{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base where

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to ∙assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport

open import Cubical.Functions.Morphism

open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
  renaming (rec to sRec ; rec2 to sRec2
          ; elim to sElim ; elim2 to sElim2 ; elim3 to sElim3
          ; map to sMap)
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation
  renaming (rec to trRec ; elim to trElim ; elim2 to trElim2)
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp renaming (toSusp to σ)
open import Cubical.HITs.S1 renaming (_·_ to _*_)
open import Cubical.HITs.S3

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid

open Iso
open IsGroup
open IsSemigroup
open IsMonoid
open GroupStr

{- Homotopy group -}
π :  {} (n : ) (A : Pointed )  Type 
π n A =  typ ((Ω^ n) A) ∥₂

{- Alternative formulation. This will be given a group structure in
  the Properties file -}
π' :  {} (n : ) (A : Pointed )  Type 
π' n A =  S₊∙ n →∙ A ∥₂

{- π as a group -}
 :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }  π n A
 zero {A = A} =  pt A ∣₂
 (suc n) =  refl ∣₂

·π :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }  π (suc n) A  π (suc n) A  π (suc n) A
·π n = sRec2 squash₂ λ p q   p  q ∣₂

 :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }  π (suc n) A  π (suc n) A
 n = sMap sym

π-rUnit :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π (suc n) A)
         (·π n x ( (suc n)))  x
π-rUnit n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   rUnit p (~ i) ∣₂

π-lUnit :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π (suc n) A)
         (·π n ( (suc n)) x)  x
π-lUnit n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   lUnit p (~ i) ∣₂

π-rCancel :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π (suc n) A)
         (·π n x ( n x))   (suc n)
π-rCancel n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   rCancel p i ∣₂

π-lCancel :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π (suc n) A)
         (·π n ( n x) x)   (suc n)
π-lCancel n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   lCancel p i ∣₂

π-assoc :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x y z : π (suc n) A)
         ·π n x (·π n y z)  ·π n (·π n x y) z
π-assoc n = sElim3  _ _ _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p q r i   ∙assoc p q r i ∣₂

π-comm :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x y : π (suc (suc n)) A)
         ·π (suc n) x y  ·π (suc n) y x
π-comm n = sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p q i   EH n p q i ∣₂

-- πₙ₊₁
πGr :  {} (n : ) (A : Pointed )  Group 
fst (πGr n A) = π (suc n) A
1g (snd (πGr n A)) =  (suc n)
GroupStr._·_ (snd (πGr n A)) = ·π n
inv (snd (πGr n A)) =  n
is-set (isSemigroup (isMonoid (isGroup (snd (πGr n A))))) = squash₂
·Assoc (isSemigroup (isMonoid (isGroup (snd (πGr n A))))) = π-assoc n
·IdR (isMonoid (isGroup (snd (πGr n A)))) x = π-rUnit n x
·IdL (isMonoid (isGroup (snd (πGr n A)))) x = π-lUnit n x
·InvR (isGroup (snd (πGr n A))) x = π-rCancel n x
·InvL (isGroup (snd (πGr n A))) x = π-lCancel n x

-- Group operations on π'.
-- We define the corresponding structure on the untruncated
-- (S₊∙ n →∙ A).

∙Π :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
   (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
   (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
   (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
∙Π {A = A} {n = zero} p q =  _  pt A) , refl
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc zero} (f , p) (g , q)) base = pt A
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc zero} (f , p) (g , q)) (loop j) =
  ((sym p ∙∙ cong f loop ∙∙ p)  (sym q ∙∙ cong g loop ∙∙ q)) j
snd (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc zero} (f , p) (g , q)) = refl
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) north = pt A
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) south = pt A
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) (merid a j) =
   ((sym p ∙∙ cong f (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) ∙∙ p)
   (sym q ∙∙ cong g (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) ∙∙ q)) j
snd (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) = refl

 :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
   (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
   (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
 {n = zero} f = f
fst ( {A = A} {n = suc zero} f) base = fst f base
fst ( {A = A} {n = suc zero} f) (loop j) = fst f (loop (~ j))
snd ( {A = A} {n = suc zero} f) = snd f
fst ( {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} f) north = fst f north
fst ( {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} f) south = fst f north
fst ( {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} f) (merid a j) =
 fst f ((merid a  sym (merid (ptSn _))) (~ j))
snd ( {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} f) = snd f

-- to prove that this gives a group structure on π', we first
-- prove that Ωⁿ A ≃ (Sⁿ →∙ A).
-- We use the following map
  Ω→SphereMap :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }
    typ ((Ω^ n) A)  (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
  fst (Ω→SphereMap zero a) false = a
  fst (Ω→SphereMap zero {A = A} a) true = pt A
  snd (Ω→SphereMap zero a) = refl
  fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc zero) {A = A} p) base = pt A
  fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc zero) p) (loop i) = p i
  snd (Ω→SphereMap (suc zero) p) = refl
  fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) {A = A} p) north = pt A
  fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) {A = A} p) south = pt A
  fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) p) (merid a i) =
    (sym (Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a)
    ∙∙  i  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) (p i) .fst a)
    ∙∙ Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a) i
  snd (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) p) = refl

  Ω→SphereMapId :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (a : _)
     Ω→SphereMap n {A = A} (pt ((Ω^ n) A)) .fst a  pt A
  Ω→SphereMapId zero false = refl
  Ω→SphereMapId zero true = refl
  Ω→SphereMapId (suc zero) base = refl
  Ω→SphereMapId (suc zero) (loop i) = refl
  Ω→SphereMapId (suc (suc n)) north = refl
  Ω→SphereMapId (suc (suc n)) south = refl
  Ω→SphereMapId (suc (suc n)) {A = A} (merid a i) j =
    ∙∙lCancel (Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) {A = A} a) j i

Ω→SphereMapId2 :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }
   Ω→SphereMap n {A = A} (pt ((Ω^ n) A))  ((λ _  pt A) , refl)
fst (Ω→SphereMapId2 n {A = A} i) a = funExt (Ω→SphereMapId n {A = A}) i a
snd (Ω→SphereMapId2 zero {A = A} i) = refl
snd (Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc zero) {A = A} i) = refl
snd (Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc (suc n)) {A = A} i) = refl

-- Pointed version
Ω→SphereMap∙ :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }
   ((Ω^ n) A) →∙ (S₊∙ n →∙ A )
Ω→SphereMap∙ n .fst = Ω→SphereMap n
Ω→SphereMap∙ n .snd = Ω→SphereMapId2 n

