{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Modalities.Instances.Open where

open import Cubical.Modalities.Modality

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism using (isoToIsEquiv; iso)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (const)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels using (hProp)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure using (⟨_⟩)

module _ { : Level} (X : hProp ) where

  openModality : Modality 

  -- We want to use ◯ and η as soon as we defined them.
  open Modality openModality

  Modality.◯ openModality A =  X   A
  Modality.η openModality = const

  Modality.isModal openModality A = isEquiv (η {A = A})
  Modality.isPropIsModal openModality = isPropIsEquiv _

  Modality.◯-isModal openModality =
         f x  f x x)
         f  λ i x x'  f (snd X x' x i) x')
         f  refl))

  Modality.◯-elim openModality {B = B} B-modal f g =
      (B-modal g)
       x  subst B  i x'  g (snd X x x' i)) (f (g x)))

  Modality.◯-elim-β openModality {B = B} B-modal f a =
        (invEq eq)
        (funExt  _  transportRefl _))
     retEq eq (f a)
    eq : B (const a)   (B (const a))
    eq = const , B-modal (const a)

  Modality.◯-=-isModal openModality f f' =
         p  λ i x  p x i x)
         p  λ i x j x'  p (snd X x' x i) j x')
         p  refl))