{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}

module Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.GroupStructure where

open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.Base hiding (elim2)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.WedgeConnectivity
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base

open import Cubical.Data.Nat

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to ∙assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path

open import Cubical.HITs.EilenbergMacLane1
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as TR
  renaming (elim to trElim ; rec to trRec ; rec2 to trRec2)
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp

open import Cubical.Functions.Morphism

  variable  : Level

module _ {G : AbGroup } where
  infixr 34 _+ₖ_
  infixr 34 _-ₖ_
  open AbGroupStr (snd G) renaming (_+_ to _+G_ ; -_ to -G_ ; +Assoc to +AssocG)

    help : (n : )  n + (4 + n)  (2 + n) + (2 + n)
    help n = +-suc n (3 + n)  cong suc (+-suc n (suc (suc n)))

    hLevHelp : (n : )  isOfHLevel ((2 + n) + (2 + n)) (EM G (2 + n))
    hLevHelp n =
      transport  i  isOfHLevel (help n i) (EM G (2 + n)))
            (isOfHLevelPlus {n = 4 + n} n (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n)))

    helper : (g h : fst G)
       PathP  i  Path (EM₁ (AbGroup→Group G))
               (emloop h i) (emloop h i)) (emloop g) (emloop g)
    helper g h =
        ((sym (emloop-comp _ h g)
          ∙∙ cong emloop (+Comm h g)
          ∙∙ emloop-comp _ g h))

  _+ₖ_ : {n : }  EM G n  EM G n  EM G n
  _+ₖ_ {n = zero} = _+G_
  _+ₖ_ {n = suc zero} =
    rec _ (isGroupoidΠ  _  emsquash))
       x  x)
       x  funExt (looper x))
      λ g h i j x  el g h x i j
    looper : fst G  (x : _)  x  x
    looper g = (elimSet _  _  emsquash _ _)
                     (emloop g)
                     (helper g))

    el : (g h : fst G) (x : EM₁ (AbGroup→Group G))
       Square (looper g x)
                (looper (g +G h) x)
                refl (looper h x)
    el g h =
      elimProp _  _  isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (emsquash _ _) _ _)
        (emcomp g h)

  _+ₖ_ {n = suc (suc n)} =
    trRec2 (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n))
      (wedgeConEM.fun G G (suc n) (suc n)
         _ _  hLevHelp n)
        ∣_∣ ∣_∣ refl)

  σ-EM : (n : )  EM-raw G (suc n)  Path (EM-raw G (2 + n)) ptEM-raw ptEM-raw
  σ-EM n x = merid x  sym (merid ptEM-raw)

  -ₖ_ : {n : }  EM G n  EM G n
  -ₖ_ {n = zero} x = -G x
  -ₖ_ {n = suc zero} =
    rec _ emsquash
       g  sym (emloop g))
      λ g h  sym (emloop-sym _ g)
                (flipSquare (emcomp (-G g) (-G h))
                emloop-sym _ h)
             (cong emloop (+Comm (-G g) (-G h)
                           sym (GroupTheory.invDistr (AbGroup→Group G) g h))
              emloop-sym _ (g +G h)))
  -ₖ_ {n = suc (suc n)} =
    map λ { north  north
          ; south  north
          ; (merid a i)  σ-EM n a (~ i)}

  _-ₖ_ : {n : }  EM G n  EM G n  EM G n
  _-ₖ_ {n = n} x y = _+ₖ_ {n = n} x (-ₖ_ {n = n} y)

  +ₖ-syntax : (n : )   EM G n  EM G n  EM G n
  +ₖ-syntax n = _+ₖ_ {n = n}

  -ₖ-syntax : (n : )  EM G n  EM G n
  -ₖ-syntax n = -ₖ_ {n = n}

  -'ₖ-syntax : (n : )  EM G n  EM G n  EM G n
  -'ₖ-syntax n = _-ₖ_ {n = n}

  syntax +ₖ-syntax n x y = x +[ n ]ₖ y
  syntax -ₖ-syntax n x = -[ n ]ₖ x
  syntax -'ₖ-syntax n x y = x -[ n ]ₖ y

