  Definition of a natural transformation displayed over another natural transformation.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Displayed.NaturalTransformation where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Functor

    ℓC ℓC' ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ' ℓD ℓD' ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ' : Level

module _ {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} {D : Category ℓD ℓD'} where

  record NatTransᴰ
    {F : Functor C D} {G : Functor C D}
    (α : NatTrans F G)
    {Cᴰ : Categoryᴰ C ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ'} {Dᴰ : Categoryᴰ D ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ'}
    (Fᴰ : Functorᴰ F Cᴰ Dᴰ) (Gᴰ : Functorᴰ G Cᴰ Dᴰ)
    : Type (ℓ-max ℓC (ℓ-max ℓC' (ℓ-max ℓCᴰ (ℓ-max ℓCᴰ' ℓDᴰ')))) where

    open Category
    open NatTrans α
    open Functorᴰ
      module Cᴰ = Categoryᴰ Cᴰ
      module Dᴰ = Categoryᴰ Dᴰ

      -- components of the natural transformation
      N-obᴰ : {x : C .ob} (xᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ x ])  Dᴰ [ N-ob x ][ Fᴰ .F-obᴰ xᴰ , Gᴰ .F-obᴰ xᴰ ]
      -- naturality condition
      N-homᴰ : {x y : C .ob} {f : C [ x , y ]}
        {xᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ x ]} {yᴰ : Cᴰ.ob[ y ]} (fᴰ : Cᴰ [ f ][ xᴰ , yᴰ ])
         PathP  i  Dᴰ [ N-hom f i ][ Fᴰ .F-obᴰ xᴰ , Gᴰ .F-obᴰ yᴰ ])
            (Fᴰ .F-homᴰ fᴰ Dᴰ.⋆ᴰ N-obᴰ yᴰ) (N-obᴰ xᴰ Dᴰ.⋆ᴰ Gᴰ .F-homᴰ fᴰ)

  open NatTrans
  open NatTransᴰ

  module _ {F G H : Functor C D} {α : NatTrans F G} {β : NatTrans G H}
    {Cᴰ : Categoryᴰ C ℓCᴰ ℓCᴰ'} {Dᴰ : Categoryᴰ D ℓDᴰ ℓDᴰ'}
    {Fᴰ : Functorᴰ F Cᴰ Dᴰ} {Gᴰ : Functorᴰ G Cᴰ Dᴰ} {Hᴰ : Functorᴰ H Cᴰ Dᴰ}

      module Dᴰ = Categoryᴰ Dᴰ
      module Fᴰ = Functorᴰ Fᴰ
      module Hᴰ = Functorᴰ Hᴰ

    -- vertical sequencing
    seqTransᴰ : NatTransᴰ α Fᴰ Gᴰ  NatTransᴰ β Gᴰ Hᴰ  NatTransᴰ (seqTrans α β) Fᴰ Hᴰ
    seqTransᴰ αᴰ βᴰ .N-obᴰ xᴰ = αᴰ .N-obᴰ xᴰ Dᴰ.⋆ᴰ βᴰ .N-obᴰ xᴰ
    seqTransᴰ αᴰ βᴰ .N-homᴰ {xᴰ = xᴰ} {yᴰ = yᴰ} fᴰ =
      compPathP' {B = B} (symP (Dᴰ.⋆Assocᴰ _ _ _))
        (compPathP' {B = B}  i  (αᴰ .N-homᴰ fᴰ i) Dᴰ.⋆ᴰ (βᴰ .N-obᴰ _))
          (compPathP' {B = B} (Dᴰ.⋆Assocᴰ _ _ _)
            (compPathP' {B = B}  i  (αᴰ .N-obᴰ _) Dᴰ.⋆ᴰ (βᴰ .N-homᴰ fᴰ i))
              (compPathP' {B = B} (symP (Dᴰ.⋆Assocᴰ _ _ _))
                refl)))) -- extra refl at the end to match equational reasoning in seqTrans
      B = Dᴰ [_][ Fᴰ.F-obᴰ xᴰ , Hᴰ.F-obᴰ yᴰ ]