{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Reflection.StrictEquiv

open import Cubical.Structures.Axioms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Algebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Base

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing using (CommRing→Ring)

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

     ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level
    R : CommRing 

open AlgebraHoms

idCAlgHom : (A : CommAlgebra R )  _
idCAlgHom A = idAlgebraHom (CommAlgebra→Algebra A)

idCAlgEquiv : (A : CommAlgebra R )  CommAlgebraEquiv A A
fst (idCAlgEquiv A) = idEquiv (fst A)
snd (idCAlgEquiv A) = snd (idCAlgHom A)

infix  3 _≃CAlg∎
infixr 2 _≃CAlg⟨_⟩_

_≃CAlg∎ : (A : CommAlgebra R )  CommAlgebraEquiv A A
A ≃CAlg∎ = idCAlgEquiv A

_≃CAlg⟨_⟩_ : {B C : CommAlgebra R }
             (A : CommAlgebra R ) (f : CommAlgebraEquiv A B) (g : CommAlgebraEquiv B C)
            CommAlgebraEquiv A C
A ≃CAlg⟨ f  g = g ∘≃a f

-- An R-algebra is the same as a CommRing A with a CommRingHom φ : R → A
module CommAlgChar (R : CommRing ) {ℓ' : Level} where
 open Iso
 open CommRingTheory

 CommRingWithHom : Type (ℓ-max  (ℓ-suc ℓ'))
 CommRingWithHom = Σ[ A  CommRing ℓ' ] CommRingHom R A

 toCommAlg : CommRingWithHom  CommAlgebra R ℓ'
 toCommAlg (A , φ , φIsHom) =
     r a  (φ r) · a)
     r s x  cong ( x) (pres· r s)  sym (·Assoc _ _ _))
     r x y  ·DistR+ _ _ _)
     r s x  cong ( x) (pres+ r s)  ·DistL+ _ _ _)
     x  cong ( x) pres1  ·IdL x)
    λ r x y  sym (·Assoc _ _ _)
  open CommRingStr (snd A)
  open IsRingHom φIsHom

 fromCommAlg : CommAlgebra R ℓ'  CommRingWithHom
 fromCommAlg A = (CommAlgebra→CommRing A) , φ , φIsHom
  open CommRingStr (snd R) renaming (_·_ to _·r_) hiding (·IdL)
  open CommAlgebraStr (snd A)
  open AlgebraTheory (CommRing→Ring R) (CommAlgebra→Algebra A)
  φ :  R    A 
  φ r = r  1a
  φIsHom : IsRingHom (CommRing→Ring R .snd) φ (CommRing→Ring (CommAlgebra→CommRing A) .snd)
  φIsHom = makeIsRingHom (⋆IdL _)  _ _  ⋆DistL+ _ _ _)
           λ x y  cong  a  (x ·r y)  a) (sym (·IdL _))  ⋆Dist· _ _ _ _

 -- helpful for localisations
 module _ ( : CommRingWithHom) where
   open CommRingStr
     A = fst 
   CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ : CommAlgebra→CommRing (toCommAlg )  A
   fst (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ i) = fst A
   0r (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ i)) = 0r (snd A)
   1r (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ i)) = 1r (snd A)
   _+_ (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ i)) = _+_ (snd A)
   _·_ (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ i)) = _·_ (snd A)
   -_ (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ i)) = -_ (snd A)
   -- note that the proofs of the axioms might differ!
   isCommRing (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ i)) = isProp→PathP  i  isPropIsCommRing _ _ _ _ _ )
              (isCommRing (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing (toCommAlg )))) (isCommRing (snd A)) i

 CommRingWithHomRoundTrip : ( : CommRingWithHom)  fromCommAlg (toCommAlg )  
 CommRingWithHomRoundTrip (A , φ) = ΣPathP (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ (A , φ) , φPathP)
  open CommRingStr
  -- this only works because fst (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ (A , φ) i) = fst A definitionally!
  φPathP : PathP  i  CommRingHom R (CommAlgebra→CommRing≡ (A , φ) i))
                 (snd (fromCommAlg (toCommAlg (A , φ)))) φ
  φPathP = RingHomPathP _ _ _ _ _ _ λ i x  ·IdR (snd A) (fst φ x) i

