pb i  pc i) (cong f q) q')
    (h'' : PathP  i  pb i  pc i) (cong f r) r')
    (sqr  : PathP  i  p  i  q  i) p  r)
    (sqr' : PathP  i  p' i  q' i) p' r')
     Type _
  coh-helper-cong-Type pa pb pc q r h h' h'' sqr sqr' =
       i j  f (coh-helper _ _ _ sqr i j)  coh-helper _ _ _  i j  sqr' i j) i j)
       i j  pc j)
       i j  doubleCompPath-cong-filler f (sym q) refl r  i j  h' i (~ j))  i j  pb i) h'' j i i1)
       i j  pc j)  i j  pc j)

  coh-helper-cong-refl : coh-helper-cong-Type refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl refl
  coh-helper-cong-refl =
    transport  t 
       i j  f (coh-helper-Refl t _  i j  a) i j)  coh-helper-Refl t _  i j  f a) i j)
       i j  f a)
       i j  doubleCompPath-cong-filler f refl refl refl  i j  f a)  i j  f a)  i j  f a) j i i1)
       i j  f a)  i j  f a))
       i j k  someCommonDegenerateCube a f i j k)

  coh-helper-cong' :
    (b : A)(p : a  b)
    (c : A)(q : b  c)
    (a' : B)(pa : f a  a')
    (b' : B)(pb : f b  b')
    (c' : B)(pc : f c  c')
    (r : b  c)(sqr  : PathP  i  p  i  q  i) p r)
    (p' : a'  b')(h   : PathP  i  pa i  pb i) (cong f p) p')
    (q' : b'  c')(h'  : PathP  i  pb i  pc i) (cong f q) q')
    (r' : b'  c')(h'' : PathP  i  pb i  pc i) (cong f r) r')
    (sqr' : PathP  i  p' i  q' i) p' r')
    (hsqr : SquareP  i j  h i j  h' i j)  i j  f (sqr i j)) sqr' h h'')
     coh-helper-cong-Type pa pb pc q r h h' h'' sqr sqr'
  coh-helper-cong' = J> J> J> J> J> J> J> J> J> J> coh-helper-cong-refl

  coh-helper-cong :
     {b c a' b' c' pa pb pc} p q r {p' q' r' h h' h''} sqr {sqr'}
    (hsqr : SquareP  i j  f (sqr i j)  sqr' i j)
       i j  h j i)  i j  h'' j i)  i j  h j i)  i j  h' j i))
     coh-helper-cong-Type {b = b} {c = c} {a' = a'} {b' = b'} {c' = c'}
        pa pb pc q r {p' = p'} {q' = q'} {r' = r'} h h' h'' sqr sqr'
  coh-helper-cong p q r sqr hsqr =
    coh-helper-cong' _ p _ q _ _ _ _ _ _ r sqr _ _ _ _ _ _ _  i j k  hsqr j k i)