{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.TensorProduct where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function hiding (flip)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary

open import Cubical.Data.Nat as 
open import Cubical.Data.Int using ()
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (map)

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring

     ℓ' : Level

module _ (AGr : AbGroup ) (BGr : AbGroup ℓ') where
    open AbGroupStr renaming (_+_ to _+G_ ; -_ to -G_)

    strA = snd AGr
    strB = snd BGr

    A = fst AGr
    B = fst BGr

    0A = 0g strA
    0B = 0g strB

    _+A_ = _+G_ strA
    _+B_ = _+G_ strB

    -A_ = -G_ strA
    -B_ = -G_ strB

  data _⨂₁_ : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
   _⊗_     : (a : A)  (b : B)  _⨂₁_
   _+⊗_    : (w : _⨂₁_)  (u : _⨂₁_)  _⨂₁_

   +⊗Comm   : (x y : _)  x +⊗ y  y +⊗ x
   +⊗Assoc  : (x y z : _)  x +⊗ (y +⊗ z)  (x +⊗ y) +⊗ z
   +⊗IdL    : (x : _)  (0A  0B) +⊗ x  x

   ⊗DistR+⊗ : (x : A) (y z : B)  x  (y +B z)  ((x  y) +⊗ (x  z))
   ⊗DistL+⊗ : (x y : A) (z : B)  (x +A y)  z  ((x  z) +⊗ (y  z))

   ⊗squash : isSet _⨂₁_

module _ {AGr : AbGroup } {BGr : AbGroup ℓ'} where
    open AbGroupStr renaming (_+_ to _+G_ ; -_ to -G_)

    strA = snd AGr
    strB = snd BGr

    A = fst AGr
    B = fst BGr

    0A = 0g strA
    0B = 0g strB

    _+A_ = _+G_ strA
    _+B_ = _+G_ strB

    -A_ = -G_ strA
    -B_ = -G_ strB

  A⊗B = AGr ⨂₁ BGr

  ⊗elimProp :  {} {C : AGr ⨂₁ BGr  Type }
            ((x : _)  isProp (C x))
            (f : (x : A) (b : B)  C (x  b))
            (g : ((x y : _)  C x  C y  C (x +⊗ y)))
            (x : _)  C x
  ⊗elimProp p f g (a  b) = f a b
  ⊗elimProp p f g (x +⊗ y) = g x y (⊗elimProp p f g x) (⊗elimProp p f g y)
  ⊗elimProp {C = C} p f g (+⊗Comm x y j) =
    isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 {B = C} p
      (g x y (⊗elimProp p f g x) (⊗elimProp p f g y))
      (g y x (⊗elimProp p f g y) (⊗elimProp p f g x)) (+⊗Comm x y) j
  ⊗elimProp {C = C} p f g (+⊗Assoc x y z j) =
    isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 {B = C} p
      (g x (y +⊗ z) (⊗elimProp p f g x)
         (g y z (⊗elimProp p f g y) (⊗elimProp p f g z)))
         (g (x +⊗ y) z (g x y (⊗elimProp p f g x)
           (⊗elimProp p f g y)) (⊗elimProp p f g z)) (+⊗Assoc x y z) j
  ⊗elimProp {C = C} p f g (+⊗IdL x i) =
    isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 {B = C} p
      (g (0A  0B) x (f 0A 0B) (⊗elimProp p f g x))
      (⊗elimProp p f g x)
      (+⊗IdL x) i
  ⊗elimProp {C = C} p f g (⊗DistR+⊗ x y z i) =
    isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 {B = C} p
      (f x (y +B z)) (g (x  y) (x  z) (f x y) (f x z)) (⊗DistR+⊗ x y z) i
  ⊗elimProp {C = C} p f g (⊗DistL+⊗ x y z i) =
    isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 {B = C} p
      (f (x +A y) z) (g (x  z) (y  z) (f x z) (f y z)) (⊗DistL+⊗ x y z) i
  ⊗elimProp {C = C} p f g (⊗squash x y q r i j) =
    isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 {B = C}  x  isProp→isSet (p x))
      _ _  j  ⊗elimProp p f g (q j))  j  ⊗elimProp p f g (r j))
          (⊗squash x y q r) i j