 CommAlgRoundTrip : (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ')  toCommAlg (fromCommAlg A)  A
 CommAlgRoundTrip A = ΣPathP (refl , AlgStrPathP)
  open CommAlgebraStr ⦃...⦄
   _ = snd A
  AlgStrPathP : PathP  i  CommAlgebraStr R  A ) (snd (toCommAlg (fromCommAlg A))) (snd A)
  CommAlgebraStr.0a (AlgStrPathP i) = 0a
  CommAlgebraStr.1a (AlgStrPathP i) = 1a
  CommAlgebraStr._+_ (AlgStrPathP i) = _+_
  CommAlgebraStr._·_ (AlgStrPathP i) = _·_
  CommAlgebraStr.-_ (AlgStrPathP i) = -_
  CommAlgebraStr._⋆_ (AlgStrPathP i) r x = (⋆AssocL r 1a x  cong (r ⋆_) (·IdL x)) i
  CommAlgebraStr.isCommAlgebra (AlgStrPathP i) = isProp→PathP
     i  isPropIsCommAlgebra _ _ _ _ _ _ (CommAlgebraStr._⋆_ (AlgStrPathP i)))
    (CommAlgebraStr.isCommAlgebra (snd (toCommAlg (fromCommAlg A)))) isCommAlgebra i

 CommAlgIso : Iso (CommAlgebra R ℓ') CommRingWithHom
 fun CommAlgIso = fromCommAlg
 inv CommAlgIso = toCommAlg
 rightInv CommAlgIso = CommRingWithHomRoundTrip
 leftInv CommAlgIso = CommAlgRoundTrip

 open RingHoms
 open IsRingHom

 isCommRingWithHomHom : (A B : CommRingWithHom)  CommRingHom (fst A) (fst B)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
 isCommRingWithHomHom (_ , f) (_ , g) h = h ∘r f  g

 CommRingWithHomHom : CommRingWithHom  CommRingWithHom  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
 CommRingWithHomHom (A , f) (B , g) = Σ[ h  CommRingHom A B ] h ∘r f  g

 toCommAlgebraHom : (A B : CommRingWithHom) (h : CommRingHom (fst A) (fst B))
                   isCommRingWithHomHom A B h
                   CommAlgebraHom (toCommAlg A) (toCommAlg B)
 toCommAlgebraHom (A , f) (B , g) h commDiag =
   makeCommAlgebraHom (fst h) (pres1 (snd h)) (pres+ (snd h)) (pres· (snd h)) pres⋆h
   open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
    _ = snd A
    _ = snd B
   pres⋆h :  r x  fst h (fst f r · x)  fst g r · fst h x
   pres⋆h r x = fst h (fst f r · x)       ≡⟨ pres· (snd h) _ _ 
                fst h (fst f r) · fst h x ≡⟨ cong  φ  fst φ r · fst h x) commDiag 
                fst g r · fst h x 

 fromCommAlgebraHom : (A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ')  CommAlgebraHom A B
                     CommRingWithHomHom (fromCommAlg A) (fromCommAlg B)
 fst (fst (fromCommAlgebraHom A B f)) = fst f
 pres0 (snd (fst (fromCommAlgebraHom A B f))) = IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd f)
 pres1 (snd (fst (fromCommAlgebraHom A B f))) = IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd f)
 pres+ (snd (fst (fromCommAlgebraHom A B f))) = IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd f)
 pres· (snd (fst (fromCommAlgebraHom A B f))) = IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd f)
 pres- (snd (fst (fromCommAlgebraHom A B f))) = IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd f)
 snd (fromCommAlgebraHom A B f) =
  RingHom≡ (funExt  x  IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd f) x 1a  cong (x ⋆_) (IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd f))))
  open CommAlgebraStr (snd A) using (1a)
  open CommAlgebraStr (snd B) using (_⋆_)

 isCommRingWithHomEquiv : (A B : CommRingWithHom)  CommRingEquiv (fst A) (fst B)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
 isCommRingWithHomEquiv A B e = isCommRingWithHomHom A B (RingEquiv→RingHom e)

