{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Polynomials.Multivariate.EquivCarac.An[Am[X]]-Anm[X] where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Nat using () renaming (_+_ to _+n_)
open import Cubical.Data.Vec
open import Cubical.Data.Vec.OperationsNat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumHIT.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.MultivariatePoly

private variable
   ℓ' : Level

module Comp-Poly-nm
  (Acr@(A , Astr) : CommRing )
  (n m : )

    PAm   = PolyCommRing Acr m
    PAn+m = PolyCommRing Acr (n +n m)
    PAmn  = PolyCommRing (PolyCommRing Acr m) n

  open CommRingStr

-- direct sens

  PAmn→PAn+m-base : (v : Vec  n)  Poly Acr m  Poly Acr (n +n m)
  PAmn→PAn+m-base v = DS-Rec-Set.f _ _ _ _ trunc
                       (0r (snd PAn+m))
                        v' a  base (v ++ v') a)
                       (_+_ (snd PAn+m))
                       (+Assoc (snd PAn+m))
                       (+IdR (snd PAn+m))
                       (+Comm (snd PAn+m))
                        v'  base-neutral (v ++ v'))
                        v' a b  base-add (v ++ v') a b)

  PAmn→PAn+m : Poly (PolyCommRing Acr m) n  Poly Acr (n +n m)
  PAmn→PAn+m = DS-Rec-Set.f _ _ _ _ trunc
                (0r (snd PAn+m))
                (_+_ (snd PAn+m))
                (+Assoc (snd PAn+m))
                (+IdR (snd PAn+m))
                (+Comm (snd PAn+m))
                 _  refl)
                λ _ _ _  refl

-- Converse sens

  PAn+m→PAmn : Poly Acr (n +n m)  Poly (PolyCommRing Acr m) n
  PAn+m→PAmn = DS-Rec-Set.f _ _ _ _ trunc
                (0r (snd PAmn))
                 v a  base (fst (sep-vec n m v)) (base (snd (sep-vec n m v)) a))
                (_+_ (snd PAmn))
                (+Assoc (snd PAmn))
                (+IdR (snd PAmn))
                (+Comm (snd PAmn))
                 v  (cong (base (fst (sep-vec n m v))) (base-neutral _))  (base-neutral _))
                 λ v a b  base-add _ _ _  cong (base (fst (sep-vec n m v))) (base-add _ _ _)

-- Section

  e-sect : (P : Poly Acr (n +n m))  PAmn→PAn+m (PAn+m→PAmn P)  P
  e-sect = DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _  _  trunc _ _)
            v a  cong  X  base X a) (sep-vec-id n m v))
            {U V} ind-U ind-V  cong₂ (_+_ (snd PAn+m)) ind-U ind-V)

-- Retraction

  e-retr : (P : Poly (PolyCommRing Acr m) n)  PAn+m→PAmn (PAmn→PAn+m P)  P
  e-retr = DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _  _  trunc  _ _)
            v  DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _  _  trunc _ _)
                   (sym (base-neutral _))
                    v' a  cong₂ base (sep-vec-fst n m v v')
                                          (cong  X  base X a) (sep-vec-snd n m v v')))
                   λ {U V} ind-U ind-V  (cong₂ (_+_ (snd PAmn)) ind-U ind-V)  (base-add _ _ _))
            {U V} ind-U ind-V  cong₂ (_+_ (snd PAmn)) ind-U ind-V)

-- Morphism of ring

  PAmn→PAn+m-pres1 : PAmn→PAn+m (1r (snd PAmn))  1r (snd PAn+m)
  PAmn→PAn+m-pres1 = cong  X  base X (1r Astr)) (rep-concat n m 0 )

  PAmn→PAn+m-pres+ : (P Q : Poly (PolyCommRing Acr m) n) 
                      PAmn→PAn+m (snd PAmn ._+_ P Q)  snd PAn+m ._+_ (PAmn→PAn+m P) (PAmn→PAn+m Q)
  PAmn→PAn+m-pres+ = λ _ _  refl

  PAmn→PAn+m-pres· : (P Q : Poly (PolyCommRing Acr m) n) 
                      PAmn→PAn+m ( snd PAmn ._·_ P Q)  snd PAn+m ._·_ (PAmn→PAn+m P) (PAmn→PAn+m Q)
  PAmn→PAn+m-pres· =
    DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _  _  isPropΠ  _  trunc _ _))
     Q  refl)
     v  DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _  _  isPropΠ  _  trunc _ _))
             Q  cong  X  PAmn→PAn+m (snd PAmn ._·_ X Q)) (base-neutral v))
             v' a  DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _  _  trunc _ _)
                        w  DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _  _  trunc _ _)
                                w' b  cong  X  base X (Astr ._·_ a b)) (+n-vec-concat _ _ _ _ _ _))
                               λ {U V} ind-U ind-V  cong  X  PAmn→PAn+m (snd PAmn ._·_ (base v (base v' a)) X))
                                                           (sym (base-add _ _ _))
                                                       cong₂ (snd PAn+m ._+_) ind-U ind-V
                                                       sym (cong  X  snd PAn+m ._·_ (PAmn→PAn+m (base v (base v' a)))
                                                                  (PAmn→PAn+m X)) (base-add _ _ _)))
                       λ {U V} ind-U ind-V  cong₂ (snd PAn+m ._+_) ind-U ind-V)
            λ {U V} ind-U ind-V Q  cong  X  PAmn→PAn+m (snd PAmn ._·_ X Q)) (sym (base-add _ _ _))
                                      cong₂ (snd PAn+m ._+_) (ind-U Q) (ind-V Q)
                                      sym (cong  X  snd PAn+m ._·_ (PAmn→PAn+m X) (PAmn→PAn+m Q)) (base-add _ _ _)))
    λ {U V} ind-U ind-V Q  cong₂ (_+_ (snd PAn+m)) (ind-U Q) (ind-V Q)

-- Ring Equivalence

module _ (A' : CommRing ) (n m : ) where

  open Comp-Poly-nm A' n m

  CRE-PolyN∘M-PolyN+M : CommRingEquiv (PolyCommRing (PolyCommRing A' m) n) (PolyCommRing A' (n +n m))
  fst CRE-PolyN∘M-PolyN+M = isoToEquiv is
    is : Iso _ _
    Iso.fun is = PAmn→PAn+m
    Iso.inv is = PAn+m→PAmn
    Iso.rightInv is = e-sect
    Iso.leftInv is = e-retr

  snd CRE-PolyN∘M-PolyN+M = makeIsRingHom PAmn→PAn+m-pres1 PAmn→PAn+m-pres+ PAmn→PAn+m-pres·