{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Yoneda where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence using (ua)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function renaming (_∘_ to _◍_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Lift
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Functors
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Presheaf.Base

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level


open NatTrans
open NatTransP
open Functor
open Iso

module _ {C : Category  ℓ'} where
  open Category

  yoneda : (F : Functor C (SET ℓ'))
          (c : C .ob)
          Iso ((FUNCTOR C (SET ℓ')) [ C [ c ,-] , F ]) (fst (F  c ))
  yoneda F c = theIso
      natType = (FUNCTOR C (SET ℓ')) [ C [ c ,-] , F ]
      setType = fst (F  c )

      -- takes a natural transformation to what it does on id
      ϕ : natType  setType
      ϕ α = (α  _ ) (C .id)

      -- takes an element x of F c and sends it to the (only) natural
      -- transformation which takes the identity to x
      Ψ : setType  natType
      Ψ x .N-ob c = λ f  (F  f ) x
      Ψ x .N-hom g
        = funExt  f  (F  f ⋆⟨ C  g ) x
                      ≡[ i ]⟨ (F .F-seq f g) i x 
                        (F  g ) ((F  f ) x)

      theIso : Iso natType setType
      theIso .fun = ϕ
      theIso .inv = Ψ
      theIso .rightInv x i = F .F-id i x
      theIso .leftInv α@(natTrans αo αh) =
        NatTrans-≡-intro (sym αo≡βo) (symP αh≡βh)
          β = Ψ (ϕ α)
          βo = β .N-ob
          βh = β .N-hom

          -- equivalence of action on objects follows
          -- from simple equational reasoning using naturality
          αo≡βo : αo  βo
          αo≡βo = funExt λ x  funExt λ f
                 αo x f
                -- expand into the bottom left of the naturality diagram
                ≡[ i ]⟨ αo x (C .⋆IdL f (~ i)) 
                  αo x (C .id ⋆⟨ C  f)
                ≡[ i ]⟨ αh f i (C .id)  -- apply naturality
                  (F  f ) ((αo _) (C .id))

          -- type aliases for natural transformation
          NOType = N-ob-Type (C [ c ,-]) F
          NHType = N-hom-Type (C [ c ,-]) F

          -- equivalence of commutative squares follows from SET being a Category
          αh≡βh : PathP  i  NHType (αo≡βo i)) αh βh -- αh βh
          αh≡βh = isPropHomP αh βh αo≡βo
              isProp-hom : (ϕ : NOType)  isProp (NHType ϕ)
              isProp-hom γ = isPropImplicitΠ2 λ x y  isPropΠ λ f 
                isSetHom (SET _)
                         {x = (C [ c , x ]) , C .isSetHom } {F  y } _ _

              isPropHomP : isOfHLevelDep 1  ηo  NHType ηo)
              isPropHomP = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 λ a  isProp-hom a

  -- Naturality of the bijection

  -- in the functor
  -- it's equivalent to apply ϕ to α then do β ⟦ c ⟧
  -- or apply ϕ the the composite nat trans α ◍ β
  -- where ϕ takes a natural transformation to its representing element
  yonedaIsNaturalInFunctor :  {F G : Functor C (SET ℓ')} (c : C .ob)
                      (β : F  G)
                      (fun (yoneda G c)  compTrans β)
                        (β  c   fun (yoneda F c))
  yonedaIsNaturalInFunctor {F = F} {G} c β = funExt λ α  refl

  -- in the object
  -- it's equivalent to apply ϕ and then F ⟪ f ⟫
  -- or to apply ϕ to the natural transformation obtained by precomposing with f
  yonedaIsNaturalInOb :  {F : Functor C (SET ℓ')}
                       (c c' : C .ob)
                       (f : C [ c , c' ])
                       yoneda F c' .fun  preComp f  F  f   yoneda F c .fun
  yonedaIsNaturalInOb {F = F} c c' f = funExt  α
                              (yoneda F c' .fun  preComp f) α
                             ≡⟨ refl 
                               (α  c' ) (f ⋆⟨ C  C .id)
                             ≡[ i ]⟨ (α  c' ) (C .⋆IdR f i) 
                               (α  c' ) f
                             ≡[ i ]⟨ (α  c' ) (C .⋆IdL f (~ i)) 
                               (α  c' ) (C .id ⋆⟨ C  f)
                             ≡[ i ]⟨ (α .N-hom f i) (C .id) 
                               (F  f ) ((α  c ) (C .id))
                             ≡⟨ refl 
                               ((F  f )  yoneda F c .fun) α

-- Yoneda for contravariant functors
module _ {C : Category  ℓ'} where
  open Category
  import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
  open NatTrans
  yonedaᴾ : (F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ'))
           (c : C .ob)
           Iso ((FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ')) [ C [-, c ] , F ]) (fst (F  c ))
  yonedaᴾ F c =
    ((FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ')) [ C [-, c ] , F ]) Iso⟨ the-iso 
    FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ] Iso⟨ yoneda F c 
    (fst (F  c )) ∎Iso where

    to : FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ C [-, c ] , F ]
        FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ]
    to α = natTrans (α .N-ob) (α .N-hom)

    fro : FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ]
         FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ C [-, c ] , F ]
    fro β = natTrans (β .N-ob) (β .N-hom)

    the-iso : Iso (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ C [-, c ] , F ])
              (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET ℓ') [ (C ^op) [ c ,-] , F ])
    the-iso = iso to fro  b  refl) λ a  refl

