{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Instances.EilenbergMoore where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism renaming (Iso to _≅_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor renaming (𝟙⟨_⟩ to funcId)
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Monad.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.FunctorAlgebras
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.FullSubcategory
open import Cubical.Categories.Adjoint

    ℓC ℓC' : Level

module _ {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} (monadM : Monad C) where

    M : Functor C C
    M = fst monadM

  --open Category
    module C = Category C
  open Functor
  open NatTrans

  open IsMonad (snd monadM)

  record IsEMAlgebra (algA : Algebra M) : Type ℓC' where
    constructor proveEMAlgebra
    open Algebra algA
      str-η : str C.∘ N-ob η carrier  C.id
      str-μ : str C.∘ N-ob μ carrier  str C.∘ F-hom M str

  open IsEMAlgebra

  isPropIsEMAlgebra :  {algA}  isProp (IsEMAlgebra algA)
  isPropIsEMAlgebra {algA} isalg isalg' = cong₂ proveEMAlgebra
    (C.isSetHom _ _ (str-η isalg) (str-η isalg'))
    (C.isSetHom _ _ (str-μ isalg) (str-μ isalg'))

  EMAlgebra : Type (ℓ-max ℓC ℓC')
  EMAlgebra = Σ[ algA  Algebra M ] IsEMAlgebra algA

  EMCategory : Category (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓC ℓC') ℓC') ℓC'
    -- cannot simplify level: --lossy-unification won't allow it.
  EMCategory = FullSubcategory (AlgebrasCategory M) IsEMAlgebra

  ForgetEM : Functor EMCategory (AlgebrasCategory M)
  ForgetEM = FullInclusion (AlgebrasCategory M) IsEMAlgebra

  ForgetEMAlgebra : Functor EMCategory C
  ForgetEMAlgebra = funcComp (ForgetAlgebra M) ForgetEM

  open Algebra
  freeEMAlgebra : C.ob  EMAlgebra
  carrier (fst (freeEMAlgebra x)) = F-ob M x
  str (fst (freeEMAlgebra x)) = N-ob μ x
  str-η (snd (freeEMAlgebra x)) = lemma
    where lemma : N-ob η (F-ob M x) C.⋆ N-ob μ x  C.id
          lemma = funExt⁻ (congP  i  N-ob) idl-μ) x
  str-μ (snd (freeEMAlgebra x)) = lemma
    where lemma : N-ob μ (F-ob M x) C.⋆ N-ob μ x  F-hom M (N-ob μ x) C.⋆ N-ob μ x
          lemma = funExt⁻ (congP  i  N-ob) (symP-fromGoal assoc-μ)) x

  open AlgebraHom
  FreeEMAlgebra : Functor C EMCategory
  F-ob FreeEMAlgebra x = freeEMAlgebra x
  carrierHom (F-hom FreeEMAlgebra {x} {y} φ) = F-hom M φ
  strHom (F-hom FreeEMAlgebra {x} {y} φ) = sym (N-hom μ φ)
  F-id FreeEMAlgebra = AlgebraHom≡ M (F-id M)
  F-seq FreeEMAlgebra {x} {y} {z} φ ψ = AlgebraHom≡ M (F-seq M φ ψ)

  ForgetFreeEMAlgebra : funcComp ForgetEMAlgebra FreeEMAlgebra  M
  ForgetFreeEMAlgebra = Functor≡  x  refl)  f  refl)

  emCounit : NatTrans (funcComp FreeEMAlgebra ForgetEMAlgebra) (funcId EMCategory)
  carrierHom (N-ob emCounit (algebra A α , isEMA)) = α
  strHom (N-ob emCounit (algebra A α , isEMA)) = str-μ isEMA
  N-hom emCounit {algebra A α , isEMA} {algebra B β , isEMB} (algebraHom f isalgF) =
    AlgebraHom≡ M (sym (isalgF))

