{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
This file contains a proof that the generator of Π₃S² has
hopf invariant ±1.
module Cubical.Homotopy.HopfInvariant.HopfMap where

open import Cubical.Homotopy.HopfInvariant.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Hopf
open S¹Hopf
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected
open import Cubical.Homotopy.HSpace

open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Properties
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Sn
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.CupProduct
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.RingLaws
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Gysin

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Int hiding (_+'_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_ ; _·_ to _·ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.ZAction
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Exact
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath

open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout as Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Join
open import Cubical.HITs.S1 renaming (_·_ to _*_)
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation
  renaming (rec to trRec ; elim to trElim)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
  renaming (rec to sRec ; rec2 to sRec2
          ; elim to sElim ; elim2 to sElim2 ; map to sMap)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
  renaming (rec to pRec)

HopfMap : S₊∙ 3 →∙ S₊∙ 2
fst HopfMap x = JoinS¹S¹→TotalHopf (Iso.inv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x) .fst
snd HopfMap = refl

-- We use the Hopf fibration in order to connect it to the Gysin Sequence
module hopfS¹ =
  Hopf S1-AssocHSpace (sphereElim2 _  _ _  squash₁)  refl ∣₁)

S¹Hopf = hopfS¹.Hopf
E* = hopfS¹.TotalSpacePush²'
IsoE*join = hopfS¹.joinIso₂
IsoTotalHopf' = hopfS¹.joinIso₁
CP² = hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush²
fibr = hopfS¹.P

TotalHopf' : Type _
TotalHopf' = Σ (S₊ 2) S¹Hopf

IsoJoins : (join  (join  ))  join  (S₊ 3)
IsoJoins = cong (join ) (isoToPath (IsoSphereJoin 1 1))

-- CP² is 1-connected
conCP² : (x y : CP²)   x  y ∥₂
conCP² x y = sRec2 squash₂  p q   p  sym q ∣₂) (conCP²' x) (conCP²' y)
  conCP²' : (x : CP²)   x  inl tt ∥₂
  conCP²' (inl x) =  refl ∣₂
  conCP²' (inr x) = sphereElim 1 {A = λ x   inr x  inl tt ∥₂}
                                  _  squash₂)  sym (push (inl base)) ∣₂ x
  conCP²' (push a i) = main a i
    indLem :  {} {A : hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush  Type }
         ((a : _)  isProp (A a))
         A (inl base)
         ((a : hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush)  A a)
    indLem {A = A} p b =
      Pushout.elimProp _ p
        (sphereElim 0  _  p _) b)
        (sphereElim 0  _  p _) (subst A (push (base , base)) b))

    main : (a : hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush)
          PathP  i   Path CP² (push a i) (inl tt) ∥₂)
                  (conCP²' (inl tt)) (conCP²' (inr (hopfS¹.induced a)))
    main = indLem  _  isOfHLevelPathP' 1 squash₂ _ _)
                   λ j    i  push (inl base) (~ i  j)) ∣₂

module GysinS² = Gysin (CP² , inl tt) fibr conCP² 2 idIso refl

E'S⁴Iso : Iso GysinS².E' (S₊ 5)
E'S⁴Iso =
  compIso IsoE*join
    (compIso (Iso→joinIso idIso (IsoSphereJoin 1 1))
             (IsoSphereJoin 1 3))

isContrH³E : isContr (coHom 3 (GysinS².E'))
isContrH³E =
  subst isContr (sym (isoToPath
                      (fst (Hⁿ-Sᵐ≅0 2 4
                      λ p  snotz (sym (cong (predℕ  predℕ) p)))))
                cong (coHom 3) (sym (isoToPath E'S⁴Iso)))

isContrH⁴E : isContr (coHom 4 (GysinS².E'))
isContrH⁴E =
  subst isContr (sym (isoToPath
                     (fst (Hⁿ-Sᵐ≅0 3 4
                       λ p  snotz (sym (cong (predℕ  predℕ  predℕ) p)))))
                cong (coHom 4) (sym (isoToPath E'S⁴Iso)))

