{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Categories.DistLatticeSheaf.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.FinData

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset

open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice
open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Basis
open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.BigOps

open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Terminal
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Limits
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Poset
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Semilattice
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Lattice
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.DistLattice

open import Cubical.Categories.DistLatticeSheaf.Diagram

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

module _ (L : DistLattice ) (C : Category ℓ' ℓ'') where
  open Category hiding (_⋆_ ; _∘_)
  open Functor
  open Order (DistLattice→Lattice L)
  open DistLatticeStr (snd L)
  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L))
  open MeetSemilattice (Lattice→MeetSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L))
      using (∧≤RCancel ; ∧≤LCancel ; ≤-∧Pres)
  open PosetStr (IndPoset .snd) hiding (_≤_)

   DLCat : Category  
   DLCat = DistLatticeCategory L

   -- C-valued presheaves on a distributive lattice
   DLPreSheaf : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') ℓ'')
   DLPreSheaf = Functor (DLCat ^op) C

  module _ (x y : L .fst)where
    hom-∨₁ : DLCat [ x , x ∨l y ]
    hom-∨₁ = ∨≤RCancel _ _

    hom-∨₂ : DLCat [ y , x ∨l y ]
    hom-∨₂ = ∨≤LCancel _ _

    hom-∧₁ : DLCat [ x ∧l y , x ]
    hom-∧₁ = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)

    hom-∧₂ : DLCat [ x ∧l y , y ]
    hom-∧₂ = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)

       x ∧ y ----→   x
         |           |
         |    sq     |
         V           V
         y   ----→ x ∨ y
    sq : hom-∧₂ ⋆⟨ DLCat  hom-∨₂  hom-∧₁ ⋆⟨ DLCat  hom-∨₁
    sq = is-prop-valued (x ∧l y) (x ∨l y) (hom-∧₂ ⋆⟨ DLCat  hom-∨₂) (hom-∧₁ ⋆⟨ DLCat  hom-∨₁)

      F(x ∨ y) ----→ F(x)
         |            |
         |     Fsq    |
         V            V
        F(y) ------→ F(x ∧ y)
    Fsq : (F : DLPreSheaf)
         F .F-hom hom-∨₂ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom hom-∧₂ 
          F .F-hom hom-∨₁ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom hom-∧₁
    Fsq F = F-square F sq

  isDLSheafPullback : (F : DLPreSheaf)  Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') ℓ'')
  isDLSheafPullback F = isTerminal C (F-ob F 0l)
                      × ((x y : L .fst)  isPullback C _ _ _ (Fsq x y F))

  isPropIsDLSheafPullback :  F  isProp (isDLSheafPullback F)
  isPropIsDLSheafPullback F = isProp×
                               (isPropIsTerminal _ _)
                                    x y  isPropIsPullback _ _ _ _ (Fsq x y F)))

  -- TODO: might be better to define this as a record
  DLSheafPullback : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') ℓ'')
  DLSheafPullback = Σ[ F  DLPreSheaf ] isDLSheafPullback F

  -- Now for the proper version using limits of the right kind:
  open Join L
  isDLSheaf : (F : DLPreSheaf)  Type _
  isDLSheaf F =  (n : ) (α : FinVec (fst L) n)  isLimCone _ _ (F-cone F (⋁Cone L α))

  open LimCone
  isDLSheafLimCone : (F : DLPreSheaf)  isDLSheaf F
                    (n : ) (α : FinVec (fst L) n)  LimCone (F ∘F (FinVec→Diag L α))
  lim (isDLSheafLimCone F isSheafF n α) = _
  limCone (isDLSheafLimCone F isSheafF n α) = F-cone F (⋁Cone L α)
  univProp (isDLSheafLimCone F isSheafF n α) = isSheafF n α

  isPropIsDLSheaf :  F  isProp (isDLSheaf F)
  isPropIsDLSheaf F = isPropΠ2  _ _  isPropIsLimCone _ _ _)

  isDLSheafProp :  DLPreSheaf
  isDLSheafProp F = isDLSheaf F , isPropIsDLSheaf F

  module EquivalenceOfDefs (F : DLPreSheaf) where
    open isUnivalent
    open Cone
    open LimCone
    open Pullback
    open Cospan

