{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semiring.Base

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

     ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' ℓ'''' : Level

  some basic calculations (used for example in Quotient.agda),
  that should become obsolete or subject to change once we have a
  ring solver (see https://github.com/agda/cubical/issues/297)
module RingTheory (R' : Ring ) where

  open RingStr (snd R')
  private R =  R' 
  implicitInverse : (x y : R)
                  x + y  0r
                  y  - x
  implicitInverse x y p =
    y               ≡⟨ sym (+IdL y) 
    0r + y          ≡⟨ cong  u  u + y) (sym (+InvL x)) 
    (- x + x) + y   ≡⟨ sym (+Assoc _ _ _) 
    (- x) + (x + y) ≡⟨ cong  u  (- x) + u) p 
    (- x) + 0r      ≡⟨ +IdR _ 
    - x             

  equalByDifference : (x y : R)
                       x - y  0r
                       x  y
  equalByDifference x y p =
    x               ≡⟨ sym (+IdR _) 
    x + 0r          ≡⟨ cong  u  x + u) (sym (+InvL y)) 
    x + ((- y) + y) ≡⟨ +Assoc _ _ _ 
    (x - y) + y     ≡⟨ cong  u  u + y) p 
    0r + y          ≡⟨ +IdL _ 

  0Selfinverse : - 0r  0r
  0Selfinverse = sym (implicitInverse _ _ (+IdR 0r))

  0Idempotent : 0r + 0r  0r
  0Idempotent = +IdL 0r

  +Idempotency→0 : (x : R)  x  x + x  x  0r
  +Idempotency→0 = let open GroupTheory (AbGroup→Group (Ring→AbGroup R'))
                   in idFromIdempotency

  -Idempotent : (x : R)  -(- x)  x
  -Idempotent x =  - (- x)   ≡⟨ sym (implicitInverse (- x) x (+InvL _)) 

  0RightAnnihilates : (x : R)  x · 0r  0r
  0RightAnnihilates x =
              let x·0-is-idempotent : x · 0r  x · 0r + x · 0r
                  x·0-is-idempotent =
                    x · 0r               ≡⟨ cong  u  x · u) (sym 0Idempotent) 
                    x · (0r + 0r)        ≡⟨ ·DistR+ _ _ _ 
                    (x · 0r) + (x · 0r)  
              in (+Idempotency→0 _ x·0-is-idempotent)

  0LeftAnnihilates : (x : R)  0r · x  0r
  0LeftAnnihilates x =
              let 0·x-is-idempotent : 0r · x  0r · x + 0r · x
                  0·x-is-idempotent =
                    0r · x               ≡⟨ cong  u  u · x) (sym 0Idempotent) 
                    (0r + 0r) · x        ≡⟨ ·DistL+ _ _ _ 
                    (0r · x) + (0r · x)  
              in +Idempotency→0 _ 0·x-is-idempotent

  -DistR· : (x y : R)   x · (- y)  - (x · y)
  -DistR· x y = implicitInverse (x · y) (x · (- y))

                               (x · y + x · (- y)     ≡⟨ sym (·DistR+ _ _ _) 
                               x · (y + (- y))        ≡⟨ cong  u  x · u) (+InvR y) 
                               x · 0r                 ≡⟨ 0RightAnnihilates x 
                               0r )

  -DistL· : (x y : R)   (- x) · y  - (x · y)
  -DistL· x y = implicitInverse (x · y) ((- x) · y)

                              (x · y + (- x) · y     ≡⟨ sym (·DistL+ _ _ _) 
                              (x - x) · y            ≡⟨ cong  u  u · y) (+InvR x) 
                              0r · y                 ≡⟨ 0LeftAnnihilates y 
                              0r )

  -Swap· : (x y : R)  (- x) · y  x · (- y)
  -Swap· _ _ = -DistL· _ _  sym (-DistR· _ _)

  -IsMult-1 : (x : R)  - x  (- 1r) · x
  -IsMult-1 _ = sym (·IdL _)  sym (-Swap· _ _)

