-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Tactics.Reflection where

{- Utilities common to different reflection solvers.

  Most of these are copied/adapted from the 1Lab

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection hiding (Type)

open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Reflection.Base

     ℓ' : Level

_<$>_ :  { ℓ'} {A : Type }{B : Type ℓ'}  (A  B)  TC A  TC B
f <$> t = t >>= λ x  returnTC (f x)

_<*>_ :  { ℓ'} {A : Type }{B : Type ℓ'}  TC (A  B)  TC A  TC B
s <*> t = s >>= λ f  t >>= λ x  returnTC (f x)

wait-for-args : List (Arg Term)  TC (List (Arg Term))
wait-for-type : Term  TC Term

wait-for-type (var x args) = var x <$> wait-for-args args
wait-for-type (con c args) = con c <$> wait-for-args args
wait-for-type (def f args) = def f <$> wait-for-args args
wait-for-type (lam v (abs x t)) = returnTC (lam v (abs x t))
wait-for-type (pat-lam cs args) = returnTC (pat-lam cs args)
wait-for-type (pi (arg i a) (abs x b)) = do
  a  wait-for-type a
  b  wait-for-type b
  returnTC (pi (arg i a) (abs x b))
wait-for-type (agda-sort s) = returnTC (agda-sort s)
wait-for-type (lit l) = returnTC (lit l)
wait-for-type (meta x x₁) = blockOnMeta x
wait-for-type unknown = returnTC unknown

wait-for-args [] = returnTC []
wait-for-args (arg i a  xs) =
  (_∷_ <$> (arg i <$> wait-for-type a)) <*> wait-for-args xs

unapply-path : Term  TC (Maybe (Term × Term × Term))
unapply-path red@(def (quote PathP) (l h∷ T v∷ x v∷ y v∷ [])) = do
  domain  newMeta (def (quote Type) (l v∷ []))
  ty  returnTC (def (quote Path) (domain v∷ x v∷ y v∷ []))
  debugPrint "tactic" 50
    (strErr "(no reduction) unapply-path: got a "  termErr red
     strErr " but I really want it to be "  termErr ty  [])
  unify red ty
  returnTC (just (domain , x , y))
unapply-path tm = reduce tm >>= λ where
  tm@(meta _ _)  do
    dom  newMeta (def (quote Type) [])
    l  newMeta dom
    r  newMeta dom
    unify tm (def (quote Type) (varg dom  varg l  varg r  []))
    wait-for-type l
    wait-for-type r
    returnTC (just (dom , l , r))
  red@(def (quote PathP) (l h∷ T v∷ x v∷ y v∷ []))  do
    domain  newMeta (def (quote Type) (l v∷ []))
    ty  returnTC (def (quote Path) (domain v∷ x v∷ y v∷ []))
    debugPrint "tactic" 50
      (strErr "unapply-path: got a "  termErr red
       strErr " but I really want it to be "  termErr ty  [])
    unify red ty
    returnTC (just (domain , x , y))
  _  returnTC nothing

  get-boundary maps a term 'x ≡ y' to the pair '(x,y)'
get-boundary : Term  TC (Maybe (Term × Term))
get-boundary tm = unapply-path tm >>= λ where
  (just (_ , x , y))  returnTC (just (x , y))
  nothing             returnTC nothing

equation-solver : List Name  (Term -> Term -> TC Term)  Bool  Term  TC Unit
equation-solver don't-Reduce mk-call debug hole =
    withNormalisation false (
    withReduceDefs (false , don't-Reduce) (
      -- | First we normalize the goal
      goal  inferType hole >>= reduce
      -- | Then we parse the goal into an AST
      just (lhs , rhs)  get-boundary goal
             typeError(strErr "The functor solver failed to parse the goal"
                                termErr goal  [])
      -- | Then we invoke the solver
      -- | And we unify the result of the solver with the original hole.
      elhs  normalise lhs
      erhs  normalise rhs
      call  mk-call elhs erhs
      let unify-with-goal = (unify hole call)
      noConstraints (
        if debug
        then unify-with-goal
        else (
        unify-with-goal <|>
        typeError ((strErr "Could not equate the following expressions:\n  "
                   termErr elhs  strErr "\nAnd\n  "  termErr erhs  []))))))