{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Quotient where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset using (_∈_; _⊆_; ⊆-extensionality) -- \in, \sub=
open import Cubical.Functions.Surjection

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma using (Σ≡Prop)

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Base renaming (_/_ to _/ₛ_)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Properties

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Ideal
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Kernel
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Reflection

     ℓ' : Level

module _ (R' : Ring ) (I :  R'    hProp ) (I-isIdeal : isIdeal R' I) where
  open RingStr (snd R')
  private R =  R' 
  open isIdeal I-isIdeal
  open RingTheory R'

  R/I : Type 
  R/I = R /ₛ  x y  x - y  I)

    homogeneity :  (x a b : R)
                  (a - b  I)
                  (x + a) - (x + b)  I
    homogeneity x a b p = subst  u  u  I) (translatedDifference x a b) p

    isSetR/I : isSet R/I
    isSetR/I = squash/
    [_]/I : (a : R)  R/I
    [ a ]/I = [ a ]

    lemma : (x y a : R)
             x - y  I
             [ x + a ]/I  [ y + a ]/I
    lemma x y a x-y∈I = eq/ (x + a) (y + a) (subst  u  u  I) calculate x-y∈I)
      where calculate : x - y  (x + a) - (y + a)
            calculate =
                      x - y                 ≡⟨ translatedDifference a x y 
                      ((a + x) - (a + y))   ≡⟨ cong  u  u - (a + y)) (+Comm _ _) 
                      ((x + a) - (a + y))   ≡⟨ cong  u  (x + a) - u) (+Comm _ _) 
                      ((x + a) - (y + a))   

    pre-+/I : R  R/I  R/I
    pre-+/I x = elim
                     _  squash/)
                     y  [ x + y ])
                    λ y y' diffrenceInIdeal
                       eq/ (x + y) (x + y') (homogeneity x y y' diffrenceInIdeal)

    pre-+/I-DescendsToQuotient : (x y : R)  (x - y  I)
                   pre-+/I x  pre-+/I y
    pre-+/I-DescendsToQuotient x y x-y∈I i r = pointwise-equal r i
        pointwise-equal :  (u : R/I)
                           pre-+/I x u  pre-+/I y u
        pointwise-equal = elimProp  u  isSetR/I (pre-+/I x u) (pre-+/I y u))
                                    a  lemma x y a x-y∈I)

    _+/I_ : R/I  R/I  R/I
    x +/I y = (elim R/I→R/I-isSet pre-+/I pre-+/I-DescendsToQuotient x) y
        R/I→R/I-isSet : R/I  isSet (R/I  R/I)
        R/I→R/I-isSet _ = isSetΠ  _  squash/)

    -- Note that _+/I_ reduces in this case:
    _ : (x y : R)  [ x ] +/I [ y ]  [ x + y ]
    _ = λ x y  refl

    +/I-comm : (x y : R/I)  x +/I y  y +/I x
    +/I-comm = elimProp2  _ _  squash/ _ _) eq
       where eq : (x y : R)  [ x ] +/I [ y ]  [ y ] +/I [ x ]
             eq x y i =  [ +Comm x y i ]

    +/I-assoc : (x y z : R/I)  x +/I (y +/I z)  (x +/I y) +/I z
    +/I-assoc = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) eq
      where eq : (x y z : R)  [ x ] +/I ([ y ] +/I [ z ])  ([ x ] +/I [ y ]) +/I [ z ]
            eq x y z i =  [ +Assoc x y z i ]

    0/I : R/I
    0/I = [ 0r ]

    1/I : R/I
    1/I = [ 1r ]

    -/I : R/I  R/I
    -/I = elim  _  squash/)  x'  [ - x' ]) eq
        eq : (x y : R)  (x - y  I)  [ - x ]  [ - y ]
        eq x y x-y∈I = eq/ (- x) (- y) (subst  u  u  I) eq' (isIdeal.-closed I-isIdeal x-y∈I))
            eq' = - (x + (- y))       ≡⟨ sym (-Dist _ _) 
                  (- x) - (- y)       

    +/I-rinv : (x : R/I)  x +/I (-/I x)  0/I
    +/I-rinv = elimProp  x  squash/ _ _) eq
        eq : (x : R)  [ x ] +/I (-/I [ x ])  0/I
        eq x i = [ +InvR x i ]

    +/I-rid : (x : R/I)  x +/I 0/I  x
    +/I-rid = elimProp  x  squash/ _ _) eq
        eq : (x : R)  [ x ] +/I 0/I  [ x ]
        eq x i = [ +IdR x i ]