  -Dist : (x y : R)  (- x) + (- y)  - (x + y)
  -Dist x y =
    implicitInverse _ _
         ((x + y) + ((- x) + (- y)) ≡⟨ sym (+Assoc _ _ _) 
          x + (y + ((- x) + (- y))) ≡⟨ cong
                                          u  x + (y + u))
                                         (+Comm _ _) 
          x + (y + ((- y) + (- x))) ≡⟨ cong  u  x + u) (+Assoc _ _ _) 
          x + ((y + (- y)) + (- x)) ≡⟨ cong  u  x + (u + (- x)))
                                            (+InvR _) 
          x + (0r + (- x))           ≡⟨ cong  u  x + u) (+IdL _) 
          x + (- x)                 ≡⟨ +InvR _ 
          0r )

  translatedDifference : (x a b : R)  a - b  (x + a) - (x + b)
  translatedDifference x a b =
              a - b                       ≡⟨ cong  u  a + u)
                                                  (sym (+IdL _)) 
              (a + (0r + (- b)))          ≡⟨ cong  u  a + (u + (- b)))
                                                  (sym (+InvR _)) 
              (a + ((x + (- x)) + (- b))) ≡⟨ cong  u  a + u)
                                                  (sym (+Assoc _ _ _)) 
              (a + (x + ((- x) + (- b)))) ≡⟨ (+Assoc _ _ _) 
              ((a + x) + ((- x) + (- b))) ≡⟨ cong  u  u + ((- x) + (- b)))
                                                  (+Comm _ _) 
              ((x + a) + ((- x) + (- b))) ≡⟨ cong  u  (x + a) + u)
                                                  (-Dist _ _) 
              ((x + a) - (x + b)) 

  +Assoc-comm1 : (x y z : R)  x + (y + z)  y + (x + z)
  +Assoc-comm1 x y z = +Assoc x y z ∙∙ cong  x  x + z) (+Comm x y) ∙∙ sym (+Assoc y x z)

  +Assoc-comm2 : (x y z : R)  x + (y + z)  z + (y + x)
  +Assoc-comm2 x y z = +Assoc-comm1 x y z ∙∙ cong  x  y + x) (+Comm x z) ∙∙ +Assoc-comm1 y z x

  +ShufflePairs : (a b c d : R)
                 (a + b) + (c + d)  (a + c) + (b + d)
  +ShufflePairs a b c d =
    (a + b) + (c + d) ≡⟨ +Assoc _ _ _ 
    ((a + b) + c) + d ≡⟨ cong  u  u + d) (sym (+Assoc _ _ _)) 
    (a + (b + c)) + d ≡⟨ cong  u  (a + u) + d) (+Comm _ _) 
    (a + (c + b)) + d ≡⟨ cong  u  u + d) (+Assoc _ _ _) 
    ((a + c) + b) + d ≡⟨ sym (+Assoc _ _ _) 
    (a + c) + (b + d) 

  ·-assoc2 : (x y z w : R)  (x · y) · (z · w)  x · (y · z) · w
  ·-assoc2 x y z w = ·Assoc (x · y) z w  cong ( w) (sym (·Assoc x y z))

Ring→Semiring : Ring   Semiring 
Ring→Semiring R =
  let open RingStr (snd R)
      open RingTheory R
  in SemiringFromMonoids (fst R) 0r 1r _+_ _·_
       (CommMonoidStr.isCommMonoid (snd (AbGroup→CommMonoid (Ring→AbGroup R))))
       (MonoidStr.isMonoid (snd (Ring→MultMonoid R)))
       ·DistR+ ·DistL+
       0RightAnnihilates 0LeftAnnihilates

module RingHoms where
  open IsRingHom

  idRingHom : (R : Ring )  RingHom R R
  fst (idRingHom R) = idfun (fst R)
  snd (idRingHom R) = makeIsRingHom refl  _ _  refl)  _ _  refl)

  compIsRingHom : {A : Ring } {B : Ring ℓ'} {C : Ring ℓ''}
    {g :  B    C } {f :  A    B }
     IsRingHom (B .snd) g (C .snd)
     IsRingHom (A .snd) f (B .snd)
     IsRingHom (A .snd) (g  f) (C .snd)
  compIsRingHom {g = g} {f} gh fh .pres0 = cong g (fh .pres0)  gh .pres0
  compIsRingHom {g = g} {f} gh fh .pres1 = cong g (fh .pres1)  gh .pres1
  compIsRingHom {g = g} {f} gh fh .pres+ x y = cong g (fh .pres+ x y)  gh .pres+ (f x) (f y)
  compIsRingHom {g = g} {f} gh fh .pres· x y = cong g (fh .pres· x y)  gh .pres· (f x) (f y)
  compIsRingHom {g = g} {f} gh fh .pres- x = cong g (fh .pres- x)  gh .pres- (f x)

  compRingHom : {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} {T : Ring ℓ''}
               RingHom R S  RingHom S T  RingHom R T
  fst (compRingHom f g) x = g .fst (f .fst x)
  snd (compRingHom f g) = compIsRingHom (g .snd) (f .snd)