-- We define the following maps which will be used to
-- show that Ω→SphereMap is an equivalence
Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
            typ ((Ω^ (suc n)) A)
            typ (Ω (S₊∙ n →∙ A ))
Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ n = Ω→ (Ω→SphereMap∙ n) .fst

ΩSphereMap :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
   typ (Ω (S₊∙ n →∙ A ))
   (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
fst (ΩSphereMap {A = A} zero p) base = p i0 .fst false
fst (ΩSphereMap {A = A} zero p) (loop i) = p i .fst false
snd (ΩSphereMap {A = A} zero p) = refl
ΩSphereMap {A = A} (suc n) = fun IsoΩFunSuspFun

-- Functoriality
-- The homogeneity assumption is not necessary but simplifying
isNaturalΩSphereMap :  { ℓ'} (A : Pointed ) (B : Pointed ℓ')
  (homogB : isHomogeneous B) (f : A →∙ B) (n : )
    g  f ∘∙ ΩSphereMap n g  ΩSphereMap n (Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ n) f) .fst g)
isNaturalΩSphereMap A B homogB f 0 g =
  →∙Homogeneous≡ homogB (funExt lem)
  lem :  x  f .fst (ΩSphereMap 0 g .fst x)
             ΩSphereMap 0 (Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ 0) f) .fst g) .fst x
  lem base = f .snd
  lem (loop i) j =
       j  λ
        { (i = i0)  post∘∙ _ f .snd j
        ; (i = i1)  post∘∙ _ f .snd j
      (inS (f ∘∙ g i))
      j .fst false
isNaturalΩSphereMap A B homogB f (n@(suc _)) g =
  →∙Homogeneous≡ homogB (funExt lem)
  lem :  x  f .fst (ΩSphereMap n g .fst x)
             ΩSphereMap n (Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ n) f) .fst g) .fst x
  lem north = f .snd
  lem south = f .snd
  lem (merid a i) j =
       j  λ
        { (i = i0)  post∘∙ _ f .snd j
        ; (i = i1)  post∘∙ _ f .snd j
      (inS (f ∘∙ g i))
      j .fst a

SphereMapΩ :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
   (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
   typ (Ω (S₊∙ n →∙ A ))
SphereMapΩ {A = A} zero (f , p) =
  ΣPathP ((funExt λ { false  sym p ∙∙ cong f loop ∙∙ p
                    ; true  refl})
          , refl)
SphereMapΩ {A = A} (suc n) = inv IsoΩFunSuspFun

SphereMapΩIso :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
   Iso (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
         (typ (Ω (S₊∙ n →∙ A )))
fun (SphereMapΩIso n) = SphereMapΩ n
inv (SphereMapΩIso n) = ΩSphereMap n
fst (rightInv (SphereMapΩIso zero) f i j) false = rUnit  j  fst (f j) false) (~ i) j
fst (rightInv (SphereMapΩIso {A = A} zero) f i j) true = snd (f j) (~ i)
snd (rightInv (SphereMapΩIso {A = A} zero) f i j) k = snd (f j) (~ i  k)
rightInv (SphereMapΩIso (suc n)) = leftInv IsoΩFunSuspFun
leftInv (SphereMapΩIso zero) f =
  ΣPathP ((funExt  { base  sym (snd f)
                    ; (loop i) j  doubleCompPath-filler
                                     (sym (snd f))
                                     (cong (fst f) loop)
                                     (snd f) (~ j) i}))
        , λ i j  snd f (~ i  j))
leftInv (SphereMapΩIso (suc n)) = rightInv IsoΩFunSuspFun

In order to show that Ω→SphereMap is an equivalence, we show that it factors

             Ω→SphereMapSplit₁               ΩSphereMap
Ωⁿ⁺¹A ----------------> Ω (Sⁿ →∙ A) -----------> (Sⁿ⁺¹ →∙ A)

Ω→SphereMap-split :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : ) (p : typ ((Ω^ (suc n)) A))
     Ω→SphereMap (suc n) p  ΩSphereMap n (Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ n p)
Ω→SphereMap-split {A = A} zero p =
  ΣPathP ((funExt  { base  refl
                     ; (loop i) j  lem (~ j) i}))
         , refl)
  lem : funExt⁻ (cong fst (Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ zero p)) false  p
  lem =  i  funExt⁻ (cong-∙∙ fst (sym (Ω→SphereMapId2 zero))
                                     (cong (Ω→SphereMap zero) p)
                                     (Ω→SphereMapId2 zero) i) false)
     sym (rUnit _)
Ω→SphereMap-split {A = A} (suc n) p =
  ΣPathP ((funExt  { north  refl
                     ; south  refl
                     ; (merid a i) j  lem₂ a j i}))
          , refl)
  lem :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : ) (a : S₊ (suc n))
     Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) {A = A} a
      i  fst (Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc n) {A = A} i) a)
  lem zero base = refl
  lem zero (loop i) = refl
  lem (suc n) north = refl
  lem (suc n) south = refl
  lem (suc n) (merid a i) = refl

  lem₂ : (a : S₊ (suc n))
      ((λ i₁  Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) {A = A} a (~ i₁))
     ∙∙  i₁  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) (p i₁) .fst a)
     ∙∙ Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a)
       i  Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ (suc n) p i .fst a)
  lem₂ a = cong  x  sym x
                 ∙∙ funExt⁻ (cong fst  i  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) (p i))) a
                 ∙∙ x)
             (lem n a)
     ∙∙ sym (cong-∙∙  x  x a)
              (cong fst  i  Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc n) (~ i)))
              (cong fst  i  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) (p i)))
              (cong fst (Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc n))))
     ∙∙  i  funExt⁻ (cong-∙∙ fst (sym (Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc n)))
                          (cong (Ω→SphereMap (suc n)) p)
                          (Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc n)) (~ i)) a)

isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap₀ :  {} {A : Pointed }
   isEquiv (Ω→SphereMap 0 {A = A})
isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap₀ {A = A} =
    (iso _  f  fst f false)
          f  ΣPathP ((funExt  { false  refl ; true  sym (snd f)}))
                       , λ i j  snd f (~ i  j)))
         λ p  refl)

isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }
   isEquiv (Ω→SphereMap n {A = A})
isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap zero {A = A} =
    (iso _  f  fst f false)
            f  ΣPathP ((funExt  { false  refl
                                      ; true  sym (snd f)}))
                          , λ i j  snd f (~ i  j)))
            λ _  refl))
isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap (suc zero) {A = A} =
  isoToIsEquiv (iso _ invFun sec λ p  sym (rUnit p))
  invFun : S₊∙ 1 →∙ A  typ (Ω A)
  invFun (f , p) = sym p ∙∙ cong f loop ∙∙ p

  sec : section (Ω→SphereMap 1) invFun
  sec (f , p) =
    ΣPathP ((funExt  { base  sym p
                       ; (loop i) j  doubleCompPath-filler
                                        (sym p) (cong f loop) p (~ j) i}))
           , λ i j  p (~ i  j))

isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) =
  subst isEquiv (sym (funExt (Ω→SphereMap-split (suc n))))
    (snd (compEquiv
         ((Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ (suc n)) ,
              (isEquivΩ→ (Ω→SphereMap (suc n) , Ω→SphereMapId2 (suc n))
                           (isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap (suc n))))
         (invEquiv (isoToEquiv (SphereMapΩIso (suc n))))))

IsoΩSphereMap :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
   Iso (typ ((Ω^ n) A)) (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
IsoΩSphereMap n = equivToIso (_ , isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap n)

IsoSphereMapΩ :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
      Iso (S₊∙ n →∙ A) (fst ((Ω^ n) A))
IsoSphereMapΩ {A = A} n =
  invIso (IsoΩSphereMap n)

SphereMap→Ω :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
       S₊∙ n →∙ A  fst ((Ω^ n) A)
SphereMap→Ω n = fun (IsoSphereMapΩ n)

isHom-Ω→SphereMap :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (p q : _)
   Ω→SphereMap (suc n) {A = A} (p  q)
   ∙Π (Ω→SphereMap (suc n) {A = A} p)
       (Ω→SphereMap (suc n) {A = A} q)
isHom-Ω→SphereMap zero {A = A} p q =
  ΣPathP ((funExt  { base  refl
                    ; (loop i) j  (rUnit p j  rUnit q j) i}))
        , refl)
isHom-Ω→SphereMap (suc n) {A = A} p q =
  ΣPathP ((funExt  { north  refl
                     ; south  refl
                     ; (merid a i) j  main a j i}))
        , refl)
  doubleComp-lem :  {} {A : Type } {x y : A} (p : x  y) (q r : y  y)
                  (p ∙∙ q ∙∙ sym p)  (p ∙∙ r ∙∙ sym p)
                   (p ∙∙ (q  r) ∙∙ sym p)
  doubleComp-lem p q r i j =
    hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  (doubleCompPath-filler p q (sym p) k
                                 doubleCompPath-filler p r (sym p) k) j
                    ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler p (q  r) (sym p) k j
                    ; (j = i0)  p (~ k)
                    ; (j = i1)  p (~ k)})
          ((q  r) j)

  lem : (p : typ ((Ω^ (suc (suc n))) A))
       cong (fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) p)) (merid (ptSn _))  refl
  lem p =
    cong (sym (Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) (ptSn _)) ∙∙_∙∙ Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) (ptSn _))
              (rUnit _   j   i  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) {A = A} refl .snd (i  j))
                       ∙∙  i  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) {A = A} (p i) .snd j)
                       ∙∙ λ i  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) {A = A} refl .snd (~ i  j))
                        ∙∙lCancel _)
               ∙∙lCancel _

  main : (a : S₊ (suc n))
     sym (Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a)
        ∙∙ funExt⁻ (cong fst (cong (Ω→SphereMap (suc n)) (p  q))) a
        ∙∙ Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a
      cong (fst (∙Π (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) p) (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) q))) (merid a)
  main a = (cong (sym (Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a) ∙∙_∙∙ (Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a))
              (cong-∙  x  Ω→SphereMap (suc n) x .fst a) p q)
        sym (doubleComp-lem (sym (Ω→SphereMapId (suc n) a)) _ _))
     ∙∙ cong₂ _∙_ (sym (cong (cong (fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) p)) (merid a) ∙_)
                       (cong sym (lem p))  sym (rUnit _)))
                  (sym (cong (cong (fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) q)) (merid a) ∙_)
                       (cong sym (lem q))  sym (rUnit _)))
     ∙∙ λ i  (rUnit (cong-∙ (fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) p))
                              (merid a) (sym (merid (ptSn _))) (~ i)) i)
              (rUnit (cong-∙ (fst (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n)) q))
                              (merid a) (sym (merid (ptSn _)))(~ i)) i)

-- The iso is structure preserving
IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : ) (f g : S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
              SphereMap→Ω (suc n) (∙Π f g)
               SphereMap→Ω (suc n) f  SphereMap→Ω (suc n) g
IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π n =
  morphLemmas.isMorphInv _∙_ ∙Π (Ω→SphereMap (suc n))
    (isHom-Ω→SphereMap n)
    (SphereMap→Ω (suc n))
    (leftInv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n)))
    (rightInv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n)))

-- It is useful to define the ``Group Structure'' on (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
-- before doing it on π'. These will be the equivalents of the
-- usual groupoid laws on Ω A.
 :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }  (S₊∙ n →∙ A)
fst ( {A = A}) _ = pt A
snd ( {A = A}) = refl

∙Π-rUnit :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
         (f : S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
         ∙Π f   f
fst (∙Π-rUnit {A = A} {n = zero} f i) base = snd f (~ i)
fst (∙Π-rUnit {A = A} {n = zero} f i) (loop j) = help i j
  help : PathP  i  snd f (~ i)  snd f (~ i))
               (((sym (snd f)) ∙∙ (cong (fst f) loop) ∙∙ snd f)
                  (refl  refl))
               (cong (fst f) loop)
  help = (cong ((sym (snd f) ∙∙ cong (fst f) loop ∙∙ snd f) ∙_)
               (sym (rUnit refl))  sym (rUnit _))
         λ i j  doubleCompPath-filler (sym (snd f))
                     (cong (fst f) loop) (snd f) (~ i) j
snd (∙Π-rUnit {A = A} {n = zero} f i) j = snd f (~ i  j)
fst (∙Π-rUnit {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) north = snd f (~ i)
fst (∙Π-rUnit {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) south =
  (sym (snd f)  cong (fst f) (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) i
fst (∙Π-rUnit {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) (merid a j) = help i j
  help : PathP  i  snd f (~ i)
              (sym (snd f)  cong (fst f) (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) i)
               (((sym (snd f))
                 ∙∙ (cong (fst f) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
                 ∙∙ snd f)
                  (refl  refl))
               (cong (fst f) (merid a))
  help = (cong (((sym (snd f))
                ∙∙ (cong (fst f) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
                ∙∙ snd f) ∙_)
              (sym (rUnit refl))
        sym (rUnit _))
        λ i j  hcomp  k 
         λ { (j = i0)  snd f (~ i  k)
            ; (j = i1)  compPath-filler' (sym (snd f))
                           (cong (fst f) (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) k i
            ; (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym (snd f))
                            (cong (fst f)
                            (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
                            (snd f) k j
            ; (i = i1)  fst f (merid a j)})
            (fst f (compPath-filler (merid a)
                      (sym (merid (ptSn _))) (~ i) j))
snd (∙Π-rUnit {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) j = snd f (~ i  j)