  -- Group structure
  0⊗ : AGr ⨂₁ BGr
  0⊗ = 0A  0B

  -⊗ : AGr ⨂₁ BGr  AGr ⨂₁ BGr
  -⊗ (a  b) = (-A a)  b
  -⊗ (x +⊗ x₁) = -⊗ x +⊗ -⊗ x₁
  -⊗ (+⊗Comm x y i) = +⊗Comm (-⊗ x) (-⊗ y) i
  -⊗ (+⊗Assoc x y z i) = +⊗Assoc (-⊗ x) (-⊗ y) (-⊗ z) i
  -⊗ (+⊗IdL x i) = ((λ i  (GroupTheory.inv1g (AbGroup→Group AGr) i  0B) +⊗ -⊗ x)
                    +⊗IdL (-⊗ x)) i
  -⊗ (⊗DistR+⊗ x y z i) = ⊗DistR+⊗ (-A x) y z i
  -⊗ (⊗DistL+⊗ x y z i) = ((λ i  (GroupTheory.invDistr (AbGroup→Group AGr) x y
                            +Comm strA (-A y) (-A x)) i  z)
                            ⊗DistL+⊗ (-A x) (-A y) z) i
  -⊗ (⊗squash x y p q i j) = ⊗squash _ _  j  -⊗ (p j))  j  -⊗ (q j)) i j

  +⊗IdR : (x : A⊗B)  x +⊗ 0⊗  x
  +⊗IdR x = +⊗Comm x 0⊗  +⊗IdL x

  -- Useful induction principle, which lets us view elements of A ⨂ B as lists
  -- over (A × B). Used for the right cancellation law
  unlist : List (A × B)  AGr ⨂₁ BGr
  unlist [] = 0A  0B
  unlist (x  x₁) = (fst x  snd x) +⊗ unlist x₁

  unlist++ : (x y : List (A × B))   unlist (x ++ y)  (unlist x +⊗ unlist y)
  unlist++ [] y = sym (+⊗IdL (unlist y))
  unlist++ (x  x₁) y =  i  (fst x  snd x) +⊗ (unlist++ x₁ y i))
                         +⊗Assoc (fst x  snd x) (unlist x₁) (unlist y)

  ∃List : (x : AGr ⨂₁ BGr)  ∃[ l  List (A × B) ] (unlist l  x)
  ∃List = ⊗elimProp  _  squash₁)
           a b   [ a , b ] , +⊗IdR (a  b) ∣₁)
          λ x y  rec2 squash₁ λ {(l1 , p) (l2 , q) 
                   (l1 ++ l2) , unlist++ l1 l2  cong₂ _+⊗_ p q ∣₁}

  ⊗elimPropUnlist :  {} {C : AGr ⨂₁ BGr  Type }
            ((x : _)  isProp (C x))
            ((x : _)  C (unlist x))
            (x : _)  C x
  ⊗elimPropUnlist {C = C} p f =
    ⊗elimProp p  x y  subst C (+⊗IdR (x  y)) (f [ x , y ]))
      λ x y  PT.rec (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  p _)
                    (PT.rec (isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  p _)
                       {(l1 , p) (l2 , q) ind1 ind2
                         subst C (unlist++ l2 l1  cong₂ _+⊗_ q p) (f (l2 ++ l1))})
                      (∃List y))
                    (∃List x)

  ⊗AnnihilL : (x : B)  (0A  x)  0⊗
  ⊗AnnihilL x = sym (+⊗IdR _)
                 ∙∙ cong ((0A  x) +⊗_) (sym cancelLem)
                 ∙∙ +⊗Assoc (0A  x) (0A  x) (0A  (-B x))
                 ∙∙ cong (_+⊗ (0A  (-B x))) inner
                 ∙∙ cancelLem
    cancelLem : (0A  x) +⊗ (0A  (-B x))  0⊗
    cancelLem = sym (⊗DistR+⊗ 0A x (-B x))   i  0A  +InvR strB x i)

    inner : (0A  x) +⊗ (0A  x)  0A  x
    inner = sym (⊗DistL+⊗ 0A 0A x)   i  +IdR strA 0A i  x)