-- A more universe-polymorphic Yoneda lemma
yoneda* : {C : Category  ℓ'}(F : Functor C (SET ℓ''))
         (c : Category.ob C)
         Iso ((FUNCTOR C (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [ c ,-])
                                                , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
              (fst (F  c ))
yoneda* {}{ℓ'}{ℓ''}{C} F c =
  ((FUNCTOR C (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [ c ,-])
                                    , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
    Iso⟨ the-iso 
  ((FUNCTOR (LiftHoms C ℓ'')
            (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) [ (LiftHoms C ℓ'' [ c ,-])
                                  , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F (F ∘F lowerHoms C ℓ'') ])
    Iso⟨ yoneda (LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F (F ∘F lowerHoms C ℓ'')) c 
  Lift {ℓ''}{ℓ'} (fst (F  c ))
    Iso⟨ invIso LiftIso 
  (fst (F  c )) ∎Iso where

  the-iso : Iso ((FUNCTOR C (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ'')))
                  [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [ c ,-])
                  , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
                ((FUNCTOR (LiftHoms C ℓ'') (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ'')))
                  [ (LiftHoms C ℓ'' [ c ,-])
                  , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F (F ∘F lowerHoms C ℓ'') ])
  the-iso .fun α .N-ob d f = α .N-ob d f
  the-iso .fun α .N-hom g = α .N-hom (g .lower)
  the-iso .inv β .N-ob d f = β .N-ob d f
  the-iso .inv β .N-hom g = β .N-hom (lift g)
  the-iso .rightInv β = refl
  the-iso .leftInv α = refl

yonedaᴾ* : {C : Category  ℓ'}(F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ''))
             (c : Category.ob C)
             Iso (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
                    [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [-, c ])
                    , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
                  (fst (F  c ))
yonedaᴾ* {}{ℓ'}{ℓ''}{C} F c =
  (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
    [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [-, c ]) , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ]) Iso⟨ the-iso 
  (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
    [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F ((C ^op) [ c ,-])
    , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ]) Iso⟨ yoneda* F c 
  fst (F  c ) ∎Iso where

  the-iso :
    Iso (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
          [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F (C [-, c ]) , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
        (FUNCTOR (C ^op) (SET (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))
          [ LiftF {ℓ'}{ℓ''} ∘F ((C ^op) [ c ,-]) , LiftF {ℓ''}{ℓ'} ∘F F ])
  the-iso .fun α .N-ob = α .N-ob
  the-iso .fun α .N-hom = α .N-hom
  the-iso .inv β .N-ob = β .N-ob
  the-iso .inv β .N-hom = β .N-hom
  the-iso .rightInv = λ b  refl
  the-iso .leftInv = λ a  refl

-- Yoneda embedding
-- TODO: probably want to rename/refactor
module _ {C : Category  ℓ'} where
  open Functor
  open NatTrans
  open Category C

  yo : ob  Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ')
  yo x = C [-, x ]

  YO : Functor C (PresheafCategory C ℓ')
  YO .F-ob = yo
  YO .F-hom f .N-ob z g = g ⋆⟨ C  f
  YO .F-hom f .N-hom g i h = ⋆Assoc g h f i
  YO .F-id = makeNatTransPath λ i _  λ f  ⋆IdR f i
  YO .F-seq f g = makeNatTransPath λ i _  λ h  ⋆Assoc h f g (~ i)

  module _ {x} (F : Functor (C ^op) (SET ℓ')) where
    yo-yo-yo : NatTrans (yo x) F  F .F-ob x .fst
    yo-yo-yo α = α .N-ob _ id

    no-no-no : F .F-ob x .fst  NatTrans (yo x) F
    no-no-no a .N-ob y f = F .F-hom f a
    no-no-no a .N-hom f = funExt λ g i  F .F-seq g f i a

    yoIso : Iso (NatTrans (yo x) F) (F .F-ob x .fst)
    yoIso .Iso.fun = yo-yo-yo
    yoIso .Iso.inv = no-no-no
    yoIso .Iso.rightInv b i = F .F-id i b
    yoIso .Iso.leftInv a = makeNatTransPath (funExt λ _  funExt rem)
        rem :  {z} (x₁ : C [ z , x ])  F .F-hom x₁ (yo-yo-yo a)  (a .N-ob z) x₁
        rem g =
          F .F-hom g (yo-yo-yo a)
            ≡[ i ]⟨ a .N-hom g (~ i) id 
          a .N-hom g i0 id
            ≡[ i ]⟨ a .N-ob _ (⋆IdR g i) 
          (a .N-ob _) g

    yoEquiv : NatTrans (yo x) F  F .F-ob x .fst
    yoEquiv = isoToEquiv yoIso

  isFullYO : isFull YO
  isFullYO x y F[f] =  yo-yo-yo _ F[f] , yoIso {x} (yo y) .Iso.leftInv F[f] ∣₁

  isFaithfulYO : isFaithful YO
  isFaithfulYO x y f g p i =
       j  λ{ (i = i0)  ⋆IdL f j; (i = i1)  ⋆IdL g j})
      (yo-yo-yo _ (p i))

  isFullyFaithfulYO : isFullyFaithful YO
  isFullyFaithfulYO =
    isFull+Faithful→isFullyFaithful {F = YO} isFullYO isFaithfulYO