-- We will need a bunch of elimination principles
joinS¹S¹→Groupoid :  {} (P : join    Type )
             ((x : _)  isGroupoid (P x))
             P (inl base)
             (x : _)  P x
joinS¹S¹→Groupoid P grp b =
  transport  i  (x : (isoToPath (invIso (IsoSphereJoin 1 1))) i)
         P (transp  j  isoToPath (invIso (IsoSphereJoin 1 1)) (i  j)) i x))
        (sphereElim _  _  grp _) b)

TotalHopf→Gpd :  {} (P : hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush  Type )
             ((x : _)  isGroupoid (P x))
             P (inl base)
             (x : _)  P x
TotalHopf→Gpd P grp b =
  transport  i  (x : sym (isoToPath IsoTotalHopf') i)
                  P (transp  j  isoToPath IsoTotalHopf' (~ i  ~ j)) i x))
    (joinS¹S¹→Groupoid _  _  grp _) b)

TotalHopf→Gpd' :  {} (P : Σ (S₊ 2) hopfS¹.Hopf  Type )
             ((x : _)  isGroupoid (P x))
             P (north , base)
             (x : _)  P x
TotalHopf→Gpd' P grp b =
  transport  i  (x : ua (_ , hopfS¹.isEquivTotalSpaceHopfPush→TotalSpace) i)
           P (transp  j  ua (_ , hopfS¹.isEquivTotalSpaceHopfPush→TotalSpace)
                                  (i  j)) i x))
          (TotalHopf→Gpd _  _  grp _) b)

CP²→Groupoid :  {} {P : CP²  Type }
                ((x : _)  is2Groupoid (P x))
                (b : P (inl tt))
                (s2 : ((x : _)  P (inr x)))
                PathP  i  P (push (inl base) i)) b (s2 north)
                (x : _)  P x
CP²→Groupoid {P = P} grp b s2 pp (inl x) = b
CP²→Groupoid {P = P} grp b s2 pp (inr x) = s2 x
CP²→Groupoid {P = P} grp b s2 pp (push a i₁) = lem a i₁
  lem : (a : hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush)  PathP  i  P (push a i)) b (s2 _)
  lem = TotalHopf→Gpd _   _  isOfHLevelPathP' 3 (grp _) _ _) pp

-- The function inducing the iso H²(S²) ≅ H²(CP²)
H²S²→H²CP²-raw : (S₊ 2  coHomK 2)  (CP²  coHomK 2)
H²S²→H²CP²-raw f (inl x) = 0ₖ _
H²S²→H²CP²-raw f (inr x) = f x -ₖ f north
H²S²→H²CP²-raw f (push a i) =
    TotalHopf→Gpd  x  0ₖ 2
   f (hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush→TotalSpace x .fst) -ₖ f north)
       _  isOfHLevelTrunc 4 _ _)
      (sym (rCancelₖ 2 (f north)))
      a i

H²S²→H²CP² : coHomGr 2 (S₊ 2) .fst  coHomGr 2 CP² .fst
H²S²→H²CP² = sMap H²S²→H²CP²-raw

cancel-H²S²→H²CP² : (f : CP²  coHomK 2)
    H²S²→H²CP²-raw (f  inr)  f ∥₁
cancel-H²S²→H²CP² f =
  pRec squash₁
     p  pRec squash₁
                 f   funExt f ∣₁)
                (cancelLem p))
    (connLem (f (inl tt)))
  connLem : (x : coHomK 2)    x  0ₖ 2 ∥₁
  connLem = coHomK-elim _  _  isOfHLevelSuc 1 squash₁)  refl ∣₁

