
This file contains:
- Elimination principle for pushouts

- Homotopy natural equivalences of pushout spans
  Written by: Loïc Pujet, September 2019

- 3×3 lemma for pushouts
  Written by: Loïc Pujet, April 2019

- Homotopy natural equivalences of pushout spans
  (unpacked and avoiding transports)


{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.HITs.Pushout.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout.Base

     ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level
    A : Type 
    B : Type ℓ'
    C : Type ℓ''

  Elimination for propositions
elimProp : {f : A  B} {g : A  C}
   (P : Pushout f g  Type ℓ''')
   ((x : Pushout f g)  isProp (P x))
   ((b : B)  P (inl b))
   ((c : C)  P (inr c))
   (x : Pushout f g)  P x
elimProp P isPropP PB PC (inl x) = PB x
elimProp P isPropP PB PC (inr x) = PC x
elimProp {f = f} {g = g} P isPropP PB PC (push a i) =
  isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 isPropP (PB (f a)) (PC (g a)) (push a) i

  Switching the span does not change the pushout
pushoutSwitchEquiv : {f : A  B} {g : A  C}
   Pushout f g  Pushout g f
pushoutSwitchEquiv = isoToEquiv (iso f inv leftInv rightInv)
  where f = λ {(inr x)  inl x; (inl x)  inr x; (push a i)  push a (~ i)}
        inv = λ {(inr x)  inl x; (inl x)  inr x; (push a i)  push a (~ i)}
        leftInv = λ {(inl x)  refl; (inr x)  refl; (push a i)  refl}
        rightInv = λ {(inl x)  refl; (inr x)  refl; (push a i)  refl}

  Definition of pushout diagrams

record 3-span : Type₁ where
    A0 A2 A4 : Type₀
    f1 : A2  A0
    f3 : A2  A4

3span : {A0 A2 A4 : Type₀}  (A2  A0)  (A2  A4)  3-span
3span f1 f3 = record { f1 = f1 ; f3 = f3 }

spanPushout : (s : 3-span)  Type₀
spanPushout s = Pushout (3-span.f1 s) (3-span.f3 s)

  Definition of a homotopy natural diagram equivalence

record 3-span-equiv (s1 : 3-span) (s2 : 3-span) : Type₀ where
     e0 : 3-span.A0 s1  3-span.A0 s2
     e2 : 3-span.A2 s1  3-span.A2 s2
     e4 : 3-span.A4 s1  3-span.A4 s2
     H1 :  x  3-span.f1 s2 (e2 .fst x)  e0 .fst (3-span.f1 s1 x)
     H3 :  x  3-span.f3 s2 (e2 .fst x)  e4 .fst (3-span.f3 s1 x)

  Proof that homotopy equivalent spans are in fact equal
spanEquivToPath : {s1 : 3-span}  {s2 : 3-span}  (e : 3-span-equiv s1 s2)  s1  s2
spanEquivToPath {s1} {s2} e = spanPath
    open 3-span-equiv e
    open 3-span

    path0 : A0 s1  A0 s2
    path0 = ua e0

    path2 : A2 s1  A2 s2
    path2 = ua e2

    path4 : A4 s1  A4 s2
    path4 = ua e4

    spanPath1 : I  3-span
    spanPath1 i = record { A0 = path0 i ; A2 = path2 i ; A4 = path4 i ;
                           f1 = λ x  (transp  j  path0 (i  j)) (~ i) (f1 s1 (transp  j  path2 (~ j  i)) (~ i) x))) ;
                           f3 = λ x  (transp  j  path4 (i  j)) (~ i) (f3 s1 (transp  j  path2 (~ j  i)) (~ i) x))) }

    spanPath2 : I  3-span
    spanPath2 i = record { A0 = A0 s2 ; A2 = A2 s2 ; A4 = A4 s2 ; f1 = f1Path i ; f3 = f3Path i }
        f1Path : I  A2 s2  A0 s2
        f1Path i x = ((uaβ e0 (f1 s1 (transport  j  path2 (~ j)) x)))
                      (H1 (transport  j  path2 (~ j)) x)) ⁻¹
                       j  f1 s2 (uaβ e2 (transport  j  path2 (~ j)) x) (~ j)))
                       j  f1 s2 (transportTransport⁻ path2 x j))) i

        f3Path : I  A2 s2  A4 s2
        f3Path i x = ((uaβ e4 (f3 s1 (transport  j  path2 (~ j)) x)))
                      (H3 (transport  j  path2 (~ j)) x)) ⁻¹
                       j  f3 s2 (uaβ e2 (transport  j  path2 (~ j)) x) (~ j)))
                       j  f3 s2 (transportTransport⁻ path2 x j))) i

    spanPath : s1  s2
    spanPath =  i  spanPath1 i)   i  spanPath2 i)

