{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}

module Cubical.Cohomology.EilenbergMacLane.Groups.KleinBottle where

open import Cubical.Cohomology.EilenbergMacLane.Base
open import Cubical.Cohomology.EilenbergMacLane.Groups.Connected

open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.Order2
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.Properties
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws

open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.IntMod
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base

open import Cubical.HITs.KleinBottle renaming (rec to KleinFun)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as TR
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.HITs.EilenbergMacLane1 hiding (elimProp ; elimSet)
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp

open AbGroupStr

     ℓ' : Level

-- Elimination principles
module ConnK² {B : Type ℓ'} where
  elim₁ : {A : (KleinBottle  B)  Type }
     isConnected 2 B
     ((x : _)  isProp (A x))  (b* : B)
     ((l1 l2 : b*  b*) (sq : Square l2 l2 (sym l1) l1)
                              A (KleinFun b* l1 l2 sq))
     (x : _)  A x
  elim₁ {A = A} conB pr b* ind f =
    PT.rec (pr f)  {(l1 , l2 , sq , id)  subst A (sym id) (ind _ _ _)})
      (elim₁' f)
    characKleinFun : (f : KleinBottle  B)
       Σ[ x  B ] Σ[ l1  x  x ] Σ[ l2  x  x ]
         Σ[ sq  Square l2 l2 (sym l1) l1 ] f  KleinFun x l1 l2 sq
    characKleinFun f =
        (f point)
      , ((cong f line1) , ((cong f line2) ,  i j  f (square i j) )
      , funExt λ { point  refl ; (line1 i)  refl ; (line2 i)  refl
                 ; (square i i₁)  refl}))

    characKleinFun^ : (f : KleinBottle  B) (x y : B) (p : x  y)
       Σ[ l1  x  x ] Σ[ l2  x  x ]
         Σ[ sq  Square l2 l2 (sym l1) l1 ] f  KleinFun x l1 l2 sq
       Σ[ l1  y  y ] Σ[ l2  y  y ]
         Σ[ sq  Square l2 l2 (sym l1) l1 ] f  KleinFun y l1 l2 sq
    characKleinFun^ f x = J> λ x  x

    elim₁' : (f : KleinBottle  B)
       ∃[ l1  b*  b* ] Σ[ l2  b*  b* ]
         Σ[ sq  Square l2 l2 (sym l1) l1 ] f
         KleinFun b* l1 l2 sq
    elim₁' f =
      TR.rec squash₁  r   characKleinFun^ f (f point) b* (sym r)
                               (characKleinFun f .snd) ∣₁)
        (Iso.fun (PathIdTruncIso 1) (isContr→isProp conB _ _))

  elim₂ : {A : (KleinBottle  B)  Type }
     isConnected 3 B
     ((x : _)  isProp (A x))
     (b : B)
     ((sq : (Ω^ 2) (B , b) .fst)  A (KleinFun b refl refl sq))
     (x : _)  A x
  elim₂ {A = A} conB pr b ind f = PT.rec (pr f)
     {(sq , fid)  subst A (sym fid) (ind sq)}) (elim₂' f)
    characKleinFun^ : (f : KleinBottle  B) (x y : B)
         (p : x  y) (l1 : x  x) (l1' : y  y)
       PathP  i  p i  p i) l1 l1'
       (l2 : x  x) (l2' : y  y)
       PathP  i  p i  p i) l2 l2'
       Σ[ sq  Square l2 l2 (sym l1) l1 ] f  KleinFun x l1 l2 sq
       Σ[ sq  Square l2' l2' (sym l1') l1' ] f  KleinFun y l1' l2' sq
    characKleinFun^ f x = J> λ l1  J> λ l2  J> λ r  r