∙Π-lUnit :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
         (f : S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
         ∙Π  f  f
fst (∙Π-lUnit {n = zero} f i) base = snd f (~ i)
fst (∙Π-lUnit {n = zero} f i) (loop j) = s i j
  s : PathP  i  snd f (~ i)  snd f (~ i))
            ((refl  refl)  (sym (snd f) ∙∙ cong (fst f) loop ∙∙ snd f))
            (cong (fst f) loop)
  s = (cong (_∙ (sym (snd f) ∙∙ cong (fst f) loop ∙∙ snd f))
            (sym (rUnit refl))  sym (lUnit _))
           λ i j  doubleCompPath-filler (sym (snd f))
                      (cong (fst f) loop) (snd f) (~ i) j
snd (∙Π-lUnit {n = zero} f i) j = snd f (~ i  j)
fst (∙Π-lUnit {n = suc n} f i) north = snd f (~ i)
fst (∙Π-lUnit {n = suc n} f i) south =
  (sym (snd f)  cong (fst f) (merid (ptSn _))) i
fst (∙Π-lUnit {n = suc n} f i) (merid a j) = help i j
  help : PathP  i  snd f (~ i)
              (sym (snd f)  cong (fst f) (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) i)
               ((refl  refl)  ((sym (snd f))
                      ∙∙ (cong (fst f) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
                      ∙∙ snd f))
               (cong (fst f) (merid a))
  help =
    (cong (_∙ ((sym (snd f))
            ∙∙ (cong (fst f) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
            ∙∙ snd f))
           (sym (rUnit refl))
     sym (lUnit _))
     λ i j  hcomp  k 
      λ { (j = i0)  snd f (~ i  k)
        ; (j = i1)  compPath-filler' (sym (snd f))
                       (cong (fst f) (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) k i
        ; (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym (snd f))
                        (cong (fst f) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
                        (snd f) k j
        ; (i = i1)  fst f (merid a j)})
        (fst f (compPath-filler (merid a) (sym (merid (ptSn _))) (~ i) j))
snd (∙Π-lUnit {n = suc n} f i) j = snd f (~ i  j)

∙Π-rCancel :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
         (f : S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
         ∙Π f ( f)  
fst (∙Π-rCancel {A = A} {n = zero} f i) base = pt A
fst (∙Π-rCancel {A = A} {n = zero} f i) (loop j) =
  rCancel (sym (snd f) ∙∙ cong (fst f) loop ∙∙ snd f) i j
snd (∙Π-rCancel {A = A} {n = zero} f i) = refl
fst (∙Π-rCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) north = pt A
fst (∙Π-rCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) south = pt A
fst (∙Π-rCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) (merid a i₁) = lem i i₁
  pl = (sym (snd f)
     ∙∙ cong (fst f) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn _)))
     ∙∙ snd f)

  lem : pl
      ((sym (snd f)
      ∙∙ cong (fst ( f)) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn _)))
      ∙∙ snd f))  refl
  lem = cong (pl ∙_) (cong (sym (snd f) ∙∙_∙∙ (snd f))
        (cong-∙ (fst ( f)) (merid a) (sym (merid (ptSn _)))
        ∙∙ cong₂ _∙_ refl
                   (cong (cong (fst f)) (rCancel (merid (ptSn _))))
        ∙∙ sym (rUnit _)))
      rCancel pl
snd (∙Π-rCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) = refl

∙Π-lCancel :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
         (f : S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
         ∙Π ( f) f  
fst (∙Π-lCancel {A = A} {n = zero} f i) base = pt A
fst (∙Π-lCancel {A = A} {n = zero} f i) (loop j) =
  rCancel (sym (snd f) ∙∙ cong (fst f) (sym loop) ∙∙ snd f) i j
fst (∙Π-lCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) north = pt A
fst (∙Π-lCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) south = pt A
fst (∙Π-lCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) (merid a j) = lem i j
  pl = (sym (snd f)
     ∙∙ cong (fst f) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn _)))
     ∙∙ snd f)

  lem : (sym (snd f)
     ∙∙ cong (fst ( f)) (merid a  sym (merid (ptSn _)))
     ∙∙ snd f)  pl
  lem = cong (_∙ pl) (cong (sym (snd f) ∙∙_∙∙ (snd f))
        (cong-∙ (fst ( f)) (merid a) (sym (merid (ptSn _)))
        ∙∙ cong₂ _∙_ refl (cong (cong (fst f)) (rCancel (merid (ptSn _))))
        ∙∙ sym (rUnit _)))
      lCancel pl
snd (∙Π-lCancel {A = A} {n = zero} f i) = refl
snd (∙Π-lCancel {A = A} {n = suc n} f i) = refl

∙Π-assoc :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
         (f g h : S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A)
         ∙Π f (∙Π g h)  ∙Π (∙Π f g) h
∙Π-assoc {n = n} f g h =
     sym (leftInv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n)) (∙Π f (∙Π g h)))
  ∙∙ cong (Ω→SphereMap (suc n)) (IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π n f (∙Π g h)
                ∙∙ cong (SphereMap→Ω (suc n) f ∙_) (IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π n g h)
                ∙∙ ∙assoc (SphereMap→Ω (suc n) f) (SphereMap→Ω (suc n) g) (SphereMap→Ω (suc n) h)
                ∙∙ cong (_∙ SphereMap→Ω (suc n) h) (sym (IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π n f g))
                ∙∙ sym (IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π n (∙Π f g) h))
  ∙∙ leftInv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n)) (∙Π (∙Π f g) h)

