
This file contains a direct proof that the Brunerie number (the number
n s.t. π₄(S³)≅ℤ/nℤ) is 2, not relying on any of the more advanced
constructions in chapters 4-6 in Brunerie's thesis (but still using
chapters 1-3 for the construction). The Brunerie number is defined via

S³ ≃ S¹ * S¹ -ᵂ→ S² ∨ S² -ᶠᵒˡᵈ→ S²

where * denotes the join, ∨ denotes the wedge sum, W is the Whitehead
map (see joinTo⋁ in Cubical.Homotopy.Whitehead) and the final map is
just the folding map. η := ∣ fold ∘ W ∣₀ defines an element of π₃(S²).
The (absolute value) of the Brunerie number is given by the absolute
value of ϕ(η) for any iso π₃(S²)≅ℤ. The reason it's hard to prove
ϕ(η) = ± 2 directly is mainly because the equivalence S³ ≃ S¹ * S¹
complicates things. In this file, we try to work around this problem.

The proof goes as follows.

1. Define π₃*(A) := ∥ S¹ * S¹ →∙ A ∥₀ and define explicitly an
addition on this type. Prove that the equivalence π₃(A) ≃ π₃*(A) is
structure preserving, thereby giving a group structure on π₃*(A) and a
group iso π₃*(A) ≅ π₃(A)

2. Under this iso, η gets mapped to η₁ (by construction) defined by
S¹ * S¹ -ᵂ→ S² ∨ S² -ᶠᵒˡᵈ→ S²
which is much easier to work with.

3. Define a sequence of equivalences
π₃*(S²) ≅ π₃*(S¹ * S¹) ≅ π₃*(S³) ≅ π₃(S³) ≅ ℤ
and trace η₁ in each step, proving that it ends up at -2. It turns out
that that the iso S³ ≃ S¹ * S¹, which has been relatively explicitly
defined in Cubical.HITs.Sphere.Properties, kills off a good deal of
``annoying'' terms on the way, making the proof rather straightforward.

4. Conclude that π₄(S³) ≅ ℤ/2ℤ.

-------------- Part 2:

The file also contains a second approach: showing η₃ : π₃*(S³) ↦ -2 by
computation. This is done by very carefully choosing the equivalences
involved. In fact, one has to be so careful that it almost requires
more work than just proving η₃ : ↦ -2 by hand. But at least, we can do

{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Pi4S3.DirectProof where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to ∙assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Pi3S2
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.PinSn
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Hopf
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Whitehead using (joinTo⋁)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected
open import Cubical.Homotopy.HopfInvariant.HopfMap using (hopfMap≡HopfMap')
-- Only imports a simple equality of two constructions of the Hopf map.
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Pi4S3.BrunerieNumber
  using (fold∘W ; coFib-fold∘W∙ ; π₄S³≅π₃coFib-fold∘W∙ ; S³→S²→Pushout→Unit)
-- Only imports definitions/proofs from chapter 1-3 in Brunerie's thesis
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Pi4S3.BrunerieExperiments
  using (K₂ ; f7' ; S¹∙ ; encodeTruncS²)
-- For computation (alternative proof)

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Int
  renaming ( to Z ; _·_ to _·Z_ ; _+_ to _+Z_)

open import Cubical.HITs.S1 as S1 renaming (_·_ to _*_)
open import Cubical.HITs.S2 renaming (S¹×S¹→S² to S¹×S¹→S²')
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp renaming (toSusp to σ)
open import Cubical.HITs.Join hiding (joinS¹S¹→S³)
open import Cubical.HITs.Wedge
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
  renaming (rec2 to sRec2 ; elim to sElim ; elim2 to sElim2 ; map to sMap)
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as Trunc renaming (rec to trRec)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PropTrunc
open import Cubical.HITs.GroupoidTruncation as GroupoidTrunc
open import Cubical.HITs.2GroupoidTruncation as 2GroupoidTrunc

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Exact
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.ZAction
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.IntMod
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int

-- For computation (alternative proof)
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Properties
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure

open S¹Hopf
open Iso
open GroupStr

     : Level
    A B : Pointed 

-- Some abbreviations and simple lemmas
  σ₁ = σ (S₊∙ 1)
  σ₂ = σ (S₊∙ 2)