    elim₂' : (f : KleinBottle  B)
       ∃[ sq  (Ω^ 2) (B , b) .fst ] f  KleinFun b refl refl sq
    elim₂' f =
      TR.rec (isProp→isSet squash₁)
         p  TR.rec squash₁
               pl  TR.rec squash₁
                 pr   characKleinFun^ f _ _
                           (sym p) (cong f line1) refl pl (cong f line2) refl pr
                           ((λ i j  f (square i j))
                           , (funExt  { point  refl
                                    ; (line1 i)  refl
                                    ; (line2 i)  refl
                                    ; (square i i₁)  refl}))) ∣₁)
                (isConnectedPathP 1 {A = λ i  p (~ i)  p (~ i)}
           (isConnectedPath 2 conB _ _) (cong f line2) refl .fst))
          (isConnectedPathP 1 {A = λ i  p (~ i)  p (~ i)}
           (isConnectedPath 2 conB _ _) (cong f line1) refl .fst))
        (Iso.fun (PathIdTruncIso 2) (isContr→isProp conB  b   f point ))

------ H⁰(K²,ℤ/2) ------
H⁰[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2 : AbGroupEquiv (coHomGr 0 ℤ/2 KleinBottle) ℤ/2
H⁰[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2 =
  H⁰conn ( point 
    , (TR.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 (isOfHLevelTrunc 2) _ _)
               (elimProp  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 2 _ _)

------ H¹(K²,ℤ/2) ------
H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2 : coHom 1 ℤ/2 KleinBottle  fst (dirProdAb ℤ/2 ℤ/2)
H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2 = ST.rec (is-set (snd (dirProdAb ℤ/2 ℤ/2)))
                   λ f  ΩEM+1→EM-gen _ _ (cong f line1)
                       , ΩEM+1→EM-gen _ _ (cong f line2)

ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K² : fst (dirProdAb ℤ/2 ℤ/2)  coHom 1 ℤ/2 KleinBottle
ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K² (g₁ , g₂) =
    { point  0ₖ _
      ; (line1 i)  emloop g₁ i
      ; (line2 i)  emloop g₂ i
      ; (square i j)  main j i}) ∣₂
  sideSq :  {} {A : Type } {x : A} (p : x  x)  Square p p p p
  sideSq p i j =
    hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0)  p (j  ~ k)
                   ; (i = i1)  p (j  k)
                   ; (j = i0)  p (i  ~ k)
                   ; (j = i1)  p (i  k)})
          (p i0)

  q = emloop-1g _  ((λ i j  emloop 1 i)  sym (emloop-1g _))

  lem : (g₁ g₂ : _)
     PathP  i  Path (EM₁ (ℤGroup/ 2)) (emloop g₂ i) (emloop g₂ i))
             (emloop g₁) (emloop g₁)
  lem  =
    ℤ/2-elim (ℤ/2-elim (sideSq _) q) (ℤ/2-elim (flipSquare q) (sideSq _))

  main : Square {A = EM₁ (ℤGroup/ 2)}
                 (sym (emloop g₁)) (emloop g₁)
                 (emloop g₂) (emloop g₂)
  main = (sym (emloop-inv (ℤGroup/ 2) g₁)  cong emloop (-Const-ℤ/2 g₁))
        lem g₁ g₂

ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2 : (x : fst (dirProdAb ℤ/2 ℤ/2))
   H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2 (ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K² x)  x
ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2 (g₁ , g₂) =
  ΣPathP ((Iso.leftInv (Iso-EM-ΩEM+1 0) g₁)
        , Iso.leftInv (Iso-EM-ΩEM+1 0) g₂)

H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K² : (x : _)
   ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K² (H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2 x)  x
H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K² =
  ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    (ConnK².elim₁ (isConnectedEM 1)  _  squash₂ _ _) embase
    λ l1 l2 sq  cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt (elimSet  _  hLevelEM _ 1 _ _) refl
      (flipSquare (Iso.rightInv (Iso-EM-ΩEM+1 0) l1))
      (flipSquare (Iso.rightInv (Iso-EM-ΩEM+1 0) l2)))))

