
Macros (autoDesc, AutoStructure, AutoEquivStr, autoUnivalentStr) for automatically generating structure definitions.

For example:

  autoDesc (λ (X : Type₀) → X → X × ℕ)   ↦   function+ var (var , constant ℕ)

We prefer to use the constant structure whenever possible, e.g., [autoDesc (λ (X : Type₀) → ℕ → ℕ)]
is [constant (ℕ → ℕ)] rather than [function (constant ℕ) (constant ℕ)].

Writing [auto* (λ X → ⋯)] doesn't seem to work, but [auto* (λ (X : Type ℓ) → ⋯)] does.

{-# OPTIONS --no-exact-split --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Relational.Auto where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe

open import Cubical.Structures.Relational.Macro as Macro

import Agda.Builtin.Reflection as R
open import Cubical.Reflection.Base

-- Magic number
  FUEL = 10000

-- Mark a constant type with a proof it is a set
  Const[_] :  {}  hSet   Type 
  Const[ A ] = A .fst

-- Some reflection utilities
  tLevel = R.def (quote Level) []

  tType : R.Term  R.Term
  tType  = R.def (quote Type) [ varg  ]

  thSet : R.Term  R.Term
  thSet  = R.def (quote hSet) [ varg  ]

  tPosRelDesc : R.Term  R.Term  R.Term
  tPosRelDesc  ℓ₁ = R.def (quote PosRelDesc) ( v∷ ℓ₁ v∷ [])

  tRelDesc : R.Term  R.Term  R.Term  R.Term
  tRelDesc  ℓ₁ ℓ₁' = R.def (quote RelDesc) ( v∷ ℓ₁ v∷ ℓ₁' v∷ [])

  func : ( ℓ' : Level)  Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ'))
  func  ℓ' = Type   Type ℓ'

  tStruct : R.Term  R.Term  R.Term
  tStruct  ℓ' = R.def (quote func) (varg   varg ℓ'  [])

-- We try to build a descriptor by unifying the provided structure with combinators we're aware of. We
-- redefine the structure combinators as the *Shape terms below so that we don't depend on the specific way
-- these are defined in other files (order of implicit arguments and so on); the syntactic analysis that goes
-- on here means that we would get mysterious errors if those changed.
  constantShape :  {ℓ'} ( : Level) (A : hSet ℓ')  (Type   Type ℓ')
  constantShape _ A _ = Const[ A ]

  pointedShape : ( : Level)  Type   Type 
  pointedShape _ X = X

  productShape :  {ℓ₀ ℓ₁} ( : Level)
     (Type   Type ℓ₀)  (Type   Type ℓ₁)  Type   Type (ℓ-max ℓ₀ ℓ₁)
  productShape _ A₀ A₁ X = A₀ X × A₁ X

  paramShape :  {ℓ₀ ℓ'} ( : Level)
     Type ℓ'  (Type   Type ℓ₀)  Type   Type (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ₀)
  paramShape _ A A₀ X = A  A₀ X

  functionShape :   {ℓ₀ ℓ₁} ( : Level)
     (Type   Type ℓ₀)  (Type   Type ℓ₁)  Type   Type (ℓ-max ℓ₀ ℓ₁)
  functionShape _ A₀ A₁ X = A₀ X  A₁ X

  maybeShape :  {ℓ₀} ( : Level)
     (Type   Type ℓ₀)  Type   Type ℓ₀
  maybeShape _ A₀ X = Maybe (A₀ X)

  -- Build transport structure descriptor from a function [t : Type ℓ → Type ℓ']
  buildPosRelDesc :   R.Term  R.Term  R.Term  R.TC R.Term
  buildPosRelDesc zero  ℓ' t = R.typeError (R.strErr "Ran out of fuel! at \n"  R.termErr t  [])
  buildPosRelDesc (suc fuel)  ℓ' t =
    tryConstant t <|> tryPointed t <|> tryProduct t <|> tryMaybe t <|>
    R.typeError (R.strErr "Can't automatically generate a positive structure for\n"  R.termErr t  [])
    tryConstant : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryConstant t =
      newMeta (thSet ℓ') >>= λ A 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote constantShape) (varg   varg A  [])) >>
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote PosRelDesc.constant) (varg A  []))

    tryPointed : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryPointed t =
      R.unify t (R.def (quote pointedShape) (varg   [])) >>
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote PosRelDesc.var) [])

    tryProduct : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryProduct t =
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₀ 
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₁ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₀) >>= λ A₀ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₁) >>= λ A₁ 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote productShape) (varg   varg A₀  varg A₁  [])) >>
      buildPosRelDesc fuel  ℓ₀ A₀ >>= λ d₀ 
      buildPosRelDesc fuel  ℓ₁ A₁ >>= λ d₁ 
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote PosRelDesc._,_) (varg d₀  varg d₁  []))

    tryMaybe : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryMaybe t =
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₀ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₀) >>= λ A₀ 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote maybeShape) (varg   varg A₀  [])) >>
      buildPosRelDesc fuel  ℓ₀ A₀ >>= λ d₀ 
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote PosRelDesc.maybe) (varg d₀  []))

  autoPosRelDesc' : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoPosRelDesc' t hole =
    R.inferType hole >>= λ H 
    newMeta tLevel >>= λ  
    newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ' 
    R.unify (tPosRelDesc  ℓ') H >>
    R.checkType t (tStruct  ℓ') >>
    buildPosRelDesc FUEL  ℓ' t >>= R.unify hole

