  This file defines cohomology of a type with
  coefficients in a dependent spectrum over it.
  * Cohom and Cohom' are two versions of the cohomology groups
    - the only difference is the carrier type.
  * 'commDegreeΩ' commutes Ωs with degree shifts of the spectrum
  * 'cohomMap' implement the application of the cohomology functors
    to maps between types

  This general cohomology coincides with ZCohomology when the coefficients
  are constantly the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum for ℤ (not proven here/yet)
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Cohomology.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Base
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Properties
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism using (isoToEquiv)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function    using (_∘_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence  using (ua)

open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv using (funExtEquiv)

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base using (Group; GroupStr)
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties

open import Cubical.Data.Int.Base hiding (_·_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Base using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation hiding (map)

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Spectrum
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace renaming (EH to isCommΩ)
open import Cubical.Structures.Successor

     : Level

open Spectrum

module _ (X : Type ) (A : (x : X)  Spectrum ) where
  CohomClasses :   Pointed 
  CohomClasses k = Πᵘ∙ X  x  space (A x) k)

  CohomType :   Type 
  CohomType k =   (fst (CohomClasses k)) ∥₂

    commDegreeΩOnce : (k : )  (CohomClasses k) ≃∙ Πᵘ∙ X  x  Ω (space (A x) (sucℤ k)))
    commDegreeΩOnce k =
      (equivΠCod  x  fst (equivΩAt x))) ,
       λ i x  snd (equivΩAt x) i
      where equivΩAt : (x : X)  space (A x) k ≃∙ Ω (space (A x) (sucℤ k))
            equivΩAt x = (fst (map (A x) k) , equiv (A x) k) , snd (map (A x) k)

    commDegreeΩOnce' : (k : )  (CohomClasses k) ≃∙ Ω (CohomClasses (sucℤ k))
    commDegreeΩOnce' k =
      compEquiv∙ (commDegreeΩOnce k)
                 (funExtEquiv , refl)

  commDegreeΩ : (k : ) (n : )  (CohomClasses k) ≃∙ (Ω^ n) (CohomClasses (k + (pos n)))
  commDegreeΩ k ℕ.zero = idEquiv∙ _
  commDegreeΩ k (ℕ.suc n) =
    CohomClasses k                                     ≃∙⟨ commDegreeΩ k n 
    (Ω^ n) (CohomClasses (k + (pos n)))                ≃∙⟨ Ω^≃∙ n (commDegreeΩOnce' (k + pos n)) 
    (Ω^ n) (Ω (CohomClasses (sucℤ (k + (pos n)))))     ≃∙⟨ invEquiv∙ (e n) 
    (Ω^ (ℕ.suc n)) (CohomClasses (sucℤ (k + (pos n)))) ∎≃∙
    where e : {A : Pointed } (n : )  (Ω^ (ℕ.suc n)) A ≃∙ (Ω^ n) (Ω A)
          e ℕ.zero = isoToEquiv (flipΩIso ℕ.zero) , transportRefl refl
          e (ℕ.suc n) = isoToEquiv (flipΩIso (ℕ.suc n)) , flipΩrefl n

    Abelian group structure
  module abGroupStr (k : ) where
      Use an equivalent type, where the group structure is just
      given by the homotopy group functor
      (index of homotopy groups is off by one below, we actually take π₂,
      to get an abelian group)
    CohomAsGroup : Group 
    CohomAsGroup = (πGr 1) (Πᵘ∙ X   x  (space (A x) (k + 2))))

    open GroupStr (snd CohomAsGroup)

    isComm :  (a b : fst CohomAsGroup)  a · b  b · a
    isComm = elim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
                   λ a b   a  b ∣₂ ≡⟨ cong ∣_∣₂ (isCommΩ 0 a b) 
                            b  a ∣₂ 

    π₂AbGroup : AbGroup 
    π₂AbGroup = Group→AbGroup CohomAsGroup isComm

  module _ (k : ) where
    Cohom' : AbGroup 
    Cohom' = abGroupStr.π₂AbGroup k

    CohomType' : Type 
    CohomType' = fst (abGroupStr.π₂AbGroup k)

      shiftΩTwicePath : fst (abGroupStr.π₂AbGroup k)  CohomType k
      shiftΩTwicePath = sym (cong ∥_∥₂ (ua (fst (commDegreeΩ k 2))))

    Cohom : AbGroup 
    Cohom = CohomType k , subst AbGroupStr shiftΩTwicePath (snd (abGroupStr.π₂AbGroup k))

    CohomPath : Cohom'  Cohom
    CohomPath = ΣPathTransport→PathΣ Cohom' Cohom (shiftΩTwicePath , refl)

    CohomEquiv : AbGroupEquiv Cohom' Cohom
    CohomEquiv = fst (invEquiv (AbGroupPath Cohom' Cohom)) CohomPath

  Functoriality in the type argument
module _ {Y X : Type } (f : Y  X) (A : (x : X)  Spectrum ) where
    The following will be used as coefficients for the
    cohomology of Y
  fA : (y : Y)  Spectrum 
  fA y = A (f y)

  cohomMap' : (k : )  AbGroupHom (Cohom' X A k) (Cohom' Y fA k)
  cohomMap' k = πHom 1 mapOnClasses  -- apply π₂ to a map on cohomology classes
             mapOnClasses : CohomClasses X A (k + 2) →∙ CohomClasses Y fA (k + 2)
             mapOnClasses =  l   y  l (f y))) ,

  cohomMap : (k : )  AbGroupHom (Cohom X A k) (Cohom Y fA k)
  cohomMap k = compGroupHom
                 (compGroupHom (GroupEquiv→GroupHom (invGroupEquiv (CohomEquiv X A k)))
                               (cohomMap' k))
                 (GroupEquiv→GroupHom (CohomEquiv Y fA k))