∙Π-comm :  {} {A : Pointed } {n : }
         (f g : S₊∙ (suc (suc n)) →∙ A)
         ∙Π f g  ∙Π g f
∙Π-comm {A = A} {n = n} f g =
     sym (leftInv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc (suc n))) (∙Π f g))
  ∙∙ cong (Ω→SphereMap (suc (suc n))) (IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π (suc n) f g
  ∙∙ EH _ _ _
  ∙∙ sym (IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π (suc n) g f))
  ∙∙ leftInv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc (suc n))) (∙Π g f)

{- π'' as a group -}
1π' :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }  π' n A
1π' n {A = A} =   ∣₂

·π' :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }  π' (suc n) A  π' (suc n) A  π' (suc n) A
·π' n = sRec2 squash₂ λ p q   ∙Π p q ∣₂

-π' :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed }  π' (suc n) A  π' (suc n) A
-π' n = sMap 

π'-rUnit :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π' (suc n) A)
         (·π' n x (1π' (suc n)))  x
π'-rUnit n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   ∙Π-rUnit p i ∣₂

π'-lUnit :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π' (suc n) A)
         (·π' n (1π' (suc n)) x)  x
π'-lUnit n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   ∙Π-lUnit p i ∣₂

π'-rCancel :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π' (suc n) A)
         (·π' n x (-π' n x))  1π' (suc n)
π'-rCancel n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   ∙Π-rCancel p i ∣₂

π'-lCancel :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x : π' (suc n) A)
         (·π' n (-π' n x) x)  1π' (suc n)
π'-lCancel n = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p i   ∙Π-lCancel p i ∣₂

π'-assoc :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x y z : π' (suc n) A)
         ·π' n x (·π' n y z)  ·π' n (·π' n x y) z
π'-assoc n = sElim3  _ _ _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p q r i   ∙Π-assoc p q r i ∣₂

π'-comm :  {} (n : ) {A : Pointed } (x y : π' (suc (suc n)) A)
         ·π' (suc n) x y  ·π' (suc n) y x
π'-comm n = sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit) λ p q i   ∙Π-comm p q i ∣₂

-- We finally get the group definition
π'Gr :  {} (n : ) (A : Pointed )  Group 
fst (π'Gr n A) = π' (suc n) A
1g (snd (π'Gr n A)) = 1π' (suc n)
GroupStr._·_ (snd (π'Gr n A)) = ·π' n
inv (snd (π'Gr n A)) = -π' n
isGroup (snd (π'Gr n A)) = makeIsGroup squash₂
                                       (π'-assoc n)
                                       (π'-rUnit n) (π'-lUnit n)
                                       (π'-rCancel n) (π'-lCancel n)

-- and finally, the Iso
π'Gr≅πGr :  {} (n : ) (A : Pointed )  GroupIso (π'Gr n A) (πGr n A)
fst (π'Gr≅πGr n A) = setTruncIso (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n))
snd (π'Gr≅πGr n A) =
  makeIsGroupHom (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ p q i   IsoSphereMapΩ-pres∙Π n p q i ∣₂)

{- Proof of πₙ(ΩA) = πₙ₊₁(A) -}
Iso-πΩ-π :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
         Iso (π n (Ω A)) (π (suc n) A)
Iso-πΩ-π {A = A} n = setTruncIso (invIso (flipΩIso n))

GrIso-πΩ-π :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
           GroupIso (πGr n (Ω A)) (πGr (suc n) A)
fst (GrIso-πΩ-π n) = Iso-πΩ-π _
snd (GrIso-πΩ-π n) =
    (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
     λ p q  cong ∣_∣₂ (flipΩIso⁻pres· n p q))

{- Proof that πₙ(A) ≅ πₙ(∥ A ∥ₙ) -}
isContrΩTrunc :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
   isContr (typ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ n A)))
isContrΩTrunc {A = A} zero = isContrUnit*
isContrΩTrunc {A = A} (suc n) =
  subst isContr main (isContrΩTrunc {A = Ω A} n)
  lem₁ : (n : )  fun (PathIdTruncIso n)  _   pt A )
                 snd (hLevelTrunc∙ n (Ω A))
  lem₁ zero = refl
  lem₁ (suc n) = transportRefl  refl 

  lem₂ : hLevelTrunc∙ n (Ω A)  (Ω (hLevelTrunc∙ (suc n) A))
  lem₂ = sym (ua∙ (isoToEquiv (PathIdTruncIso n))
          (lem₁ n))

  main : (typ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ n (Ω A))))
        (typ ((Ω^ suc n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (suc n) A)))
  main =  i  typ ((Ω^ n) (lem₂ i)))
        sym (isoToPath (flipΩIso n))

  ΩTruncSwitchFun :  {} {A : Pointed } (n m : ) 
    (hLevelTrunc∙ (suc (suc m)) ((Ω^ n) A))
      →∙ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (suc n + suc m) A))
  ΩTruncSwitchFun {A = A} n m =
    ((λ x  transport
                 i  fst ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-suc n (suc m) i) A)))
                (Iso.fun (ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} n (suc (suc m))) x))
       , cong (transport
                  i  fst ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-suc n (suc m) i) A))))
               (ΩTruncSwitch∙ n (suc (suc m)))
        λ j  transp
                 i  fst ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-suc n (suc m) (i  j)) A)))
                j (snd ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-suc n (suc m) j) A))))

  ΩTruncSwitchLem :
     {} {A : Pointed } (n m : )
      (typ (Ω (hLevelTrunc∙ (suc (suc m)) ((Ω^ n) A))))
      (typ ((Ω^ suc n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (suc n + suc m) A)))
  ΩTruncSwitchLem {A = A} n m =
     (Ω→ (ΩTruncSwitchFun n m) .fst
    , isEquivΩ→ _ (compEquiv (isoToEquiv (ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} n (suc (suc m))))
          i  typ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-suc n (suc m) i) A)))) .snd)))

  ΩTruncSwitch :  {} {A : Pointed } (n m : )
     Iso (hLevelTrunc m (fst ((Ω^ n) A)))
           (typ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (n + m) A)))
  ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} n zero =
        (subst isContr
           i  (typ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-comm zero n i) A))))
        (isContrΩTrunc n))))
  ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} zero (suc m) = idIso
  ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} (suc n) (suc m) =
    compIso (invIso (PathIdTruncIso _))
      (ΩTruncSwitchLem n m)

