{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.ZCohomology.CohomologyRings.CupProductProperties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_·_ to _·ₙ_) hiding (_+_ )
open import Cubical.Data.Int using ( ; pos ; negsuc ; -_ ; _+_ ; _·_ ; +Comm ; -Cancel'')
open import Cubical.Data.Int.IsEven
open import Cubical.Data.Sum

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Unit
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Bool
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumHIT.Properties

open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST

open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.CupProduct
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.RingLaws
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.GradedCommutativity

open PlusBis

-- A subst lemma for the cup product

module _
  {A : Type ℓ-zero}

  open SubstLemma   n  coHom n A)  n  snd (coHomGroup n A)) public

  substG⌣ : (k : )  (a b : coHom k A)  (l : )  (x : k  l)
             substG (cong₂ _+'_ x x) (a  b)  substG x a  substG x b
  substG⌣ k a b l x = J  l x  substG (cong₂ _+'_ x x) (a  b)  substG x a  substG x b)
                        (transportRefl (a  b)  sym (cong₂ _⌣_ (transportRefl a) (transportRefl b)))

-- to simplify the cup product over ℤ using bilearity of the product

  eq+-1 : (n : )  negsuc (suc n)  (- (pos 1)) + negsuc n
  eq+-1 n = sym (+Comm (- pos 1) (negsuc n))

module pres⌣
  {A : Type ℓ-zero}
  {n m : }
  (ϕₙ :   coHom n A)
  (ϕₙstr : IsGroupHom (ℤGroup .snd) ϕₙ (snd (coHomGr n A)))
  (ϕₘ :   coHom m A)
  (ϕₘstr : IsGroupHom (ℤGroup .snd) ϕₘ (snd (coHomGr m A)))
  (ϕₙ₊ₘ :   coHom (n +' m) A)
  (ϕₙ₊ₘstr : IsGroupHom (ℤGroup .snd) ϕₙ₊ₘ (snd (coHomGr (n +' m) A)))
  (mp-gen : ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos 1)  ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos 1))

  open IsGroupHom

  mp-1-1 : ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (- (pos 1))  ϕₙ₊ₘ (- (pos 1))
  mp-1-1 = ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (- pos 1)          ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (presinv ϕₘstr _) 
           ϕₙ (pos 1)  (-ₕ (ϕₘ (pos 1)))     ≡⟨ sym (-ₕDistᵣ n m _ _) 
           -ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos 1))       ≡⟨ cong  X  -ₕ X) mp-gen 
           -ₕ (ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos 1))                   ≡⟨ sym (presinv ϕₙ₊ₘstr _) 
            ϕₙ₊ₘ (- (pos 1)) 

  ϕₙ-⌣ : (b : )  ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b  ϕₙ₊ₘ b
  ϕₙ-⌣ (pos zero) =
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos zero)                                    ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (pres1 ϕₘstr) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  0ₕ m                                              ≡⟨ ⌣-0ₕ n m _ 
        0ₕ (n +' m)                                                    ≡⟨ sym (pres1 ϕₙ₊ₘstr) 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos zero) 
  ϕₙ-⌣ (pos (suc k)) =
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos (suc k))                                  ≡⟨ refl 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos k + pos 1)                                ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (pres· ϕₘstr _ _) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  (ϕₘ (pos k) +ₕ ϕₘ (pos 1))                        ≡⟨ leftDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _ 
       (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos k)) +ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  (ϕₘ (pos 1)))        ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ (ϕₙ-⌣ (pos k)) mp-gen 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos k) +ₕ ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos 1)                                     ≡⟨ sym (pres· ϕₙ₊ₘstr _ _) 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos k + pos 1)                                             ≡⟨ refl 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos (suc k)) 
  ϕₙ-⌣ (negsuc zero) = mp-1-1
  ϕₙ-⌣ (negsuc (suc k)) =
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (negsuc (suc k))                                 ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ X) (eq+-1 k) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ ((- (pos 1)) + negsuc k)                         ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (pres· ϕₘstr _ _) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  (ϕₘ (- (pos 1)) +ₕ ϕₘ ( negsuc k))                   ≡⟨ leftDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _ 
        (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (- (pos 1))) +ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ ( negsuc k))    ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ mp-1-1 (ϕₙ-⌣ (negsuc k)) 
        (ϕₙ₊ₘ (- pos 1)) +ₕ (ϕₙ₊ₘ (negsuc k))                              ≡⟨ sym (pres· ϕₙ₊ₘstr _ _) 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ ((- pos 1) + (negsuc k))                                      ≡⟨ cong ϕₙ₊ₘ (sym (eq+-1 k)) 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (negsuc (suc k)) 

