
This file contains:
    - the abelianization of groups as a coequalizer of sets as performed
      in https://1lab.dev/Algebra.Group.Ab.Free.html
    - the proof that this way of defining the abelianization of groups is equivalent to defining
      it as a HIT, more precisely that there is a unique isomorphism between the resulting
      abelian groups

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Group.Abelianization.AbelianizationAsCoeq where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
  using (isPropIsGroupHom; compGroupHom; idGroupHom; compGroupHomAssoc; invGroupIso;
         compGroupHomId; GroupIso≡; GroupIso→GroupHom)

open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base

open import Cubical.HITs.SetCoequalizer

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Abelianization.Base
  renaming (Abelianization to HITAbelianization;
            η to HITη;
            comm to HITcomm;
            isset to HITisset)

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Abelianization.Properties
  hiding (elimProp; elimProp2; elimProp3; elimContr; elimContr2; rec; rec2)
  renaming (AbelianizationAbGroup to HITasAbelianGroup;
            AbelianizationHom to HITηAsGroupHom)
open Cubical.Algebra.Group.Abelianization.Properties.UniversalProperty
  renaming (inducedHom to HITinducedHom;
            commutativity to HITcommutativity;
            uniqueness to HITuniqueness)

     : Level
    G : Group 

module AbelianizationAsCoeq (G : Group ) where
  open GroupStr {{...}}
  open GroupTheory G
      _ = snd G
    G' = fst G

    The definition of the abelianization of a group as a coequalizer of sets. The generality
    of the coequalized functions will be needed to define the group structure on the
  Abelianization : Type 
  Abelianization =
    SetCoequalizer {A = G' × G' × G'} {B = G'}
       (x , y , z)  x · y · z)
       (x , y , z)  x · z · y)

  -- some convenient relabellings, so it looks more similar to the abelianization as a HIT.
  incAb : G'  Abelianization
  incAb = inc

  comm : (x y z : G')  incAb (x · (y · z))  incAb (x · (z · y))
  comm = λ x y z  coeq (x , y , z)

    Definition of the group structure on the abelianization. Here the generality of the
    coequalized functions is used.
  _·Ab_ : Abelianization  Abelianization  Abelianization
  _·Ab_ =
       x y  incAb (x · y))
       (a , b , c) d 
        incAb ((a · (b · c)) · d) ≡⟨ cong  x  incAb (x · d)) (·Assoc _ _ _) 
        incAb (((a · b) · c) · d) ≡⟨ cong incAb (sym (·Assoc (a · b) c d)) 
        incAb ((a · b) · (c · d)) ≡⟨ comm (a · b) c d 
        incAb ((a · b) · (d · c)) ≡⟨ cong incAb (sym (·Assoc _ _ _)) 
        incAb (a · (b · (d · c))) ≡⟨ cong  x  incAb (a · x)) (·Assoc _ _ _) 
        incAb (a · ((b · d) · c)) ≡⟨ comm a (b · d) c 
        incAb (a · (c · (b · d))) ≡⟨ cong  x  incAb (a · x)) (·Assoc _ _ _) 
        incAb (a · ((c · b) · d)) ≡⟨ cong incAb (·Assoc a (c · b) d) 
        incAb ((a · (c · b)) · d) )
       (b , c , d) a 
        incAb (a · (b · (c · d))) ≡⟨ cong incAb (·Assoc _ _ _) 
        incAb ((a · b) · (c · d)) ≡⟨ comm (a · b) c d 
        incAb ((a · b) · (d · c)) ≡⟨ cong incAb (sym (·Assoc _ _ _)) 
        incAb (a · (b · (d · c))) )

