-- Monoidal categories
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Categories.Monoidal.Base where

open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.BinProduct
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Morphism
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation.Base
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

module _ { ℓ' : Level} (C : Category  ℓ') where
  open Category C

  record TensorStr : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
        ─⊗─ : Functor (C ×C C) C
        unit : ob

      open Functor

      -- Useful tensor product notation
      _⊗_ : ob  ob  ob
      x  y = ─⊗─ .F-ob (x , y)

      _⊗ₕ_ :  {x y z w}  Hom[ x , y ]  Hom[ z , w ]
            Hom[ x  z , y  w ]
      f ⊗ₕ g = ─⊗─ .F-hom (f , g)

  record StrictMonStr : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
      tenstr : TensorStr

    open TensorStr tenstr public

      -- Axioms - strict
      assoc :  x y z   x  (y  z)  (x  y)  z
      idl :  x   unit  x  x
      idr :  x   x  unit  x

  record MonoidalStr : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
      tenstr : TensorStr

    open TensorStr tenstr public

      -- Private names to make the axioms below look nice
      x⊗[y⊗z] : Functor (C ×C C ×C C) C
      x⊗[y⊗z] = ─⊗─ ∘F (𝟙⟨ C  ×F ─⊗─)

      [x⊗y]⊗z : Functor (C ×C C ×C C) C
      [x⊗y]⊗z = ─⊗─ ∘F (─⊗─ ×F 𝟙⟨ C ) ∘F (×C-assoc C C C)

      x = 𝟙⟨ C 
      1⊗x = ─⊗─ ∘F (rinj C C unit)
      x⊗1 = ─⊗─ ∘F (linj C C unit)

      -- "Axioms" - up to natural isomorphism
      α : x⊗[y⊗z] ≅ᶜ [x⊗y]⊗z
      η : 1⊗x ≅ᶜ x
      ρ : x⊗1 ≅ᶜ x

    open NatIso

    -- More nice notations
    α⟨_,_,_⟩ : (x y z : ob)  Hom[ x  (y  z) , (x  y)  z ]
    α⟨ x , y , z  = α .trans  ( x , y , z ) 

    η⟨_⟩ : (x : ob)  Hom[ unit  x , x ]
    η⟨ x  = η .trans  x 

    ρ⟨_⟩ : (x : ob)  Hom[ x  unit , x ]
    ρ⟨ x  = ρ .trans  x 

      -- Coherence conditions
      pentagon :  w x y z 
        id ⊗ₕ α⟨ x , y , z     α⟨ w , x  y , z     α⟨ w , x , y  ⊗ₕ id
               α⟨ w , x , y  z     α⟨ w  x , y , z 

      triangle :  x y 
        α⟨ x , unit , y     ρ⟨ x  ⊗ₕ id    id ⊗ₕ η⟨ y 

    open isIso

    -- Inverses of α, η, ρ for convenience
    α⁻¹⟨_,_,_⟩ : (x y z : ob)  Hom[ (x  y)  z , x  (y  z) ]
    α⁻¹⟨ x , y , z  = α .nIso (x , y , z) .inv

    η⁻¹⟨_⟩ : (x : ob)  Hom[ x , unit  x ]
    η⁻¹⟨ x  = η .nIso (x) .inv

    ρ⁻¹⟨_⟩ : (x : ob)  Hom[ x , x  unit ]
    ρ⁻¹⟨ x  = ρ .nIso (x) .inv

record StrictMonCategory  ℓ' : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ')) where
    C : Category  ℓ'
    sms : StrictMonStr C

  open Category C public
  open StrictMonStr sms public

record MonoidalCategory  ℓ' : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max  ℓ')) where
    C : Category  ℓ'
    monstr : MonoidalStr C

  open Category C public
  open MonoidalStr monstr public