  _∘r_ : {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} {T : Ring ℓ''}  RingHom S T  RingHom R S  RingHom R T
  _∘r_ = flip compRingHom

  compIdRingHom : {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} (φ : RingHom R S)  compRingHom (idRingHom R) φ  φ
  compIdRingHom φ = RingHom≡ refl

  idCompRingHom : {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} (φ : RingHom R S)  compRingHom φ (idRingHom S)  φ
  idCompRingHom φ = RingHom≡ refl

  compAssocRingHom : {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} {T : Ring ℓ''} {U : Ring ℓ'''}
                    (φ : RingHom R S) (ψ : RingHom S T) (χ : RingHom T U)
                    compRingHom (compRingHom φ ψ) χ  compRingHom φ (compRingHom ψ χ)
  compAssocRingHom _ _ _ = RingHom≡ refl

module RingEquivs where
  open RingStr
  open IsRingHom
  open RingHoms

  compIsRingEquiv : {A : Ring } {B : Ring ℓ'} {C : Ring ℓ''}
    {g :  B    C } {f :  A    B }
     IsRingEquiv (B .snd) g (C .snd)
     IsRingEquiv (A .snd) f (B .snd)
     IsRingEquiv (A .snd) (compEquiv f g) (C .snd)
  compIsRingEquiv {g = g} {f} gh fh = compIsRingHom {g = g .fst} {f .fst} gh fh

  compRingEquiv : {A : Ring } {B : Ring ℓ'} {C : Ring ℓ''}
                 RingEquiv A B  RingEquiv B C  RingEquiv A C
  fst (compRingEquiv f g) = compEquiv (f .fst) (g .fst)
  snd (compRingEquiv f g) = compIsRingEquiv {g = g .fst} {f = f .fst} (g .snd) (f .snd)

  isRingHomInv : {A : Ring }  {B : Ring ℓ'}  (e : RingEquiv A B)  IsRingHom (snd B) (invEq (fst e)) (snd A)
  isRingHomInv {A = A} {B = B} e = makeIsRingHom
                         ((cong g (sym (pres1 fcrh)))  retEq et (1r (snd A)))
                          x y  g (snd B ._+_ x y)                 ≡⟨ cong g (sym (cong₂ (snd B ._+_) (secEq et x) (secEq et y))) 
                                   g (snd B ._+_ (f (g x)) (f (g y))) ≡⟨ cong g (sym (pres+ fcrh (g x) (g y))) 
                                   g (f (snd A ._+_ (g x) (g y)))     ≡⟨ retEq et (snd A ._+_ (g x) (g y)) 
                                   snd A ._+_ (g x) (g y)  )
                          x y  g (snd B ._·_ x y)                 ≡⟨ cong g (sym (cong₂ (snd B ._·_) (secEq et x) (secEq et y))) 
                                   g (snd B ._·_ (f (g x)) (f (g y))) ≡⟨ cong g (sym (pres· fcrh (g x) (g y))) 
                                   g (f (snd A ._·_ (g x) (g y)))     ≡⟨ retEq et (snd A ._·_ (g x) (g y)) 
                                   snd A ._·_ (g x) (g y)  )
               et = fst e
               f = fst et
               fcrh = snd e
               g = invEq et

  invRingEquiv : {A : Ring }  {B : Ring ℓ'}  RingEquiv A B  RingEquiv B A
  fst (invRingEquiv e) = invEquiv (fst e)
  snd (invRingEquiv e) = isRingHomInv e

  idRingEquiv : (A : Ring )  RingEquiv A A
  fst (idRingEquiv A) = idEquiv (fst A)
  snd (idRingEquiv A) = makeIsRingHom refl  _ _  refl)  _ _  refl)

module RingHomTheory {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} (φ : RingHom R S) where
  open RingTheory ⦃...⦄
  open RingStr ⦃...⦄
  open IsRingHom (φ .snd)
      _ = snd R
      _ = snd S
    f = fst φ

  ker≡0→inj : ({x :  R }  f x  0r  x  0r)
             ({x y :  R }  f x  f y  x  y)
  ker≡0→inj ker≡0 {x} {y} p = equalByDifference _ _ (ker≡0 path)
   path : f (x - y)  0r
   path = f (x - y)     ≡⟨ pres+ _ _ 
          f x + f (- y) ≡⟨ cong (f x +_) (pres- _) 
          f x - f y     ≡⟨ cong (_- f y) p 
          f y - f y     ≡⟨ +InvR _ 