  cancelLem : (p : f (inl tt)  0ₖ 2)
      ((x : CP²)  H²S²→H²CP²-raw (f  inr) x  f x) ∥₁
  cancelLem p = trRec squash₁  pp 
     CP²→Groupoid  _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 4) _ _)
                 (sym p)
                  x   i  f (inr x) -ₖ f (push (inl base) (~ i)))
                       ∙∙  i  f (inr x) -ₖ p i)
                       ∙∙ rUnitₖ 2 (f (inr x))) pp ∣₁)
    help :
      hLevelTrunc 1
        (PathP  i₁  H²S²→H²CP²-raw (f  inr) (push (inl base) i₁)
                      f (push (inl base) i₁))
              (sym p)
              (((λ i₁  f (inr north) -ₖ f (push (inl base) (~ i₁))) ∙∙
                 i₁  f (inr north) -ₖ p i₁) ∙∙ rUnitₖ 2 (f (inr north)))))
    help = isConnectedPathP 1 (isConnectedPath 2 (isConnectedKn 1) _ _) _ _ .fst

H²CP²≅H²S² : GroupIso (coHomGr 2 CP²) (coHomGr 2 (S₊ 2))
Iso.fun (fst H²CP²≅H²S²) = sMap (_∘ inr)
Iso.inv (fst H²CP²≅H²S²) = H²S²→H²CP²
Iso.rightInv (fst H²CP²≅H²S²) =
  sElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _)
    λ f  trRec {B = Iso.fun (fst H²CP²≅H²S²) (Iso.inv (fst H²CP²≅H²S²)  f ∣₂)
                     f ∣₂}
    (isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _)
     p  cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x  cong  y  (f x) -ₖ y) p  rUnitₖ 2 (f x)))
    (Iso.fun (PathIdTruncIso _)
             (isContr→isProp (isConnectedKn 1)  f north   0ₖ 2 ))
Iso.leftInv (fst H²CP²≅H²S²) =
  sElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _)
    λ f  pRec (squash₂ _ _) (cong ∣_∣₂) (cancel-H²S²→H²CP² f)
snd H²CP²≅H²S² =
    (sElim2  _ _  isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _) λ f g  refl)

H²CP²≅ℤ : GroupIso (coHomGr 2 CP²) ℤGroup
H²CP²≅ℤ = compGroupIso H²CP²≅H²S² (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ 1)

-- ⌣ gives a groupEquiv H²(CP²) ≃ H⁴(CP²)
⌣Equiv : GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 CP²) (coHomGr 4 CP²)
fst (fst ⌣Equiv) = GysinS².⌣-hom 2 .fst
snd (fst ⌣Equiv) = isEq⌣
  isEq⌣ : isEquiv (GysinS².⌣-hom 2 .fst)
  isEq⌣ =
      (GroupPath _ _ .fst (invGroupEquiv
        (isContr→≃Unit isContrH³E
        , makeIsGroupHom λ _ _  refl)))
      (GroupPath _ _ .fst (invGroupEquiv
        (isContr→≃Unit isContrH⁴E
        , makeIsGroupHom λ _ _  refl)))
      (GysinS².susp∘ϕ 1)
      (GysinS².⌣-hom 2)
      (GysinS².p-hom 4)
      (GysinS².Ker-⌣e⊂Im-Susp∘ϕ _)
      (GysinS².Ker-p⊂Im-⌣e _)
snd ⌣Equiv = GysinS².⌣-hom 2 .snd

-- The generator of H²(CP²)
genCP² : coHom 2 CP²
genCP² =  CP²→Groupoid  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 4)
                      (0ₖ _)
                      refl ∣₂

inrInjective : (f g : CP²  coHomK 2)   f  inr  g  inr ∥₁
              Path (coHom 2 CP²)  f ∣₂  g ∣₂
inrInjective f g = pRec (squash₂ _ _)
   p  pRec (squash₂ _ _)  id  trRec (squash₂ _ _)
                pp  cong ∣_∣₂
                 (funExt (CP²→Groupoid
                            _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 4) _ _)
                         (funExt⁻ p)
                         (compPathR→PathP pp))))
                   (conn2 (f (inl tt)) (g (inl tt)) id
                     (cong f (push (inl base))
                        (funExt⁻ p north)  cong g (sym (push (inl base))))))
               (conn (f (inl tt)) (g (inl tt))))