  lUnitₖ : (n : ) (x : EM G n)  0ₖ n +[ n ]ₖ x  x
  lUnitₖ zero x = +IdL x
  lUnitₖ (suc zero) _ = refl
  lUnitₖ (suc (suc n)) =
    trElim  _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
      λ _  refl

  rUnitₖ : (n : ) (x : EM G n)  x +[ n ]ₖ 0ₖ n  x
  rUnitₖ zero x = +IdR x
  rUnitₖ (suc zero) =
    elimSet _  _  emsquash _ _)
            λ _ _  refl
  rUnitₖ (suc (suc n)) =
    trElim  _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
      (wedgeConEM.right G G (suc n) (suc n)
       _ _  hLevHelp n)
      ∣_∣ ∣_∣ refl)

  commₖ : (n : ) (x y : EM G n)  x +[ n ]ₖ y  y +[ n ]ₖ x
  commₖ zero = +Comm
  commₖ (suc zero) =
    wedgeConEM.fun G G 0 0  _ _  emsquash _ _)
       x  sym (rUnitₖ 1 x))
      (rUnitₖ 1)
  commₖ (suc (suc n)) =
    elim2  _ _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
      (wedgeConEM.fun G G _ _  _ _  isOfHLevelPath ((2 + n) + (2 + n)) (hLevHelp n) _ _)
       x  sym (rUnitₖ (2 + n)  x ))
       x  rUnitₖ (2 + n)  x )

  cong₂+₁ : (p q : typ (Ω (EM∙ G 1)))
           cong₂  x y  x +[ 1 ]ₖ y) p q  p  q
  cong₂+₁ p q =
      (cong₂Funct  x y  x +[ 1 ]ₖ y) p q)
     i  (cong  x  rUnitₖ 1 x i) p)  (cong  x  lUnitₖ 1 x i) q))

  cong₂+₂ : (n : ) (p q : typ (Ω (EM∙ G  (suc (suc n)))))
           cong₂  x y  x +[ (2 + n) ]ₖ y) p q  p  q
  cong₂+₂ n p q =
      (cong₂Funct  x y  x +[ (2 + n) ]ₖ y) p q)
     i  (cong  x  rUnitₖ (2 + n) x i) p)  (cong  x  lUnitₖ (2 + n) x i) q))

  isCommΩEM : (n : ) (p q : typ (Ω (EM∙ G  (suc n))))  p  q  q  p
  isCommΩEM zero p q =
       sym (cong₂+₁ p q)
    ∙∙  i j  commₖ 1 (p j) (q j) i)
    ∙∙ cong₂+₁ q p
  isCommΩEM (suc n) p q =
       (sym (cong₂+₂ n p q)
    ∙∙  i j  commₖ (suc (suc n)) (p j) (q j) i)
    ∙∙ cong₂+₂ n q p)

  cong-₁ : (p : typ (Ω (EM∙ G 1)))  cong  x  -[ 1 ]ₖ x) p  sym p
  cong-₁ p = main embase p
    decoder : (x : EM G 1)  embase  x  x  embase
    decoder =
      elimSet _
         _  isSetΠ λ _  emsquash _ _)
         p i  -[ 1 ]ₖ (p i))
        λ g  toPathP
          (funExt λ x 
             i  transport  i  Path (EM G 1) (emloop g i) embase)
               (cong (-ₖ_ {n = 1})
                 (transp  j  Path (EM G 1) embase (emloop g (~ j  ~ i))) i
                   (compPath-filler x (sym (emloop g)) i) )))
         ∙∙  i  transp  j  Path (EM G 1) (emloop g (i  j)) embase) i
                             (sym (emloop g))
                             (cong-∙ (-ₖ_ {n = 1})
                                   x (sym (emloop g)) i) i))
      ∙∙ (cong (sym (emloop g) ∙_) (isCommΩEM 0 (cong (-ₖ_ {n = 1}) x) (emloop g)))
      ∙∙ ∙assoc _ _ _
      ∙∙ cong (_∙ (cong (-ₖ_ {n = 1}) x)) (lCancel (emloop g))
        sym (lUnit _))

    main : (x : EM G 1) (p : embase  x)  decoder x p  sym p
    main x = J  x p  decoder x p  sym p) refl