ℤ/2×ℤ/2≅H¹[K²,ℤ/2] :
  AbGroupEquiv (dirProdAb ℤ/2 ℤ/2) (coHomGr 1 ℤ/2 KleinBottle)
fst ℤ/2×ℤ/2≅H¹[K²,ℤ/2] = isoToEquiv is
  is : Iso _ _
  Iso.fun is = ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K²
  Iso.inv is = H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2
  Iso.rightInv is = H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K²
  Iso.leftInv is = ℤ/2×ℤ/2→H¹K²→ℤ/2×ℤ/2
snd ℤ/2×ℤ/2≅H¹[K²,ℤ/2] =
  makeIsGroupHom λ x y  cong ∣_∣₂
    (funExt (elimSet  _  hLevelEM _ 1 _ _) refl
      (flipSquare ((EM→ΩEM+1-hom 0 (fst x) (fst y)
                  sym (cong₂+₁ (emloop (fst x)) (emloop (fst y))))))
      (flipSquare ((EM→ΩEM+1-hom 0 (snd x) (snd y)
                  sym (cong₂+₁ (emloop (snd x)) (emloop (snd y))))))))

H¹[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2×ℤ/2 :
  AbGroupEquiv (coHomGr 1 ℤ/2 KleinBottle) (dirProdAb ℤ/2 ℤ/2)
H¹[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2×ℤ/2 = invGroupEquiv ℤ/2×ℤ/2≅H¹[K²,ℤ/2]

------ H²(K²,ℤ/2) ------

-- The equivalence Ω²K₂ ≃ ℤ/2 will be needed
Iso-Ω²K₂-ℤ/2 : Iso (fst ((Ω^ 2) (EM∙ ℤ/2 2))) (fst ℤ/2)
Iso-Ω²K₂-ℤ/2 =
  compIso (congIso (invIso (Iso-EM-ΩEM+1 {G = ℤ/2} 1)))
    (invIso (Iso-EM-ΩEM+1 {G = ℤ/2} 0))

Ω²K₂→ℤ/2 : fst ((Ω^ 2) (EM∙ ℤ/2 2))  fst ℤ/2
Ω²K₂→ℤ/2 = Iso.fun Iso-Ω²K₂-ℤ/2

ℤ/2→Ω²K₂ : fst ℤ/2  fst ((Ω^ 2) (EM∙ ℤ/2 2))
ℤ/2→Ω²K₂ = Iso.inv Iso-Ω²K₂-ℤ/2

Ω²K₂-based→ℤ/2 : (x : EM ℤ/2 2) (p : refl {x = x}  refl)  fst ℤ/2
Ω²K₂-based→ℤ/2 x p =
  ΩEM+1→EM-gen 0 (ΩEM+1→EM-gen 1 x refl) (cong (ΩEM+1→EM-gen 1 x) p)

-- Contrucing the map H²(K²,ℤ/2) → ℤ/2
H²K²→ℤ/2₁ : (f : KleinBottle  EM ℤ/2 2)
    j  f (line2 j))   i  f (line1 i))
     j  f (line2 j))   i  f (line1 i))
H²K²→ℤ/2₁ f =
   i   j  f (line2 j))
         symConst-ℤ/2 2 (f point)  i  f (line1 i)) i)
   isCommΩEM-base 1 _ _ _
   Square→compPath  i j  f (square i j))

H²K²→ℤ/2₂ : {x : EM ℤ/2 2} {p : x  x} (q : p  p)  fst ℤ/2
H²K²→ℤ/2₂ {x = x} {p = p} q =
  Ω²K₂-based→ℤ/2 x (sym (rCancel p) ∙∙ cong (_∙ sym p) q ∙∙ rCancel p)