  1Ab : Abelianization
  1Ab = incAb 1g

  invAb : Abelianization  Abelianization
  invAb =
       x  incAb (inv x))
       (a , b , c) 
        incAb (inv (a · (b · c)))              ≡⟨ cong incAb (invDistr a (b · c)) 
        incAb (inv (b · c) · inv a)            ≡⟨ cong  x  incAb (x · inv a)) (invDistr b c) 
        incAb ((inv c · inv b) · inv a)        ≡⟨ cong
                                                    (sym (·IdL ((inv c · inv b) · inv a))) 
        incAb (1g · ((inv c · inv b) · inv a)) ≡⟨ comm 1g (inv c · inv b) (inv a) 
        incAb (1g · (inv a · (inv c · inv b))) ≡⟨ cong incAb (·IdL (inv a · (inv c · inv b))) 
        incAb (inv a · (inv c · inv b))        ≡⟨ comm (inv a) (inv c) (inv b) 
        incAb (inv a · (inv b · inv c))        ≡⟨ cong
                                                    (sym (·IdL (inv a · (inv b · inv c)))) 
        incAb (1g · (inv a · (inv b · inv c))) ≡⟨ comm 1g (inv a) (inv b · inv c) 
        incAb (1g · ((inv b · inv c) · inv a)) ≡⟨ cong incAb (·IdL ((inv b · inv c) · inv a)) 
        incAb ((inv b · inv c) · inv a)        ≡⟨ cong
                                                     x  incAb (x · inv a))
                                                    (sym (invDistr c b)) 
        incAb (inv (c · b) · inv a)            ≡⟨ cong incAb (sym (invDistr a (c · b))) 
        incAb (inv (a · (c · b))) )

  assocAb : (x y z : Abelianization)  x ·Ab (y ·Ab z)  (x ·Ab y) ·Ab z
  assocAb =
       x y z  squash (x ·Ab (y ·Ab z))
      ((x ·Ab y) ·Ab z))
       x y z  cong incAb (·Assoc x y z))

  ridAb : (x : Abelianization)  x ·Ab 1Ab  x
  ridAb =
       x  squash (x ·Ab 1Ab) x)
       x  cong incAb (·IdR x))

  rinvAb : (x : Abelianization)  x ·Ab (invAb x)  1Ab
  rinvAb =
       x  squash (x ·Ab (invAb x)) 1Ab)
       x  (incAb x) ·Ab (invAb (incAb x)) ≡⟨ refl 
             (incAb x) ·Ab (incAb (inv x))   ≡⟨ refl 
             incAb (x · (inv x))             ≡⟨ cong incAb (·InvR x) 
             incAb 1g                        ≡⟨ refl 
             1Ab )

  commAb : (x y : Abelianization)  x ·Ab y  y ·Ab x
  commAb =
       x y  squash (x ·Ab y) (y ·Ab x))
       x y  (incAb x) ·Ab (incAb y) ≡⟨ refl 
               incAb (x · y)           ≡⟨ cong incAb (sym (·IdL (x · y))) 
               incAb (1g · (x · y))    ≡⟨ comm 1g x y 
               incAb (1g · (y · x))    ≡⟨ cong incAb (·IdL (y · x)) 
               incAb (y · x)           ≡⟨ refl 
               (incAb y) ·Ab (incAb x) )

  -- The proof that the abelianization is in fact an abelian group.
  asAbelianGroup : AbGroup 
  asAbelianGroup = makeAbGroup 1Ab _·Ab_ invAb squash assocAb ridAb rinvAb commAb

  -- The proof that incAb can be seen as a group homomorphism
  incAbAsGroupHom : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group asAbelianGroup)
  incAbAsGroupHom = f , fIsHom
    f = λ x  incAb x
    fIsHom : IsGroupHom (snd G) f (snd (AbGroup→Group asAbelianGroup))
    IsGroupHom.pres· fIsHom = λ x y  refl
    IsGroupHom.pres1 fIsHom = refl
    IsGroupHom.presinv fIsHom = λ x  refl

AbelianizationAbGroup : (G : Group )  AbGroup 
AbelianizationAbGroup G = AbelianizationAsCoeq.asAbelianGroup G

AbelianizationHom : (G : Group )  GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group (AbelianizationAbGroup G))
AbelianizationHom G = AbelianizationAsCoeq.incAbAsGroupHom G

module UniversalPropertyCoeq (G : Group ) where
  open GroupStr {{...}}
  open GroupTheory G
  open AbelianizationAsCoeq G
      _ = snd G
    G' = fst G
    {- The proof of the universal property of the abelianization.