    ≤PathPLemma :  {x y z w : ob DLCat} (p : x  y) (q : z  w)
                    (x≥z : (DLCat ^op) [ x , z ]) (y≥w : (DLCat ^op) [ y , w ])
       PathP  i  (DLCat ^op) [ p i , q i ]) x≥z y≥w
    ≤PathPLemma p q x≥z y≥w = isProp→PathP  j  is-prop-valued (q j) (p j)) x≥z y≥w

    F≤PathPLemma :  {x y z w : ob DLCat} (p : x  y) (q : z  w)
                    (x≥z : (DLCat ^op) [ x , z ]) (y≥w : (DLCat ^op) [ y , w ])
       PathP  i  C [ F .F-ob (p i) , F .F-ob (q i) ]) (F .F-hom x≥z) (F .F-hom y≥w)
    F≤PathPLemma p q x≥z y≥w i = F .F-hom (≤PathPLemma p q x≥z y≥w i)

    L→P : isDLSheaf F  isDLSheafPullback F
    fst (L→P isSheafF) = isTerminalF0
      where -- F(0) ≡ terminal obj.
      isLimConeF0 : isLimCone _ (F .F-ob 0l) (F-cone F (⋁Cone L  ())))
      isLimConeF0 = isSheafF 0  ())

      toCone : (y : ob C)  Cone (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L {n = 0}  ()))) y
      coneOut (toCone y) (sing ())
      coneOut (toCone y) (pair () _ _)
      coneOutCommutes (toCone y) {u = sing ()} idAr
      coneOutCommutes (toCone y) {u = pair () _ _} idAr

      toConeMor :  (y : ob C) (f : C [ y , F .F-ob 0l ])
                 isConeMor (toCone y) (F-cone F (⋁Cone L  ()))) f
      toConeMor y f (sing ())
      toConeMor y f (pair () _ _)

      isTerminalF0 : isTerminal C (F .F-ob 0l)
      fst (isTerminalF0 y) = isLimConeF0 _ (toCone y) .fst .fst
      snd (isTerminalF0 y) f = cong fst (isLimConeF0 _ (toCone y) .snd (_ , toConeMor y f))

    snd (L→P isSheafF) x y = LimAsPullback .univProp
     xyVec : FinVec (fst L) 2
     xyVec zero = y
     xyVec one = x

     inducedLimCone : LimCone (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L xyVec))
     lim inducedLimCone = F .F-ob ( xyVec)
     limCone inducedLimCone = F-cone F (⋁Cone L xyVec)
     univProp inducedLimCone = isSheafF 2 xyVec

     theCone : Cone (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L xyVec)) (F .F-ob (x ∨l y))
     coneOut (theCone) (sing zero) = F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ x y)
     coneOut (theCone) (sing one) = F .F-hom (hom-∨₁ x y)
     coneOut (theCone) (pair zero zero ())
     coneOut (theCone) (pair zero one (s≤s z≤)) =
       F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ x y) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (hom-∧₂ x y)
     coneOut (theCone) (pair one zero ())
     coneOut (theCone) (pair one one (s≤s ()))
     coneOut (theCone) (pair (suc (suc _)) one (s≤s ()))
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) {u = u} idAr =
       cong (seq' C (coneOut (theCone) u)) (F .F-id)  ⋆IdR C _
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairL {zero} {zero} {()})
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairL {zero} {one} {s≤s z≤}) = refl
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairL {one} {zero} {()})
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairL {one} {one} {s≤s ()})
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairL {suc (suc _)} {one} {s≤s ()})
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairR {zero} {zero} {()})
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairR {zero} {one} {s≤s z≤}) = sym (Fsq x y F)
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairR {one} {zero} {()})
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairR {one} {one} {s≤s ()})
     coneOutCommutes (theCone) (singPairR {suc (suc _)} {one} {s≤s ()})