  ⊗AnnihilR : (x : A)  (x  0B)  0⊗
  ⊗AnnihilR x = sym (+⊗IdR _)
                ∙∙ cong ((x  0B) +⊗_) (sym cancelLem)
                ∙∙ +⊗Assoc (x  0B) (x  0B) ((-A x)  0B)
                ∙∙ cong (_+⊗ ((-A x)  0B)) inner
                ∙∙ cancelLem
    cancelLem : (x  0B) +⊗ ((-A x)  0B)  0⊗
    cancelLem = sym (⊗DistL+⊗ x (-A x) 0B)   i  +InvR strA x i  0B)

    inner : (x  0B) +⊗ (x  0B)  x  0B
    inner = sym (⊗DistR+⊗ x 0B 0B)   i  x  +IdR strB 0B i)

  flip : (x : A) (b : B)  x  (-B b)  ((-A x)  b)
  flip x b = sym (+⊗IdR _)
              cong ((x  (-B b)) +⊗_) (sym cancelLemA)
              +⊗Assoc (x  (-B b)) (x  b) ((-A x)  b)
              cong (_+⊗ ((-A x)  b)) cancelLemB
              +⊗IdL _
    cancelLemA : (x  b) +⊗ ((-A x)  b)  0⊗
    cancelLemA = sym (⊗DistL+⊗ x (-A x) b)   i  +InvR strA x i  b)  ⊗AnnihilL b

    cancelLemB : (x  (-B b)) +⊗ (x  b)  0⊗
    cancelLemB = sym (⊗DistR+⊗ x (-B b) b)   i  x  +InvL strB b i)  ⊗AnnihilR x

  +⊗InvR : (x : AGr ⨂₁ BGr)  (x +⊗ -⊗ x)  0⊗
  +⊗InvR =
    ⊗elimPropUnlist  _  ⊗squash _ _) h
    h : (x : List (A × B))  (unlist x +⊗ -⊗ (unlist x))  0⊗
    h [] = sym (⊗DistL+⊗ 0A (-A 0A) (0B))
             cong  x   _⊗_ {AGr = AGr} {BGr = BGr} x 0B) (+InvR strA 0A)
    h (x  x₁) = move4 (fst x  snd x) (unlist x₁) ((-A fst x)  snd x) (-⊗ (unlist x₁))
                       _+⊗_ +⊗Assoc +⊗Comm
                 ∙∙ cong₂ _+⊗_ (sym (⊗DistL+⊗ (fst x) (-A (fst x)) (snd x))
                               ∙∙  i  +InvR strA (fst x) i  (snd x))
                               ∙∙ ⊗AnnihilL (snd x))
                               (h x₁)
                 ∙∙ +⊗IdR 0⊗

  +⊗InvL : (x : AGr ⨂₁ BGr)  (-⊗ x +⊗ x)  0⊗
  +⊗InvL x = +⊗Comm _ _  +⊗InvR x

module _ where
  open AbGroupStr

  _⨂_ : AbGroup   AbGroup ℓ'  AbGroup (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  fst (A  B) = A ⨂₁ B
  0g (snd (A  B)) = 0⊗
  AbGroupStr._+_ (snd (A  B)) = _+⊗_
  AbGroupStr.- snd (A  B) = -⊗
  isAbGroup (snd (A  B)) = makeIsAbGroup ⊗squash +⊗Assoc +⊗IdR +⊗InvR +⊗Comm

-------------- Elimination principle into AbGroups --------------
module _ { ℓ' : Level} {A : AbGroup }  {B : AbGroup ℓ'} where
    open AbGroupStr renaming (_+_ to _+G_ ; -_ to -G)
    _+A_ = _+G_ (snd A)
    _+B_ = _+G_ (snd B)

    0A = 0g (snd A)
    0B = 0g (snd B)