    G -incAb-> Abelianization
    \         .
      \       .
        f   ∃! inducedHom
          \   .
            \ .
    commuting diagram
    inducedHom : (H : AbGroup )
               (f : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group H))
               AbGroupHom asAbelianGroup H
    inducedHom H f = g , gIsHom
      where open IsGroupHom
              _ : GroupStr (fst H)
              _ = snd (AbGroup→Group H)
            f' : fst G  fst H
            f' = fst f
            g : Abelianization  fst H
            g = rec
                   x  (f') x)
                   (a , b , c) 
                    f' (a · b · c)           ≡⟨ (snd f).pres· a (b · c) 
                    (f' a) · (f' (b · c))    ≡⟨ cong  x  (f' a) · x) ((snd f).pres· b c) 
                    (f' a) · (f' b) · (f' c) ≡⟨ cong  x  (f' a) · x)
                                                     ((snd H).AbGroupStr.+Comm (f' b) (f' c)) 
                    (f' a) · (f' c) · (f' b) ≡⟨ cong  x  (f' a) · x)
                                                     (sym ((snd f).pres· c b)) 
                    (f' a) · (f' (c · b))    ≡⟨ sym ((snd f).pres· a (c · b)) 
                    f' (a · c · b) )
            gIsHom : IsGroupHom (snd (AbGroup→Group asAbelianGroup)) g (snd (AbGroup→Group H))
            pres· gIsHom =
                 x y  is-set _ _)
                ((snd f).pres·)
            pres1 gIsHom = (snd f).pres1
            presinv gIsHom =
                 x  is-set _ _)
                ((snd f).presinv)

    commutativity : (H : AbGroup )
                   (f : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group H))
                   (compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom (inducedHom H f)  f)
    commutativity H f =
           _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
           i x  q x i)
      where q : (x : fst  G)
                 fst (compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom (inducedHom H f)) x  fst f x
            q =  x  refl)

    uniqueness : (H : AbGroup )
               (f : GroupHom G (AbGroup→Group H))
               (g : AbGroupHom asAbelianGroup H)
               (p : compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom g  f)
               (g  inducedHom H f)
    uniqueness H f g p =
           _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
           i x   q x i)
      module H = AbGroupStr (str H)
      q : (x : Abelianization)   fst g x  fst (inducedHom H f) x
      q = elimProp
             _  H.is-set _ _)
             x  fst g (incAb x) ≡⟨ cong  f  f x) (cong fst p) 
                  (fst f) x       ≡⟨ refl 
                  fst (inducedHom H f) (incAb x))

module IsoCoeqHIT (G : Group ) where
  open GroupStr {{...}}
  open GroupTheory G
  open AbelianizationAsCoeq G
  open UniversalPropertyCoeq G
      _ = snd G
    G' = fst G

  {- The proof that defining the abelianization of groups as a coequalizer of sets is equivalent
  to defining it as a HIT, more precisely that there is an isomorphism between the resulting
  abelian groups unique with respect to commuting with the constructors η and inc.

  G -incAb-> abelianization as coequalizer
   \         .
     \       .
       η   ∃! isomorphism
         \   .
           \ .
             abelianization as HIT
  commuting diagram
  isomorphism : AbGroupIso asAbelianGroup (HITasAbelianGroup G)
  isomorphism = h , hIsHomo
    f = inducedHom (HITasAbelianGroup G) (HITηAsGroupHom G)
    g = HITinducedHom G asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom

    HITgfcomm : compGroupHom (HITηAsGroupHom G) (compGroupHom g f)  (HITηAsGroupHom G)
    HITgfcomm =
      compGroupHom (HITηAsGroupHom G) (compGroupHom g f)
        ≡⟨ sym (compGroupHomAssoc (HITηAsGroupHom G) g f) 
      compGroupHom (compGroupHom (HITηAsGroupHom G) g) f
        ≡⟨ cong  x  compGroupHom x f) (HITcommutativity G asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom) 
      compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom f
        ≡⟨ commutativity (HITasAbelianGroup G) (HITηAsGroupHom G) 
      (HITηAsGroupHom G) 

    HITidcomm : compGroupHom (HITηAsGroupHom G) idGroupHom  HITηAsGroupHom G
    HITidcomm = compGroupHomId (HITηAsGroupHom G)

    HITidIsInduced : HITinducedHom G (HITasAbelianGroup G) (HITηAsGroupHom G)  idGroupHom
    HITidIsInduced = sym (HITuniqueness G
                           (HITasAbelianGroup G)
                           (HITηAsGroupHom G)