  cong-₂ : (n : ) (p : typ (Ω (EM∙ G (2 + n))))
     cong  x  -[ 2 + n ]ₖ x) p  sym p
  cong-₂ n p = main _ p
    pp : (a : _)
       PathP  i  0ₖ (suc (suc n))   merid a i ∣ₕ   merid a i ∣ₕ  0ₖ (2 + n))
               (cong  x  -[ 2 + n ]ₖ x))
               λ p  cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid ptEM-raw))  cong  x  -[ 2 + n ]ₖ x) p
    pp a =
        (funExt λ x 
           k  transp  i  Path (EM G (2 + n))  merid a (i  k)   ptEM-raw ) k
                         (compPath-filler' (cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid a)))
                          (cong (-ₖ-syntax (suc (suc n)))
                           (transp  j  Path (EM G (2 + n))  ptEM-raw   merid a (~ j  ~ k) ) k
                            (compPath-filler x (sym (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid a))) k))) k))
               ∙∙ cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid a)) ∙_)
                       (cong-∙  x  -[ 2 + n ]ₖ x) x (sym (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid a)))
                       isCommΩEM (suc n) (cong  x  -[ 2 + n ]ₖ x) x) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ-EM n a)))
               ∙∙  k   i   merid a (~ i  k) )
                          i   compPath-filler' (merid a) (sym (merid ptEM-raw)) (~ k) i )
                         cong  x  -ₖ-syntax (suc (suc n)) x) x)
                 sym (lUnit _))

    decoder : (x : EM G (2 + n))
             0ₖ (2 + n)  x  x  0ₖ (2 + n)
    decoder =
      trElim  _  isOfHLevelΠ (4 + n) λ _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
             λ { north  pp ptEM-raw i0
               ; south  pp ptEM-raw i1
               ; (merid a i)  pp a i}

    main : (x : EM G (2 + n)) (p : 0ₖ (2 + n)  x)  decoder x p  sym p
    main x = J  x p  decoder x p  sym p) refl

  rCancelₖ : (n : ) (x : EM G n)  x +[ n ]ₖ (-[ n ]ₖ x)  0ₖ n
  rCancelₖ zero x = +InvR x
  rCancelₖ (suc zero) =
    elimSet _  _  emsquash _ _)
      λ g  flipSquare (cong₂+₁ (emloop g)  i  -ₖ-syntax 1 (emloop g i))
            rCancel (emloop g))
  rCancelₖ (suc (suc n)) =
    trElim  _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
      λ { north  refl
        ; south i  +ₖ-syntax (suc (suc n))  merid ptEM-raw (~ i) 
                      (-ₖ-syntax (suc (suc n))  merid ptEM-raw (~ i) )
        ; (merid a i) j
           hcomp  r  λ { (i = i0)  0ₖ (2 + n)
                             ; (i = i1)   merid ptEM-raw (~ j  r) ∣ₕ -[ 2 + n ]ₖ  merid ptEM-raw (~ j  r) 
                             ; (j = i0)   compPath-filler (merid a) (sym (merid ptEM-raw)) (~ r) i 
                                        -[ 2 + n ]ₖ  compPath-filler (merid a) (sym (merid ptEM-raw)) (~ r) i 
                             ; (j = i1)  0ₖ (2 + n)})
                   (help' a j i) }
    help' : (a : _)
       cong₂  x y   x  -[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  y ) (σ-EM n a) (σ-EM n a)  refl
    help' a =
         cong₂+₂ n (cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ-EM n a)) (cong  x  -[ 2 + n ]ₖ  x ) (σ-EM n a))
      ∙∙ cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ-EM n a) ∙_) (cong-₂ n (cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ-EM n a)))
      ∙∙ rCancel _

  lCancelₖ : (n : ) (x : EM G n)  (-[ n ]ₖ x) +[ n ]ₖ x  0ₖ n
  lCancelₖ n x = commₖ n (-[ n ]ₖ x) x  rCancelₖ n x

