{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Polynomials.TypevariateHIT.EquivUnivariateListPoly where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.Algebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.Polynomials.TypevariateHIT
            renaming (inducedHomUnique to inducedHomUniqueHIT;
                      isIdByUMP to isIdByUMP-HIT)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Polynomials.UnivariateList.UniversalProperty
            renaming (generator to generatorList;
                      inducedHom to inducedHomList;
                      inducedHomUnique to inducedHomUniqueList;
                      isIdByUMP to isIdByUMP-List)

private variable
   : Level

module _ {R : CommRing } where
  open Theory renaming (inducedHom to inducedHomHIT)
  open CommRingStr ⦃...⦄
      _ = snd R
    X-HIT = Construction.var {R = R} {I = Unit} tt
    X-List = generatorList R

    Construct an iso between the two versions of polynomials.
    Just using the universal properties to manually show that the two algebras are isomorphic
    open AlgebraHoms
    open Iso
    to : CommAlgebraHom (R [ Unit ]) (ListPolyCommAlgebra R)
    to = inducedHomHIT (ListPolyCommAlgebra R)  _  X-List)

    from : CommAlgebraHom (ListPolyCommAlgebra R) (R [ Unit ])
    from = inducedHomList R (CommAlgebra→Algebra (R [ Unit ])) X-HIT

    toPresX : fst to X-HIT  X-List
    toPresX = refl

    fromPresX : fst from X-List  X-HIT
    fromPresX = inducedMapGenerator R (CommAlgebra→Algebra (R [ Unit ])) X-HIT

    idList = AlgebraHoms.idAlgebraHom (CommAlgebra→Algebra (ListPolyCommAlgebra R))
    idHIT = AlgebraHoms.idAlgebraHom (CommAlgebra→Algebra (R [ Unit ]))

    toFrom : (x :  ListPolyCommAlgebra R )  fst to (fst from x)  x
    toFrom = isIdByUMP-List R (to ∘a from) (cong (fst to) fromPresX)

    fromTo : (x :  R [ Unit ] )  fst from (fst to x)  x
    fromTo = isIdByUMP-HIT (from ∘a to) λ {tt  fromPresX}

  typevariateListPolyIso : Iso  R [ Unit ]    ListPolyCommAlgebra R 
  fun typevariateListPolyIso = fst to
  inv typevariateListPolyIso = fst from
  rightInv typevariateListPolyIso = toFrom
  leftInv typevariateListPolyIso = fromTo

  typevariateListPolyEquiv : CommAlgebraEquiv (R [ Unit ]) (ListPolyCommAlgebra R)
  fst typevariateListPolyEquiv = isoToEquiv typevariateListPolyIso
  snd typevariateListPolyEquiv = snd to

  typevariateListPolyGenerator :
    fst (fst typevariateListPolyEquiv) X-HIT  X-List
  typevariateListPolyGenerator = refl