-- as a corollary, they have the same pushout
spanEquivToPushoutPath : {s1 : 3-span}  {s2 : 3-span}  (e : 3-span-equiv s1 s2)
                          spanPushout s1  spanPushout s2
spanEquivToPushoutPath {s1} {s2} e = cong spanPushout (spanEquivToPath e)


  3×3 lemma for pushouts

Let Aᵢⱼ denote a type, fᵢⱼ a map and Hᵢⱼ a homotopy. Given a diagram of the following shape:

A00 ←—f01—— A02 ——f03—→ A04
 ↑           ↑           ↑
f10   H11   f12   H13   f14
 |           |           |
A20 ←—f21—— A22 ——f23—→ A24
 |           |           |
f30   H31   f32   H33   f34
 ↓           ↓           ↓
A40 ←—f41—— A42 ——f43—→ A44

one can build its colimit from pushouts in two ways:
- either build pushouts A□0, A□2, A□4 of the lines and then build the pushout A□○ of the resulting
  diagram A□0 ←—f□1—— A□2 ——f□3—→ A□4 ;
- or build pushouts of the columns and build the pushout A○□ of the resulting diagram A0□ ← A2□ → A4□.

Then the lemma states there is an equivalence A□○ ≃ A○□.


record 3x3-span : Type₁ where
    A00 A02 A04 A20 A22 A24 A40 A42 A44 : Type₀

    f10 : A20  A00
    f12 : A22  A02
    f14 : A24  A04

    f30 : A20  A40
    f32 : A22  A42
    f34 : A24  A44

    f01 : A02  A00
    f21 : A22  A20
    f41 : A42  A40

    f03 : A02  A04
    f23 : A22  A24
    f43 : A42  A44

    H11 :  x  f01 (f12 x)  f10 (f21 x)
    H13 :  x  f03 (f12 x)  f14 (f23 x)
    H31 :  x  f41 (f32 x)  f30 (f21 x)
    H33 :  x  f43 (f32 x)  f34 (f23 x)

  -- pushouts of the lines
  A□0 : Type₀
  A□0 = Pushout f10 f30

  A□2 : Type₀
  A□2 = Pushout f12 f32

  A□4 : Type₀
  A□4 = Pushout f14 f34

  -- maps between pushouts
  f□1 : A□2  A□0
  f□1 (inl x) = inl (f01 x)
  f□1 (inr x) = inr (f41 x)
  f□1 (push a j) = ((λ i  inl (H11 a i))
                   ∙∙ push (f21 a)
                   ∙∙  i  inr (H31 a (~ i)))) j

  f□3 : A□2  A□4
  f□3 (inl x) = inl (f03 x)
  f□3 (inr x) = inr (f43 x)
  f□3 (push a j) = ((λ i  inl (H13 a i))
                   ∙∙ push (f23 a)
                   ∙∙  i  inr (H33 a (~ i)))) j

  -- total pushout
  A□○ : Type₀
  A□○ = Pushout f□1 f□3

  -- pushouts of the columns
  A0□ : Type₀
  A0□ = Pushout f01 f03

  A2□ : Type₀
  A2□ = Pushout f21 f23

  A4□ : Type₀
  A4□ = Pushout f41 f43

  -- maps between pushouts
  f1□ : A2□  A0□
  f1□ (inl x) = inl (f10 x)
  f1□ (inr x) = inr (f14 x)
  f1□ (push a j) = ((λ i  inl (H11 a (~ i)))
                   ∙∙ push (f12 a)
                   ∙∙  i  inr (H13 a i))) j

  f3□ : A2□  A4□
  f3□ (inl x) = inl (f30 x)
  f3□ (inr x) = inr (f34 x)
  f3□ (push a j) = ((λ i  inl (H31 a (~ i)))
                   ∙∙ push (f32 a)
                   ∙∙  i  inr (H33 a i))) j