  ⨂→AbGroup-elim :  {} (C : AbGroup )
          (f : (fst A × fst B)  fst C)
          (f (0A , 0B)  0g (snd C))
          (linR : (a : fst A) (x y : fst B)
                  f (a , x +B y)  _+G_ (snd C) (f (a , x)) (f (a , y)))
          (linL : (x y : fst A) (b : fst B)
                  f (x +A y , b)  _+G_ (snd C) (f (x , b)) (f (y , b)))
          A ⨂₁ B  fst C
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (a  b) = f (a , b)
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (x +⊗ x₁) =
    _+G_ (snd C) (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x)
                 (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x₁)
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (+⊗Comm x x₁ i) =
    +Comm (snd C) (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x)
                  (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x₁) i
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (+⊗Assoc x x₁ x₂ i) =
    +Assoc (snd C) (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x)
                   (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x₁)
                   (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x₂) i
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (+⊗IdL x i) =
    (cong  y  (snd C +G y) (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x)) p
                      (+IdL (snd C) (⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL x))) i
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (⊗DistR+⊗ x y z i) = linR x y z i
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (⊗DistL+⊗ x y z i) = linL x y z i
  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (⊗squash x x₁ x₂ y i i₁) =
    is-set (snd C) _ _
            i  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (x₂ i))
            i  ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL (y i)) i i₁

  ⨂→AbGroup-elim-hom :  {} (C : AbGroup )
         (f : (fst A × fst B)  fst C) (linR : _) (linL : _) (p : _)
         AbGroupHom (A  B) C
  fst (⨂→AbGroup-elim-hom C f linR linL p) = ⨂→AbGroup-elim C f p linR linL
  snd (⨂→AbGroup-elim-hom C f linR linL p) = makeIsGroupHom  x y  refl)

  _* = AbGroup→Group

----------- Definition of universal property ------------
tensorFun : (A : Group ) (B : Group ℓ') (T C : AbGroup (ℓ-max  ℓ'))
            (f : GroupHom A (HomGroup B T *))
             GroupHom (T *) (C *)
             GroupHom A (HomGroup B C *)
fst (fst (tensorFun A B T C (f , p) (g , q)) a) b = g (fst (f a) b)
snd (fst (tensorFun A B T C (f , p) (g , q)) a) =
     λ x y  cong g (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (f a)) x y)
               IsGroupHom.pres· q _ _
snd (tensorFun A B T C (f , p) (g , q)) =
     λ x y  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                     (funExt λ b  cong g (funExt⁻ (cong fst (IsGroupHom.pres· p x y)) b)
                                     IsGroupHom.pres· q _ _)

isTensorProductOf_and_ : AbGroup   AbGroup ℓ'  AbGroup (ℓ-max  ℓ')→ Type _
isTensorProductOf_and_ {} {ℓ'} A B T =
  Σ[ f  GroupHom (A *) ((HomGroup (B *) T) *) ]
    ((C : AbGroup (ℓ-max  ℓ'))  isEquiv {A = GroupHom (T *) (C *)}
                                           {B = GroupHom (A *) ((HomGroup (B *) C) *)}
                                           (tensorFun (A *) (B *) T C f))

------ _⨂_ satisfies the universal property --------
module UP (AGr : AbGroup ) (BGr : AbGroup ℓ') where
    open AbGroupStr renaming (_+_ to _+G_ ; -_ to -G_)

    strA = snd AGr
    strB = snd BGr

    A = fst AGr
    B = fst BGr

    0A = 0g strA
    0B = 0g strB

    _+A_ = _+G_ strA
    _+B_ = _+G_ strB

    -A_ = -G_ strA
    -B_ = -G_ strB

  mainF : GroupHom (AGr *) (HomGroup (BGr *) (AGr  BGr) *)
  fst (fst mainF a) b = a  b
  snd (fst mainF a) = makeIsGroupHom (⊗DistR+⊗ a)
  snd mainF = makeIsGroupHom
              λ x y  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                              (funExt (⊗DistL+⊗ x y))