  ΩTruncSwitch∙ :  {} {A : Pointed } (n m : )
     Iso.fun (ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} n m) (snd (hLevelTrunc∙ m ((Ω^ n) A)))
      pt ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (n + m) A))
  ΩTruncSwitch∙ {A = A} n zero =
    ((subst isContr
        i  (typ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-comm zero n i) A))))
       (isContrΩTrunc n))) _ _
  ΩTruncSwitch∙ {A = A} zero (suc m) = refl
  ΩTruncSwitch∙ {A = A} (suc n) (suc m) = ∙∙lCancel _

ΩTruncSwitch-hom :  {} {A : Pointed } (n m : ) (p q : _)
         Iso.fun (ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} (suc n) (suc m))  p  q 
          Iso.fun (ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} (suc n) (suc m))  p 
          Iso.fun (ΩTruncSwitch {A = A} (suc n) (suc m))  q 
ΩTruncSwitch-hom {A = A} n m p q =
    cong (Iso.fun (ΩTruncSwitchLem {A = A} n m))
         (cong-∙ ∣_∣ₕ p q)
   Ω→pres∙ (ΩTruncSwitchFun n m) (cong ∣_∣ₕ p) (cong ∣_∣ₕ q)

2TruncΩIso :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
     Iso (hLevelTrunc 2 (fst ((Ω^ n) A)))
           (typ ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (2 + n) A)))
2TruncΩIso zero = idIso
2TruncΩIso {A = A} (suc n) =
   (ΩTruncSwitch (suc n) 2)
   (pathToIso λ i  typ ((Ω^ suc n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-comm (suc n) 2 i) A)))

hLevΩ+ :  {} {A : Pointed } (n m : )
       isOfHLevel (m + n) (typ A)  isOfHLevel n (typ ((Ω^ m) A))
hLevΩ+ n zero p = p
hLevΩ+ {A = A} zero (suc zero) p = refl , λ _  isProp→isSet p _ _ _ _
hLevΩ+ {A = A} zero (suc (suc zero)) p =
  refl , λ y  isOfHLevelSuc 2 p _ _ _ _ refl y
hLevΩ+ {A = A} zero (suc (suc (suc m))) p =
    i  isContr (typ (Ω (ua∙
            (isoToEquiv (flipΩIso {A = A} (suc m))) (flipΩrefl m) (~ i)))))
    (hLevΩ+ {A = Ω A} zero (suc (suc m))
     (subst  x  isOfHLevel x (typ (Ω A)))
            (+-comm zero (suc (suc m)))
            (lem (pt A) (pt A))))
  lem : isOfHLevel (3 + m) (typ A)
  lem = subst  x  isOfHLevel x (typ A))
               i  suc (+-comm (2 + m) zero i)) p
hLevΩ+ {A = A} (suc n) (suc m) p =
  subst (isOfHLevel (suc n))
    (sym (ua (isoToEquiv (flipΩIso {A = A} m))))
    (hLevΩ+ {A = Ω A} (suc n) m
      (isOfHLevelPath' (m + suc n) p _ _))

isSetΩTrunc :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
   (isSet (typ (Ω ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (suc (suc (suc n))) A)))))
isSetΩTrunc {A = A} zero = isOfHLevelTrunc 3 _ _
isSetΩTrunc {A = A} (suc n) =
  hLevΩ+ 2 (suc (suc n))
      i  isOfHLevel (+-comm 2 (2 + n) i) (hLevelTrunc (4 + n) (typ A)))
      (isOfHLevelTrunc (suc (suc (suc (suc n))))))

πTruncIso :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
              Iso (π n A) (π n (hLevelTrunc∙ (2 + n) A))
πTruncIso {A = A} zero =
  compIso (invIso (setTruncIdempotentIso squash₂))
                  (setTruncIso setTruncTrunc2Iso)
πTruncIso {A = A} (suc n) =
  compIso setTruncTrunc2Iso
     (2TruncΩIso (suc n))
     (invIso (setTruncIdempotentIso (isSetΩTrunc n))))

πTruncGroupIso :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
              GroupIso (πGr n A) (πGr n (hLevelTrunc∙ (3 + n) A))
fst (πTruncGroupIso n) = πTruncIso (suc n)
snd (πTruncGroupIso {A = A} n) =
    (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
      λ a b
       cong (inv (setTruncIdempotentIso (isSetΩTrunc n)))
            i  typ ((Ω^ suc n) (hLevelTrunc∙ (+-comm (suc n) 2 i) A))))
           (ΩTruncSwitch-hom n 1 a b)
             w  ((Ω^ n) (hLevelTrunc∙ w A))) (+-comm (suc n) 2) _ _))
  transpΩTruncSwitch :  {} (A :   Pointed ) {n m : }
    (r : n  m) (p q : typ (Ω (A n)))
     subst  n  typ (Ω (A n))) r (p  q)
      subst  n  typ (Ω (A n))) r p
      subst  n  typ (Ω (A n))) r q
  transpΩTruncSwitch A {n = n} =
    J  m r  (p q : typ (Ω (A n)))
               subst  n  typ (Ω (A n))) r (p  q)
                subst  n  typ (Ω (A n))) r p
                subst  n  typ (Ω (A n))) r q)
      λ p q  transportRefl _  cong₂ _∙_
                (sym (transportRefl p)) (sym (transportRefl q))

-- Often, we prefer thinking of Ωⁿ A as (Sⁿ →∙ A).
-- The goal of the following lemmas is to show that the maps
-- Ωⁿ A → Ωⁿ B and Ωⁿ (fib f) →∙ Ωⁿ A get sent to post composition
-- under the equivalence Ωⁿ A as (Sⁿ →∙ A). This also gives a proof
-- that post composition induces a homomorphism of homotopy groups.

