
Base facts about that the ring ℤ is Bézout domain

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Int.Divisibility where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
  hiding   (+-assoc ; +-comm ; ·-comm)
  renaming (_·_ to _·ℕ_; _+_ to _+ℕ_ ; ·-assoc to ·ℕ-assoc)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Divisibility
  using    (m∣n→m≤n)
  renaming (_∣_ to _∣ℕ_ ; isProp∣ to isProp∣ℕ ; stDivIneq to stDivIneqℕ)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Mod
open import Cubical.Data.Int
  hiding   (_+_ ; _·_ ; _-_ ; -_ ; addEq ; ·Comm ; ·Assoc ; +Comm ; +Assoc ; ·DistL+)

open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as Prop
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Reflection

    m n k : 

-- It seems there are bugs when applying ring solver to integers.
-- The following is a work-around.
  module Helper { : Level}(𝓡 : CommRing ) where
    open CommRingStr (𝓡 .snd)

    helper1 : (a b m d r : 𝓡 .fst)  (- a · d + b) · m + a · (d · m + r)  a · r + b · m
    helper1 = solve 𝓡

    helper2 : (d m r : 𝓡 .fst)  (d · m + r) + (- d) · m  r
    helper2 = solve 𝓡

    helper3 : (n m d r : 𝓡 .fst)  n  d · m + r  n + (- d) · m  r
    helper3 n m d r p =  t  p t + (- d) · m)  helper2 d m r

open Helper ℤCommRing

open CommRingStr      (ℤCommRing .snd)

-- The Divisibility Relation
-- Most definitions are the same as in Cubical.Data.Nat.Divisibility

_∣_ :     Type
m  n = ∃[ c   ] c · m  n

isProp∣ : isProp (m  n)
isProp∣ = squash₁

-- Untruncated divisiblility relation

_∣'_ :     Type
pos 0  ∣' n = 0  n
pos (suc m) ∣' n = Σ[ c   ] c · (pos (suc m))  n
(negsuc m)  ∣' n = Σ[ c   ] c · (negsuc m)     n

isProp∣' : isProp (m ∣' n)
isProp∣' {m = pos 0} {n = n} = isSetℤ 0 n
isProp∣' {m = pos (suc m)} {n = n} p q =
  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetℤ _ _) (·rCancel (pos (suc m)) _ _ (p .snd  sym (q .snd))  r  snotz (injPos r)))
isProp∣' {m = negsuc m} {n = n} p q =
  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetℤ _ _) (·rCancel (negsuc m) _ _ (p .snd  sym (q .snd)) (negsucNotpos _ 0))

∣→∣' : (m n : )  m  n  m ∣' n
∣→∣' (pos 0) n  c , p ∣₁ = ·Comm 0 c  p
∣→∣' (pos (suc m)) n  p ∣₁ = p
∣→∣' (negsuc m) n  p ∣₁ = p
∣→∣' m n (squash₁ p q i) = isProp∣' (∣→∣' _ _ p) (∣→∣' _ _ q) i

∣'→∣ : (m n : )  m ∣' n  m  n
∣'→∣ (pos 0) n p =  0 , p ∣₁
∣'→∣ (pos (suc m)) n p =  p ∣₁
∣'→∣ (negsuc m) n p =  p ∣₁

∣≃∣' : (m n : )  (m  n)  (m ∣' n)
∣≃∣' m n = propBiimpl→Equiv isProp∣ isProp∣' (∣→∣' _ _) (∣'→∣ _ _)

-- Properties of divisibility

∣-left : m  (m · k)
∣-left {k = k} =  k , ·Comm k _ ∣₁

∣-right : m  (k · m)
∣-right {k = k} =   k , refl ∣₁

∣-refl : m  n  m  n
∣-refl p =  1 , p ∣₁

∣-zeroˡ : 0  m  0  m
∣-zeroˡ = ∣→∣' _ _

∣-zeroʳ : m  0
∣-zeroʳ =  0 , refl ∣₁

∣-+ : k  m  k  n  k  (m + n)
∣-+ =
    λ {(c₁ , p) (c₂ , q)  (c₁ + c₂ , ·DistL+ c₁ c₂ _   t  p t + q t))}