     theLimCone : LimCone (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L xyVec))
     lim theLimCone = _
     limCone theLimCone = theCone
     univProp theLimCone =
       transport  i  isLimCone _ (limPath i) (limConePathP i)) (univProp inducedLimCone)
       xyPath :  xyVec  x ∨l y
       xyPath = cong (y ∨l_) (∨lRid x)  ∨lComm _ _

       limPath : lim inducedLimCone  lim theLimCone
       limPath = cong (F .F-ob) xyPath

       limConePathP : PathP  i  Cone (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L xyVec)) (limPath i))
                            (limCone inducedLimCone) theCone
       limConePathP = conePathPOb helperPathP
         helperPathP :
            v  PathP  i  C [ limPath i , F-ob (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L xyVec)) v ])
                       (coneOut (limCone inducedLimCone) v) (coneOut theCone v)
         helperPathP (sing zero) = F≤PathPLemma xyPath refl (ind≤⋁ xyVec zero) (hom-∨₂ x y)
         helperPathP (sing one) = F≤PathPLemma xyPath refl (ind≤⋁ xyVec one) (hom-∨₁ x y)
         helperPathP (pair zero zero ())
         helperPathP (pair zero one (s≤s z≤)) =
           subst  f  PathP  i  C [ limPath i  , F .F-ob (x ∧l y) ])
                              (coneOut (limCone inducedLimCone) (pair zero one (s≤s z≤))) f)
                 (F-seq F _ _) helperHelperPathP
           helperHelperPathP : PathP  i  C [ limPath i  , F .F-ob (x ∧l y) ])
                                (coneOut (limCone inducedLimCone) (pair zero one (s≤s z≤)))
                                    (F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ x y ⋆⟨ (DLCat ^op)  hom-∧₂ x y))
           helperHelperPathP = F≤PathPLemma xyPath refl
                (is-trans _ (xyVec zero) _ (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)) (ind≤⋁ xyVec zero))
                (hom-∨₂ x y ⋆⟨ (DLCat ^op)  hom-∧₂ x y)
         helperPathP (pair one zero ())
         helperPathP (pair one one (s≤s ()))
         helperPathP (pair (suc (suc _)) one (s≤s ()))
     open DLShfDiagsAsPullbacks C _ theLimCone

    --the other direction
    P→L : isDLSheafPullback F  isDLSheaf F
    fst (fst (P→L (isTerminalF0 , _) ℕ.zero α c cc)) = isTerminalF0 c .fst
    snd (fst (P→L (isTerminalF0 , _) ℕ.zero α c cc)) (sing ())
    snd (fst (P→L (isTerminalF0 , _) ℕ.zero α c cc)) (pair () _ _)
    snd (P→L (isTerminalF0 , _) ℕ.zero α c cc) _ =
      Σ≡Prop (isPropIsConeMor _ _) (isTerminalF0 c .snd _)

    P→L (F0=1 , presPBSq) (ℕ.suc n) α c cc = uniqueExists
      (uniqH .fst .fst)
        (toIsConeMor (uniqH .fst .fst) (uniqH .fst .snd))
           _  isPropIsConeMor _ _ _)
            λ h' isConeMorH'  cong fst (uniqH .snd (h' , fromIsConeMor h' isConeMorH'))
     β : FinVec (fst L) n
     β i = α (suc i) ∧l α zero

     αβPath : (α zero) ∧l  (α  suc)   β
     αβPath = ∧lComm _ _  ⋁Meetldist (α zero) (α  suc)

     -- the square we want
     theCospan : Cospan C
     l theCospan = F .F-ob ( (α  suc))
     m theCospan = F .F-ob ( β)
     r theCospan = F .F-ob (α zero)
     s₁ theCospan = F .F-hom (≤-⋁Ext _ _ λ _  hom-∧₁ _ _)
     s₂ theCospan = F .F-hom (⋁IsMax _ _ λ _  hom-∧₂ _ _)

     thePB : Pullback C theCospan
     pbOb thePB = F .F-ob ( α)
     pbPr₁ thePB = F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ _ _)
     pbPr₂ thePB = F .F-hom (hom-∨₁ _ _)
     pbCommutes thePB = F-square F (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)
     univProp thePB f g square = presPBSq (α zero) ( (α  suc)) f g squarePath
      squarePath : f ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (hom-∧₂ _ _)  g ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (hom-∧₁ _ _)
      squarePath = transport
                      i  f ⋆⟨ C  F≤PathPLemma refl αβPath
                                       (hom-∧₂ _ _) (≤-⋁Ext _ _ λ _  hom-∧₁ _ _) (~ i)
                           g ⋆⟨ C  F≤PathPLemma refl αβPath
                                       (hom-∧₁ _ _) (⋁IsMax _ _ λ _  hom-∧₂ _ _) (~ i))