  -- total pushout
  A○□ : Type₀
  A○□ = Pushout f1□ f3□

  -- forward map of the equivalence A□○ ≃ A○□
  forward-l : A□0  A○□
  forward-l (inl x) = inl (inl x)
  forward-l (inr x) = inr (inl x)
  forward-l (push a i) = push (inl a) i

  forward-r : A□4  A○□
  forward-r (inl x) = inl (inr x)
  forward-r (inr x) = inr (inr x)
  forward-r (push a i) = push (inr a) i

  forward-filler : A22  I  I  I  A○□
  forward-filler a i j = hfill  t  λ { (i = i0)  inl (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a (~ k))) (push (f12 a))  k  inr (H13 a k)) (~ t) j)
                                 ; (i = i1)  inr (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H31 a (~ k))) (push (f32 a))  k  inr (H33 a k)) (~ t) j)
                                 ; (j = i0)  forward-l (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a k)) (push (f21 a))  k  inr (H31 a (~ k))) t i)
                                 ; (j = i1)  forward-r (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H13 a k)) (push (f23 a))  k  inr (H33 a (~ k))) t i) })
                        (inS (push (push a j) i))

  A□○→A○□ : A□○  A○□
  A□○→A○□ (inl x) = forward-l x
  A□○→A○□ (inr x) = forward-r x
  A□○→A○□ (push (inl x) i) = inl (push x i)
  A□○→A○□ (push (inr x) i) = inr (push x i)
  A□○→A○□ (push (push a i) j) = forward-filler a i j i1

  -- backward map
  backward-l : A0□  A□○
  backward-l (inl x) = inl (inl x)
  backward-l (inr x) = inr (inl x)
  backward-l (push a i) = push (inl a) i

  backward-r : A4□  A□○
  backward-r (inl x) = inl (inr x)
  backward-r (inr x) = inr (inr x)
  backward-r (push a i) = push (inr a) i

  backward-filler : A22  I  I  I  A□○
  backward-filler a i j = hfill  t  λ { (i = i0)  inl (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a k)) (push (f21 a))  k  inr (H31 a (~ k))) (~ t) j)
                                 ; (i = i1)  inr (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H13 a k)) (push (f23 a))  k  inr (H33 a (~ k))) (~ t) j)
                                 ; (j = i0)  backward-l (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a (~ k))) (push (f12 a))  k  inr (H13 a k)) t i)
                                 ; (j = i1)  backward-r (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H31 a (~ k))) (push (f32 a))  k  inr (H33 a k)) t i) })
                        (inS (push (push a j) i))

  A○□→A□○ : A○□  A□○
  A○□→A□○ (inl x) = backward-l x
  A○□→A□○ (inr x) = backward-r x
  A○□→A□○ (push (inl x) i) = inl (push x i)
  A○□→A□○ (push (inr x) i) = inr (push x i)
  A○□→A□○ (push (push a i) j) = backward-filler a i j i1

  -- first homotopy
  homotopy1-l :  x  A□○→A○□ (backward-l x)  inl x
  homotopy1-l (inl x) = refl
  homotopy1-l (inr x) = refl
  homotopy1-l (push a i) = refl

  homotopy1-r :  x  A□○→A○□ (backward-r x)  inr x
  homotopy1-r (inl x) = refl
  homotopy1-r (inr x) = refl
  homotopy1-r (push a i) = refl