∣-trans : k  m  m  n  k  n
∣-trans =
    λ {(c₁ , p) (c₂ , q)  (c₂ · c₁ , sym (·Assoc c₂ c₁ _)  cong (c₂ ·_) p  q)}

∣-left· : k  n  k  (n · m)
∣-left· {k = k} {m = m} p = ∣-trans p (∣-left {k = m})

∣-right· : k  m  k  (n · m)
∣-right· {k = k} {n = n} p = ∣-trans p (∣-right {k = n})

-- Natural numbers back and forth (using abs)

∣→∣ℕ : m  n  abs m ∣ℕ abs n
∣→∣ℕ {m = m} = Prop.rec isProp∣ℕ  (c , h)   abs c , sym (abs· c m)  cong abs h ∣₁)

  ∣ℕ→∣-helper : (m n : )
     (c : )(h : c ·ℕ abs m  abs n)
     (m  pos (abs m))  (m  - pos (abs m))
     (n  pos (abs n))  (n  - pos (abs n))
     Σ[ d   ] d · m  n
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper _ _ c _ (inl _) (inl _) .fst = pos c
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper m n c h (inl p) (inl q) .snd =
       t  pos c · p t)
     sym (pos·pos c (abs m))
     cong pos h
     sym q
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper _ _ c _ (inl _) (inr _) .fst = - pos c
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper m n c h (inl p) (inr q) .snd =
       t  - pos c · p t)
     sym (-DistL· (pos c) (pos (abs m)))
      t  - pos·pos c (abs m) (~ t))
     cong (-_) (cong pos h)
     sym q
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper _ _ c _ (inr _) (inl _) .fst = - pos c
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper m n c h (inr p) (inl q) .snd =
       t  - pos c · p t)
     sym (-DistLR· (pos c) (pos (abs m)))
     sym (pos·pos c (abs m))
     cong pos h
     sym q
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper _ _ c _ (inr _) (inr _) .fst = pos c
  ∣ℕ→∣-helper m n c h (inr p) (inr q) .snd =
       t  pos c · p t)
     sym (-DistR· (pos c) (pos (abs m)))
      t  - pos·pos c (abs m) (~ t))
     cong (-_) (cong pos h)
     sym q

∣ℕ→∣ : abs m ∣ℕ abs n  m  n
∣ℕ→∣ = Prop.rec isProp∣  (c , h)   ∣ℕ→∣-helper _ _ c h (abs→⊎ _ _ refl) (abs→⊎ _ _ refl) ∣₁)

¬∣→¬∣ℕ : ¬ m  n  ¬ abs m ∣ℕ abs n
¬∣→¬∣ℕ p q = p (∣ℕ→∣ q)

-- Inequality for strict divisibility

stDivIneq : ¬ m  0  ¬ m  n  k  m  k  n  abs k < abs m
stDivIneq p q h h' = stDivIneqℕ (¬x≡0→¬abs≡0 p) (¬∣→¬∣ℕ q) (∣→∣ℕ h) (∣→∣ℕ h')

-- Exact division

divide : m  n  
divide {m = pos 0} _ = 0
divide {m = pos (suc m)} p = ∣→∣' _ _ p .fst
divide {m = negsuc m} p = ∣→∣' _ _ p .fst

divideEq : (p : m  n)  divide p · m  n
divideEq {m = pos 0} = ∣→∣' _ _
divideEq {m = pos (suc m)} p = ∣→∣' _ _ p .snd
divideEq {m = negsuc m} p = ∣→∣' _ _ p .snd

-- Bézout and Euclidean Domain

record Bézout (m n : ) : Type where
  constructor bezout
    coef₁ : 
    coef₂ : 
    gcd   : 
    identity : coef₁ · m + coef₂ · n  gcd
    isCD  : (gcd  m) × (gcd  n)

open Bézout

Bézout0 : (n : )  Bézout 0 n
Bézout0 n .coef₁ = 0
Bézout0 n .coef₂ = 1
Bézout0 n .gcd   = n
Bézout0 n .identity = +Comm 0 n
Bézout0 n .isCD  = ∣-zeroʳ , ∣-refl refl

bézoutReduction : (m d r : )  Bézout r m  Bézout m (d · m + r)
bézoutReduction m d r b .coef₁ = - b .coef₁ · d + b .coef₂
bézoutReduction m d r b .coef₂ = b .coef₁
bézoutReduction m d r b .gcd   = b .gcd
bézoutReduction m d r b .identity = helper1 (b .coef₁) (b .coef₂) m d r  b .identity
bézoutReduction m d r b .isCD .fst = b .isCD .snd
bézoutReduction m d r b .isCD .snd = ∣-+ (∣-right· {n = d} (b .isCD .snd)) (b .isCD .fst)