     -- the two induced cones on which we use the ind. hyp.
     ccSuc : Cone (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L (α  suc))) c
     coneOut ccSuc (sing i) = coneOut cc (sing (suc i))
     coneOut ccSuc (pair i j i<j) = coneOut cc (pair (suc i) (suc j) (s≤s i<j))
     coneOutCommutes ccSuc {sing _} idAr = coneOutCommutes cc idAr
     coneOutCommutes ccSuc {pair _ _ _} idAr = coneOutCommutes cc idAr
     coneOutCommutes ccSuc singPairL = coneOutCommutes cc singPairL
     coneOutCommutes ccSuc singPairR = coneOutCommutes cc singPairR

     cc∧Suc : Cone (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β)) c
     coneOut cc∧Suc (sing i) = coneOut cc (pair zero (suc i) (s≤s z≤))
     coneOut cc∧Suc (pair i j i<j) = coneOut cc (pair (suc i) (suc j) (s≤s i<j))
        ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _)))
        --(αⱼ ∧ αᵢ) ≥ (αⱼ ∧ α₀) ∧ (αᵢ ∧ α₀)
     coneOutCommutes cc∧Suc idAr =
       cong (seq' C (coneOut cc∧Suc _)) ((funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β)) .F-id)  ⋆IdR C _
     coneOutCommutes cc∧Suc (singPairL {i = i} {j = j} {i<j = i<j}) =
         coneOut cc (pair zero (suc i) (s≤s z≤))
           ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairL)
       ≡⟨ cong  x  seq' C x (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairL))
               (sym (coneOutCommutes cc singPairR)) 
         (coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR))
                                    ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairL)
       ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  ((funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR)
                                   ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairL))
       ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
           ((FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom (singPairR {i<j = s≤s z≤})
             ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom (singPairL {i<j = i<j}))
       ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom x)
               (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
           ((FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom (singPairL {i<j = s≤s i<j})
             ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))))
       ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  x) (F .F-seq _ _) 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  ((funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairL)
           ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))))
       ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
         (coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairL))
           ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _)))
       ≡⟨ cong
            x  x ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                             (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))))
           (coneOutCommutes cc singPairL) 
         coneOut cc (pair (suc i) (suc j) (s≤s i<j))
           ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))) 

     coneOutCommutes cc∧Suc (singPairR {i = i} {j = j} {i<j = i<j}) =
         coneOut cc (pair zero (suc j) (s≤s z≤))
           ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairR)
       ≡⟨ cong  x  seq' C x (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairR))
               (sym (coneOutCommutes cc singPairR)) 
         (coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR))
                                    ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairR)
       ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  ((funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR)
                                   ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom singPairR))
       ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
           ((FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom (singPairR {i<j = s≤s z≤})
             ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  (FinVec→Diag L β) .F-hom (singPairR {i<j = i<j}))
       ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom x)
               (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
           ((FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom (singPairR {i<j = s≤s i<j})
             ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))))
       ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  x) (F .F-seq _ _) 
         coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  ((funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR)
           ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))))
       ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
         (coneOut cc (sing (suc j)) ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR))
           ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _)))
       ≡⟨ cong
             x  x ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                             (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))))
            (coneOutCommutes cc singPairR) 
         coneOut cc (pair (suc i) (suc j) (s≤s i<j))
           ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) (∧≤RCancel _ _))) 