  isTensorProduct⨂ : (isTensorProductOf AGr and BGr) (AGr  BGr)
  fst isTensorProduct⨂ = mainF
  snd isTensorProduct⨂ C = isoToIsEquiv mainIso
    invF : GroupHom (AGr *) (HomGroup (BGr *) C *)  GroupHom ((AGr  BGr) *) (C *)
    fst (invF (f , p)) = F
      lem : f (0g (snd AGr)) .fst (0g (snd BGr))  0g (snd C)
      lem = funExt⁻ (cong fst (IsGroupHom.pres1 p)) (0g (snd BGr))
      F : ((AGr  BGr) *) .fst  (C *) .fst
      F (a  b) = f a .fst b
      F (x +⊗ x₁) = _+G_ (snd C) (F x) (F x₁)
      F (+⊗Comm x x₁ i) = +Comm (snd C) (F x) (F x₁) i
      F (+⊗Assoc x y z i) = +Assoc (snd C) (F x) (F y) (F z) i
      F (+⊗IdL x i) = (cong  y  _+G_ (snd C) y (F x)) lem  +IdL (snd C) (F x)) i
      F (⊗DistR+⊗ x y z i) = IsGroupHom.pres· (f x .snd) y z i
      F (⊗DistL+⊗ x y z i) = fst (IsGroupHom.pres· p x y i) z
      F (⊗squash x x₁ x₂ y i i₁) = is-set (snd C) (F x) (F x₁)
                                    i  F (x₂ i))  i  F (y i)) i i₁
    snd (invF (f , p)) = makeIsGroupHom λ x y  refl

    mainIso : Iso (GroupHom ((AGr  BGr) *) (C *))
                  (GroupHom (AGr *) (HomGroup (BGr *) C *))
    Iso.fun mainIso = _
    Iso.inv mainIso = invF
    Iso.rightInv mainIso (f , p) = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                                   (funExt λ a  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _) refl)
    Iso.leftInv mainIso (f , p) =
        Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                (funExt (⊗elimProp  _  is-set (snd C) _ _)
                                    _ _  refl)
                                    λ x y ind1 ind2  cong₂ (_+G_ (snd C)) ind1 ind2
                                                        sym (IsGroupHom.pres· p x y)))

module _ {ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level} {A : AbGroup }
         {B : AbGroup ℓ'} {C : AbGroup ℓ''} {D : AbGroup ℓ'''}
         (ϕ : AbGroupHom A C) (ψ : AbGroupHom B D) where
  inducedFun⨂ : A ⨂₁ B  C ⨂₁ D
  inducedFun⨂ =
    ⨂→AbGroup-elim (C  D)
       x  fst ϕ (fst x)  fst ψ (snd x))
      (cong (_⊗ fst ψ _) (IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd ϕ))  ⊗AnnihilL _)
       x y z  cong (fst ϕ x ⊗_) (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd ψ) y z)  ⊗DistR+⊗ _ _ _)
      λ x y z  cong (_⊗ fst ψ z) (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd ϕ) x y)  ⊗DistL+⊗ _ _ _

  inducedHom⨂ : AbGroupHom (A  B) (C  D)
  fst inducedHom⨂ = inducedFun⨂
  snd inducedHom⨂ =
    makeIsGroupHom λ _ _  refl

-------------------- Commutativity ------------------------
commFun :  { ℓ'} {A : AbGroup }  {B : AbGroup ℓ'}  A ⨂₁ B  B ⨂₁ A
commFun (a  b) = b  a
commFun (x +⊗ x₁) = commFun x +⊗ commFun x₁
commFun (+⊗Comm x x₁ i) = +⊗Comm (commFun x) (commFun x₁) i
commFun (+⊗Assoc x x₁ x₂ i) = +⊗Assoc (commFun x) (commFun x₁) (commFun x₂) i
commFun (+⊗IdL x i) = +⊗IdL (commFun x) i
commFun (⊗DistR+⊗ x y z i) = ⊗DistL+⊗ y z x i
commFun (⊗DistL+⊗ x y z i) = ⊗DistR+⊗ z x y i
commFun (⊗squash x x₁ x₂ y i i₁) = ⊗squash (commFun x) (commFun x₁)
                                            i  commFun (x₂ i))  i  commFun (y i)) i i₁

commFun²≡id :  { ℓ'} {A : AbGroup }  {B : AbGroup ℓ'} (x : A ⨂₁ B)
                commFun (commFun x)  x
commFun²≡id = ⊗elimProp  _  ⊗squash _ _)
                         _ _  refl)
                         _ _ p q  cong₂ _+⊗_ p q)