-- Properties of Bézout identity

module _
  (b : Bézout m n) where

    g = b .gcd

  gcdIsGCD : k  m  k  n  k  g
  gcdIsGCD {k = k} p q =
    subst (k ∣_) (b .identity) (∣-+ (∣-right· {n = b .coef₁} p) (∣-right· {n = b .coef₂} q))

  gcd≡0 : g  0  (m  0) × (n  0)
  gcd≡0 p .fst = sym (∣-zeroˡ (subst  a  a  _) p (b .isCD .fst)))
  gcd≡0 p .snd = sym (∣-zeroˡ (subst  a  a  _) p (b .isCD .snd)))

  ¬m≡0→¬gcd≡0 : ¬ m  0  ¬ g  0
  ¬m≡0→¬gcd≡0 p q = p (gcd≡0 q .fst)

  div₁ div₂ : 
  div₁ = divide (b .isCD .fst)
  div₂ = divide (b .isCD .snd)

  div·-helper : g · (div₁ · n)  g · (div₂ · m)
  div·-helper =
      ·Assoc g div₁ n
      i  ·Comm g div₁ i · n)
      i  divideEq (b .isCD .fst) i · n)
     ·Comm m n
      i  divideEq (b .isCD .snd) (~ i) · m)
      i  ·Comm div₂ g i · m)
     sym (·Assoc g div₂ m)

  div·-g≠0 : ¬ g  0  div₁ · n  div₂ · m
  div·-g≠0 p = ·lCancel _ _ _ div·-helper p

  div·-g≡0 : g  0  div₁ · n  div₂ · m
  div·-g≡0 p =
       i  div₁ · gcd≡0 p .snd i)
     ·Comm div₁ 0
     ·Comm 0 div₂
      i  div₂ · gcd≡0 p .fst (~ i))

  div·-case : Dec (g  0)  div₁ · n  div₂ · m
  div·-case (yes p) = div·-g≡0  p
  div·-case (no ¬p) = div·-g≠0 ¬p

  div· : div₁ · n  div₂ · m
  div· = div·-case (discreteℤ g 0)

  div·- : - div₂ · m + div₁ · n  0
  div·- =    i  -DistL· div₂ m (~ i) + div₁ · n)
           subst  a  - a + div₁ · n  0) div· (-Cancel' (div₁ · n))

-- Quotient and Remainder

record QuotRem (m n : ) : Type where
  constructor quotrem
    div : 
    rem : 
    quotEq : n  div · m + rem
    normIneq : (rem  0)  ((¬ rem  0) × (abs rem < abs m))

open QuotRem

-- Using remainder to decide divisibility

module _
  (m n : )(qr : QuotRem m n) where

  rem≡0→m∣n : qr .rem  0  m  n
  rem≡0→m∣n p =  qr .div ,  i  qr .div · m + p (~ i))  sym (qr .quotEq) ∣₁

  m∣n→rem≡0 : m  n  qr .rem  0
  m∣n→rem≡0 p =
    case qr .normIneq
    return _ of λ
    { (inl q)  q
    ; (inr q) 
        let ∣+  = ∣-+ p (∣-right {m = m} {k = - qr .div})
            m∣r = subst (m ∣_) (helper3 _ _ (qr .div) (qr .rem) (qr .quotEq)) ∣+
            m≤r = m∣n→m≤n (¬x≡0→¬abs≡0 (q .fst)) (∣→∣ℕ m∣r)
        in  Empty.rec (<-asym (q .snd) m≤r) }

  m∣n→rem≡0' : (p : m  n)  qr .normIneq  inl (m∣n→rem≡0 p)
  m∣n→rem≡0' p =
    case (qr .normIneq)
    return  x  x  inl (m∣n→rem≡0 p)) of λ
    { (inl q)  cong inl (isSet→SquareP  i j  isSetℤ) q (m∣n→rem≡0 p) refl refl)
    ; (inr q)  Empty.rec (q .fst (m∣n→rem≡0 p)) }

  rem≢0→m∤n : ¬ qr .rem  0  ¬ m  n
  rem≢0→m∤n p q = p (m∣n→rem≡0 q)