     -- our morphisms:
     f : C [ c , F .F-ob (α zero) ]
     f = coneOut cc (sing zero)

     g : C [ c , F .F-ob ( (α  suc)) ]
     g = P→L (F0=1 , presPBSq) n (α  suc) c ccSuc .fst .fst

     k = g ⋆⟨ C  s₁ theCospan
     o = f ⋆⟨ C  s₂ theCospan

     isConeMorK : isConeMor cc∧Suc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) k
     isConeMorK = isConeMorSingLemma cc∧Suc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) singCase
       singCase :  i  k ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) (sing i))
                       coneOut cc∧Suc (sing i)
       singCase i =
           (g ⋆⟨ C  s₁ theCospan) ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) (sing i))
         ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
           g ⋆⟨ C  (s₁ theCospan ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) (sing i)))
         ≡⟨ cong  x  g ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
           g ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
             ((≤-⋁Ext _ _ λ _  hom-∧₁ _ _) ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  coneOut (⋁Cone L β) (sing i))
         ≡⟨ cong  x  g ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom x) (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
           g ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (coneOut (⋁Cone L (α  suc)) (sing i)
             ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom (singPairR{i<j = s≤s z≤}) )
         ≡⟨ cong  x  g ⋆⟨ C  x) (F .F-seq _ _) 
           g ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L (α  suc))) (sing i)
             ⋆⟨ C  funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR)
         ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
           (g ⋆⟨ C  coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L (α  suc))) (sing i))
              ⋆⟨ C  funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR
         ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR)
                 (P→L (F0=1 , presPBSq) n (α  suc) c ccSuc .fst .snd (sing i)) 
           coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) ⋆⟨ C  funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairR
         ≡⟨ coneOutCommutes cc singPairR 
           coneOut cc (pair zero (suc i) (s≤s z≤)) 

     isConeMorO : isConeMor cc∧Suc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) o
     isConeMorO  = isConeMorSingLemma cc∧Suc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) singCase
       singCase :  i  o ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L β)) (sing i))
                       coneOut cc∧Suc (sing i)
       singCase i =
           o ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ β i))
         ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
           f ⋆⟨ C  (s₂ theCospan ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ β i)))
         ≡⟨ cong  x   f ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
           f ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom ((⋁IsMax _ _ λ _  hom-∧₂ _ _) ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op   ind≤⋁ β i)
         ≡⟨ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom x) (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
           f ⋆⟨ C  funcComp F (FinVec→Diag L α) .F-hom singPairL
         ≡⟨ coneOutCommutes cc singPairL 
           coneOut cc (pair zero (suc i) (s≤s z≤)) 

     fgSquare : g ⋆⟨ C  s₁ theCospan  f ⋆⟨ C  s₂ theCospan
     fgSquare = cong fst (isContr→isProp (P→L (F0=1 , presPBSq) n β c cc∧Suc)
                                          (k , isConeMorK) (o , isConeMorO))

     uniqH : ∃![ h  C [ c , F .F-ob ( α) ] ]
               (g  h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₁ thePB) × (f  h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₂ thePB)
     uniqH = univProp thePB _ _ fgSquare

     toIsConeMor :  (h : C [ c , F .F-ob ( α) ])
                  (g  h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₁ thePB) × (f  h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₂ thePB)
                  isConeMor cc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L α)) h
     toIsConeMor h (gTriangle , fTriangle) = isConeMorSingLemma cc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L α)) singCase
       singCase :  i  h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L α)) (sing i))
                       coneOut cc (sing i)
       singCase zero = sym fTriangle
       singCase (suc i) =
           h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L α)) (sing (suc i)))
         ≡⟨ cong  x  seq' C h (F .F-hom x)) (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
           h ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ _ _ ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  ⋁Cone L (α  suc) .coneOut (sing i))
         ≡⟨ cong (seq' C h) (F .F-seq _ _) 
           h ⋆⟨ C  (pbPr₁ thePB ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (⋁Cone L (α  suc) .coneOut (sing i)))
         ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
           (h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₁ thePB) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (⋁Cone L (α  suc) .coneOut (sing i))
         ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom (⋁Cone L (α  suc) .coneOut (sing i))))
                 (sym gTriangle) 
           g ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (⋁Cone L (α  suc) .coneOut (sing i))
         ≡⟨ P→L (F0=1 , presPBSq) n (α  suc) c ccSuc .fst .snd (sing i) 
           coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) 