  σ-filler :  {} {A : Type } (x y : A) (i j : I)  Susp A
  σ-filler x y i j = compPath-filler (merid x) (sym (merid y)) i j

  to3ConnectedId : {f g : A →∙ B}
     (isConnected 3 (typ B))  fst f  fst g   f ∣₂   g ∣₂
  to3ConnectedId {f = f} {g = g} con p =
    trRec (squash₂ _ _)
       q  cong ∣_∣₂ (ΣPathP (p , q)))
      (fst (isConnectedPathP 1 (isConnectedPath 2 con _ _) (snd f) (snd g)))

  connS³ : isConnected 3 (S₊ 3)
  connS³ =
    isConnectedSubtr 3 1 (sphereConnected 3)

  con-joinS¹S¹ : isConnected 3 (join  )
  con-joinS¹S¹ =
    (isConnectedRetractFromIso 3
        (IsoSphereJoin 1 1)
        (isConnectedSubtr 3 1 (sphereConnected 3)))

-- Key goal: prove that the following element of π₃(S²) gets mapped to -2
η : π' 3 (S₊∙ 2)
η = fst (π'∘∙Hom 2 (fold∘W , refl))  id∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂

{- Step 1. Define an addition on π₃*(A) := ∥ S¹ * S¹ →∙ A ∥₀ -}
-- On the underlying function spaces.
_+join_ : (f g : (join   , inl base) →∙ A)
        (join   , inl base) →∙ A
fst (f +join g) (inl x) = fst f (inl x)
fst (f +join g) (inr x) = fst g (inr x)
fst (f +join g) (push a b i) =
  (cong (fst f) (push a b  sym (push base b))
  ∙∙ snd f  sym (snd g)
  ∙∙ cong (fst g) (push base base ∙∙ sym (push a base) ∙∙ push a b)) i
snd (f +join g) = snd f

-- Homotopy group version
_π₃*+_ : (f g :  (join   , inl base) →∙ S₊∙ 2 ∥₂)
        (join   , inl base) →∙ S₊∙ 2 ∥₂
_π₃*+_ = sRec2 squash₂ λ x y   x +join y ∣₂

-- transferring between π₃ and π₃*
-- (homotopy groups defined in terms of S¹ * S¹)
joinify :  S₊∙ 3 →∙ A  (join   , inl base) →∙ A
fst (joinify f) x = fst f (joinS¹S¹→S³ x)
snd (joinify f) = snd f

disjoin : (join   , inl base) →∙ A  S₊∙ 3 →∙ A
fst (disjoin f) = λ x  fst f (Iso.inv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x)
snd (disjoin f) = snd f

-- joinify is structure preserving
+join≡∙Π : (f g : S₊∙ 3 →∙ A)
          joinify (∙Π f g)
          (joinify f +join joinify g)
+join≡∙Π f' g' =
  ΣPathP ((funExt  { (inl x)  sym fp
                     ; (inr x)  sym gp  cong g (merid north)
                     ; (push a b i) j  main a b j i}))
        , λ i j  fp (j  ~ i))
  f = fst f'
  g = fst g'

  fp = snd f'
  gp = snd g'

  path-lem :  {} {A : Type } {x y z w u : A}
       (p : x  y) (q : y  z) (r : z  w) (s : w  u)
     (refl ∙∙ p ∙∙ q)  (r ∙∙ s ∙∙ refl)
      (p ∙∙ (q  r) ∙∙ s)
  path-lem p q r s =
       cong ((p  q) ∙_) (sym (compPath≡compPath' r s))
    ∙∙ sym (∙assoc p q (r  s))
    ∙∙ cong (p ∙_) (∙assoc q r s)
      sym (doubleCompPath≡compPath p (q  r) s)

  main-helper : (a b : )
     Square ((refl ∙∙ cong f (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)) ∙∙ fp)
              (sym gp ∙∙ cong g (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)) ∙∙ refl))
             ((cong f (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
              sym (cong f (merid north)))
               ∙∙ (fp  sym gp)
               ∙∙ cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))
            _  f north)
           (cong g (merid north))
  main-helper a b =
    path-lem (cong f (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))  fp (sym gp)
             (cong g (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))
    lem : PathP  i  f north  cong g (merid north) i)
              ((λ i  f (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b) i))
                    ∙∙ fp  (sym gp) ∙∙
               (cong g (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))))
              ((cong f (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))  sym (cong f (merid north)))
               ∙∙ fp  sym gp
               ∙∙ cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))
    lem i j =
      hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0) 
                          (cong-∙ f (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
                                    (sym (merid north)) (~ k)
                       ∙∙ fp  sym gp
                       ∙∙  i  g (σ-filler (S¹×S¹→S² a b) north k i))) j
                       ; (i = i1)  ((cong f (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
                                        sym (cong f (merid north)))
                                     ∙∙ (fp  sym gp)
                                     ∙∙ cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))) j
                       ; (j = i0)  f north
                       ; (j = i1)  g (merid north (~ k  i))})
            (((cong f (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))  sym (cong f (merid north)))
            ∙∙ (fp  sym gp)
            ∙∙ cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))) j)