⨂-commIso :  { ℓ'} {A : AbGroup } {B : AbGroup ℓ'}
           GroupIso ((A  B) *) ((B  A) *)
Iso.fun (fst ⨂-commIso) = commFun
Iso.inv (fst ⨂-commIso) = commFun
Iso.rightInv (fst ⨂-commIso) = commFun²≡id
Iso.leftInv (fst ⨂-commIso) = commFun²≡id
snd ⨂-commIso = makeIsGroupHom λ x y  refl

⨂-comm :  { ℓ'} {A : AbGroup } {B : AbGroup ℓ'}  AbGroupEquiv (A  B) (B  A)
fst ⨂-comm = isoToEquiv (fst (⨂-commIso))
snd ⨂-comm = snd ⨂-commIso

open AbGroupStr

-------------------- Associativity ------------------------
module _ { ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : AbGroup } {B : AbGroup ℓ'} {C : AbGroup ℓ''} where
    f : (c : fst C)  AbGroupHom (A  B) (A  (B  C))
    f c = ⨂→AbGroup-elim-hom (A  (B  C))
                                ab  (fst ab)  ((snd ab)  c))
                                a b b'   i  a  (⊗DistL+⊗ b b' c i))  ⊗DistR+⊗ a (b  c) (b'  c))
                                a a' b  ⊗DistL+⊗ a a' (b  c))
                               (⊗AnnihilL _  sym (⊗AnnihilL _))

  assocHom : AbGroupHom ((A  B)  C) (A  (B  C))
  assocHom = ⨂→AbGroup-elim-hom (A  (B  C))
                                   x  f (snd x) .fst (fst x))
                                   x y b  IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (f b)) x y)
    helper : _
    helper = ⊗elimProp  _  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  ⊗squash _ _)
                        a b x y   i  a  (⊗DistR+⊗ b x y i))
                                     ∙∙ ⊗DistR+⊗ a (b  x) (b  y)
                                     ∙∙ refl)
                       λ a b ind1 ind2 x y  cong₂ _+⊗_ (ind1 x y) (ind2 x y)
                                              ∙∙ move4 (f x .fst a) (f y .fst a) (f x .fst b) (f y .fst b)
                                                       _+⊗_ +⊗Assoc +⊗Comm
                                              ∙∙ cong₂ _+⊗_
                                                       (sym (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (f x)) a b))
                                                       (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (f y)) a b)

module _ { ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : AbGroup } {B : AbGroup ℓ'} {C : AbGroup ℓ''} where
    f' : (a : fst A)  AbGroupHom (B  C) ((A  B)  C)
    f' a = ⨂→AbGroup-elim-hom
               ((A  B)  C)
                bc  (a  fst bc)  snd bc)
                x y b  ⊗DistR+⊗ (a  x) y b)
                x y b   i  (⊗DistR+⊗ a x y i)  b)
                            ⊗DistL+⊗ (a  x) (a  y) b)
               λ i  ⊗AnnihilR a i  (0g (snd C))

  assocHom⁻ : AbGroupHom (A  (B  C)) ((A  B)  C)
  assocHom⁻ = ⨂→AbGroup-elim-hom
                  ((A  B)  C)
                   abc  f' (fst abc) .fst (snd abc))
                   a  IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (f' a)))
       helper : _
       helper = λ x y  ⊗elimProp
                          _  ⊗squash _ _)
                          b c   i  ⊗DistL+⊗ x y b i  c)
                                            ⊗DistL+⊗ (x  b) (y  b) c)
                          λ a b ind1 ind2  cong₂ _+⊗_ ind1 ind2
                                             ∙∙ move4 _ _ _ _ _+⊗_ +⊗Assoc +⊗Comm
                                             ∙∙ cong₂ _+⊗_ (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (f' x)) a b)
                                                (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (f' y)) a b)

