-- Free category over a directed graph, along with (most of) its
-- universal property.

-- This differs from the implementation in Free.Category, which
-- assumes the vertices of the input graph form a Set.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Free.Category.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path

open import Cubical.Data.Graph.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Morphism
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation hiding (_⟦_⟧)
open import Cubical.Categories.UnderlyingGraph

    ℓc ℓc' ℓd ℓd' ℓg ℓg' : Level

open Category
open Functor
open NatIso hiding (sqRL; sqLL)
open NatTrans

module FreeCategory (G : Graph ℓg ℓg') where
    data Exp : G .Node  G .Node  Type (ℓ-max ℓg ℓg') where
      ↑_   :  {A B}  G .Edge A B  Exp A B
      idₑ  :  {A}  Exp A A
      _⋆ₑ_ :  {A B C}  Exp A B  Exp B C  Exp A C
      ⋆ₑIdL :  {A B} (e : Exp A B)  idₑ ⋆ₑ e  e
      ⋆ₑIdR :  {A B} (e : Exp A B)  e ⋆ₑ idₑ  e
      ⋆ₑAssoc :  {A B C D} (e : Exp A B)(f : Exp B C)(g : Exp C D)
               (e ⋆ₑ f) ⋆ₑ g  e ⋆ₑ (f ⋆ₑ g)
      isSetExp :  {A B}  isSet (Exp A B)

    FreeCat : Category ℓg (ℓ-max ℓg ℓg')
    FreeCat .ob = G .Node
    FreeCat .Hom[_,_] = Exp
    FreeCat .id = idₑ
    FreeCat ._⋆_ = _⋆ₑ_
    FreeCat .⋆IdL = ⋆ₑIdL
    FreeCat .⋆IdR = ⋆ₑIdR
    FreeCat .⋆Assoc = ⋆ₑAssoc
    FreeCat .isSetHom = isSetExp

    η : Interp G FreeCat
    η ._$g_ = λ z  z
    η ._<$g>_ = ↑_

    module _ {ℓc ℓc'} {𝓒 : Category ℓc ℓc'} (F F' : Functor FreeCat 𝓒) where
      -- Formulating uniqueness this way works out best definitionally.

      -- If you prove induction from the alternative below of
      --   sem-uniq : (F ∘Interp η ≡ ı) → F ≡ sem ı
      -- then you have to use path comp which has bad definitional behavior
      module _  (agree-on-η : F ∘Interp η  F' ∘Interp η) where
          aoo :  c  F  c   F'  c 
          aoo =  c i  agree-on-η i $g c)

          aom-t :  {c c'} (e : Exp c c')  Type _
          aom-t {c}{c'} e =
            PathP  i  𝓒 [ aoo c i , aoo c' i ]) (F  e ) (F'  e )

          aom-id :  {c}  aom-t (idₑ {c})
          aom-id = F .F-id   i  𝓒 .id)  sym (F' .F-id)

          aom-seq :  {c c' c''} (e : Exp c c')(e' : Exp c' c'')
                   aom-t e  aom-t e'  aom-t (e ⋆ₑ e')
          aom-seq e e' ihe ihe' =
            F .F-seq e e'   i  ihe i ⋆⟨ 𝓒  ihe' i)  sym (F' .F-seq e e')