  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ : (a b : )  ϕₙ₊ₘ (a · b)   ϕₙ a  ϕₘ b
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ (pos zero) b =
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos zero · b)                                   ≡⟨ refl 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos zero)                                       ≡⟨ pres1 ϕₙ₊ₘstr 
        0ₕ (n +' m)                                           ≡⟨ sym (0ₕ-⌣ n m _) 
        0ₕ n  ϕₘ b                                          ≡⟨ sym (cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (pres1 ϕₙstr)) 
        ϕₙ (pos zero)  ϕₘ b 
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ (pos (suc k)) b =
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos (suc k) · b)                                ≡⟨ refl 
        ϕₙ₊ₘ (b + (pos k · b))                                ≡⟨ pres· ϕₙ₊ₘstr _ _ 
        (ϕₙ₊ₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos k · b))                        ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ (sym (ϕₙ-⌣ b)) (ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ (pos k) b) 
        (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (pos k)  ϕₘ b)           ≡⟨ sym (rightDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _) 
        (ϕₙ (pos 1) +ₕ ϕₙ (pos k))  ϕₘ b                     ≡⟨ sym (cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (pres· ϕₙstr _ _)) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1 + pos k)  ϕₘ b                             ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ X  ϕₘ b) (+Comm (pos 1) (pos k)) 
        ϕₙ (pos (suc k))  ϕₘ b 
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ (negsuc zero) b =
        ϕₙ₊ₘ ((- (pos 1)) · b)                                 ≡⟨ refl 
        (ϕₙ₊ₘ (- (pos 1 · b)))                                 ≡⟨ presinv ϕₙ₊ₘstr _ 
        (-ₕ (ϕₙ₊ₘ (pos 1 · b)))                                 ≡⟨ cong -ₕ_ (sym (ϕₙ-⌣ _)) 
        (-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b))                               ≡⟨ -ₕDistₗ n m _ _ 
        (-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)))  (ϕₘ b)                             ≡⟨ cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (sym (presinv ϕₙstr _)) 
        ϕₙ (- (pos 1))  ϕₘ b 
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ (negsuc (suc k)) b =
       ϕₙ₊ₘ (negsuc (suc k) · b)                                ≡⟨ refl 
       ϕₙ₊ₘ ((- b) + negsuc k · b)                              ≡⟨ pres· ϕₙ₊ₘstr _ _ 
       ϕₙ₊ₘ (- b) +ₕ ϕₙ₊ₘ (negsuc k · b)                        ≡⟨ cong  X  X +ₕ ϕₙ₊ₘ (negsuc k · b)) (presinv ϕₙ₊ₘstr _) 
       (-ₕ (ϕₙ₊ₘ b)) +ₕ ϕₙ₊ₘ (negsuc k · b)                     ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ (cong -ₕ_ (sym (ϕₙ-⌣ _))) (ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ _ _) 
       (-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b)) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)      ≡⟨ cong  X  X +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)) (-ₕDistₗ n m _ _) 
       ((-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)))  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)    ≡⟨ cong  X  (X  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b))
                                                                        (sym (presinv ϕₙstr _)) 
       (ϕₙ (- (pos 1))  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)       ≡⟨ sym (rightDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _) 
       (ϕₙ (- (pos 1)) +ₕ ϕₙ (negsuc k))  ϕₘ b                 ≡⟨ cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (sym (pres· ϕₙstr _ _)) 
       ϕₙ (- (pos 1) + negsuc k)  ϕₘ b                         ≡⟨ cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (cong ϕₙ (sym (eq+-1 k))) 
       ϕₙ (negsuc (suc k))  ϕₘ b 

