{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumFun.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+n_ ; _·_ to _·n_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumFun.Base

private variable
   : Level

open GroupTheory
open AbGroupStr

-- AbGroup Properties

module DSF-properties
  (G :   Type )
  (Gstr : (n : )  AbGroupStr (G n))

    GG :   Group 
    GG n = AbGroup→Group ((G n) , (Gstr n))

  isSet⊕Fun : isSet (⊕Fun G Gstr)
  isSet⊕Fun = isSetΣSndProp (isSetΠ  n  is-set (Gstr n)))  _  squash₁)

  -- Object
  0⊕Fun : ⊕Fun G Gstr
  0⊕Fun =  n  0g (Gstr n)) ,  (0 , λ n p  refl) ∣₁

  _+⊕Fun_ : ⊕Fun G Gstr  ⊕Fun G Gstr  ⊕Fun G Gstr
  _+⊕Fun_ (f , Anf) (g , Ang) = f+g , Anf+g Anf Ang
    f+g = λ n  Gstr n ._+_ (f n) (g n)
    Anf+g : AlmostNullP G Gstr f  AlmostNullP G Gstr g  AlmostNullP G Gstr f+g
    Anf+g = PT.rec2 squash₁
             { (k , nf)  λ { (l , ng) 
                ((k +n l) ,
                  n p  cong₂ ((Gstr n)._+_) (nf n (<-+k-trans p)) (ng n (<-k+-trans p))
                            +IdR (Gstr n) (0g (Gstr n)))) ∣₁ } })

  Inv⊕Fun : ⊕Fun G Gstr  ⊕Fun G Gstr
  Inv⊕Fun (f , Anf) = f- , Anf- Anf
    f- = λ n  (Gstr n).-_ (f n)
    Anf- : AlmostNullP G Gstr f  AlmostNullP G Gstr f-
    Anf- = PT.rec squash₁
            { (k , nf) 
               (k , λ n p  cong ((Gstr n).-_) (nf n p)  inv1g (GG n)) ∣₁})

  -- AbGroup Properties
  +⊕FunAssoc : (x y z : ⊕Fun G Gstr)  x +⊕Fun (y +⊕Fun z)  (x +⊕Fun y) +⊕Fun z
  +⊕FunAssoc (f , Anf) (g , Ang) (h , Anh) =
             ΣPathTransport→PathΣ _ _
             (funExt  n  Gstr n .+Assoc _ _ _) , (squash₁ _ _))

  +⊕FunRid : (x : ⊕Fun G Gstr)  x +⊕Fun 0⊕Fun  x
  +⊕FunRid (f , Anf) = ΣPathTransport→PathΣ _ _
                       ((funExt  n  +IdR (Gstr n) _)) , squash₁ _ _)

  +⊕FunInvR : (x : ⊕Fun G Gstr)  x +⊕Fun Inv⊕Fun x  0⊕Fun
  +⊕FunInvR (f , Anf) = ΣPathTransport→PathΣ _ _
                        ((funExt  n  +InvR (Gstr n) _)) , (squash₁ _ _))

  +⊕FunComm : (x y : ⊕Fun G Gstr)   x +⊕Fun y  y +⊕Fun x
  +⊕FunComm (f , Anf) (g , Ang) = ΣPathTransport→PathΣ _ _
                                  ((funExt  n  Gstr n .+Comm _ _)) , (squash₁ _ _))