  -- Build structure descriptor from a function [t : Type ℓ → Type ℓ']
  buildRelDesc :   R.Term  R.Term  R.Term  R.TC R.Term
  buildRelDesc zero  ℓ' t = R.typeError (R.strErr "Ran out of fuel! at \n"  R.termErr t  [])
  buildRelDesc (suc fuel)  ℓ' t =
    tryConstant t <|> tryPointed t <|> tryProduct t <|> tryParam t <|> tryFunction t <|>
    tryMaybe t <|>
    R.typeError (R.strErr "Can't automatically generate a structure for\n"  R.termErr t  [])
    tryConstant : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryConstant t =
      newMeta (thSet ℓ') >>= λ A 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote constantShape) (varg   varg A  [])) >>
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote RelDesc.constant) (varg A  []))

    tryPointed : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryPointed t =
      R.unify t (R.def (quote pointedShape) (varg   [])) >>
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote RelDesc.var) [])

    tryProduct : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryProduct t =
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₀ 
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₁ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₀) >>= λ A₀ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₁) >>= λ A₁ 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote productShape) (varg   varg A₀  varg A₁  [])) >>
      buildRelDesc fuel  ℓ₀ A₀ >>= λ d₀ 
      buildRelDesc fuel  ℓ₁ A₁ >>= λ d₁ 
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote RelDesc._,_) (varg d₀  varg d₁  []))

    tryParam : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryParam t =
      newMeta (tType R.unknown) >>= λ A 
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₀ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₀) >>= λ A₀ 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote paramShape) (varg   varg A  varg A₀  [])) >>
      buildRelDesc fuel  ℓ₀ A₀ >>= λ d₀ 
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote RelDesc.param) (varg A  varg d₀  []))

    tryFunction : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryFunction t =
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₀ 
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₁ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₀) >>= λ A₀ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₁) >>= λ A₁ 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote functionShape) (varg   varg A₀  varg A₁  [])) >>
      buildPosRelDesc fuel  ℓ₀ A₀ >>= λ d₀ 
      buildRelDesc fuel  ℓ₁ A₁ >>= λ d₁ 
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote RelDesc.function+) (varg d₀  varg d₁  []))

    tryMaybe : R.Term  R.TC R.Term
    tryMaybe t =
      newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ₀ 
      newMeta (tStruct  ℓ₀) >>= λ A₀ 
      R.unify t (R.def (quote maybeShape) (varg   varg A₀  [])) >>
      buildRelDesc fuel  ℓ₀ A₀ >>= λ d₀ 
      R.returnTC (R.con (quote RelDesc.maybe) (varg d₀  []))

  autoRelDesc' : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoRelDesc' t hole =
    R.inferType hole >>= λ H 
    newMeta tLevel >>= λ  
    newMeta tLevel >>= λ ℓ' 
    R.unify (tRelDesc  ℓ' R.unknown) H >>
    R.checkType t (tStruct  ℓ') >>
    buildRelDesc FUEL  ℓ' t >>= R.unify hole

  -- (Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → PosRelDesc ℓ
  autoPosRelDesc : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoPosRelDesc = autoPosRelDesc'

  -- (S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → RelDesc ℓ
  autoRelDesc : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoRelDesc = autoRelDesc'

  -- (S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → (Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁)
  -- Sanity check: should be the identity
  AutoStructure : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  AutoStructure t hole =
    newMeta (tRelDesc R.unknown R.unknown R.unknown) >>= λ d 
    R.unify hole (R.def (quote RelMacroStructure) [ varg d ]) >>
    autoRelDesc' t d

  -- (S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → StrRel S _
  AutoRelStr : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  AutoRelStr t hole =
    newMeta (tRelDesc R.unknown R.unknown R.unknown) >>= λ d 
    R.unify hole (R.def (quote RelMacroRelStr) [ varg d ]) >>
    autoRelDesc' t d

  -- (S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → SuitableStrRel S (AutoStrRel S)
  autoSuitableRel : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoSuitableRel t hole =
    newMeta (tRelDesc R.unknown R.unknown R.unknown) >>= λ d 
    R.unify hole (R.def (quote relMacroSuitableRel) [ varg d ]) >>
    autoRelDesc' t d

  -- (S : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁) → StrRelMatchesEquiv (AutoRelStr S) (AutoEquivStr S)
  autoMatchesEquiv : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoMatchesEquiv t hole =
    newMeta (tRelDesc R.unknown R.unknown R.unknown) >>= λ d 
    R.unify hole (R.def (quote relMacroMatchesEquiv) [ varg d ]) >>
    autoRelDesc' t d