  conn : (x y : coHomK 2)   x  y ∥₁
  conn = coHomK-elim _  _  isSetΠ λ _  isOfHLevelSuc 1 squash₁)
           (coHomK-elim _  _  isOfHLevelSuc 1 squash₁)  refl ∣₁)

  conn2 : (x y : coHomK 2) (p q : x  y)  hLevelTrunc 1 (p  q)
  conn2 x y p q =
    Iso.fun (PathIdTruncIso _)
      (isContr→isProp (isConnectedPath _ (isConnectedKn 1) x y)  p   q )

-- A couple of basic lemma concerning the hSpace structure on S¹
  invLooperLem₁ : (a x : )
     (invEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) x) * a  (invLooper a * x) * a
  invLooperLem₁ a x =
       secEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) x
    ∙∙ cong (_* x) (rCancelS¹ a)
    ∙∙ AssocHSpace.μ-assoc S1-AssocHSpace a (invLooper a) x
      commS¹ _ _

  invLooperLem₂ : (a x : )  invEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) x  invLooper a * x
  invLooperLem₂ a x = sym (retEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) (invEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) x))
          ∙∙ cong (invEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a)) (invLooperLem₁ a x)
          ∙∙ retEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) (invLooper a * x)

  rotLoop² : (a : )  Path (a  a)  i  rotLoop (rotLoop a i) (~ i)) refl
  rotLoop² =
    sphereElim 0  _  isGroupoidS¹ _ _ _ _)
      λ i j  hcomp  {k  λ { (i = i1)  base
                                ; (j = i0)  base
                                ; (j = i1)  base}})

-- We prove that the generator of CP² given by Gysin is the same one
-- as genCP², which is much easier to work with
Gysin-e≡genCP² : GysinS².e  genCP²
Gysin-e≡genCP² =
  inrInjective _ _  funExt  x  funExt⁻ (cong fst (main x)) south) ∣₁
  mainId : (x : Σ (S₊ 2) hopfS¹.Hopf)
          Path (hLevelTrunc 4 _)  fst x   north 
  mainId = uncurry λ { north  λ y  cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base  sym (merid y))
                     ; south  λ y  cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid y))
                     ; (merid a i)  main a i}
    main : (a : )  PathP  i  (y : hopfS¹.Hopf (merid a i))
                     Path (HubAndSpoke (Susp ) 3)  merid a i   north )
                             y  cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base  sym (merid y)))
                            λ y  cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid y))
    main a =
        (funExt λ x 
          cong (transport  i₁
                Path (HubAndSpoke (Susp ) 3)  merid a i₁   north ))
               ((λ i   z  cong ∣_∣ₕ
                         (merid base
                         sym (merid (transport
                             j  uaInvEquiv (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) (~ i) j) x))) z))
                λ i  cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base
                      sym (merid (transportRefl (invEq (hopfS¹.μ-eq a) x) i))))
      ∙∙  i  transp  i₁  Path (HubAndSpoke (Susp ) 3)
                                       merid a (i₁  i)   north ) i
                        (compPath-filler' (cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid a)))
                          (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base
                                   sym (merid (invLooperLem₂ a x i)))) i))
      ∙∙ cong ((cong ∣_∣ₕ) (sym (merid a)) ∙_)
          (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (cong sym (symDistr (merid base)
                                               (sym (merid (invLooper a * x)))))
          cong sym (SuspS¹-hom (invLooper a) x)
          symDistr ((cong ∣_∣ₕ) (merid (invLooper a)  sym (merid base)))
                     ((cong ∣_∣ₕ) (merid x  sym (merid base)))
          isCommΩK 2 (sym  i₁   (merid x
                                     i₂  merid base (~ i₂))) i₁ ))
                      (sym  i₁   (merid (invLooper a)
                                     i₂  merid base (~ i₂))) i₁ ))
          cong₂ _∙_ (cong sym (SuspS¹-inv a)
                        cong-∙ ∣_∣ₕ (merid a) (sym (merid base)))
                     (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (symDistr (merid x) (sym (merid base)))
                        cong-∙ ∣_∣ₕ (merid base) (sym (merid x))))
      ∙∙  j   i₁   merid a (~ i₁  j) )  ((λ i₁   merid a (i₁  j) )
                   i₁   merid base (~ i₁  j) ))
                   i₁   merid base (i₁  j) )
                   i₁   merid x (~ i₁) ∣ₕ))
      ∙∙ sym (lUnit _)
      ∙∙ sym (assoc _ _ _)
      ∙∙ (sym (lUnit _)  sym (lUnit _)  sym (lUnit _)))