-- the map gives something nice applied to nice elements
H²K²→ℤ/2-rewrite : (p : Square {A = EM ℤ/2 2} refl refl refl refl)
   H²K²→ℤ/2₂ (H²K²→ℤ/2₁ (KleinFun (0ₖ 2) refl refl p))
   ΩEM+1→EM 0 (cong (ΩEM+1→EM 1) p)
H²K²→ℤ/2-rewrite p = cong H²K²→ℤ/2₂ (H²K²→ℤ/2₁-rewrite p)
        j  H²K²→ℤ/2₂  i  rUnit (p (~ i)) (~ j)))
       cong (Ω²K₂-based→ℤ/2 _) lem
       ΩEM+1→EM-sym 0 (cong (ΩEM+1→EM 1) p)
       -Const-ℤ/2 _
  H²K²→ℤ/2₁-rewrite : (p : Square {A = EM ℤ/2 2} refl refl (sym refl) refl)
     H²K²→ℤ/2₁ (KleinFun (0ₖ 2) refl refl p)
     λ i  p (~ i)  refl
  H²K²→ℤ/2₁-rewrite p =
       cong₂ _∙_ (cong (cong  x   _   north )  x)) symConst-ℤ/2-refl)
                 (cong₂ _∙_ lem (Square→compPathΩ² p))
    ∙∙ sym (lUnit _)
    ∙∙ (sym (lUnit _)
      cong (cong  x  x  refl)) (sym (sym≡flipSquare p)))
    lem : isCommΩEM-base {G = ℤ/2} 1  north  refl refl  refl
    lem = ∙∙lCancel _

  lem : sym (rCancel refl) ∙∙  i  p (~ i)  refl) ∙∙ rCancel refl
        λ i j  p (~ i) j
  lem k i =
    hcomp  r  λ { (k = i1)  p (~ i)
                    ; (i = i0)  rUnit (refl {x = 0ₖ 2}) (~ r  ~ k)
                    ; (i = i1)  rUnit (refl {x = 0ₖ 2}) (~ r  ~ k)})
           (rUnit (p (~ i)) (~ k))

H²K²→ℤ/2 : coHom 2 ℤ/2 KleinBottle  fst ℤ/2
H²K²→ℤ/2 =
  ST.rec isSetFin
    λ f  H²K²→ℤ/2₂ (H²K²→ℤ/2₁ f)

-- Map in other direction
ℤ/2→H²K² : fst ℤ/2  coHom 2 ℤ/2 KleinBottle
ℤ/2→H²K² g =  KleinFun (0ₖ 2) refl refl (ℤ/2→Ω²K₂ g) ∣₂

-- Cancellations
H²K²→ℤ/2→H²K² : (f : coHom 2 ℤ/2 KleinBottle)  ℤ/2→H²K² (H²K²→ℤ/2 f)  f
H²K²→ℤ/2→H²K² =
  ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    (ConnK².elim₂ (isConnectedEM 2)  _  squash₂ _ _)  north 
      λ sq  cong ℤ/2→H²K² (H²K²→ℤ/2-rewrite sq)
             cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt
              λ { point  refl
                ; (line1 i)  refl
                ; (line2 i)  refl
                ; (square i j) k  Iso.leftInv Iso-Ω²K₂-ℤ/2 sq k i j}))

ℤ/2→H²K²→ℤ/2 : (g : fst ℤ/2)  H²K²→ℤ/2 (ℤ/2→H²K² g)  g
ℤ/2→H²K²→ℤ/2 g =
  H²K²→ℤ/2-rewrite (ℤ/2→Ω²K₂ g)  (Iso.rightInv Iso-Ω²K₂-ℤ/2 g)

KleinFun-triv :  {} {A : Type } {a : A}  KleinFun a refl refl refl  λ _  a
KleinFun-triv =
  funExt λ { point  refl ; (line1 i)  refl ; (line2 i)  refl
          ; (square i i₁)  refl}

KleinFun-trivₕ : {n : }
   Path (coHom n ℤ/2 KleinBottle)
      (0ₕ n) ( (KleinFun (0ₖ n) refl refl  _ _  0ₖ n)) ∣₂)
KleinFun-trivₕ = cong ∣_∣₂ (sym KleinFun-triv)