 CommRingWithHomEquiv : CommRingWithHom  CommRingWithHom  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
 CommRingWithHomEquiv A B = Σ[ e  CommRingEquiv (fst A) (fst B) ] isCommRingWithHomEquiv A B e

 toCommAlgebraEquiv : (A B : CommRingWithHom) (e : CommRingEquiv (fst A) (fst B))
                     isCommRingWithHomEquiv A B e
                     CommAlgebraEquiv (toCommAlg A) (toCommAlg B)
 fst (toCommAlgebraEquiv A B e eCommDiag) = e .fst
 snd (toCommAlgebraEquiv A B e eCommDiag) = toCommAlgebraHom A B _ eCommDiag .snd

module CommAlgebraHoms {R : CommRing } where
  open AlgebraHoms

  idCommAlgebraHom : (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ')  CommAlgebraHom A A
  idCommAlgebraHom A = idAlgebraHom (CommAlgebra→Algebra A)

  compCommAlgebraHom : (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ') (B : CommAlgebra R ℓ'') (C : CommAlgebra R ℓ''')
                   CommAlgebraHom A B  CommAlgebraHom B C  CommAlgebraHom A C
  compCommAlgebraHom A B C = compAlgebraHom {A = CommAlgebra→Algebra A}
                                            {B = CommAlgebra→Algebra B}
                                            {C = CommAlgebra→Algebra C}

  _∘ca_ : {A : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} {B : CommAlgebra R ℓ''} {C : CommAlgebra R ℓ'''}
         CommAlgebraHom B C  CommAlgebraHom A B  CommAlgebraHom A C
  g ∘ca f = compCommAlgebraHom _ _ _ f g

  compIdCommAlgebraHom : {A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} (f : CommAlgebraHom A B)
                     compCommAlgebraHom _ _ _ (idCommAlgebraHom A) f  f
  compIdCommAlgebraHom = compIdAlgebraHom

  idCompCommAlgebraHom : {A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} (f : CommAlgebraHom A B)
                     compCommAlgebraHom _ _ _ f (idCommAlgebraHom B)  f
  idCompCommAlgebraHom = idCompAlgebraHom

  compAssocCommAlgebraHom : {A B C D : CommAlgebra R ℓ'}
                         (f : CommAlgebraHom A B) (g : CommAlgebraHom B C) (h : CommAlgebraHom C D)
                        compCommAlgebraHom _ _ _ (compCommAlgebraHom _ _ _ f g) h
                        compCommAlgebraHom _ _ _ f (compCommAlgebraHom _ _ _ g h)
  compAssocCommAlgebraHom = compAssocAlgebraHom

module CommAlgebraEquivs {R : CommRing } where
 open AlgebraEquivs

 compCommAlgebraEquiv : {A : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} {B : CommAlgebra R ℓ''} {C : CommAlgebra R ℓ'''}
                    CommAlgebraEquiv A B  CommAlgebraEquiv B C  CommAlgebraEquiv A C
 compCommAlgebraEquiv {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} = compAlgebraEquiv {A = CommAlgebra→Algebra A}
                                                           {B = CommAlgebra→Algebra B}
                                                           {C = CommAlgebra→Algebra C}

-- the CommAlgebra version of uaCompEquiv
module CommAlgebraUAFunctoriality {R : CommRing } where
 open CommAlgebraStr
 open CommAlgebraEquivs

 CommAlgebra≡ : (A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ')  (
   Σ[ p   A    B  ]
   Σ[ q0  PathP  i  p i) (0a (snd A)) (0a (snd B)) ]
   Σ[ q1  PathP  i  p i) (1a (snd A)) (1a (snd B)) ]
   Σ[ r+  PathP  i  p i  p i  p i) (_+_ (snd A)) (_+_ (snd B)) ]
   Σ[   PathP  i  p i  p i  p i) (_·_ (snd A)) (_·_ (snd B)) ]
   Σ[ s-  PathP  i  p i  p i) (-_ (snd A)) (-_ (snd B)) ]
   Σ[ s⋆  PathP  i   R   p i  p i) (_⋆_ (snd A)) (_⋆_ (snd B)) ]
   PathP  i  IsCommAlgebra R (q0 i) (q1 i) (r+ i) ( i) (s- i) (s⋆ i)) (isCommAlgebra (snd A))
                                                                           (isCommAlgebra (snd B)))
    (A  B)
 CommAlgebra≡ A B = isoToEquiv theIso
   open Iso
   theIso : Iso _ _
   fun theIso (p , q0 , q1 , r+ ,  , s- , s⋆ , t) i = p i
                 , commalgebrastr (q0 i) (q1 i) (r+ i) ( i) (s- i) (s⋆ i) (t i)
   inv theIso x = cong ⟨_⟩ x , cong (0a  snd) x , cong (1a  snd) x
                , cong (_+_  snd) x , cong (_·_  snd) x , cong (-_  snd) x , cong (_⋆_  snd) x
                , cong (isCommAlgebra  snd) x
   rightInv theIso _ = refl
   leftInv theIso _ = refl