    HITgfIsInduced : HITinducedHom G (HITasAbelianGroup G) (HITηAsGroupHom G)  compGroupHom g f
    HITgfIsInduced = sym (HITuniqueness G
                           (HITasAbelianGroup G)
                           (HITηAsGroupHom G)
                           (compGroupHom g f)

    i : idGroupHom  compGroupHom g f
    i = idGroupHom ≡⟨ sym HITidIsInduced 
        HITinducedHom G (HITasAbelianGroup G) (HITηAsGroupHom G) ≡⟨ HITgfIsInduced 
        compGroupHom g f 

    fgcomm : compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom (compGroupHom f g)  incAbAsGroupHom
    fgcomm =
      compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom (compGroupHom f g)
        ≡⟨ sym (compGroupHomAssoc incAbAsGroupHom f g) 
      compGroupHom (compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom f) g
        ≡⟨ cong  x  compGroupHom x g) (commutativity (HITasAbelianGroup G) (HITηAsGroupHom G)) 
      compGroupHom (HITηAsGroupHom G) g
        ≡⟨ (HITcommutativity G) asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom 

    idcomm : compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom idGroupHom  incAbAsGroupHom
    idcomm = compGroupHomId incAbAsGroupHom

    idIsInduced : inducedHom asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom  idGroupHom
    idIsInduced = sym (uniqueness asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom idGroupHom idcomm)

    fgIsInduced : inducedHom asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom  compGroupHom f g
    fgIsInduced = sym (uniqueness asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom (compGroupHom f g) fgcomm)

    j : idGroupHom  compGroupHom f g
    j = idGroupHom ≡⟨ sym idIsInduced 
        inducedHom asAbelianGroup incAbAsGroupHom ≡⟨ fgIsInduced 
        compGroupHom f g 

    h = iso
          (fst f)
          (fst g)
           b  cong  e  e b) (cong fst (sym i)))
           a  cong  e  e a) (cong fst (sym j)))
    hIsHomo = snd f

  isomorphismCommutativity : compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom (GroupIso→GroupHom isomorphism)
                                (HITηAsGroupHom G)
  isomorphismCommutativity = commutativity (HITasAbelianGroup G) (HITηAsGroupHom G)

  isomorphismUniqueness : (h : AbGroupIso asAbelianGroup (HITasAbelianGroup G))
     (hcomm : compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom (GroupIso→GroupHom h)  (HITηAsGroupHom G))
     h  isomorphism
  isomorphismUniqueness h hcomm = GroupIso≡ p
      r : (x : fst asAbelianGroup)
         fst (compGroupHom (GroupIso→GroupHom h) (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h))) x  x
      r = λ x  (h .fst .Iso.leftInv) x

      leftInvGroupHom : (compGroupHom
                          (GroupIso→GroupHom h)
                          (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h)))  idGroupHom
      leftInvGroupHom =
           _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
           i x  r x i)

      q : (g : fst  G)
         fst (compGroupHom
                (HITηAsGroupHom G)
                (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h))) g  fst incAbAsGroupHom g
      q = λ g
         fst (compGroupHom (HITηAsGroupHom G) (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h))) g
            ≡⟨ cong
                  f  f g)
                 (cong fst (cong
                              f  compGroupHom f (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h)))
                             (sym hcomm))) 
          fst (compGroupHom
                (compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom (GroupIso→GroupHom h))
                (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h))) g
            ≡⟨ cong
                  f  f g)
                 (cong fst (compGroupHomAssoc
                              (GroupIso→GroupHom h)
                              (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h)))) 
          fst (compGroupHom
                (compGroupHom (GroupIso→GroupHom h) (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h)))) g
            ≡⟨ cong
                 f  f g)
                (cong fst (cong  f  (compGroupHom incAbAsGroupHom f)) leftInvGroupHom)) 
          fst incAbAsGroupHom g 

      isocomm : compGroupHom
                  (HITηAsGroupHom G)
                  (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h))  incAbAsGroupHom
      isocomm =
           _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
           i x  q x i)

      p : h .fst  isomorphism .fst
      p =
          (AbGroupStr.is-set (str asAbelianGroup))
          (AbGroupStr.is-set (str (HITasAbelianGroup G)))
          (h .fst)
          (isomorphism .fst)
           x  cong
                    f  f x)
                   (cong fst (uniqueness
                               (HITasAbelianGroup G)
                               (HITηAsGroupHom G)
                               (GroupIso→GroupHom h)
           x  cong
                    f  f x)
                   (cong fst (HITuniqueness G
                                (GroupIso→GroupHom (invGroupIso h))

AbelianizationComparisonIsomorphism : (G : Group )
                                     AbGroupIso (AbelianizationAbGroup G) (HITasAbelianGroup G)
AbelianizationComparisonIsomorphism G = IsoCoeqHIT.isomorphism G