-- to simplify the cup product when it is trivial

 -- when H^{n+m} is trivial
module _
  {A : Type ℓ-zero}

  unitGroupEq : {n : }  (e : GroupIso (coHomGr n A) UnitGroup₀) 
                   (x y : coHom n A)  x  y
  unitGroupEq {n} e x y = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 (fst e) isPropUnit _ _

  -- a special lemma for sphere
  unitGroupSEq : {n k : }  (r : suc k  n)  (e : GroupIso (coHomGr (suc k) A) UnitGroup₀)
                     (x y : coHom n A)  x  y
  unitGroupSEq {n} {k} (r) e x y = x
                                          ≡⟨ sym (substSubst⁻  X  coHom X A) r _) 
                                      substG r (substG (sym r) x)
                                          ≡⟨ cong (substG r) (isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 (fst e) isPropUnit _ _) 
                                      substG r (substG (sym r) y)
                                          ≡⟨ substSubst⁻  X  coHom X A) r _ 

-- Bring us back to proving just the (1,1) case
module pres⌣trivial
  {A : Type ℓ-zero}
  {n m : }
  (ϕₙ :   coHom n A)
  (ϕₙstr : IsGroupHom (ℤGroup .snd) ϕₙ (snd (coHomGr n A)))
  (ϕₘ :   coHom m A)
  (ϕₘstr : IsGroupHom (ℤGroup .snd) ϕₘ (snd (coHomGr m A)))
  (mp-trivial : ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos 1)  0ₕ (n +' m))

  open IsGroupHom

  mp-1-1-0 : ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (- (pos 1))  0ₕ (n +' m)
  mp-1-1-0 =
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (- pos 1)          ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (presinv ϕₘstr _) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  (-ₕ (ϕₘ (pos 1)))     ≡⟨ sym (-ₕDistᵣ n m _ _) 
        -ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos 1))       ≡⟨ cong  X  -ₕ X) mp-trivial 
        -ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m)                      ≡⟨ GroupTheory.inv1g (coHomGr (n +' m) A) 
         0ₕ (n +' m) 

  ϕₙ-⌣-0 : (b : )  ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b  0ₕ (n +' m)
  ϕₙ-⌣-0 (pos zero) =
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos zero)  ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (pres1 ϕₘstr) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  0ₕ m           ≡⟨ ⌣-0ₕ n m _ 
        0ₕ (n +' m) 
  ϕₙ-⌣-0 (pos (suc k)) =
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos (suc k))                              ≡⟨ refl 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos k + pos 1)                           ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (pres· ϕₘstr _ _) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  (ϕₘ (pos k) +ₕ ϕₘ (pos 1))                   ≡⟨ leftDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _ 
       (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (pos k)) +ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  (ϕₘ (pos 1)))   ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ (ϕₙ-⌣-0 (pos k)) mp-trivial 
        0ₕ (n +' m) +ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m)                                  ≡⟨ rUnitₕ (n +' m) (0ₕ (n +' m)) 
        0ₕ (n +' m) 
  ϕₙ-⌣-0 (negsuc zero) = mp-1-1-0
  ϕₙ-⌣-0 (negsuc (suc k)) =
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (negsuc (suc k))                               ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ X) (eq+-1 k) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ ((- (pos 1)) + negsuc k)                       ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ (pos 1)  X) (pres· ϕₘstr _ _) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1)  (ϕₘ (- (pos 1)) +ₕ ϕₘ ( negsuc k))                ≡⟨ leftDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _ 
       (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ (- (pos 1))) +ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ ( negsuc k))  ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ mp-1-1-0 (ϕₙ-⌣-0 (negsuc k)) 
        0ₕ (n +' m) +ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m)                                       ≡⟨ rUnitₕ (n +' m) (0ₕ (n +' m)) 
        0ₕ (n +' m) 

