  This is mostly for convenience, when working with ideals
  (which are defined for general rings) in a commutative ring.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset renaming ( _∈_ to _∈p_ ; _⊆_ to _⊆p_
                                                  ; subst-∈ to subst-∈p )

open import Cubical.Functions.Logic

open import Cubical.Data.Nat using ( ; zero ; suc ; tt)
                             renaming ( --zero to ℕzero ; suc to ℕsuc
                                        _+_ to _+ℕ_ ; _·_ to _·ℕ_
                                      ; +-assoc to +ℕ-assoc ; +-comm to +ℕ-comm
                                      ; ·-assoc to ·ℕ-assoc ; ·-comm to ·ℕ-comm)

open import Cubical.Data.FinData hiding (rec ; elim)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Ideal renaming (IdealsIn to IdealsInRing)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Reflection

     : Level

module CommIdeal (R' : CommRing ) where
 private R = fst R'
 open CommRingStr (snd R')
 open Sum (CommRing→Ring R')
 open CommRingTheory R'
 open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring R')

 record isCommIdeal (I :  R) : Type  where
   +Closed :  {x y : R}  x ∈p I  y ∈p I  (x + y) ∈p I
   contains0 : 0r ∈p I
   ·Closed :  {x : R} (r : R)  x ∈p I  r · x ∈p I

  ·RClosed :   {x : R} (r : R)  x ∈p I  x · r ∈p I
  ·RClosed r x∈pI = subst-∈p I (·Comm _ _) (·Closed r x∈pI)

 open isCommIdeal
 isPropIsCommIdeal : (I :  R)  isProp (isCommIdeal I)
 +Closed (isPropIsCommIdeal I ici₁ ici₂ i) x∈pI y∈pI =
         I _ .snd (ici₁ .+Closed x∈pI y∈pI) (ici₂ .+Closed x∈pI y∈pI) i
 contains0 (isPropIsCommIdeal I ici₁ ici₂ i) = I 0r .snd (ici₁ .contains0) (ici₂ .contains0) i
 ·Closed (isPropIsCommIdeal I ici₁ ici₂ i) r x∈pI =
         I _ .snd (ici₁ .·Closed r x∈pI) (ici₂ .·Closed r x∈pI) i

 CommIdeal : Type (ℓ-suc )
 CommIdeal = Σ[ I   R ] isCommIdeal I

 isSetCommIdeal : isSet CommIdeal
 isSetCommIdeal = isSetΣSndProp isSetℙ isPropIsCommIdeal

 --inclusion and containment of ideals
 _⊆_ : CommIdeal  CommIdeal  Type 
 I  J = I .fst ⊆p J .fst

 infix 5 _∈_
 _∈_ : R  CommIdeal  Type 
 x  I = x ∈p I .fst

 subst-∈ : (I : CommIdeal) {x y : R}  x  y  x  I  y  I
 subst-∈ I = subst-∈p (I .fst)

 CommIdeal≡Char : {I J : CommIdeal}  I  J  J  I  I  J
 CommIdeal≡Char I⊆J J⊆I = Σ≡Prop isPropIsCommIdeal (⊆-extensionality _ _ (I⊆J , J⊆I))

 -Closed : (I : CommIdeal) (x : R)
          x  I  (- x)  I
 -Closed I x x∈I = subst (_∈ I) (useSolver x) (·Closed (snd I) (- 1r) x∈I)
   where useSolver : (x : R)  - 1r · x  - x
         useSolver = solve R'

 ∑Closed : (I : CommIdeal) {n : } (V : FinVec R n)
          (∀ i  V i  I)   V  I
 ∑Closed I {n = zero} _ _ = I .snd .contains0
 ∑Closed I {n = suc n} V h = I .snd .+Closed (h zero) (∑Closed I (V  suc) (h  suc))

 0Ideal : CommIdeal
 fst 0Ideal x = (x  0r) , is-set _ _
 +Closed (snd 0Ideal) x≡0 y≡0 = cong₂ (_+_) x≡0 y≡0  +IdR _
 contains0 (snd 0Ideal) = refl
 ·Closed (snd 0Ideal) r x≡0 = cong (r ·_) x≡0  0RightAnnihilates _

 1Ideal : CommIdeal
 fst 1Ideal x = 
 +Closed (snd 1Ideal) _ _ = lift tt
 contains0 (snd 1Ideal) = lift tt
 ·Closed (snd 1Ideal) _ _ = lift tt

 contains1Is1 : (I : CommIdeal)  1r  I  I  1Ideal
 contains1Is1 I 1∈I = CommIdeal≡Char  _ _  lift tt)
   λ x _  subst-∈ I (·IdR _) (I .snd .·Closed x 1∈I) -- x≡x·1 ∈ I

IdealsIn : (R : CommRing )  Type _
IdealsIn R = CommIdeal.CommIdeal R

module _ {R : CommRing } where
  open CommRingStr (snd R)
  open isIdeal
  open CommIdeal R
  open isCommIdeal
  makeIdeal : (I : fst R  hProp )
               (+-closed : {x y : fst R}  x ∈p I  y ∈p I  (x + y) ∈p I)
               (0r-closed : 0r ∈p I)
               (·-closedLeft : {x : fst R}  (r : fst R)  x ∈p I  r · x ∈p I)
               IdealsIn R
  fst (makeIdeal I +-closed 0r-closed ·-closedLeft) = I
  +Closed (snd (makeIdeal I +-closed 0r-closed ·-closedLeft)) = +-closed
  contains0 (snd (makeIdeal I +-closed 0r-closed ·-closedLeft)) = 0r-closed
  ·Closed (snd (makeIdeal I +-closed 0r-closed ·-closedLeft)) = ·-closedLeft

  CommIdeal→Ideal : IdealsIn R  IdealsInRing (CommRing→Ring R)
  fst (CommIdeal→Ideal I) = fst I
  +-closed (snd (CommIdeal→Ideal I)) = +Closed (snd I)
  -closed (snd (CommIdeal→Ideal I)) =  λ x∈pI  subst-∈p (fst I) (useSolver _)
                                                           (·Closed (snd I) (- 1r) x∈pI)
                                         where useSolver : (x : fst R)  - 1r · x  - x
                                               useSolver = solve R
  0r-closed (snd (CommIdeal→Ideal I)) = contains0 (snd I)
  ·-closedLeft (snd (CommIdeal→Ideal I)) = ·Closed (snd I)
  ·-closedRight (snd (CommIdeal→Ideal I)) = λ r x∈pI 
                                             subst-∈p (fst I)
                                                   (·Comm r _)
                                                   (·Closed (snd I) r x∈pI)

  Ideal→CommIdeal : IdealsInRing (CommRing→Ring R)  IdealsIn R
  fst (Ideal→CommIdeal I) = fst I
  +Closed (snd (Ideal→CommIdeal I)) = +-closed (snd I)
  contains0 (snd (Ideal→CommIdeal I)) = 0r-closed (snd I)
  ·Closed (snd (Ideal→CommIdeal I)) = ·-closedLeft (snd I)