  assocₖ : (n : ) (x y z : EM G n)
         (x +[ n ]ₖ (y +[ n ]ₖ z)  (x +[ n ]ₖ y) +[ n ]ₖ z)
  assocₖ zero = +AssocG
  assocₖ (suc zero) =
    elimSet _  _  isSetΠ2 λ _ _  emsquash _ _)
       _ _  refl)
      λ g i y z k  lem g y z k i
    lem : (g : fst G) (y z : _)
         cong  x  x +[ suc zero ]ₖ (y +[ suc zero ]ₖ z)) (emloop g)
          cong  x  (x +[ suc zero ]ₖ y) +[ suc zero ]ₖ z) (emloop g)
    lem g =
      elimProp _  _  isPropΠ λ _  emsquash _ _ _ _)
        (elimProp _  _  emsquash _ _ _ _)
  assocₖ (suc (suc n)) =
    elim2  _ _  isOfHLevelΠ (4 + n) λ _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
      λ a b  trElim  _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
                 c  main c a b)
    lem : (c : _) (a b : _)
       PathP  i  ( a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ ( b ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  merid c i ∣ₕ)
                     ( a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  b ∣ₕ) +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  merid c i ∣ₕ))
               (cong  x   a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ x) (rUnitₖ (suc (suc n))  b )
                    sym (rUnitₖ (suc (suc n)) ( a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  b ∣ₕ)))
               ((λ i   a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ ( b ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  merid ptEM-raw (~ i) ∣ₕ))
             ∙∙ cong  x   a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ x) (rUnitₖ (suc (suc n))  b )
                  sym (rUnitₖ (suc (suc n)) ( a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  b ∣ₕ))
             ∙∙ λ i  ( a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  b ∣ₕ) +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  merid ptEM-raw i ∣ₕ)
    lem c =
      raw-elim G (suc n)
         _  isOfHLevelΠ (2 + n)
           _  isOfHLevelPathP' (2 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n) _ _) _ _))
           (raw-elim G (suc n)
             _  isOfHLevelPathP' (2 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n) _ _) _ _)
             ((sym (rUnit refl)
              λ _  refl)
              (sym (lCancel (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid ptEM-raw)))
              λ i   j   merid ptEM-raw (~ j  ~ i) ∣ₕ)
                   ∙∙ lUnit  j   merid ptEM-raw (~ j  ~ i) ∣ₕ) i
                   ∙∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid ptEM-raw))))
    main : (c a b : _)
       ( a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ ( b ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  c ∣ₕ)
        ( a ∣ₕ +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  b ∣ₕ) +[ suc (suc n) ]ₖ  c ∣ₕ)
    main north a b = lem ptEM-raw a b i0
    main south a b = lem ptEM-raw a b i1
    main (merid c i) a b = lem c a b i

  σ-EM' : (n : ) (x : EM G (suc n))
         Path (EM G (suc (suc n)))
                (0ₖ (suc (suc n)))
                (0ₖ (suc (suc n)))
  σ-EM' zero x = cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ-EM zero x)
  σ-EM' (suc n) =
    trElim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc (5 + n) _ _)
      λ x  cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ-EM (suc n) x)

  σ-EM'-0ₖ : (n : )  σ-EM' n (0ₖ (suc n))  refl
  σ-EM'-0ₖ zero = cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (rCancel (merid ptEM-raw))
  σ-EM'-0ₖ (suc n) = cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (rCancel (merid ptEM-raw))

    lUnit-rUnit-coh :  {} {A : Type } {x : A} (p : x  x) (r : refl  p)
         lUnit p  cong (_∙ p) r
          rUnit p  cong (p ∙_) r
    lUnit-rUnit-coh p =
      J  p r  lUnit p  cong (_∙ p) r  rUnit p  cong (p ∙_) r) refl

  σ-EM'-hom : (n : )  (a b : _)  σ-EM' n (a +ₖ b)  σ-EM' n a  σ-EM' n b
  σ-EM'-hom zero =
    wedgeConEM.fun G G 0 0  _ _  isOfHLevelTrunc 4 _ _ _ _) l r p
    l : _
    l x = cong (σ-EM' zero) (lUnitₖ 1 x)
        ∙∙ lUnit (σ-EM' zero x)
        ∙∙ cong (_∙ σ-EM' zero x) (sym (σ-EM'-0ₖ zero))

    r : _
    r x =
         cong (σ-EM' zero) (rUnitₖ 1 x)
      ∙∙ rUnit (σ-EM' zero x)
      ∙∙ cong (σ-EM' zero x ∙_) (sym (σ-EM'-0ₖ zero))