     fromIsConeMor :  (h : C [ c , F .F-ob ( α) ])
                    isConeMor cc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L α)) h
                    (g  h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₁ thePB) × (f  h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₂ thePB)
     fst (fromIsConeMor h isConeMorH) =
       cong fst (P→L (F0=1 , presPBSq) n (α  suc) c ccSuc .snd (s , isConeMorS))
       s = h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₁ thePB
       isConeMorS : isConeMor ccSuc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L (α  suc))) s
       isConeMorS = isConeMorSingLemma ccSuc (F-cone F (⋁Cone L (α  suc))) singCase
         singCase :  i  s ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L (α  suc))) (sing i))
                         coneOut ccSuc (sing i)
         singCase i =
             (h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₁ thePB) ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (α  suc) i))
           ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
             h ⋆⟨ C  (pbPr₁ thePB ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (α  suc) i)))
           ≡⟨ cong (seq' C h) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
             h ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ _ _ ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  ind≤⋁ (α  suc) i)
           ≡⟨ cong  x  seq' C h (F .F-hom x)) (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
             h ⋆⟨ C  coneOut (F-cone F (⋁Cone L α)) (sing (suc i))
           ≡⟨ isConeMorH (sing (suc i)) 
             coneOut cc (sing (suc i)) 

     snd (fromIsConeMor h isConeMorH) = sym (isConeMorH (sing zero))

module SheafOnBasis (L : DistLattice ) (C : Category ℓ' ℓ'')
                    (L' :  (fst L)) (hB : IsBasis L L') where

 open Category
 open Functor

 open DistLatticeStr ⦃...⦄
 open SemilatticeStr ⦃...⦄
 open IsBasis hB

  DLCat = DistLatticeCategory L
  BasisCat = ΣPropCat  DLCat L'
  DLBasisPreSheaf = Functor (BasisCat ^op) C

   _ = snd L
   _ = snd (Basis→MeetSemilattice L L' hB)

 module condSquare (x y : ob BasisCat) (x∨y∈L' : fst x ∨l fst y  L') where

   x∨y : ob BasisCat -- = Σ[ x ∈ L ] (x ∈ L')
   x∨y = fst x ∨l fst y , x∨y∈L'

     x ∧ y ----→   x
       |           |
       |    sq     |
       V           V
       y   ----→ x ∨ y

     but as a square in BasisCat
  Bsq : seq' BasisCat {x = x · y} {y = y} {z = x∨y} (hom-∧₂ L C (fst x) (fst y))
                                                    (hom-∨₂ L C (fst x) (fst y))
       seq' BasisCat {x = x · y} {y = x} {z = x∨y} (hom-∧₁ L C (fst x) (fst y))
                                                    (hom-∨₁ L C (fst x) (fst y))
  Bsq = sq L C (fst x) (fst y)

    F(x ∨ y) ----→ F(x)
       |            |
       |     Fsq    |
       V            V
      F(y) ------→ F(x ∧ y)

    square in C but now F is only presheaf on BasisCat
  BFsq : (F : DLBasisPreSheaf)
        seq' C {x = F .F-ob x∨y} {y = F .F-ob y} {z = F .F-ob (x · y)}
                (F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ L C (fst x) (fst y)))
                (F .F-hom (hom-∧₂ L C (fst x) (fst y)))
        seq' C {x = F .F-ob x∨y} {y = F .F-ob x} {z = F .F-ob (x · y)}
                (F .F-hom (hom-∨₁ L C (fst x) (fst y)))
                (F .F-hom (hom-∧₁ L C (fst x) (fst y)))
  BFsq F = F-square F Bsq

 -- On a basis this is weaker than the definition below!
 isDLBasisSheafPullback : DLBasisPreSheaf  Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') ℓ'')
 isDLBasisSheafPullback F = ((0∈L' : 0l  L')  isTerminal C (F .F-ob (0l , 0∈L')))
                          × ((x y : ob BasisCat) (x∨y∈L' : fst x ∨l fst y  L')
                                isPullback C _ _ _ (BFsq x y x∨y∈L' F))
                                 where open condSquare

 isPropIsDLBasisSheafPullback :  F  isProp (isDLBasisSheafPullback F)
 isPropIsDLBasisSheafPullback F =
   isProp× (isPropΠ  _  isPropIsTerminal _ _))
           (isPropΠ3 λ x y x∨y∈L'  isPropIsPullback _ _ _ _ (BFsq x y x∨y∈L' F))
   where open condSquare