          aom :  {c c'} (e : Exp c c')  aom-t e
          aom ( x) = λ i  agree-on-η i <$g> x
          aom idₑ = aom-id
          aom (e ⋆ₑ e') = aom-seq e e' (aom e) (aom e')
          aom (⋆ₑIdL e i) =
               i j  𝓒 .isSetHom)
              (aom-seq idₑ e aom-id (aom e))
              (aom e)
               i  F  ⋆ₑIdL e i ) ((λ i  F'  ⋆ₑIdL e i )) i
          aom (⋆ₑIdR e i) =
             i j  𝓒 .isSetHom)
            (aom-seq e idₑ (aom e) aom-id)
            (aom e)
             i  F  ⋆ₑIdR e i ) ((λ i  F'  ⋆ₑIdR e i )) i
          aom (⋆ₑAssoc e e' e'' i) =
             _ _  𝓒 .isSetHom)
            (aom-seq _ _ (aom-seq _ _ (aom e) (aom e')) (aom e''))
            (aom-seq _ _ (aom e) (aom-seq _ _ (aom e') (aom e'')))
            ((λ i  F  ⋆ₑAssoc e e' e'' i ))
             i  F'  ⋆ₑAssoc e e' e'' i )
          aom (isSetExp e e' x y i j) =
            {A = λ i j  aom-t (isSetExp e e' x y i j)}
             i j  isOfHLevelPathP 2 (𝓒 .isSetHom)
                       (F  isSetExp e e' x y i j )
                       (F'  isSetExp e e' x y i j ))
             j  aom (x j))
             j  aom (y j))
             i  aom e)
             i  aom e')
        induction : F  F'
        induction = Functor≡ aoo aom

    module Semantics {ℓc ℓc'}
                     (𝓒 : Category ℓc ℓc')
                     (ı : GraphHom G (Cat→Graph 𝓒)) where
      ⟦_⟧ :  {A B}  Exp A B  𝓒 [ ı $g A , ı $g B ]
        x  = ı <$g> x
       idₑ  = 𝓒 .id
       e ⋆ₑ e'  =  e  ⋆⟨ 𝓒   e' 
       ⋆ₑIdL e i  = 𝓒 .⋆IdL  e  i
       ⋆ₑIdR e i  = 𝓒 .⋆IdR  e  i
       ⋆ₑAssoc e e' e'' i  = 𝓒 .⋆Assoc  e   e'   e''  i
       isSetExp e e' p q i j  =
        𝓒 .isSetHom  e   e'  (cong ⟦_⟧ p) (cong ⟦_⟧ q) i j

      sem : Functor FreeCat 𝓒
      sem .Functor.F-ob v = ı $g v
      sem .Functor.F-hom e =  e 
      sem .Functor.F-id = refl
      sem .Functor.F-seq e e' = refl

      sem-extends-ı : (η ⋆Interp sem)  ı
      sem-extends-ı = refl

      sem-uniq :  {F : Functor FreeCat 𝓒}  ((Functor→GraphHom F ∘GrHom η)  ı)  F  sem
      sem-uniq {F} aog = induction F sem aog

      sem-contr : ∃![ F  Functor FreeCat 𝓒 ] Functor→GraphHom F ∘GrHom η  ı
      sem-contr .fst = sem , sem-extends-ı
      sem-contr .snd (sem' , sem'-extends-ı) = ΣPathP paths
          paths : Σ[ p  sem  sem' ]
                  PathP  i  Functor→GraphHom (p i) ∘GrHom η  ı)
          paths .fst = sym (sem-uniq sem'-extends-ı)
          paths .snd i j = sem'-extends-ı ((~ i)  j)

    η-expansion : {𝓒 : Category ℓc ℓc'} (F : Functor FreeCat 𝓒)
       F  Semantics.sem 𝓒 (F ∘Interp η)
    η-expansion {𝓒 = 𝓒} F = induction F (Semantics.sem 𝓒 (F ∘Interp η)) refl

-- co-unit of the 2-adjunction
module _ {𝓒 : Category ℓc ℓc'} where
  open FreeCategory (Cat→Graph 𝓒)
  ε : Functor FreeCat 𝓒
  ε = Semantics.sem 𝓒 (Functor→GraphHom {𝓓 = 𝓒} Id)

  ε-reasoning : {𝓓 : Category ℓd ℓd'}
             (𝓕 : Functor 𝓒 𝓓)
             𝓕 ∘F ε  Semantics.sem 𝓓 (Functor→GraphHom 𝓕)
  ε-reasoning {𝓓 = 𝓓} 𝓕 = Semantics.sem-uniq 𝓓 (Functor→GraphHom 𝓕) refl