 caracCommAlgebra≡ : {A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} (p q : A  B)  cong ⟨_⟩ p  cong ⟨_⟩ q  p  q
 caracCommAlgebra≡ {A = A} {B = B} p q P =
   sym (transportTransport⁻ (ua (CommAlgebra≡ A B)) p)
                                    ∙∙ cong (transport (ua (CommAlgebra≡ A B))) helper
                                    ∙∙ transportTransport⁻ (ua (CommAlgebra≡ A B)) q
     helper : transport (sym (ua (CommAlgebra≡ A B))) p  transport (sym (ua (CommAlgebra≡ A B))) q
     helper = Σ≡Prop
                 _  isPropΣ
                          (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ2 λ _ _  is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ2 λ _ _  is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ λ _  is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ2 λ _ _  is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isOfHLevelPathP 1 (isPropIsCommAlgebra _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ _)
               (transportRefl (cong ⟨_⟩ p)  P  sym (transportRefl (cong ⟨_⟩ q)))

 uaCompCommAlgebraEquiv : {A B C : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} (f : CommAlgebraEquiv A B) (g : CommAlgebraEquiv B C)
                   uaCommAlgebra (compCommAlgebraEquiv f g)  uaCommAlgebra f  uaCommAlgebra g
 uaCompCommAlgebraEquiv f g = caracCommAlgebra≡ _ _ (
   cong ⟨_⟩ (uaCommAlgebra (compCommAlgebraEquiv f g))
     ≡⟨ uaCompEquiv _ _ 
   cong ⟨_⟩ (uaCommAlgebra f)  cong ⟨_⟩ (uaCommAlgebra g)
     ≡⟨ sym (cong-∙ ⟨_⟩ (uaCommAlgebra f) (uaCommAlgebra g)) 
   cong ⟨_⟩ (uaCommAlgebra f  uaCommAlgebra g) )

open CommAlgebraHoms
open CommAlgebraEquivs
open CommAlgebraUAFunctoriality
recPT→CommAlgebra : {R : CommRing } {A : Type ℓ'} (𝓕  : A  CommAlgebra R ℓ'')
            (σ :  x y  CommAlgebraEquiv (𝓕 x) (𝓕 y))
            (∀ x y z  σ x z  compCommAlgebraEquiv (σ x y) (σ y z))
             A ∥₁  CommAlgebra R ℓ''
recPT→CommAlgebra 𝓕 σ compCoh = GpdElim.rec→Gpd isGroupoidCommAlgebra 𝓕
  (3-ConstantCompChar 𝓕  x y  uaCommAlgebra (σ x y))
                          λ x y z  sym (  cong uaCommAlgebra (compCoh x y z)
                                          uaCompCommAlgebraEquiv (σ x y) (σ y z)))

contrCommAlgebraHom→contrCommAlgebraEquiv : {R : CommRing } {A : Type ℓ'}
        (σ : A  CommAlgebra R ℓ'')
       (∀ x y  isContr (CommAlgebraHom (σ x) (σ y)))
        x y  isContr (CommAlgebraEquiv (σ x) (σ y))
contrCommAlgebraHom→contrCommAlgebraEquiv σ contrHom x y = σEquiv ,
  λ e  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsAlgebraHom _ _ _ _)
           (Σ≡Prop isPropIsEquiv (cong fst (contrHom _ _ .snd (CommAlgebraEquiv→CommAlgebraHom e))))
  open Iso
  χ₁ = contrHom x y .fst
  χ₂ = contrHom y x .fst
  χ₁∘χ₂≡id : χ₁ ∘ca χ₂  idCommAlgebraHom _
  χ₁∘χ₂≡id = isContr→isProp (contrHom _ _) _ _

  χ₂∘χ₁≡id : χ₂ ∘ca χ₁  idCommAlgebraHom _
  χ₂∘χ₁≡id = isContr→isProp (contrHom _ _) _ _