  main-helper₂ : (a b : )
     cong (fst (joinify g')) (push base base ∙∙ sym (push a base) ∙∙ push a b)
     cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
  main-helper₂ a b = cong-∙∙ (fst (joinify g'))
       (push base base) (sym (push a base)) (push a b)
        cong (cong g (merid north) ∙∙_∙∙ cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))
              (cong (cong g) (cong sym (cong merid (S¹×S¹→S²rUnit a))))
         ((λ i  (cong g  j  merid north (j  ~ i)))
       ∙∙ (cong g  j  merid north (~ j  ~ i)))
       ∙∙ cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))
        sym (lUnit (cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))))

  main : (a b : )
     PathP  i  fp (~ i)  (sym gp  cong g (merid north)) i)
            ((sym fp ∙∙ cong f (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)) ∙∙ fp)
            (sym gp ∙∙ cong g (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)) ∙∙ gp))
            ((cong (fst (joinify f')) (push a b  sym (push base b))
          ∙∙ fp  sym gp
          ∙∙ cong (fst (joinify g'))
              (push base base ∙∙ sym (push a base) ∙∙ push a b)))
  main a b =
    ((λ i j  hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0)  (((λ j  fp (~ j  k))
                                          ∙∙ cong f (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
                                          ∙∙ fp)
                                           (sym gp
                                          ∙∙ cong g (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
                                          ∙∙ λ j  gp (j  k))) j
                              ; (i = i1)  ((cong f (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
                                            sym (cong f (merid north)))
                                          ∙∙ fp  sym gp
                                          ∙∙ cong g (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b))) j
                              ; (j = i0)  fp (~ i  k)
                              ; (j = i1)  compPath-filler'
                                           (sym gp) (cong g (merid north)) k i})
                     (main-helper a b i j)))
     λ i 
      cong-∙ (fst (joinify f')) (push a b) (sym (push base b)) (~ i)
      ∙∙ fp  sym gp
      ∙∙ main-helper₂ a b (~ i)

-- Group structure on π₃*
-- todo: remove connectivity assumption
module _ (A : Pointed ) (con : (isConnected 3 (typ A))) where
  π₃*Iso : Iso (typ (π'Gr 2 A))  (join   , inl base) →∙ A ∥₂
  fun π₃*Iso = sMap joinify
  inv π₃*Iso = sMap disjoin
  rightInv π₃*Iso =
    sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
      λ f  to3ConnectedId
        con (funExt λ x  cong (fst f) (Iso.leftInv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x))
  leftInv π₃*Iso =
    sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
      λ f  to3ConnectedId
        con (funExt  x  cong (fst f) (Iso.rightInv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x)))

  π₃* : Group 
  π₃* = InducedGroupFromPres·
          (π'Gr 2 A)
          (sRec2 squash₂  x y   x +join y ∣₂))
          (isoToEquiv π₃*Iso)
          (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)  f g  cong ∣_∣₂ (+join≡∙Π f g)))

  π₃≅π₃* : GroupEquiv (π'Gr 2 A) π₃*
  π₃≅π₃* =
    InducedGroupEquivFromPres· (π'Gr 2 A) (sRec2 squash₂  x y   x +join y ∣₂))
      (isoToEquiv π₃*Iso)
      (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)  f g  cong ∣_∣₂ (+join≡∙Π f g)))