  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-0 : (a b : )  0ₕ (n +' m)   ϕₙ a  ϕₘ b
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-0 (pos zero) b =
        0ₕ (n +' m)                                           ≡⟨ sym (0ₕ-⌣ n m _) 
        0ₕ n  ϕₘ b                                          ≡⟨ sym (cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (pres1 ϕₙstr)) 
        ϕₙ (pos zero)  ϕₘ b 
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-0 (pos (suc k)) b =
        0ₕ (n +' m)                                            ≡⟨ sym (rUnitₕ _ _) 
        0ₕ (n +' m) +ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m)                             ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ (sym (ϕₙ-⌣-0 b)) (ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-0 (pos k) b) 
        (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (pos k)  ϕₘ b)           ≡⟨ sym (rightDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _) 
        (ϕₙ (pos 1) +ₕ ϕₙ (pos k))  ϕₘ b                     ≡⟨ sym (cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (pres· ϕₙstr _ _)) 
        ϕₙ (pos 1 + pos k)  ϕₘ b                             ≡⟨ cong  X  ϕₙ X  ϕₘ b) (+Comm (pos 1) (pos k)) 
        ϕₙ (pos (suc k))  ϕₘ b 
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-0 (negsuc zero) b =
        0ₕ (n +' m)                                            ≡⟨ sym (GroupTheory.inv1g (coHomGr (n +' m) A)) 
        (-ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m))                                       ≡⟨ cong -ₕ_ (sym (ϕₙ-⌣-0 _)) 
        (-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b))                              ≡⟨ -ₕDistₗ n m _ _ 
        (-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)))  (ϕₘ b)                            ≡⟨ cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (sym (presinv ϕₙstr _)) 
        ϕₙ (- (pos 1))  ϕₘ b 
  ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-0 (negsuc (suc k)) b =
       0ₕ (n +' m)                                             ≡⟨ sym (GroupTheory.inv1g (coHomGr (n +' m) A)) 
       (-ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m))                                        ≡⟨ sym (rUnitₕ (n +' m) (-ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m))) 
       (-ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m)) +ₕ 0ₕ (n +' m)                          ≡⟨ cong₂ _+ₕ_ (cong -ₕ_ (sym (ϕₙ-⌣-0 _))) (ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-0 _ _) 
       (-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)  ϕₘ b)) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)     ≡⟨ cong  X  X +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)) (-ₕDistₗ n m _ _) 
       ((-ₕ (ϕₙ (pos 1)))  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)   ≡⟨ cong  X  (X  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b))
                                                                        (sym (presinv ϕₙstr _)) 
       (ϕₙ (- (pos 1))  ϕₘ b) +ₕ (ϕₙ (negsuc k)  ϕₘ b)      ≡⟨ sym (rightDistr-⌣ n m _ _ _) 
       (ϕₙ (- (pos 1)) +ₕ ϕₙ (negsuc k))  ϕₘ b                ≡⟨ cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (sym (pres· ϕₙstr _ _)) 
       ϕₙ (- (pos 1) + negsuc k)  ϕₘ b                        ≡⟨ cong  X  X  ϕₘ b) (cong ϕₙ (sym (eq+-1 k))) 
       ϕₙ (negsuc (suc k))  ϕₘ b 

-- A lemma to prove that the cup product is trivial
module cupTrivial
  {X : Type ℓ-zero}
  {n : }
  (p : isEven n  false)

  open Iso
  open IsGroupHom

  gradCommOdd : (x : coHom n X)  x  x  -ₕ x  x
  gradCommOdd x = gradedComm-⌣ n n x x
                   cong (-ₕ^ n · n)
                         (cong  Z  subst  n₁  coHom n₁ X) Z (x  x))
                               (isSetℕ (n +' n) (n +' n) (+'-comm n n) refl)
                          substRefl _)
                   -ₕ^-OddOdd n n p p (x  x)

  module e2n-ℤ
     (e : GroupIso (coHomGr (n +' n) X) ℤGroup )

     cancelElement : (x : coHom (n +' n) X)  x  (-ₕ x)  x  0ₕ (n +' n)
     cancelElement x q = sym (leftInv (fst e) x)
                          cong (inv (fst e)) (-Cancel'' (fun (fst e) x) (cong (fun (fst e)) q  presinv (snd e) x))
                          pres1 (snd (invGroupIso e))

     trivial⌣ : (x : coHom n X)  x  x  0ₕ (n +' n)
     trivial⌣ x = cancelElement (x  x) (gradCommOdd x)