    _·/I_ : R/I  R/I  R/I
    _·/I_ =
      elim  _  isSetΠ  _  squash/))
                x  left· x)
        eq : (x y y' : R)  (y - y'  I)  [ x · y ]  [ x · y' ]
        eq x y y' y-y'∈I = eq/ _ _
                             (subst  u  u  I)
                                  (x · (y - y')            ≡⟨ ·DistR+ _ _ _ 
                                  ((x · y) + x · (- y'))   ≡⟨ cong  u  (x · y) + u)
                                                                   (-DistR· x y')  
                                  (x · y) - (x · y')       )
                                  (isIdeal.·-closedLeft I-isIdeal x y-y'∈I))
        left· : (x : R)  R/I  R/I
        left· x = elim  y  squash/)
                      y  [ x · y ])
                     (eq x)
        eq' : (x x' : R)  (x - x'  I)  left· x  left· x'
        eq' x x' x-x'∈I i y = elimProp  y  squash/ (left· x y) (left· x' y))
                                        y  eq′ y)
                                       y i
                                eq′ : (y : R)  left· x [ y ]  left· x' [ y ]
                                eq′ y = eq/ (x · y) (x' · y)
                                            (subst  u  u  I)
                                              ((x - x') · y         ≡⟨ ·DistL+ x (- x') y 
                                               x · y + (- x') · y   ≡⟨ cong
                                                                          u  x · y + u)
                                                                         (-DistL· x' y) 
                                               x · y - x' · y       )
                                              (isIdeal.·-closedRight I-isIdeal y x-x'∈I))

    -- more or less copy paste from '+/I' - this is preliminary anyway
    ·/I-assoc : (x y z : R/I)  x ·/I (y ·/I z)  (x ·/I y) ·/I z
    ·/I-assoc = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) eq
      where eq : (x y z : R)  [ x ] ·/I ([ y ] ·/I [ z ])  ([ x ] ·/I [ y ]) ·/I [ z ]
            eq x y z i =  [ ·Assoc x y z i ]

    ·/I-lid : (x : R/I)  1/I ·/I x  x
    ·/I-lid = elimProp  x  squash/ _ _) eq
        eq : (x : R)  1/I ·/I [ x ]  [ x ]
        eq x i = [ ·IdL x i ]

    ·/I-rid : (x : R/I)  x ·/I 1/I  x
    ·/I-rid = elimProp  x  squash/ _ _) eq
        eq : (x : R)  [ x ] ·/I 1/I  [ x ]
        eq x i = [ ·IdR x i ]

    /I-ldist : (x y z : R/I)  (x +/I y) ·/I z  (x ·/I z) +/I (y ·/I z)
    /I-ldist = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) eq
        eq : (x y z : R)  ([ x ] +/I [ y ]) ·/I [ z ]  ([ x ] ·/I [ z ]) +/I ([ y ] ·/I [ z ])
        eq x y z i = [ ·DistL+ x y z i ]

    /I-rdist : (x y z : R/I)  x ·/I (y +/I z)  (x ·/I y) +/I (x ·/I z)
    /I-rdist = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) eq
        eq : (x y z : R)  [ x ] ·/I ([ y ] +/I [ z ])  ([ x ] ·/I [ y ]) +/I ([ x ] ·/I [ z ])
        eq x y z i = [ ·DistR+ x y z i ]

  asRing : Ring 
  asRing = makeRing 0/I 1/I _+/I_ _·/I_ -/I isSetR/I
                    +/I-assoc +/I-rid +/I-rinv +/I-comm
                    ·/I-assoc ·/I-rid ·/I-lid /I-rdist /I-ldist

_/_ : (R : Ring )  (I : IdealsIn R)  Ring 
R / (I , IisIdeal) = asRing R I IisIdeal

[_]/I : {R : Ring } {I : IdealsIn R}  (a :  R )   R / I 
[ a ]/I = [ a ]

quotientHom : (R : Ring )  (I : IdealsIn R)  RingHom R (R / I)
fst (quotientHom R I) = [_]
IsRingHom.pres0 (snd (quotientHom R I)) = refl
IsRingHom.pres1 (snd (quotientHom R I)) = refl
IsRingHom.pres+ (snd (quotientHom R I)) _ _ = refl
IsRingHom.pres· (snd (quotientHom R I)) _ _ = refl
IsRingHom.pres- (snd (quotientHom R I)) _ = refl

quotientHomSurjective : (R : Ring )  (I : IdealsIn R)
                         isSurjection (fst (quotientHom R I))
quotientHomSurjective R I = []surjective

module UniversalProperty (R : Ring ) (I : IdealsIn R) where
  open RingStr ⦃...⦄
  open RingTheory ⦃...⦄
  Iₛ = fst I
      _ = snd R

  module _ {S : Ring ℓ'} (φ : RingHom R S) where
    open IsRingHom
    open RingHomTheory φ
        _ = snd S
      f = fst φ
      module φ = IsRingHom (snd φ)