-- Induced homomorphisms (A →∙ B) → (π₃*(A) → π₃*(B))
-- todo: remove connectivity assumptions
module _ (conA : (isConnected 3 (typ A))) (conB : (isConnected 3 (typ B)))
         (f : A →∙ B) where
  postCompπ₃* : GroupHom (π₃* A conA) (π₃* B conB)
  fst postCompπ₃* = sMap (f ∘∙_)
  snd postCompπ₃* =
      (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ h g  to3ConnectedId conB
          (funExt λ { (inl x)  refl
                    ; (inr x)  refl
                    ; (push a b i) j 
           (cong-∙∙ (fst f)
                    (cong (fst h) ((push a b  (sym (push base b)))))
                    (snd h  (sym (snd g)))
                    (cong (fst g) ((push base base
                               ∙∙ (sym (push a base))
                               ∙∙ push a b)))
           cong (cong (fst f)
                   (cong (fst h) (push a b  (sym (push base b))))
                   cong (fst f  fst g)
                     ((push base base ∙∙ (sym (push a base)) ∙∙ push a b)))
                 (cong-∙ (fst f) (snd h) (sym (snd g))
                  λ j  compPath-filler (cong (fst f) (snd h)) (snd f) j
                         sym (compPath-filler
                               (cong (fst f) (snd g)) (snd f) j))) j i}))

-- Induced iso (A ≃∙ B) → π₃*(A) ≅ π₃*(B)
-- todo: remove connectivity assumptions
module _ (conA : (isConnected 3 (typ A))) (conB : (isConnected 3 (typ B)))
         (f : A ≃∙ B) where
  postCompπ₃*Equiv : GroupEquiv (π₃* A conA) (π₃* B conB)
  fst postCompπ₃*Equiv = isoToEquiv h
    h : Iso (π₃* A conA .fst) (π₃* B conB .fst)
    fun h = fst (postCompπ₃* conA conB (≃∙map f))
    inv h = fst (postCompπ₃* conB conA (≃∙map (invEquiv∙ f)))
    rightInv h =
      sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ g  to3ConnectedId conB (funExt λ x  secEq (fst f) (fst g x))
    leftInv h =
      sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ g  to3ConnectedId conA (funExt λ x  retEq (fst f) (fst g x))
  snd postCompπ₃*Equiv = snd (postCompπ₃* conA conB (≃∙map f))

-- The relevant groups (in order of the iso π₃(S²) ≅ ℤ)
π₃S² = π'Gr 2 (S₊∙ 2)

π₃*S² = π₃* (S₊∙ 2) (sphereConnected 2)

π₃*joinS¹S¹ = π₃* (join   , inl base) con-joinS¹S¹

π₃*S³ = π₃* (S₊∙ 3) connS³

π₃S³ = π'Gr 2 (S₊∙ 3)

{- Goal now:  Show that
   (η : π₃(S²))
↦ (η₁ : π₃*(S²))
↦ (η₂ : π₃*(S¹ * S¹))
↦ (η₃ : π₃*(S³))
↦ (η₄ : π₃(S³))
↦ (-2 : ℤ)

for some terms η₁ ... η₄ by a sequence of isomorphisms
π₃(S²) ≅ π₃*(S²) ≅ π₃*(S¹ * S¹) ≅ π₃*(S³) ≅ π₃(S³) ≅ ℤ

Hence, there is an is an iso π₃(S²) ≅ ℤ taking η to
-2, from which we can conclude π₄(S³) ≅ ℤ/2ℤ.

-- Underlying functions of (some of) the ηs
η₁-raw : (join   , inl base) →∙ S₊∙ 2
fst η₁-raw (inl x) = north
fst η₁-raw (inr x) = north
fst η₁-raw (push a b i) = (σ₁ b  σ₁ a) i
snd η₁-raw = refl

η₂-raw : (join   , inl base) →∙ (join   , inl base)
fst η₂-raw (inl x) = inr (invLooper x)
fst η₂-raw (inr x) = inr x
fst η₂-raw (push a b i) =
    (sym (push (b * invLooper a) (invLooper a))
   push (b * invLooper a) b) i
snd η₂-raw = sym (push base base)

η₃-raw : (join   , inl base) →∙ S₊∙ 3
fst η₃-raw (inl x) = north
fst η₃-raw (inr x) = north
fst η₃-raw (push a b i) =
  (sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))  sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))) i
snd η₃-raw = refl

-- Homotopy group versions
η₁ : fst π₃*S²
η₁ =  η₁-raw ∣₂

η₂ : fst (π₃*joinS¹S¹)
η₂ =  η₂-raw ∣₂

η₃ : π₃*S³ .fst
η₃ =  η₃-raw ∣₂

η₄ : fst π₃S³
η₄ = ·π' 2 (-π' 2  idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂) (-π' 2  idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂)

-- π₃S²≅π₃*S²
π₃S²→π₃*S² : GroupEquiv π₃S² π₃*S²
π₃S²→π₃*S² = π₃≅π₃* (S₊∙ 2) (sphereConnected 2)