  gen' : (x : S₊ 2)  preThom.Q (CP² , inl tt) fibr (inr x) →∙ coHomK-ptd 2
  fst (gen' x) north =  north 
  fst (gen' x) south =  x 
  fst (gen' x) (merid a i₁) = mainId (x , a) (~ i₁)
  snd (gen' x) = refl

  gen'Id : GysinS².c (inr north) .fst  gen' north .fst
  gen'Id = cong fst (GysinS².cEq (inr north)  push (inl base) ∣₂)
            (funExt lem)
    lem : (qb : _) 
        (subst (fst  preThom.Q (CP² , inl tt) fibr)
                (sym (push (inl base))) qb) 
       gen' north .fst qb
    lem north = refl
    lem south = cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid base))
    lem (merid a i) j =
      hcomp  k 
        λ { (i = i0)   merid a (~ k  j) 
          ; (i  = i1)   merid base (~ j) 
          ; (j = i0)   transportRefl (merid a i) (~ k) 
          ; (j = i1)   compPath-filler
                          (merid base) (sym (merid a)) k (~ i) ∣ₕ})
            (hcomp  k 
              λ { (i = i0)   merid a (j  ~ k) 
                ; (i  = i1)   merid base (~ j  ~ k) 
                ; (j = i0)   merid a (~ k  i) 
                ; (j = i1)   merid base (~ i  ~ k) ∣ₕ})
              south )

  setHelp : (x : S₊ 2)
     isSet (preThom.Q (CP² , inl tt) fibr (inr x) →∙ coHomK-ptd 2)
  setHelp = sphereElim _  _  isProp→isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isPropIsOfHLevel 2))
                            (isOfHLevel↑∙' 0 1)

  main : (x : S₊ 2)   (GysinS².c (inr x)  gen' x)
  main = sphereElim _  x  isOfHLevelPath 2 (setHelp x) _ _)
         (→∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousKn _) gen'Id)

isGenerator≃ℤ :  {} (G : Group ) (g : fst G)  Type 
isGenerator≃ℤ G g =
  Σ[ e  GroupIso G ℤGroup ] abs (Iso.fun (fst e) g)  1

isGenerator≃ℤ-e : isGenerator≃ℤ (coHomGr 2 CP²) GysinS².e
isGenerator≃ℤ-e =
  subst (isGenerator≃ℤ (coHomGr 2 CP²)) (sym Gysin-e≡genCP²)
    (H²CP²≅ℤ , refl)

-- Alternative definition of the hopfMap
HopfMap' : S₊ 3  S₊ 2
HopfMap' x =
    (Iso.inv IsoTotalHopf'
      (Iso.inv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x)) .fst

hopfMap≡HopfMap' : HopfMap  (HopfMap' , refl)
hopfMap≡HopfMap' =
  ΣPathP ((funExt  x 
            cong  x  JoinS¹S¹→TotalHopf x .fst)
              (sym (Iso.rightInv IsoTotalHopf'
                   (Iso.inv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x)))
              sym (lem (Iso.inv IsoTotalHopf'
                   (Iso.inv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x)))))
         , flipSquare (sym (rUnit refl)  λ _ _  north))
  lem : (x : _)  hopfS¹.TotalSpaceHopfPush→TotalSpace x .fst
                JoinS¹S¹→TotalHopf (Iso.fun IsoTotalHopf' x) .fst
  lem (inl x) = refl
  lem (inr x) = refl
  lem (push (base , snd₁) i) = refl
  lem (push (loop i₁ , a) i) k = merid (rotLoop² a (~ k) i₁) i