  σIso : Iso  σ x   σ y 
  fun σIso = fst χ₁
  inv σIso = fst χ₂
  rightInv σIso = funExt⁻ (cong fst χ₁∘χ₂≡id)
  leftInv σIso = funExt⁻ (cong fst χ₂∘χ₁≡id)

  σEquiv : CommAlgebraEquiv (σ x) (σ y)
  fst σEquiv = isoToEquiv σIso
  snd σEquiv = snd χ₁

CommAlgebra→Ring : {R : CommRing }  CommAlgebra R ℓ'  Ring ℓ'
CommAlgebra→Ring = CommRing→Ring  CommAlgebra→CommRing

module _ {R : CommRing } {A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} where
  open CommAlgebraStr ⦃...⦄
   _ = snd A
   _ = snd B
  open IsAlgebraHom

  CommAlgebraHom→RingHom : CommAlgebraHom A B  RingHom (CommAlgebra→Ring A) (CommAlgebra→Ring B)
  fst (CommAlgebraHom→RingHom ϕ) = fst ϕ
  IsRingHom.pres0 (snd (CommAlgebraHom→RingHom ϕ)) = pres0 (snd ϕ)
  IsRingHom.pres1 (snd (CommAlgebraHom→RingHom ϕ)) = pres1 (snd ϕ)
  IsRingHom.pres+ (snd (CommAlgebraHom→RingHom ϕ)) = pres+ (snd ϕ)
  IsRingHom.pres· (snd (CommAlgebraHom→RingHom ϕ)) = pres· (snd ϕ)
  IsRingHom.pres- (snd (CommAlgebraHom→RingHom ϕ)) = pres- (snd ϕ)

  CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom :
      (ϕ : RingHom (CommAlgebra→Ring A) (CommAlgebra→Ring B))
     ((r : fst R) (x : fst A)  (fst ϕ) (r  x)   r  (fst ϕ x))
     CommAlgebraHom A B
  fst (CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom ϕ pres*) = fst ϕ
  pres0 (snd (CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom ϕ pres*)) = IsRingHom.pres0 (snd ϕ)
  pres1 (snd (CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom ϕ pres*)) = IsRingHom.pres1 (snd ϕ)
  pres+ (snd (CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom ϕ pres*)) = IsRingHom.pres+ (snd ϕ)
  pres· (snd (CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom ϕ pres*)) = IsRingHom.pres· (snd ϕ)
  pres- (snd (CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom ϕ pres*)) = IsRingHom.pres- (snd ϕ)
  pres⋆ (snd (CommAlgebraHomFromRingHom ϕ pres*)) = pres*

module _ {R S : CommRing } (f : CommRingHom S R) where
  baseChange : CommAlgebra R ℓ'  CommAlgebra S ℓ'
  baseChange A =
    Iso.inv (CommAlgChar.CommAlgIso S) (fst asRingHom , compCommRingHom _ _ _ f (snd asRingHom))
      asRingHom : CommAlgChar.CommRingWithHom R
      asRingHom = Iso.fun (CommAlgChar.CommAlgIso R) A

  baseChangeHom : (A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ')  CommAlgebraHom A B  CommAlgebraHom (baseChange A) (baseChange B)
  baseChangeHom A B ϕ =
    CommAlgChar.toCommAlgebraHom S (fst homA , snd homA ∘r f) (fst homB , snd homB ∘r f) (fst pbSliceHom) (snd pbSliceHom)
    where open RingHoms
          homA = Iso.fun (CommAlgChar.CommAlgIso R) A
          homB = Iso.fun (CommAlgChar.CommAlgIso R) B

          asSliceHom : Σ[ h  CommRingHom (CommAlgebra→CommRing A) (CommAlgebra→CommRing B) ] h ∘r (snd homA)  snd homB
          asSliceHom = CommAlgChar.fromCommAlgebraHom R A B ϕ

          pbSliceHom : Σ[ k  CommRingHom (CommAlgebra→CommRing A) (CommAlgebra→CommRing B) ]
                       k ∘r ((snd homA) ∘r f)  ((snd homB) ∘r f)
          pbSliceHom = fst asSliceHom , Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsRingHom _ _ _) λ i x  fst ((snd asSliceHom) i) (fst f x)