-- The Euclidean Algorithm
module _
  (decEq0  : (n : )  Dec (n  0))
  (quotRem : (m n : )(¬z : ¬ m  0)  QuotRem m n) where

  euclidStep : (norm : )
     (m n : )(h : abs m < norm)
     (b : QuotRem m n)
     Bézout m n
  euclidStep 0 _ _ h _ = Empty.rec (¬-<-zero h)
  euclidStep (suc N) m n h (quotrem div rem quotEq (inl p)) =
    let q = subst  r  n  div · m + r) p quotEq
    in  bezout 1 0 m refl (∣-refl refl , subst  k  m  k) (sym q) (∣-right {k = div}))
  euclidStep (suc N) m n h (quotrem div rem quotEq (inr p)) =
    let b = euclidStep N rem m (<≤-trans (p .snd) (pred-≤-pred h)) (quotRem _ _ (p .fst))
    in  subst  x  Bézout m x) (sym quotEq) (bézoutReduction _ div _ b)

    euclid-helper : (m n : )(dec : Dec (m  0))  Bézout m n
    euclid-helper m n (yes z) = subst  x  Bézout x n) (sym z) (Bézout0 n)
    euclid-helper m n (no ¬z) = euclidStep (suc (abs m)) m n ≤-refl (quotRem m n ¬z)

  euclid : (m n : )  Bézout m n
  euclid m n = euclid-helper m n (decEq0 _)

  -- Euclid algorithm when divisibility holds
  euclid∣ : (m n : )  ¬ m  0  m  n  (euclid m n .coef₁  1) × (euclid m n .coef₂  0)
  euclid∣ _ _ = euclid∣-helper _ _ (decEq0 _)
    euclid∣-helper : (m n : )(dec : Dec (m  0))  ¬ m  0  m  n
       (euclid-helper m n dec .coef₁  1) × (euclid-helper m n dec .coef₂  0)
    euclid∣-helper _ _ (yes z) q = Empty.rec (q z)
    euclid∣-helper m n (no ¬z) _ q =
      let qr = quotRem m n ¬z
          path : qr  quotrem _ _ _ _
          path t = record qr { normIneq = m∣n→rem≡0' _ _ qr q t }
      in   t  euclidStep (suc (abs m)) m n ≤-refl (path t) .coef₁) ,
           t  euclidStep (suc (abs m)) m n ≤-refl (path t) .coef₂)

-- The ring ℤ is an Euclidean domain

  dec-helper : { ℓ' : Level}{A : Type }{B : Type ℓ'}  Dec A  B  A  ((¬ A) × B)
  dec-helper (yes p) _ = inl p
  dec-helper (no ¬p) b = inr (¬p , b)

quotRemPosPos : (m n : )(¬z : ¬ pos m  0)  QuotRem (pos m) (pos n)
quotRemPosPos m n _ .div = pos (quotient  n / m)
quotRemPosPos m n _ .rem = pos (remainder n / m)
quotRemPosPos m n _ .quotEq =
     t  pos (≡remainder+quotient m n (~ t)))
   pos+ (remainder n / m) (m ·ℕ (quotient n / m))
   +Comm (pos (remainder n / m)) (pos (m ·ℕ (quotient n / m)))
    t  pos·pos m (quotient n / m) t + pos (remainder n / m))
    t  ·Comm (pos m) (pos (quotient n / m)) t + pos (remainder n / m))
quotRemPosPos 0       n ¬z .normIneq = Empty.rec (¬z refl)
quotRemPosPos (suc m) n ¬z .normIneq = dec-helper (discreteℤ _ 0) (mod< m n)