CP²' : Type _
CP²' = Pushout {A = S₊ 3}  _  tt) HopfMap'

PushoutReplaceBase :  { ℓ' ℓ''} {A B : Type } {C : Type ℓ'} {D : Type ℓ''}
       {f : A  C} {g : A  D} (e : B  A)
     Pushout (f  fst e) (g  fst e)  Pushout f g
PushoutReplaceBase {f = f} {g = g} =
  EquivJ  _ e  Pushout (f  fst e) (g  fst e)  Pushout f g) refl

CP2≡CP²' : CP²'  CP²
CP2≡CP²' =
    (isoToEquiv (compIso (invIso (IsoSphereJoin 1 1)) (invIso IsoTotalHopf')))

-- packaging everything up:
⌣equiv→pres1 :  {} {G H : Type }  (G  H)
         (g₁ : coHom 2 G) (h₁ : coHom 2 H)
         (fstEq : (Σ[ ϕ  GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 G) ℤGroup ]
                      abs (fst (fst ϕ) g₁)  1))
         (sndEq : ((Σ[ ϕ  GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 H) ℤGroup ]
                      abs (fst (fst ϕ) h₁)  1)))
         isEquiv {A = coHom 2 G} {B = coHom 4 G} (_⌣ g₁)
         (3rdEq : GroupEquiv (coHomGr 4 H) ℤGroup)
         abs (fst (fst 3rdEq) (h₁  h₁))  1
⌣equiv→pres1 {G = G} = J  H _  (g₁ : coHom 2 G) (h₁ : coHom 2 H)
         (fstEq : (Σ[ ϕ  GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 G) ℤGroup ]
                      abs (fst (fst ϕ) g₁)  1))
         (sndEq : ((Σ[ ϕ  GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 H) ℤGroup ]
                       abs (fst (fst ϕ) h₁)  1)))
         isEquiv {A = coHom 2 G} {B = coHom 4 G} (_⌣ g₁)
         (3rdEq : GroupEquiv (coHomGr 4 H) ℤGroup)
         abs (fst (fst 3rdEq) (h₁  h₁))  1)
  help : (g₁ h₁ : coHom 2 G)
         (fstEq : (Σ[ ϕ  GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 G) ℤGroup ]
                      abs (fst (fst ϕ) g₁)  1))
         (sndEq : ((Σ[ ϕ  GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 G) ℤGroup ]
                       abs (fst (fst ϕ) h₁)  1)))
         isEquiv {A = coHom 2 G} {B = coHom 4 G} (_⌣ g₁)
         (3rdEq : GroupEquiv (coHomGr 4 G) ℤGroup)
         abs (fst (fst 3rdEq) (h₁  h₁))  1
  help g h (ϕ , idg) (ψ , idh) ⌣eq ξ =
    ⊎→abs _ _
      (groupEquivPresGen _
        (compGroupEquiv main (compGroupEquiv (invGroupEquiv main) ψ))
        h (abs→⊎ _ _ (cong abs (cong (fst (fst ψ)) (retEq (fst main) h))
                      idh)) (compGroupEquiv main ξ))
    lem₁ : ((fst (fst ψ) h)  1)  (fst (fst ψ) h  -1)
       abs (fst (fst ϕ) h)  1
    lem₁ p = ⊎→abs _ _ (groupEquivPresGen _ ψ h p ϕ)