 DLBasisSheafPullback : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') ℓ'')
 DLBasisSheafPullback = Σ[ F  DLBasisPreSheaf ] isDLBasisSheafPullback F

 -- the correct defintion
 open Join L
 module condCone {n : } (α : FinVec (ob BasisCat) n) where
   open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L))
   open PosetStr (IndPoset .snd) hiding (_≤_)
   open MeetSemilattice (Lattice→MeetSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L))
        using (∧≤RCancel ; ∧≤LCancel)
   open Order (DistLattice→Lattice L)
   open Cone

   BDiag : Functor (DLShfDiag n ) (BasisCat ^op)
   F-ob BDiag (sing i) = α i
   F-ob BDiag (pair i j _) = α i · α j -- α i ∧ α j + basis is closed under ∧
   F-hom BDiag idAr = is-refl _
   F-hom BDiag singPairL = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)
   F-hom BDiag singPairR = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)
   F-id BDiag = is-prop-valued _ _ _ _
   F-seq BDiag _ _ = is-prop-valued _ _ _ _

   module _ (⋁α∈L' :   i   α i .fst)  L')  where
       α' : FinVec (fst L) n
       α' i = α i .fst
       ⋁α : ob BasisCat
       ⋁α =  α' , ⋁α∈L'

     B⋁Cone : Cone BDiag ⋁α
     coneOut B⋁Cone (sing i) = ind≤⋁ α' i
     coneOut B⋁Cone (pair i _ _) = is-trans _ (α' i) _ (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
                                                       (ind≤⋁ α' i)
     coneOutCommutes B⋁Cone _ = is-prop-valued _ _ _ _

 isDLBasisSheaf : DLBasisPreSheaf  Type _
 isDLBasisSheaf F =  {n : } (α : FinVec (ob BasisCat) n)
                      (⋁α∈L' :   i   α i .fst)  L')
                   isLimCone _ _ (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  α ⋁α∈L'))
                    where open condCone

 isPropIsDLBasisSheaf :  F  isProp (isDLBasisSheaf F)
 isPropIsDLBasisSheaf F = isPropImplicitΠ  _  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isPropIsLimCone _ _ _)

 isDLBasisSheafProp :  DLBasisPreSheaf
 isDLBasisSheafProp F = isDLBasisSheaf F , isPropIsDLBasisSheaf F

 DLBasisSheaf→Terminal :  (F : DLBasisPreSheaf)
                        isDLBasisSheaf F
                         (0∈L' : 0l  L')  isTerminal C (F .F-ob (0l , 0∈L'))
 DLBasisSheaf→Terminal F isSheafF 0∈L' = isTerminalF0
   open Cone
   open condCone {n = 0}  ())
   emptyCone = B⋁Cone 0∈L'

   isLimConeF0 : isLimCone _ (F .F-ob (0l , 0∈L')) (F-cone F emptyCone)
   isLimConeF0 = isSheafF  ()) 0∈L'

   toCone : (y : ob C)  Cone (funcComp F BDiag) y
   coneOut (toCone y) (sing ())
   coneOut (toCone y) (pair () _ _)
   coneOutCommutes (toCone y) {u = sing ()} idAr
   coneOutCommutes (toCone y) {u = pair () _ _} idAr

   toConeMor :  (y : ob C) (f : C [ y , F .F-ob (0l , 0∈L') ])
              isConeMor (toCone y) (F-cone F emptyCone) f
   toConeMor y f (sing ())
   toConeMor y f (pair () _ _)

   isTerminalF0 : isTerminal C (F .F-ob (0l , 0∈L'))
   fst (isTerminalF0 y) = isLimConeF0 _ (toCone y) .fst .fst
   snd (isTerminalF0 y) f = cong fst (isLimConeF0 _ (toCone y) .snd (_ , toConeMor y f))