  open NaturalBijection
  open _⊣_
  open _≅_

  emBijection :  a emB 
    (EMCategory [ FreeEMAlgebra  a  , emB ])  (C [ a , ForgetEMAlgebra  emB  ])
  fun (emBijection a (algebra b β , isEMB)) (algebraHom f isalgF) = f C.∘ N-ob η a
  carrierHom (inv (emBijection a (algebra b β , isEMB)) f) = β C.∘ F-hom M f
  strHom (inv (emBijection a (algebra b β , isEMB)) f) =
    (N-ob μ a C.⋆ (F-hom M f C.⋆ β))
      ≡⟨ sym (C.⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    ((N-ob μ a C.⋆ F-hom M f) C.⋆ β)
      ≡⟨ cong (C._⋆ β) (sym (N-hom μ f)) 
    ((F-hom M (F-hom M f) C.⋆ N-ob μ b) C.⋆ β)
      ≡⟨ C.⋆Assoc _ _ _ 
    (F-hom M (F-hom M f) C.⋆ (N-ob μ b C.⋆ β))
      ≡⟨ cong (F-hom M (F-hom M f) C.⋆_) (str-μ isEMB) 
    (F-hom M (F-hom M f) C.⋆ (F-hom M β C.⋆ β))
      ≡⟨ sym (C.⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    ((F-hom M (F-hom M f) C.⋆ F-hom M β) C.⋆ β)
      ≡⟨ cong (C._⋆ β) (sym (F-seq M _ _)) 
    (F-hom M (F-hom M f C.⋆ β) C.⋆ β) 
  rightInv (emBijection a (algebra b β , isEMB)) f =
    (N-ob η a C.⋆ (F-hom M f C.⋆ β))
      ≡⟨ sym (C.⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    ((N-ob η a C.⋆ F-hom M f) C.⋆ β)
      ≡⟨ cong (C._⋆ β) (sym (N-hom η f)) 
    ((f C.⋆ N-ob η b) C.⋆ β)
      ≡⟨ C.⋆Assoc _ _ _ 
    (f C.⋆ (N-ob η b C.⋆ β))
      ≡⟨ cong (f C.⋆_) (str-η isEMB) 
    (f C.⋆ C.id)
      ≡⟨ C.⋆IdR _ 
  leftInv (emBijection a (algebra b β , isEMB)) (algebraHom f isalgF) = AlgebraHom≡ M (
    (F-hom M (N-ob η a C.⋆ f) C.⋆ β)
      ≡⟨ cong (C._⋆ β) (F-seq M _ _) 
    ((F-hom M (N-ob η a) C.⋆ F-hom M f) C.⋆ β)
      ≡⟨ C.⋆Assoc _ _ _ 
    (F-hom M (N-ob η a) C.⋆ (F-hom M f C.⋆ β))
      ≡⟨ cong (F-hom M (N-ob η a) C.⋆_) (sym isalgF) 
    (F-hom M (N-ob η a) C.⋆ (N-ob μ a C.⋆ f))
      ≡⟨ sym (C.⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    ((F-hom M (N-ob η a) C.⋆ N-ob μ a) C.⋆ f)
      ≡⟨ cong (C._⋆ f) (funExt⁻ (congP  i  N-ob) idr-μ) a) 
    (C.id C.⋆ f)
      ≡⟨ C.⋆IdL f 

  emAdjunction : FreeEMAlgebra  ForgetEMAlgebra
  adjIso emAdjunction {a} {algebra b β , isEMB} = emBijection a (algebra b β , isEMB)
  adjNatInD emAdjunction {a} {algebra b β , isEMB} {algebra c γ , isEMC}
    (algebraHom f isalgF) (algebraHom g isalgG) =
    sym (C.⋆Assoc _ _ _)
  adjNatInC emAdjunction {a} {b} {algebra c γ , isEMC} f g = AlgebraHom≡ M (
    (F-hom M (g C.⋆ f) C.⋆ γ)
      ≡⟨ cong (C._⋆ γ) (F-seq M _ _) 
    ((F-hom M g C.⋆ F-hom M f) C.⋆ γ)
      ≡⟨ C.⋆Assoc _ _ _ 
    (F-hom M g C.⋆ (F-hom M f C.⋆ γ)) 

module _ {C : Category ℓC ℓC'} {monadM monadN : Monad C} (monadν : MonadHom monadM monadN) where

  open Category C
  open Functor
  open IsEMAlgebra
  open NatTrans

    M N : Functor C C
    M = fst monadM
    N = fst monadN
    module M = IsMonad (snd monadM)
    module N = IsMonad (snd monadN)
    ν : NatTrans M N
    ν = fst monadν
    module ν = IsMonadHom (snd monadν)

  mapIsEMAlgebra : (algA : Algebra N)  IsEMAlgebra monadN algA  IsEMAlgebra monadM (F-ob (AlgebrasFunctor ν) algA)
  str-η (mapIsEMAlgebra (algebra a αN) isEMA) =
    N-ob M.η a  (N-ob ν a  αN)
      ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    (N-ob M.η a  N-ob ν a)  αN
      ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ αN) (cong  θ  N-ob θ a) ν.N-η) 
    N-ob N.η a  αN
      ≡⟨ isEMA .str-η 
  str-μ (mapIsEMAlgebra (algebra a αN) isEMA) =
    N-ob M.μ a  (N-ob ν a  αN)
      ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    (N-ob M.μ a  N-ob ν a)  αN
      ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ αN) (cong  θ  N-ob θ a) ν.N-μ) 
    ((F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  N-ob ν (F-ob N a))  N-ob N.μ a)  αN
      ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc _ _ _ 
    (F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  N-ob ν (F-ob N a))  (N-ob N.μ a  αN)
      ≡⟨ cong ((F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  N-ob ν (F-ob N a)) ⋆_) (isEMA .str-μ) 
    (F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  N-ob ν (F-ob N a))  (F-hom N αN  αN)
      ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    ((F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  N-ob ν (F-ob N a))  F-hom N αN)  αN
      ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ αN) (⋆Assoc _ _ _) 
    (F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  (N-ob ν (F-ob N a)  F-hom N αN))  αN
      ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ αN) (cong (F-hom M (N-ob ν a) ⋆_) (sym (N-hom ν αN))) 
    (F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  (F-hom M αN  N-ob ν a))  αN
      ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ αN) (sym (⋆Assoc _ _ _)) 
    ((F-hom M (N-ob ν a)  F-hom M αN)  N-ob ν a)  αN
      ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ αN) (cong (_⋆ N-ob ν a) (sym (F-seq M _ _))) 
    (F-hom M (N-ob ν a  αN)  N-ob ν a)  αN
      ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc _ _ _ 
    F-hom M (N-ob ν a  αN)  (N-ob ν a  αN) 

  EMFunctor : Functor (EMCategory monadN) (EMCategory monadM)
  EMFunctor = MapFullSubcategory
    (AlgebrasCategory N) (IsEMAlgebra monadN)
    (AlgebrasCategory M) (IsEMAlgebra monadM)
    (AlgebrasFunctor ν) mapIsEMAlgebra