      We do not use the kernel ideal, since it is *not* an ideal in R,
      if S is from a different universe. Instead, the condition, that
      Iₛ is contained in the kernel of φ is rephrased explicitly.
    inducedHom : ((x :  R )  x  Iₛ  φ $r x  0r)  RingHom (R / I) S
    fst (inducedHom Iₛ⊆kernel) =
         _  is-set)
        λ r₁ r₂ r₁-r₂∈I  equalByDifference (f r₁) (f r₂)
          (f r₁ - f r₂     ≡⟨ cong  u  f r₁ + u) (sym (φ.pres- _)) 
           f r₁ + f (- r₂) ≡⟨ sym (φ.pres+ _ _) 
           f (r₁ - r₂)     ≡⟨ Iₛ⊆kernel (r₁ - r₂) r₁-r₂∈I 
           0r )
    pres0 (snd (inducedHom Iₛ⊆kernel)) = φ.pres0
    pres1 (snd (inducedHom Iₛ⊆kernel)) = φ.pres1
    pres+ (snd (inducedHom Iₛ⊆kernel)) =
      elimProp2  _ _  is-set _ _) φ.pres+
    pres· (snd (inducedHom Iₛ⊆kernel)) =
      elimProp2  _ _  is-set _ _) φ.pres·
    pres- (snd (inducedHom Iₛ⊆kernel)) =
      elimProp  _  is-set _ _) φ.pres-

    solution : (p : ((x :  R )  x  Iₛ  φ $r x  0r))
                (x :  R )  inducedHom p $r [ x ]  φ $r x
    solution p x = refl

    unique : (p : ((x :  R )  x  Iₛ  φ $r x  0r))
              (ψ : RingHom (R / I) S)  (ψIsSolution : (x :  R )  ψ $r [ x ]  φ $r x)
              (x :  R )  ψ $r [ x ]  inducedHom p $r [ x ]
    unique p ψ ψIsSolution x = ψIsSolution x

  Show that the kernel of the quotient map
  π : R ─→ R/I
  is the given ideal I.
module idealIsKernel {R : Ring } (I : IdealsIn R) where
  open RingStr (snd R)
  open isIdeal (snd I)
  open BinaryRelation.isEquivRel

    π = quotientHom R I
    x-0≡x : (x :  R )  x - 0r  x
    x-0≡x x =
      x - 0r  ≡⟨ cong (x +_) (RingTheory.0Selfinverse R) 
      x + 0r  ≡⟨ +IdR x 

  I⊆ker : fst I  kernel π
  I⊆ker x x∈I = eq/ _ _ (subst (_∈ fst I) (sym (x-0≡x x)) x∈I)

    _~_ : Rel  R   R  
    x ~ y = x - y  fst I

    ~IsPropValued : BinaryRelation.isPropValued _~_
    ~IsPropValued x y = snd (fst I (x - y))

    -- _~_ is an equivalence relation.
    -- Note: This could be proved in the general setting of a subgroup of a group.

    -[x-y]≡y-x : {x y :  R }  - (x - y)  y - x
    -[x-y]≡y-x {x} {y} =
      - (x - y)      ≡⟨ sym (-Dist _ _) 
      - x + - (- y)  ≡⟨ cong (- x +_) (-Idempotent _) 
      - x + y        ≡⟨ +Comm _ _ 
      y - x          
      where open RingTheory R

    x-y+y-z≡x-z : {x y z :  R }  (x - y) + (y - z)  x - z
    x-y+y-z≡x-z {x} {y} {z} =
      (x + - y) + (y + - z)  ≡⟨ +Assoc _ _ _ 
      ((x + - y) + y) + - z  ≡⟨ cong (_+ - z) (sym (+Assoc _ _ _)) 
      (x + (- y + y)) + - z  ≡⟨ cong  -y+y  (x + -y+y) + - z) (+InvL _) 
      (x + 0r) + - z         ≡⟨ cong (_+ - z) (+IdR _) 
      x - z                  

    ~IsEquivRel : BinaryRelation.isEquivRel _~_
    reflexive ~IsEquivRel x              = subst (_∈ fst I) (sym (+InvR x)) 0r-closed
    symmetric ~IsEquivRel x y x~y        = subst (_∈ fst I) -[x-y]≡y-x (-closed x~y)
    transitive ~IsEquivRel x y z x~y y~z = subst (_∈ fst I) x-y+y-z≡x-z (+-closed x~y y~z)

  ker⊆I : kernel π  fst I
  ker⊆I x x∈ker = subst (_∈ fst I) (x-0≡x x) x-0∈I
      x-0∈I : x - 0r  fst I
      x-0∈I = effective ~IsPropValued ~IsEquivRel x 0r x∈ker

kernel≡I :  {R : Ring } (I : IdealsIn R)
           kernelIdeal (quotientHom R I)  I
kernel≡I {R = R} I = Σ≡Prop (isPropIsIdeal R) (⊆-extensionality _ _ (ker⊆I , I⊆ker))
  where open idealIsKernel I