    p : _
    p = lUnit-rUnit-coh (σ-EM' zero embase) (sym (σ-EM'-0ₖ zero))
  σ-EM'-hom (suc n) =
    elim2  _ _  isOfHLevelPath (4 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (5 + n) _ _) _ _)
      (wedgeConEM.fun G G _ _
         x y  transport  i  isOfHLevel (help n i)
                            ((σ-EM' (suc n) ( x ∣ₕ +ₖ  y ∣ₕ)
                            σ-EM' (suc n)  x ∣ₕ  σ-EM' (suc n)  y ∣ₕ)))
                    (isOfHLevelPlus {n = 4 + n} n
                      (isOfHLevelPath (4 + n)
                        (isOfHLevelTrunc (5 + n) _ _) _ _)))
         x  cong (σ-EM' (suc n)) (lUnitₖ (suc (suc n))  x )
            ∙∙ lUnit (σ-EM' (suc n)  x )
            ∙∙ cong (_∙ σ-EM' (suc n)  x ) (sym (σ-EM'-0ₖ (suc n))))
         x  cong (σ-EM' (suc n)) (rUnitₖ (2 + n)  x )
      ∙∙ rUnit (σ-EM' (suc n)  x )
      ∙∙ cong (σ-EM' (suc n)  x  ∙_) (sym (σ-EM'-0ₖ (suc n))))
        (lUnit-rUnit-coh (σ-EM' (suc n) (0ₖ (2 + n))) (sym (σ-EM'-0ₖ (suc n)))))

  σ-EM'-ₖ : (n : )  (a : _)  σ-EM' n (-ₖ a)  sym (σ-EM' n a)
  σ-EM'-ₖ n =
       x y  x +[ suc n ]ₖ y) (_∙_)
      (σ-EM' n) (σ-EM'-hom n)
      (0ₖ (suc n)) refl
       x  -ₖ x) sym
       x  sym (lUnit x))  x  sym (rUnit x))
      (lCancelₖ (suc n)) rCancel
      ∙assoc (σ-EM'-0ₖ n)

  -Dist : (n : ) (x y : EM G n)  -[ n ]ₖ (x +[ n ]ₖ y)  (-[ n ]ₖ x) +[ n ]ₖ (-[ n ]ₖ y)
  -Dist zero x y = (GroupTheory.invDistr (AbGroup→Group G) x y)  commₖ zero _ _
  -Dist (suc zero) = k
    where -- useless where clause. Needed for fast type checking for some reason.
    l : _
    l x = refl

    r : _
    r x = cong  z  -[ 1 ]ₖ z) (rUnitₖ 1 x)  sym (rUnitₖ 1 (-[ 1 ]ₖ x))

    p : r ptEM-raw  l ptEM-raw
    p = sym (rUnit refl)

    k = wedgeConEM.fun G G 0 0  _ _  emsquash _ _) l r (sym p)

  -Dist (suc (suc n)) =
    elim2  _ _  isOfHLevelTruncPath {n = 4 + n})
      (wedgeConEM.fun G G (suc n) (suc n)
         _ _  isOfHLevelPath ((2 + n) + (2 + n)) (hLevHelp n) _ _)
         x  refl)
         x  cong  z  -[ (suc (suc n)) ]ₖ z)
                     (rUnitₖ (suc (suc n))  x ∣ₕ)
                      sym (rUnitₖ (suc (suc n)) (-[ (suc (suc n)) ]ₖ  x ∣ₕ)))
        (rUnit refl))

  addIso : (n : ) (x : EM G n)  Iso (EM G n) (EM G n)
  Iso.fun (addIso n x) y = y +[ n ]ₖ x
  Iso.inv (addIso n x) y = y -[ n ]ₖ x
  Iso.rightInv (addIso n x) y =
       sym (assocₖ n y (-[ n ]ₖ x) x)
    ∙∙ cong  x  y +[ n ]ₖ x) (lCancelₖ n x)
    ∙∙ rUnitₖ n y
  Iso.leftInv (addIso n x) y =
    sym (assocₖ n y x (-[ n ]ₖ x))
    ∙∙ cong  x  y +[ n ]ₖ x) (rCancelₖ n x)
    ∙∙ rUnitₖ n y