-- The following lemmas is not pretty but very helpful
  bigLemma :  { ℓ'} {A₁ B₁ C₁ : Type } {A₂ B₂ C₂ : Type ℓ'}
             (A₁→B₁ : A₁  B₁) (B₁→C₁ : B₁  C₁)
             (A₂→B₂ : A₂  B₂) (B₂→C₂ : B₂  C₂)
             (A₁→A₂ : A₁  A₂)
             (B₁→B₂ : B₁  B₂)
             (C₁→C₂ : C₁  C₂)
           (B₁→B₂  (fst A₁→B₁))  (fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂)
           C₁→C₂  fst B₁→C₁  fst B₂→C₂  B₁→B₂
           C₁→C₂  fst B₁→C₁  fst A₁→B₁
           fst B₂→C₂  fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂
  bigLemma {B₁ = B₁} {C₁ = C₁} {A₂ = A₂} {B₂ = B₂} {C₂ = C₂} =
       A₁ A₁→B₁  (B₁→C₁ : B₁  C₁) (A₂→B₂ : A₂  B₂)
        (B₂→C₂ : B₂  C₂) (A₁→A₂ : A₁  A₂) (B₁→B₂ : B₁  B₂)
        (C₁→C₂ : C₁  C₂) 
        B₁→B₂  fst A₁→B₁  fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂ 
        C₁→C₂  fst B₁→C₁  fst B₂→C₂  B₁→B₂ 
        C₁→C₂  fst B₁→C₁  fst A₁→B₁  fst B₂→C₂  fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂)
      (EquivJ  B₁ B₁→C₁  (A₂→B₂ : A₂  B₂) (B₂→C₂ : B₂  C₂)
        (A₁→A₂ : B₁  A₂) (B₁→B₂ : B₁  B₂) (C₁→C₂ : C₁  C₂) 
        (B₁→B₂)  (fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂) 
        (C₁→C₂  (fst B₁→C₁))  (fst B₂→C₂  (B₁→B₂)) 
        (C₁→C₂  (fst B₁→C₁))  (fst B₂→C₂  (fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂)))
        (EquivJ  A₂ A₂→B₂  (B₂→C₂ : B₂  C₂) (A₁→A₂ : C₁  A₂)
          (B₁→B₂ : C₁  B₂) (C₁→C₂ : C₁  C₂) 
          B₁→B₂  (fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂) 
          (C₁→C₂)  (fst B₂→C₂  B₁→B₂) 
          (C₁→C₂)  fst B₂→C₂  (fst A₂→B₂  A₁→A₂))
          (EquivJ  B₂ B₂→C₂  (A₁→A₂ B₁→B₂ : C₁  B₂) (C₁→C₂ : C₁  C₂) 
            B₁→B₂  A₁→A₂ 
            C₁→C₂  (fst B₂→C₂  B₁→B₂) 
            C₁→C₂  (fst B₂→C₂  A₁→A₂))
              λ _ _ _ p q  q  p)))

We want to show that the following square

       Ωⁿ f
Ωⁿ A ----------→ Ωⁿ B
|                  |
|                  |
v         f∘_      v
(Sⁿ→∙A) ------> (Sⁿ→∙B)

Ω^→≈post∘∙ :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : )
   (f : A →∙ B)
   Path ((Ω^ (suc n)) A →∙ (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ B ))
          (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) f ∘∙ Ω→SphereMap∙ (suc n))
          (Ω→SphereMap∙ (suc n) ∘∙ Ω^→ (suc n) f)
Ω^→≈post∘∙ {A = A} {B = B} zero f =
       (subst isHomogeneous
        (ua∙ (Ω→SphereMap 1 , (isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap 1))
             (Ω→SphereMap∙ 1 {A = B} .snd))
    (isHomogeneousPath _ _))
    (funExt λ p 
      ΣPathP ((funExt  { base  snd f
                        ; (loop i) j 
                            (sym (snd f)) (cong (fst f) p) (snd f) j i}))
            , (sym (lUnit (snd f))  λ i j  snd f (i  j))))
Ω^→≈post∘∙ {A = A} {B = B} (suc n) f =
    (subst isHomogeneous
      (ua∙ (Ω→SphereMap (2 + n) , (isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap (2 + n)))
           (Ω→SphereMap∙ (2 + n) {A = B} .snd))
           (isHomogeneousPath _ _))
    ((funExt λ p
          i  post∘∙ (S₊∙ (2 + n)) f .fst (Ω→SphereMap-split (suc n) p i))
        ∙∙ funExt⁻
            (Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ (suc n)
            , isEquivΩ→ _ (isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap (suc n)))
            (ΩSphereMap (suc n) , isoToIsEquiv (invIso (SphereMapΩIso (suc n))))
            (Ω→SphereMapSplit₁ (suc n)
            , isEquivΩ→ _ (isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap (suc n)))
            (ΩSphereMap (suc n) , isoToIsEquiv (invIso (SphereMapΩIso (suc n))))
            (Ω^→ (2 + n) f .fst) (Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) f) .fst)
            (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (2 + n)) f .fst)
            (funExt topSquare)
            (sym (funExt (bottomSquare f))))
        ∙∙ sym (Ω→SphereMap-split (suc n) (Ω^→ (2 + n) f .fst p))))
  topSquare : (p : typ ((Ω^ (2 + n)) A))
     Path (typ (Ω ((S₊∙ (suc n)) →∙ B )))
        ((Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) f) .fst  Ω→ (Ω→SphereMap∙ (suc n)) .fst) p)
        (((Ω→ (Ω→SphereMap∙ (suc n))) .fst  (Ω^→ (suc (suc n)) f .fst)) p)
  topSquare p = sym (Ω→∘ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) f) (Ω→SphereMap∙ (suc n)) p)
                i  Ω→ (Ω^→≈post∘∙ {A = A} {B = B} n f i) .fst p)
               Ω→∘ (Ω→SphereMap∙ (suc n)) (Ω^→ (suc n) f) p

  bottomSquare : (f : A →∙ B) (g : typ (Ω (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A )))
     Path (S₊∙ (2 + n) →∙ B)
            (ΩSphereMap (suc n) (Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) f) .fst g))
            ((post∘∙ (S₊∙ (2 + n)) f .fst  ΩSphereMap (suc n)) g)
  bottomSquare =
    →∙J  b₀ f  (g : typ (Ω (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A )))
             Path (S₊∙ (suc (suc n)) →∙ (fst B , b₀))
            (ΩSphereMap (suc n) (Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) f) .fst g))
            ((post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc (suc n))) f .fst  ΩSphereMap (suc n)) g))
           λ f g  ΣPathP ((funExt  { north  refl
                                       ; south  refl
                                       ; (merid a i) j  lem f g a j i}))
                        , lUnit refl)
    lem : (f : typ A  typ B) (g : typ (Ω (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ A )))
       (a : S₊ (suc n))
       cong (fst (ΩSphereMap (suc n)
               (Ω→ (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) (f , refl)) .fst g)))
             (merid a)
         cong (fst ((f , refl) ∘∙ ΩSphereMap (suc n) g)) (merid a)
    lem f g a =
       i  funExt⁻
        (cong-∙∙ fst (sym (snd (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) (f ,  _  f (snd A))))))
                 (cong (fst (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) (f ,  _  f (snd A))))) g)
                 (snd (post∘∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) (f ,  _  f (snd A))))) i) a)
               sym (rUnit  i  f (fst (g i) a)))