H²K²→ℤ/2-pres0 : H²K²→ℤ/2 (0ₕ _)  0
H²K²→ℤ/2-pres0 = cong H²K²→ℤ/2 KleinFun-trivₕ
        H²K²→ℤ/2-rewrite  _ _   north ∣ₕ)

Isoℤ/2-morph : {A : Type} (f : A  fst ℤ/2) (0A : A)
   0  fst f 0A  (_+'_ : A  A  A) (-m : A  A)
    x  x)  -m
   (e : IsAbGroup 0A _+'_ -m)
   IsGroupHom (AbGroup→Group (A , abgroupstr 0A _+'_  x  -m x) e) .snd)
                (fst f) ((ℤGroup/ 2) .snd)
Isoℤ/2-morph =
  EquivJ  A f  (0A : A)  0  fst f 0A  (_+'_ : A  A  A) (-m : A  A)
    x  x)  -m
   (e : IsAbGroup 0A _+'_ -m)
   IsGroupHom (AbGroup→Group (A , abgroupstr 0A _+'_  x  -m x) e) .snd)
                (fst f) ((ℤGroup/ 2) .snd))
  (J> λ _+'_  J>
    λ e  makeIsGroupHom (ℤ/2-elim (ℤ/2-elim (IsAbGroup.+IdR e fzero)
      (IsAbGroup.+IdL e 1))
      (ℤ/2-elim (IsAbGroup.+IdR e 1)
        (IsAbGroup.+InvR e 1))))

H²[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2 : AbGroupEquiv (coHomGr 2 ℤ/2 KleinBottle) ℤ/2
fst H²[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2 = isoToEquiv is
  is : Iso _ _
  Iso.fun is = H²K²→ℤ/2
  Iso.inv is = ℤ/2→H²K²
  Iso.rightInv is = ℤ/2→H²K²→ℤ/2
  Iso.leftInv is = H²K²→ℤ/2→H²K²
snd H²[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2 =
  Isoℤ/2-morph (fst H²[K²,ℤ/2]≅ℤ/2) (0ₕ 2) (sym H²K²→ℤ/2-pres0) _+ₕ_ (-ₕ_)
    (funExt (ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
       f  cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x  sym (-ₖConst-ℤ/2 1 (f x))))))
    (AbGroupStr.isAbGroup (coHomGr 2 ℤ/2 KleinBottle .snd))

isContr-HⁿKleinBottle : (n : ) (G : AbGroup )
   isContr (coHom (suc (suc (suc n))) G KleinBottle)
fst (isContr-HⁿKleinBottle n G) =  (KleinFun  north  refl refl refl) ∣₂
snd (isContr-HⁿKleinBottle n G) = ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
         (ConnK².elim₂ (isConnectedSubtr 3 (suc n)
           (subst  m  isConnected m (EM G (3 +ℕ n)))
             (cong suc (+-comm 3 n))
             (isConnectedEM (3 +ℕ n))))  _  squash₂ _ _)
            (0ₖ (3 +ℕ n))
            λ p  TR.rec (squash₂ _ _)
               q  cong ∣_∣₂ (cong (KleinFun  north  refl refl) q))
              (isConnectedPath 1
                (isConnectedPath 2
                  (isConnectedPath 3
                    ((isConnectedSubtr 4 n
                     (subst  m  isConnected m (EM G (3 +ℕ n)))
                       (+-comm 4 n)
                       (isConnectedEM (3 +ℕ n))))) _ _) _ _)
                         refl p .fst))

H³⁺ⁿK²≅0 : (n : ) (G : AbGroup )
   AbGroupEquiv (coHomGr (3 +ℕ n) G KleinBottle) (trivialAbGroup {})
fst (H³⁺ⁿK²≅0 n G) = isContr→Equiv (isContr-HⁿKleinBottle n G) isContrUnit*
snd (H³⁺ⁿK²≅0 n G) = makeIsGroupHom λ _ _  refl