-- Time for π₃*(S¹ * S¹) ≅ π₃*S².
-- We have this iso already, but slightly differently stated,
-- so the following proof becomes a bit technical.
-- We define it in terms a slight variation of the Hopf map

Hopfσ : join    S₊ 2
Hopfσ (inl x) = north
Hopfσ (inr x) = north
Hopfσ (push a b i) = σ₁ (invLooper a * b) i

π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S² : GroupHom π₃*joinS¹S¹ π₃*S²
π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S² =
  postCompπ₃* con-joinS¹S¹ (sphereConnected 2)
    (Hopfσ , refl)

π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S² : GroupEquiv π₃*joinS¹S¹ π₃*S²
fst (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S²) = fst π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²
snd (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S²) =
  subst isEquiv idLem isEquivπ₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²'
  π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²' : GroupHom π₃*joinS¹S¹ π₃*S²
  π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²' =
    postCompπ₃* con-joinS¹S¹ (sphereConnected 2)
      (fst  JoinS¹S¹→TotalHopf , refl)

  isEquivπ₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²' : isEquiv (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²')
  isEquivπ₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²' =
    transport  i  isEquiv (fst (help (~ i))))
      (snd (fst GrEq))
    GrEq = compGroupEquiv (πS³≅πTotalHopf 2) π'₃S²≅π'₃TotalHopf

    help : PathP
         i  GroupHom
                (GroupPath π₃*joinS¹S¹ π₃S³ .fst
                   (invGroupEquiv (π₃≅π₃* (join   , inl base) con-joinS¹S¹))
                   (π'Iso 2 (isoToEquiv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) , refl))) i)
                (GroupPath π₃*S² π₃S² .fst
                  (invGroupEquiv (π₃≅π₃* (S₊∙ 2) (sphereConnected 2))) i))
         (fst (fst GrEq) , snd GrEq)
    help =
      toPathP (Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
          λ f   i
              ((invGroupEquiv (π₃≅π₃* (S₊∙ 2) (sphereConnected 2))) .fst .fst
                (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²' (
                  ((fst (fst (π₃≅π₃* (join   , inl base) con-joinS¹S¹)))
                  (invEq (fst (π'Iso 2 (isoToEquiv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) , refl)))
                     (transportRefl f i)))))) i)
               main f))

      main : (f : _)  invEquiv (fst (π₃≅π₃* (S₊∙ 2) (sphereConnected 2))) .fst
        (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²'
          (invEquiv (fst (π₃≅π₃* (join   , inl base) con-joinS¹S¹)))
          (invEq (fst (π'Iso 2 (isoToEquiv Iso-joinS¹S¹-S³ ,  _  north))))
         fst GrEq .fst f
      main = sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ f  to3ConnectedId (sphereConnected 2)
          (funExt λ x
              i  fst (JoinS¹S¹→TotalHopf (Iso.inv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1)
                              (fst f (Iso.rightInv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x i)))))
                     sym (funExt⁻ (sym (cong fst hopfMap≡HopfMap'))
                                (fst f x)))

  idLem : fst π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²'  fst π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²
  idLem =
    funExt (sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
           λ f  to3ConnectedId (sphereConnected 2)
      (funExt λ x  lem (fst f x)))
    lem : (x : _)  fst (JoinS¹S¹→TotalHopf x)  Hopfσ x
    lem (inl x) = refl
    lem (inr x) = sym (merid base)
    lem (push a b i) j =
      compPath-filler (merid (invLooper a * b)) (sym (merid base)) j i
snd π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S² = snd π₃*joinS¹S¹→π₃*S²

-- π₃*(S³) ≅ π₃*(S¹ * S¹)
π₃*S³≅π₃*joinS¹S¹ : GroupEquiv π₃*S³ π₃*joinS¹S¹
π₃*S³≅π₃*joinS¹S¹ =
    connS³ con-joinS¹S¹
      (isoToEquiv (invIso (IsoSphereJoin 1 1)) , refl)

-- π₃(S³)≅π₃*(S³)
π₃S³≅π₃*S³ : GroupEquiv π₃S³ π₃*S³
π₃S³≅π₃*S³ = π₃≅π₃* (S₊∙ 3) connS³