-0ₖ :  {} {G : AbGroup } (n : )  -[ n ]ₖ (0ₖ {G = G} n)  0ₖ n
-0ₖ {G = G} zero = GroupTheory.inv1g (AbGroup→Group G)
-0ₖ (suc zero) = refl
-0ₖ (suc (suc n)) = refl

-ₖ² :  {} {G : AbGroup } (k : ) (x : EM G k)  (-ₖ (-ₖ x))  x
-ₖ² {G = G} zero x = GroupTheory.invInv (AbGroup→Group G) x
-ₖ² (suc zero) = EM-raw'-elim _ _  _  hLevelEM _ 1 _ _)
  λ { embase-raw  refl ; (emloop-raw g i)  refl}
-ₖ² {G = G} (suc (suc k)) =
  TR.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath (4 + k) (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + k)) _ _)
    λ { north  refl
      ; south  cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid ptEM-raw)
      ; (merid a i)  help a i}
    help : (a : _)
       PathP  i  Path (EM G (suc (suc k)))
                        (-ₖ (-ₖ  merid a i ∣ₕ))  merid a i ∣ₕ)
               (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid ptEM-raw))
    help a = flipSquare (
         cong (cong (-ₖ_ {n = suc (suc k)}))
         (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (symDistr (merid a) (sym (merid ptEM-raw)))
        cong-∙ ∣_∣ₕ (merid (ptEM-raw)) (sym (merid a)))
        cong-∙ (-ₖ_ {n = suc (suc k)})
          (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid ptEM-raw)) (sym (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid a)))
        cong (_∙ cong (-ₖ_ {n = suc (suc k)})
                    (sym (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid a))))
               i j   rCancel (merid ptEM-raw) i (~ j) ∣ₕ)
        sym (lUnit _)
        λ i j   compPath-filler (merid a) (sym (merid ptEM-raw)) (~ i) j ∣ₕ)

_+ₖ∙_ :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {G : AbGroup ℓ'} {n : }
   (A →∙ EM∙ G n)  (A →∙ EM∙ G n)
   A →∙ EM∙ G n
fst (f +ₖ∙ g) x = fst f x +ₖ fst g x
snd (_+ₖ∙_ {A = A} {n = n} f g) = s
    s : fst f (pt A) +ₖ fst g (pt A)  0ₖ n
    s = cong₂ _+ₖ_ (snd f) (snd g)  rUnitₖ _ (0ₖ _)

-distrₖ : {G : AbGroup } (n : ) (x y : EM G n)
   -[ n ]ₖ (x +[ n ]ₖ y)  (-[ n ]ₖ x) +[ n ]ₖ (-[ n ]ₖ y)
-distrₖ {G = G} zero x y =
    GroupTheory.invDistr (AbGroup→Group G) x y
   AbGroupStr.+Comm (snd G) (AbGroupStr.-_ (snd G) y) (AbGroupStr.-_ (snd G) x)
-distrₖ {G = G} (suc zero) =
  wedgeConEM.fun G G 0 0
     _ _  hLevelEM _ 1 _ _)
     x  sym (lUnitₖ 1 (-[ 1 ]ₖ x)))
     x  cong  x  -[ 1 ]ₖ x) (rUnitₖ 1 x)  sym (rUnitₖ 1 (-[ 1 ]ₖ x)))
    (rUnit refl)
-distrₖ {G = G} (suc (suc n)) =
  TR.elim2  _ _  isOfHLevelPath (4 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n)) _ _)
    (wedgeConEM.fun _ _ (suc n) (suc n)
       _ _  isOfHLevelPath ((2 + n) + (2 + n))
        (subst  r  isOfHLevel r (EM G (suc (suc n))))
          (cong  x  suc (suc x)) (+-comm (suc (suc n)) n))
          (isOfHLevelPlus' {n = n} (4 + n) (hLevelEM G (suc (suc n))))) _ _)
       x  sym (lUnitₖ (2 + n) (-[ (2 + n) ]ₖ  x )))
       x  cong  x  -[ (2 + n) ]ₖ x) (rUnitₖ (2 + n)  x  )
          sym (rUnitₖ (2 + n) (-[ (2 + n) ]ₖ  x )))
      (rUnit refl))