quotRemNegPos : (m n : )(¬z : ¬ - pos m  0)  QuotRem (- pos m) (pos n)
quotRemNegPos m n ¬z .div = - (quotRemPosPos m n  p  ¬z  t  - p t)) .div)
quotRemNegPos m n ¬z .rem = quotRemPosPos m n  p  ¬z  t  - p t)) .rem
quotRemNegPos m n ¬z .quotEq =
    quotRemPosPos m n  p  ¬z  t  - p t)) .quotEq
    t  -DistLR· (pos (quotient n / m)) (pos m) t + (pos (remainder n / m)))
quotRemNegPos 0       n ¬z .normIneq = Empty.rec (¬z refl)
quotRemNegPos (suc m) n ¬z .normIneq = quotRemPosPos (suc m) n  p  ¬z  t  - p t)) .normIneq

  quotRemPos-helper : (m : )(k n : )(¬z : ¬ m  0)  (m  pos k)  (m  - pos k)  QuotRem m (pos n)
  quotRemPos-helper m k n ¬z (inl p) =
    subst  l  QuotRem l (pos n)) (sym p) (quotRemPosPos k n  r  ¬z (p  r)))
  quotRemPos-helper m k n ¬z (inr p) =
    subst  l  QuotRem l (pos n)) (sym p) (quotRemNegPos k n  r  ¬z (p  r)))

quotRemPos : (m : )(n : )(¬z : ¬ m  0)  QuotRem m (pos n)
quotRemPos m n ¬z = quotRemPos-helper m (abs m) n ¬z (abs→⊎ _ _ refl)

  sum-helper : (m r : )
     (r  0)    ((¬ r  0)   × (abs r < abs m))
     (- r  0)  ((¬ - r  0) × (abs (- r) < abs m))
  sum-helper m r (inl p) = inl  t  - p t)
  sum-helper m r (inr p) =
    inr ((λ q  p .fst (sym (-Involutive r)   t  - q t)))
      , subst  k  k < abs m) (sym (abs- r)) (p .snd))

quotRemNeg : (m : )(n : )(¬z : ¬ m  0)  QuotRem m (- pos n)
quotRemNeg m n ¬z .div = - (quotRemPos m n ¬z .div)
quotRemNeg m n ¬z .rem = - (quotRemPos m n ¬z .rem)
quotRemNeg m n ¬z .quotEq =
     t  - quotRemPos m n ¬z .quotEq t)
   -Dist+ (quotRemPos m n ¬z .div · m) (quotRemPos m n ¬z .rem)
    t  -DistL· (quotRemPos m n ¬z .div) m t + - quotRemPos m n ¬z .rem)
quotRemNeg m n ¬z .normIneq = sum-helper m _ (quotRemPos m n ¬z .normIneq)

  quotRem-helper : (m n : )(k : )(¬z : ¬ m  0)  (n  pos k)  (n  - pos k)  QuotRem m n
  quotRem-helper m n k ¬z (inl p) = subst  l  QuotRem m l) (sym p) (quotRemPos m k ¬z)
  quotRem-helper m n k ¬z (inr p) = subst  l  QuotRem m l) (sym p) (quotRemNeg m k ¬z)

-- The quotient-remainder Theorem and the Bézout identity

quotRem : (m n : )(¬z : ¬ m  0)  QuotRem m n
quotRem m n ¬z = quotRem-helper m n (abs n) ¬z (abs→⊎ _ _ refl)

bézout : (m n : )  Bézout m n
bézout = euclid  m  discreteℤ m 0) quotRem

bézout∣ : (m n : )  ¬ m  0  m  n  (bézout m n .coef₁  1) × (bézout m n .coef₂  0)
bézout∣ = euclid∣  m  discreteℤ m 0) quotRem

-- Divisibility is decidable
dec∣ : (m n : )  Dec (m  n)
dec∣ m n =
  case discreteℤ m 0
  return  _  Dec (m  n)) of λ
  { (yes p) 
      case discreteℤ n 0
      return  _  Dec (m  n)) of λ
      { (yes p)  yes (subst (m ∣_) (sym p) ∣-zeroʳ)
      ; (no ¬p)  no   r  ¬p (sym (∣-zeroˡ (subst (_∣ n) p r)))) }
  ; (no ¬p) 
      let qr = quotRem m n ¬p in
      case discreteℤ (qr .rem) 0
      return  _  Dec (m  n)) of λ
      { (yes p)  yes (rem≡0→m∣n _ _ qr  p)
      ; (no ¬p)  no  (rem≢0→m∤n _ _ qr ¬p) }}