  A○□→A□○→A○□ :  x  A□○→A○□ (A○□→A□○ x)  x
  A○□→A□○→A○□ (inl x) = homotopy1-l x
  A○□→A□○→A○□ (inr x) = homotopy1-r x
  A○□→A□○→A○□ (push (inl x) i) k = push (inl x) i
  A○□→A□○→A○□ (push (inr x) i) k = push (inr x) i
  A○□→A□○→A○□ (push (push a i) j) k =
    hcomp  t  λ { (i = i0)  forward-l (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a k)) (push (f21 a))  k  inr (H31 a (~ k))) (~ t) j)
                   ; (i = i1)  forward-r (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H13 a k)) (push (f23 a))  k  inr (H33 a (~ k))) (~ t) j)
                   ; (j = i0)  homotopy1-l (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a (~ k))) (push (f12 a))  k  inr (H13 a k)) t i) k
                   ; (j = i1)  homotopy1-r (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H31 a (~ k))) (push (f32 a))  k  inr (H33 a k)) t i) k
                   ; (k = i0)  A□○→A○□ (backward-filler a i j t)
                   ; (k = i1)  forward-filler a j i (~ t) })
          (forward-filler a j i i1)

  -- second homotopy
  homotopy2-l :  x  A○□→A□○ (forward-l x)  inl x
  homotopy2-l (inl x) = refl
  homotopy2-l (inr x) = refl
  homotopy2-l (push a i) = refl

  homotopy2-r :  x  A○□→A□○ (forward-r x)  inr x
  homotopy2-r (inl x) = refl
  homotopy2-r (inr x) = refl
  homotopy2-r (push a i) = refl

  A□○→A○□→A□○ :  x  A○□→A□○ (A□○→A○□ x)  x
  A□○→A○□→A□○ (inl x) = homotopy2-l x
  A□○→A○□→A□○ (inr x) = homotopy2-r x
  A□○→A○□→A□○ (push (inl x) i) k = push (inl x) i
  A□○→A○□→A□○ (push (inr x) i) k = push (inr x) i
  A□○→A○□→A□○ (push (push a i) j) k =
    hcomp  t  λ { (i = i0)  backward-l (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a (~ k))) (push (f12 a))  k  inr (H13 a k)) (~ t) j)
                   ; (i = i1)  backward-r (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H31 a (~ k))) (push (f32 a))  k  inr (H33 a k)) (~ t) j)
                   ; (j = i0)  homotopy2-l (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H11 a k)) (push (f21 a))  k  inr (H31 a (~ k))) t i) k
                   ; (j = i1)  homotopy2-r (doubleCompPath-filler  k  inl (H13 a k)) (push (f23 a))  k  inr (H33 a (~ k))) t i) k
                   ; (k = i0)  A○□→A□○ (forward-filler a i j t)
                   ; (k = i1)  backward-filler a j i (~ t) })
          (backward-filler a j i i1)

  3x3-Iso : Iso A□○ A○□
  Iso.fun 3x3-Iso = A□○→A○□
  Iso.inv 3x3-Iso = A○□→A□○
  Iso.rightInv 3x3-Iso = A○□→A□○→A○□
  Iso.leftInv 3x3-Iso = A□○→A○□→A□○

  -- the claimed result
  3x3-lemma : A□○  A○□
  3x3-lemma = isoToPath 3x3-Iso

-- explicit characterisation of equivalences
-- Pushout f₁ g₁ ≃ Pushout f₂ g₂ avoiding
-- transports

open Iso
  module PushoutIso { : Level} {A₁ B₁ C₁ A₂ B₂ C₂ : Type }
           (A≃ : A₁  A₂) (B≃ : B₁  B₂) (C≃ : C₁  C₂)
           (f₁ : A₁  B₁) (g₁ : A₁  C₁)
           (f₂ : A₂  B₂) (g₂ : A₂  C₂)
           (id1 : (fst B≃)  f₁  f₂  (fst A≃))
           (id2 : (fst C≃)  g₁  g₂  (fst A≃))
   F : Pushout f₁ g₁  Pushout f₂ g₂
   F (inl x) = inl (fst B≃ x)
   F (inr x) = inr (fst C≃ x)
   F (push a i) =
     ((λ i  inl (funExt⁻ id1 a i))
      ∙∙ push (fst A≃ a)
      ∙∙ λ i  inr (sym (funExt⁻ id2 a) i)) i