η↦η₁ :  fst (fst π₃S²→π₃*S²) η  η₁
η↦η₁ = to3ConnectedId (sphereConnected 2)
         (funExt λ x  (funExt⁻ lem₁ x)  sym (lem₂ x))
  lem₁ : fold∘W  joinS¹S¹→S³  fold⋁  (joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ 1} {B = S₊∙ 1})
  lem₁ = funExt λ x
     cong (fold⋁  (joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ 1} {B = S₊∙ 1}))
      (leftInv (IsoSphereJoin 1 1) x)

  lem₂ : (x : join  )  fst η₁-raw x  (fold⋁  joinTo⋁) x
  lem₂ (inl x) = refl
  lem₂ (inr x) = refl
  lem₂ (push a b i) j = help j i
    help : (σ₁ b  σ₁ a)  cong (fold⋁  joinTo⋁) (push a b)
    help = sym (cong-∙∙ fold⋁  j  inr (σ₁ b j))
                        (sym (push tt))  j  inl (σ₁ a j))
              λ i   j  σ₁ b (j  ~ i))
                   ∙∙  j  σ₁ b (j  ~ i))
                   ∙∙ σ₁ a)

-- We show that η₂ ↦ η₁ (this is easier than η₁ ↦ η₂)
η₂↦η₁ : fst (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S²) η₂  η₁
η₂↦η₁ =
  to3ConnectedId (sphereConnected 2)
    (funExt λ { (inl x)  refl
              ; (inr x)  refl
              ; (push a b i) j  main a b j i})
  lem : (a b : )
     (sym (σ₁ (invLooper (b * invLooper a) * invLooper a))  σ₁ b)
     × (σ₁ (invLooper (b * invLooper a) * b)  σ₁ a)
  fst (lem a b) =
       cong sym (cong σ₁ (sym (invLooperDistr (b * invLooper a) a))
                σ-invSphere 0 (b * invLooper a * a))
      cong σ₁ (sym (assocS¹ b (invLooper a) a)
      cong (b *_) (commS¹ _ _  sym (rCancelS¹ a))
      rUnitS¹ b)
  snd (lem a b) =
    cong σ₁ (cong (_* b) (invLooperDistr b (invLooper a)
            cong (invLooper b *_) (invSphere² 1 a)
            commS¹ (invLooper b) a)
            sym (assocS¹ a (invLooper b) b)
            cong (a *_) (commS¹ _ _  sym (rCancelS¹ b))
            rUnitS¹ a)

  main : (a b : )
     cong Hopfσ ((sym (push (b * invLooper a) (invLooper a))
                         push (b * invLooper a) b))
      σ₁ b  σ₁ a
  main a b =
      cong-∙ Hopfσ (sym (push (b * invLooper a) (invLooper a)))
                          (push (b * invLooper a) b)
     cong₂ _∙_ (fst (lem a b)) (snd (lem a b))

-- We show that η₂ ↦ η₃
η₂↦η₃ : invEq (fst π₃*S³≅π₃*joinS¹S¹) η₂  η₃
η₂↦η₃ =
  to3ConnectedId connS³
   (funExt λ x  sym (joinS¹S¹→S³σ≡ (fst η₂-raw x))
                 lem x)
  joinS¹S¹→S³σ : join    S₊ 3
  joinS¹S¹→S³σ (inl x) = north
  joinS¹S¹→S³σ (inr x) = north
  joinS¹S¹→S³σ (push a b i) = σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b) i

  joinS¹S¹→S³σ≡ : (x : _)  joinS¹S¹→S³σ x  joinS¹S¹→S³ x
  joinS¹S¹→S³σ≡ (inl x) = refl
  joinS¹S¹→S³σ≡ (inr x) = merid north
  joinS¹S¹→S³σ≡ (push a b i) j =
    compPath-filler (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b)) (sym (merid north)) (~ j) i

  lem : (x : _)  joinS¹S¹→S³σ (fst η₂-raw x)  fst η₃-raw x
  lem (inl x) = refl
  lem (inr x) = refl
  lem (push a b i) j = main j i
    left-lem : σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² (b * invLooper a) (invLooper a))
              σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)
    left-lem = cong σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S²-Distr b (invLooper a)
              sym (S¹×S¹→S²-antiComm a b))

    right-lem : σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² (b * invLooper a) b)  sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
    right-lem =
         cong σ₂ ((cong  x  S¹×S¹→S² x b) (commS¹ b (invLooper a))
                  S¹×S¹→S²-Distr (invLooper a) b)
                 ∙∙ S¹×S¹→S²-antiComm (invLooper a) b
                 ∙∙ invSusp∘S¹×S¹→S² b (invLooper a))
      ∙∙ σ-invSphere 1 (S¹×S¹→S² b (invLooper a))
      ∙∙ cong (sym  σ₂) (sym (S¹×S¹→S²-antiComm a b))

    main : cong (joinS¹S¹→S³σ  fst η₂-raw) (push a b)
         sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))  sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))
    main = cong-∙ joinS¹S¹→S³σ
            (sym (push (b * invLooper a) (invLooper a)))
            (push (b * invLooper a) b)
          cong₂ _∙_ (cong sym left-lem) right-lem