  ⨂assocIso : Iso (A ⨂₁ (B  C)) ((A  B) ⨂₁ C)
  Iso.fun ⨂assocIso = fst assocHom⁻
  Iso.inv ⨂assocIso = fst assocHom
  Iso.rightInv ⨂assocIso =
    ⊗elimProp  _  ⊗squash _ _)
               (⊗elimProp  _  isPropΠ  _  ⊗squash _ _))
                            a b c  refl)
                           λ a b ind1 ind2 c  cong₂ _+⊗_ (ind1 c) (ind2 c)
                                                 sym (⊗DistL+⊗ a b c))
                λ x y p q  cong (fst assocHom⁻) (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd assocHom) x y)
                             ∙∙ IsGroupHom.pres· (snd assocHom⁻) (fst assocHom x) (fst assocHom y)
                             ∙∙ cong₂ _+⊗_ p q
  Iso.leftInv ⨂assocIso =
    ⊗elimProp  _  ⊗squash _ _)
                a  ⊗elimProp  _  ⊗squash _ _)
                                   b c  refl)
                                   λ x y ind1 ind2 
                                        cong (fst assocHom  fst assocHom⁻) (⊗DistR+⊗ a x y)
                                     ∙∙ cong (fst assocHom) (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd assocHom⁻) (a  x) (a  y))
                                     ∙∙ IsGroupHom.pres· (snd assocHom) (fst assocHom⁻ (a  x)) (fst assocHom⁻ (a  y))
                                     ∙∙ cong₂ _+⊗_ ind1 ind2
                                     ∙∙ sym (⊗DistR+⊗ a x y))
                λ x y p q  cong (fst assocHom) (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd assocHom⁻) x y)
                             ∙∙ IsGroupHom.pres· (snd assocHom) (fst assocHom⁻ x) (fst assocHom⁻ y)
                             ∙∙ cong₂ _+⊗_ p q

  ⨂assoc : AbGroupEquiv (A  (B  C)) ((A  B)  C)
  fst ⨂assoc = isoToEquiv ⨂assocIso
  snd ⨂assoc = snd assocHom⁻

module _ {G' : Ring } where
    G = Ring→AbGroup G'
    _·G_ = RingStr._·_ (snd G')

  TensorMult : fst (G  G)  fst G
  TensorMult =
    ⨂→AbGroup-elim G
       x  fst x ·G snd x)
       (RingTheory.0LeftAnnihilates G' _)
       (IsRing.·DistR+ (RingStr.isRing (snd G')))
       (IsRing.·DistL+ (RingStr.isRing (snd G')))

  TensorMultHom : AbGroupHom (G  G) G
  fst TensorMultHom = TensorMult
  snd TensorMultHom =
    makeIsGroupHom λ x y  refl

lIncl⨂ : {G : AbGroup } {H : AbGroup ℓ'}  (h : fst H)  AbGroupHom G (G  H)
fst (lIncl⨂ h) g = g  h
snd (lIncl⨂ h) = makeIsGroupHom λ x y  ⊗DistL+⊗ x y h

rIncl⨂ : {G : AbGroup } {H : AbGroup ℓ'}  (g : fst G)  AbGroupHom H (G  H)
fst (rIncl⨂ g) h = g  h
snd (rIncl⨂ g) = makeIsGroupHom (⊗DistR+⊗ g)

G→G⨂G→Gₗ : {G : Ring }
   Path (AbGroupHom (Ring→AbGroup G) (Ring→AbGroup G))
          ((compGroupHom (lIncl⨂ (RingStr.1r (snd G))) TensorMultHom))
G→G⨂G→Gₗ {G = G} =
  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
    (funExt (RingStr.·IdR (snd G)))

G→G⨂G→Gᵣ : {G : Ring }
   Path (AbGroupHom (Ring→AbGroup G) (Ring→AbGroup G))
          ((compGroupHom (rIncl⨂ (RingStr.1r (snd G))) TensorMultHom))
G→G⨂G→Gᵣ {G = G} =
  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
    (funExt (RingStr.·IdL (snd G)))