   G : Pushout f₂ g₂  Pushout f₁ g₁
   G (inl x) = inl (invEq B≃ x)
   G (inr x) = inr (invEq C≃ x)
   G (push a i) =
     ((λ i  inl ((sym (cong (invEq B≃) (funExt⁻ id1 (invEq A≃ a)
                     cong f₂ (secEq A≃ a)))
                     retEq B≃ (f₁ (invEq A≃ a))) i))
      ∙∙ push (invEq A≃ a)
      ∙∙ λ i  inr (((sym (retEq C≃ (g₁ (invEq A≃ a)))
                    (cong (invEq C≃) ((funExt⁻ id2 (invEq A≃ a)))))
                    cong (invEq C≃) (cong g₂ (secEq A≃ a))) i)) i

  abbrType₁ : { : Level} {A₁ B₁ C₁ A₂ B₂ C₂ : Type }
       (A≃ : A₁  A₂) (B≃ : B₁  B₂) (C≃ : C₁  C₂)
     (f₁ : A₁  B₁) (g₁ : A₁  C₁)
       (f₂ : A₂  B₂) (g₂ : A₂  C₂)
     (id1 : (fst B≃)  f₁  f₂  (fst A≃))
       (id2 : (fst C≃)  g₁  g₂  (fst A≃))
     Type _
  abbrType₁ A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2 =
      ((x : _)  PushoutIso.F A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2
                   (PushoutIso.G A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2 x)  x)
    × ((x : _)  PushoutIso.G A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2
                   (PushoutIso.F A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2 x)  x)

  abbrType : { : Level} {A₁ B₁ C₁ A₂ B₂ C₂ : Type }
             (A≃ : A₁  A₂) (B≃ : B₁  B₂) (C≃ : C₁  C₂)
           Type _
  abbrType {A₁ = A₁} {B₁ = B₁} {C₁ = C₁} {A₂ = A₂} {B₂ = B₂} {C₂ = C₂}
    A≃ B≃ C≃ =
    (f₁ : A₁  B₁) (g₁ : A₁  C₁)
    (f₂ : A₂  B₂) (g₂ : A₂  C₂)
    (id1 : (fst B≃)  f₁  f₂  (fst A≃))
    (id2 : (fst C≃)  g₁  g₂  (fst A≃))
     abbrType₁ A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2

  F-G-cancel : { : Level} {A₁ B₁ C₁ A₂ B₂ C₂ : Type }
               (A≃ : A₁  A₂) (B≃ : B₁  B₂) (C≃ : C₁  C₂)
              abbrType A≃ B≃ C≃
  F-G-cancel {A₁ = A₁} {B₁ = B₁} {C₁ = C₁} {A₂ = A₂} {B₂ = B₂} {C₂ = C₂} =
    EquivJ  A₁ A≃  (B≃ : B₁  B₂) (C≃ : C₁  C₂) 
      abbrType A≃ B≃ C≃)
      (EquivJ  B₁ B≃  (C≃ : C₁  C₂) 
      abbrType (idEquiv A₂) B≃ C≃)
        (EquivJ  C₁ C≃  abbrType (idEquiv A₂) (idEquiv B₂) C≃)
          λ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂
             J  f₂ id1  (id2 : g₁  g₂)
                           abbrType₁ (idEquiv A₂) (idEquiv B₂) (idEquiv C₂)
                                    f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2)
                 (J  g₂ id2  abbrType₁ (idEquiv A₂) (idEquiv B₂) (idEquiv C₂)
                                        f₁ g₁ f₁ g₂ refl id2)
                    (postJ f₁ g₁))))

    postJ : (f₁ : A₂  B₂) (g₁ : A₂  C₂)
       abbrType₁ (idEquiv A₂) (idEquiv B₂) (idEquiv C₂)
                 f₁ g₁ f₁ g₁ refl refl
    postJ f₁ g₁ = FF-GG , GG-FF
      refl-lem :  {} {A : Type } (x : A)
               (refl {x = x}  refl)  refl  refl
      refl-lem x = sym (rUnit _)  sym (rUnit _)

      FF = PushoutIso.F (idEquiv A₂) (idEquiv B₂) (idEquiv C₂)
                        f₁ g₁ f₁ g₁ refl refl
      GG = PushoutIso.G (idEquiv A₂) (idEquiv B₂) (idEquiv C₂)
                        f₁ g₁ f₁ g₁ refl refl