{- We can use this to define prove that post composition induces a homomorphism
πₙ A → πₙ B-}

π'∘∙fun :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
         π' (suc n) A  π' (suc n) B
π'∘∙fun n f = sMap (f ∘∙_)

GroupHomπ≅π'PathP :  { ℓ'} (A : Pointed ) (B : Pointed ℓ') (n : )
   GroupHom (πGr n A) (πGr n B)  GroupHom (π'Gr n A) (π'Gr n B)
GroupHomπ≅π'PathP A B n i =
  GroupHom (fst (GroupPath _ _) (GroupIso→GroupEquiv (π'Gr≅πGr n A)) (~ i))
           (fst (GroupPath _ _) (GroupIso→GroupEquiv (π'Gr≅πGr n B)) (~ i))

πFun :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
      π (suc n) A  π (suc n) B
πFun n f = sMap (fst (Ω^→ (suc n) f))

πHom :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
      GroupHom (πGr n A) (πGr n B)
fst (πHom n f) = πFun n f
snd (πHom n f) =
    (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
      λ p q  cong ∣_∣₂ (Ω^→pres∙ f n p q))

π'∘∙Hom' :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
         GroupHom (π'Gr n A) (π'Gr n B)
π'∘∙Hom' {A = A} {B = B} n f =
  transport  i  GroupHomπ≅π'PathP A B n i)
            (πHom n f)

π'∘∙Hom'≡π'∘∙fun :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
  (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)  π'∘∙Hom' n f .fst  π'∘∙fun n f
π'∘∙Hom'≡π'∘∙fun n f =
  funExt (sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ g  cong ∣_∣₂
      ((λ i  inv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n))
          (transportRefl (Ω^→ (suc n) f .fst
            (transportRefl (fun (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n)) g) i)) i))
      sym (funExt⁻ (cong fst (Ω^→≈post∘∙ n f))
                    (fun (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n)) g))
      cong (f ∘∙_) (leftInv (IsoSphereMapΩ (suc n)) g)))

π'∘∙Hom :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
        GroupHom (π'Gr n A) (π'Gr n B)
fst (π'∘∙Hom n f) = sMap (f ∘∙_)
snd (π'∘∙Hom {A = A} {B = B} n f) = isHom∘∙
    isHom∘∙ : IsGroupHom (π'Gr n A .snd) (fst (π'∘∙Hom n f)) (π'Gr n B .snd)
    isHom∘∙ =
      transport  i  IsGroupHom (π'Gr n A .snd)
                                   (π'∘∙Hom'≡π'∘∙fun n f i)
                                   (π'Gr n B .snd))
                (π'∘∙Hom' n f .snd)

-- post composition with an equivalence induces an
-- isomorphism of homotopy groups
π'eqFun :  {} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed } (n : )
       A ≃∙ B
       (π' (suc n) A)  π' (suc n) B
π'eqFun n p = π'∘∙fun n (≃∙map p)

π'eqFun-idEquiv :  {} {A : Pointed } (n : )
               π'eqFun n (idEquiv (fst A) ,  _  pt A))
                idfun _
π'eqFun-idEquiv n =
  funExt (sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ f  cong ∣_∣₂ (∘∙-idʳ f))

invEquiv∙idEquiv∙≡idEquiv :  {} {A : Pointed }
   invEquiv∙ (idEquiv (fst A) ,  _  pt A))
   (idEquiv (fst A) , refl)
invEquiv∙idEquiv∙≡idEquiv = ΣPathP ((Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsEquiv _) refl) , (sym (lUnit refl)))

π'eqFunIsEquiv :
   {} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed } (n : )
       (e : A ≃∙ B)
       isEquiv (π'eqFun n e)
π'eqFunIsEquiv {B = B} n =
  Equiv∙J  A e  isEquiv (π'eqFun n e))
    (subst isEquiv (sym (π'eqFun-idEquiv n))
      (idIsEquiv (π' (suc n) B)))

π'eqFunIsHom :  {} {A B : Pointed }(n : )
       (e : A ≃∙ B)
       IsGroupHom (π'Gr n A .snd) (π'eqFun n e)
                    (π'Gr n B .snd)
π'eqFunIsHom {B = B} n =
  Equiv∙J  A e  IsGroupHom (π'Gr n A .snd) (π'eqFun n e) (π'Gr n B .snd))
    (subst  x  IsGroupHom (π'Gr n B .snd) x (π'Gr n B .snd))
      (sym (π'eqFun-idEquiv n))
      (makeIsGroupHom λ _ _  refl))

π'GrIso :  {} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed } (n : )
       A ≃∙ B
       GroupIso (π'Gr n A) (π'Gr n B)
fun (fst (π'GrIso n e)) = π'eqFun n e
inv (fst (π'GrIso n e)) = π'eqFun n (invEquiv∙ e)
rightInv (fst (π'GrIso {B = B} n e)) =
  Equiv∙J  A e  (f : _)  π'eqFun n e (π'eqFun n (invEquiv∙ e) f)  f)
     f   i  π'eqFun-idEquiv n i (π'eqFun n (invEquiv∙idEquiv∙≡idEquiv i) f))
     funExt⁻ (π'eqFun-idEquiv n) f)
leftInv (fst (π'GrIso n e)) =
  Equiv∙J  A e  (f : _)  π'eqFun n (invEquiv∙ e)  (π'eqFun n e f)  f)
     f   i  π'eqFun n (invEquiv∙idEquiv∙≡idEquiv i) (π'eqFun-idEquiv n i f))
           funExt⁻ (π'eqFun-idEquiv n) f)
snd (π'GrIso n e) = π'eqFunIsHom n e

π'Iso :  {} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed } (n : )
       A ≃∙ B
       GroupEquiv (π'Gr n A) (π'Gr n B)
π'Iso n e = GroupIso→GroupEquiv (π'GrIso n e)

πIso :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
         (A ≃∙ B)
         (n : )
         GroupEquiv (πGr n A) (πGr n B)
fst (fst (πIso e n)) = fst (πHom n (≃∙map e))
snd (fst (πIso e n)) =
      (equivToIso (_ , isEquivΩ^→ (suc n) (≃∙map e) (snd (fst e)))))
snd (πIso e n) = snd (πHom n (≃∙map e))