    lem₂ : ((fst (fst ϕ) h)  1)  (fst (fst ϕ) h  -1)
           ((fst (fst ϕ) g)  1)  (fst (fst ϕ) g  -1)
           (h  g)  (h  (-ₕ g))
    lem₂ (inl x) (inl x₁) =
      inl (sym (retEq (fst ϕ) h)
        ∙∙ cong (invEq (fst ϕ)) (x  sym x₁)
        ∙∙ retEq (fst ϕ) g)
    lem₂ (inl x) (inr x₁) =
      inr (sym (retEq (fst ϕ) h)
        ∙∙ cong (invEq (fst ϕ)) x
          IsGroupHom.presinv (snd (invGroupEquiv ϕ)) (negsuc zero)
         ∙∙ cong (-ₕ_) (cong (invEq (fst ϕ)) (sym x₁)  (retEq (fst ϕ) g)))
    lem₂ (inr x) (inl x₁) =
      inr (sym (retEq (fst ϕ) h)
        ∙∙ cong (invEq (fst ϕ)) x
        ∙∙ (IsGroupHom.presinv (snd (invGroupEquiv ϕ)) 1
           cong (-ₕ_) (cong (invEq (fst ϕ)) (sym x₁)  (retEq (fst ϕ) g))))
    lem₂ (inr x) (inr x₁) =
      inl (sym (retEq (fst ϕ) h)
        ∙∙ cong (invEq (fst ϕ)) (x  sym x₁)
        ∙∙ retEq (fst ϕ) g)

    -ₕeq :  {} {A : Type } (n : )  Iso (coHom n A) (coHom n A)
    Iso.fun (-ₕeq n) = -ₕ_
    Iso.inv (-ₕeq n) = -ₕ_
    Iso.rightInv (-ₕeq n) =
      sElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _)
        λ f  cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x  -ₖ^2 (f x))
    Iso.leftInv (-ₕeq n) =
      sElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _)
        λ f  cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x  -ₖ^2 (f x))

    theEq : coHom 2 G  coHom 4 G
    theEq = compEquiv (_ , ⌣eq) (isoToEquiv (-ₕeq 4))

    lem₃ : (h  g)  (h  (-ₕ g))  isEquiv {A = coHom 2 G} (_⌣ h)
    lem₃ (inl x) = subst isEquiv  i  _⌣ (x (~ i))) ⌣eq
    lem₃ (inr x) =
      subst isEquiv (funExt  x  -ₕDistᵣ 2 2 x g)   i  _⌣ (x (~ i))))
            (theEq .snd)

    main : GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 G) (coHomGr 4 G)
    fst main = _ ,
      (lem₃ (lem₂ (abs→⊎ _ _ (lem₁ (abs→⊎ _ _ idh))) (abs→⊎ _ _ idg)))
    snd main =
      makeIsGroupHom λ g1 g2  rightDistr-⌣ _ _ g1 g2 h

-- The hopf invariant is ±1 for both definitions of the hopf map
HopfInvariant-HopfMap' :
  abs (HopfInvariant zero (HopfMap' , λ _  HopfMap' (snd (S₊∙ 3))))  1
HopfInvariant-HopfMap' =
  cong abs (cong (Iso.fun (fst (Hopfβ-Iso zero (HopfMap' , refl))))
           (transportRefl (⌣-α 0 (HopfMap' , refl))))
             ⌣equiv→pres1 (sym CP2≡CP²')
                GysinS².e (Hopfα zero (HopfMap' , refl))
           (l isGenerator≃ℤ-e)
           (GroupIso→GroupEquiv (Hopfα-Iso 0 (HopfMap' , refl)) , refl)
           (snd (fst ⌣Equiv))
           (GroupIso→GroupEquiv (Hopfβ-Iso zero (HopfMap' , refl)))
  l : Σ[ ϕ  GroupIso (coHomGr 2 CP²) ℤGroup ]
       (abs (Iso.fun (fst ϕ) GysinS².e)  1)
       Σ[ ϕ  GroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 CP²) ℤGroup ]
          (abs (fst (fst ϕ) GysinS².e)  1)
  l p = (GroupIso→GroupEquiv (fst p)) , (snd p)

HopfInvariant-HopfMap : abs (HopfInvariant zero HopfMap)  1
HopfInvariant-HopfMap = cong abs (cong (HopfInvariant zero) hopfMap≡HopfMap')