      FF-GG : (x : Pushout f₁ g₁)  FF (GG x)  x
      FF-GG (inl x) = refl
      FF-GG (inr x) = refl
      FF-GG (push a i) j = lem j i
        lem : Path (Path (Pushout f₁ g₁) (inl (f₁ a)) (inr (g₁ a)))
                  (cong FF ((λ i  inl (((refl  refl)  (refl {x = f₁ a})) i ))
                        ∙∙ push {f = f₁} {g = g₁} a
                        ∙∙ λ i  inr (((refl  refl)  (refl {x = g₁ a})) i)))
                  (push a)
        lem =  i  cong FF ((λ j  inl (refl-lem (f₁ a) i j))
                           ∙∙ push a
                           ∙∙ λ j  inr (refl-lem (g₁ a) i j)))
          ∙∙ cong (cong FF) (sym (rUnit (push a)))
          ∙∙ sym (rUnit (push a))

      GG-FF : (x : _)  GG (FF x)  x
      GG-FF (inl x) = refl
      GG-FF (inr x) = refl
      GG-FF (push a i) j = lem j i
        lem : cong GG (refl ∙∙ push a ∙∙ refl)  push a
        lem = cong (cong GG) (sym (rUnit (push a)))
          ∙∙  i  ((λ j  inl (refl-lem (f₁ a) i j))
                   ∙∙ push a
                   ∙∙ λ j  inr (refl-lem (g₁ a) i j)))
          ∙∙ sym (rUnit (push a))

module _ { : Level} {A₁ B₁ C₁ A₂ B₂ C₂ : Type }
  (f₁ : A₁  B₁) (g₁ : A₁  C₁)
  (f₂ : A₂  B₂) (g₂ : A₂  C₂)
  (A≃ : A₁  A₂) (B≃ : B₁  B₂) (C≃ : C₁  C₂)
  (id1 : fst B≃  f₁  f₂  fst A≃)
  (id2 : fst C≃  g₁  g₂  fst A≃)
    module P = PushoutIso A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2
    l-r-cancel = F-G-cancel A≃ B≃ C≃ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ id1 id2

  pushoutIso : Iso (Pushout f₁ g₁) (Pushout f₂ g₂)
  fun pushoutIso = P.F
  inv pushoutIso = P.G
  rightInv pushoutIso = fst l-r-cancel
  leftInv pushoutIso = snd l-r-cancel

  pushoutEquiv : Pushout f₁ g₁  Pushout f₂ g₂
  pushoutEquiv = isoToEquiv pushoutIso

module PushoutDistr { ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level}
  {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''} {D : Type ℓ'''}
  (f : B  A) (g : C  B) (h : C  D) where
  PushoutDistrFun : Pushout {C = Pushout g h} f inl  Pushout (f  g) h
  PushoutDistrFun (inl x) = inl x
  PushoutDistrFun (inr (inl x)) = inl (f x)
  PushoutDistrFun (inr (inr x)) = inr x
  PushoutDistrFun (inr (push a i)) = push a i
  PushoutDistrFun (push a i) = inl (f a)

  PushoutDistrInv : Pushout (f  g) h  Pushout {C = Pushout g h} f inl
  PushoutDistrInv (inl x) = inl x
  PushoutDistrInv (inr x) = inr (inr x)
  PushoutDistrInv (push c i) = (push (g c)  λ j  inr (push c j)) i

  PushoutDistrIso : Iso (Pushout {C = Pushout g h} f inl) (Pushout (f  g) h)
  fun PushoutDistrIso = PushoutDistrFun
  inv PushoutDistrIso = PushoutDistrInv
  rightInv PushoutDistrIso (inl x) = refl
  rightInv PushoutDistrIso (inr x) = refl
  rightInv PushoutDistrIso (push a i) j =
      (cong-∙ (fun PushoutDistrIso) (push (g a))  j  inr (push a j))
     sym (lUnit _)) j i
  leftInv PushoutDistrIso (inl x) = refl
  leftInv PushoutDistrIso (inr (inl x)) = push x
  leftInv PushoutDistrIso (inr (inr x)) = refl
  leftInv PushoutDistrIso (inr (push a i)) j =
    compPath-filler' (push (g a))  j  inr (push a j)) (~ j) i
  leftInv PushoutDistrIso (push a i) j = push a (i  j)