-- the Ring version of uaCompEquiv
module RingUAFunctoriality where
 open RingStr
 open RingEquivs

 Ring≡ : (A B : Ring )  (
   Σ[ p   A    B  ]
   Σ[ q0  PathP  i  p i) (0r (snd A)) (0r (snd B)) ]
   Σ[ q1  PathP  i  p i) (1r (snd A)) (1r (snd B)) ]
   Σ[ r+  PathP  i  p i  p i  p i) (_+_ (snd A)) (_+_ (snd B)) ]
   Σ[   PathP  i  p i  p i  p i) (_·_ (snd A)) (_·_ (snd B)) ]
   Σ[ s  PathP  i  p i  p i) (-_ (snd A)) (-_ (snd B)) ]
   PathP  i  IsRing (q0 i) (q1 i) (r+ i) ( i) (s i)) (isRing (snd A)) (isRing (snd B)))
    (A  B)
 Ring≡ A B = isoToEquiv theIso
   open Iso
   theIso : Iso _ _
   fun theIso (p , q0 , q1 , r+ ,  , s , t) i = p i
                                                , ringstr (q0 i) (q1 i) (r+ i) ( i) (s i) (t i)
   inv theIso x = cong ⟨_⟩ x , cong (0r  snd) x , cong (1r  snd) x
                , cong (_+_  snd) x , cong (_·_  snd) x , cong (-_  snd) x , cong (isRing  snd) x
   rightInv theIso _ = refl
   leftInv theIso _ = refl

 caracRing≡ : {A B : Ring } (p q : A  B)  cong ⟨_⟩ p  cong ⟨_⟩ q  p  q
 caracRing≡ {A = A} {B = B} p q P =
   sym (transportTransport⁻ (ua (Ring≡ A B)) p)
                                    ∙∙ cong (transport (ua (Ring≡ A B))) helper
                                    ∙∙ transportTransport⁻ (ua (Ring≡ A B)) q
     helper : transport (sym (ua (Ring≡ A B))) p  transport (sym (ua (Ring≡ A B))) q
     helper = Σ≡Prop
                 _  isPropΣ
                          (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ2 λ _ _  is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ2 λ _ _  is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isPropΣ (isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (isSetΠ λ _  is-set (snd B)) _ _)
                          λ _  isOfHLevelPathP 1 (isPropIsRing _ _ _ _ _) _ _)
               (transportRefl (cong ⟨_⟩ p)  P  sym (transportRefl (cong ⟨_⟩ q)))

 uaCompRingEquiv : {A B C : Ring } (f : RingEquiv A B) (g : RingEquiv B C)
                   uaRing (compRingEquiv f g)  uaRing f  uaRing g
 uaCompRingEquiv f g = caracRing≡ _ _ (
   cong ⟨_⟩ (uaRing (compRingEquiv f g))
     ≡⟨ uaCompEquiv _ _ 
   cong ⟨_⟩ (uaRing f)  cong ⟨_⟩ (uaRing g)
     ≡⟨ sym (cong-∙ ⟨_⟩ (uaRing f) (uaRing g)) 
   cong ⟨_⟩ (uaRing f  uaRing g) )

open RingEquivs
open RingUAFunctoriality
recPT→Ring : {A : Type ℓ'} (𝓕  : A  Ring )
            (σ :  x y  RingEquiv (𝓕 x) (𝓕 y))
            (∀ x y z  σ x z  compRingEquiv (σ x y) (σ y z))
             A ∥₁  Ring 
recPT→Ring 𝓕 σ compCoh = rec→Gpd isGroupoidRing 𝓕
  (3-ConstantCompChar 𝓕  x y  uaRing (σ x y))
                          λ x y z  sym (  cong uaRing (compCoh x y z)
                                          uaCompRingEquiv (σ x y) (σ y z)))