-- We show that η₄ ↦ η₃ (this is easier than η₃ ↦ η₄)
η₄↦η₃ : fst (fst π₃S³≅π₃*S³) η₄  η₃
η₄↦η₃ = IsGroupHom.pres· (snd π₃S³≅π₃*S³)
            (-π' 2  idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂) (-π' 2  idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂)
        cong₂ _+π₃*_ gen↦η₃/2 gen↦η₃/2
  _+π₃*_ : fst π₃*S³  fst π₃*S³  fst π₃*S³
  _+π₃*_ = GroupStr._·_ (snd π₃*S³)

  η₃-raw/2 : (join   , inl base) →∙ S₊∙ 3
  fst η₃-raw/2 (inl x) = north
  fst η₃-raw/2 (inr x) = north
  fst η₃-raw/2 (push a b i) = σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b) (~ i)
  snd η₃-raw/2 = refl

  η₃/2 : π₃*S³ .fst
  η₃/2 =  η₃-raw/2 ∣₂

  gen↦η₃/2 : fst (fst π₃S³≅π₃*S³) (-π' 2  idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂)  η₃/2
  gen↦η₃/2 =
    to3ConnectedId connS³
      (funExt λ { (inl x)  refl
                ; (inr x)  refl
                ; (push a b i)  refl})

  η₃/2+η₃/2≡η₃ : η₃/2 +π₃* η₃/2  η₃
  η₃/2+η₃/2≡η₃ =
    to3ConnectedId connS³
      (funExt λ { (inl x)  refl
                ; (inr x)  refl
                ; (push a b i)  λ j  lem a b j i})
    lem : (a b : )  cong (fst (η₃-raw/2 +join η₃-raw/2)) (push a b)
                       cong (fst η₃-raw) (push a b)
    lem a b =  i  cong-∙ (fst η₃-raw/2) (push a b) (sym (push base b)) i
                   ∙∙ rUnit refl (~ i)
                   ∙∙ cong-∙∙ (fst η₃-raw/2)
                        (push base base) (sym (push a base)) (push a b) i)
           ∙∙  i  (sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))  rCancel (merid north) i)
                   ∙∙ refl
                   ∙∙ (sym (rCancel (merid north) i)
                   ∙∙ (cong σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S²rUnit a)  rCancel (merid north)) i
                   ∙∙ sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))))
           ∙∙ ((λ i  rUnit (sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))) (~ i)
                    ∙∙ refl
                    ∙∙ lUnit (sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))) (~ i))
              λ i   j  σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b) (i  ~ j))
                   ∙∙  j  σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b) (i  ~ j))
                   ∙∙ sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))

-- Agda is very keen on expanding things, so we make an abstract
-- summary of the main lemmas above
  π₃S²≅π₃*S²-abs : GroupEquiv π₃S² π₃*S²
  π₃S²≅π₃*S²-abs = π₃S²→π₃*S²

  π₃*S²≅π₃*joinS¹S¹-abs : GroupEquiv π₃*S² π₃*joinS¹S¹
  π₃*S²≅π₃*joinS¹S¹-abs = invGroupEquiv π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S²

  π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S³-abs : GroupEquiv π₃*joinS¹S¹ π₃*S³
  π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S³-abs = invGroupEquiv π₃*S³≅π₃*joinS¹S¹

  π₃*S³≅π₃*S³-abs : GroupEquiv π₃*S³ π₃S³
  π₃*S³≅π₃*S³-abs = invGroupEquiv π₃S³≅π₃*S³

  -- stated in terms of (n : ℕ) to prevent normalisation
  π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs : (n : )  GroupEquiv (π'Gr n (S₊∙ (suc n))) ℤGroup
  π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs n = GroupIso→GroupEquiv (πₙ'Sⁿ≅ℤ n)

  η↦η₁-abs : fst (fst π₃S²≅π₃*S²-abs) η  η₁
  η↦η₁-abs = η↦η₁

  η₁↦η₂-abs : fst (fst π₃*S²≅π₃*joinS¹S¹-abs) η₁  η₂
  η₁↦η₂-abs = cong (fst (fst π₃*S²≅π₃*joinS¹S¹-abs)) (sym η₂↦η₁)
               secEq (fst π₃*S²≅π₃*joinS¹S¹-abs) η₂

  η₂↦η₃-abs : fst (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S³-abs) η₂  η₃
  η₂↦η₃-abs = η₂↦η₃

  η₃↦η₄-abs : fst (fst π₃*S³≅π₃*S³-abs) η₃  η₄
  η₃↦η₄-abs = cong (invEq (fst π₃S³≅π₃*S³)) (sym η₄↦η₃)
                   retEq (fst π₃S³≅π₃*S³) η₄

  gen↦1 : (n : )  fst (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs n))  idfun∙ (S₊∙ (suc n)) ∣₂  1
  gen↦1 = πₙ'Sⁿ≅ℤ-idfun∙

-- We finally prove that η₄ ↦ -2
  η₄↦-2 : fst (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2)) η₄  -2
  η₄↦-2 = speedUp ( idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂) (gen↦1 2)
    speedUp : (x : _)
       fst (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs (suc (suc zero)))) x  (pos (suc zero))
       (fst (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))) (·π' 2 (-π' 2 x) (-π' 2 x))  -2
    speedUp x p =
        IsGroupHom.pres· (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2 .snd)
              (-π' 2 x) (-π' 2 x)
       cong  x  x +Z x)
        (IsGroupHom.presinv (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2 .snd) x  cong (inv (ℤGroup .snd)) p)

-- Puting it all together, we get our group iso π₃(S²) ≅ ℤGroup
π₃'S²≅ℤ : GroupEquiv (π'Gr 2 (S₊∙ 2)) ℤGroup
π₃'S²≅ℤ =
        (compGroupEquiv π₃*S³≅π₃*S³-abs
          (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))))

-- ... which takes η to -2
η↦-2 : fst (fst π₃'S²≅ℤ) η  - 2
η↦-2 =
    cong (fst (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2)))
      (cong (fst π₃*S³≅π₃*S³-abs .fst)
        (cong (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S³-abs .fst)
          (cong (fst (fst π₃*S²≅π₃*joinS¹S¹-abs))

-- We combine this with the rest of the main conclusions of chapters
-- 1-3 in Brunerie's thesis
BrunerieGroupEquiv : GroupEquiv (π'Gr 3 (S₊∙ 3)) (ℤGroup/ 2)
BrunerieGroupEquiv =
    (compGroupEquiv π₄S³≅π₃coFib-fold∘W∙
        (π'Gr 2 (S₊∙ 3)) (π'Gr 2 (S₊∙ 2)) (π'Gr 2 coFib-fold∘W∙)
          (invGroupEquiv (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))
          (invGroupEquiv π₃'S²≅ℤ)
          (π'∘∙Hom 2 (fold∘W , refl))
          S³→S²→Pushout→Unit 2
            (cong abs (cong (invEq (invEquiv (fst π₃'S²≅ℤ))
                      sMap (_∘∙_ (fold∘W , refl)))
                      (sym (cong (invEq (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))) (gen↦1 2))
                     retEq (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))  idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂))
            cong abs η↦-2))))
           (abstractℤ/≅ℤ 2)

------------- Part 2: proof (partly) by computation -------------
-- Alternative version of the same proof: proving η₃ ↦ -2 by computation
connS² : isConnected 3 
connS² =  base 
  , Trunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 3 (isOfHLevelTrunc 3) _ _)
      (S²ToSetElim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 3 _ _)

connSuspS² : isConnected 4 (Susp )
fst connSuspS² =  north 
snd connSuspS² =
  Trunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 4) _ _)
             λ { north  refl
               ; south  cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)
               ; (merid a i)  lem a i}
  lem : (a : )
     PathP  i   north ∣ₕ   merid a i ∣ₕ)
             refl (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base))
  lem = S²ToSetElim  _  isOfHLevelPathP' 2 (isOfHLevelTrunc 4  _ _) _ _)
           λ i j   merid base (i  j) ∣ₕ

π₃*S³' : Group₀
π₃*S³' = π₃* (Susp∙ ) (isConnectedSubtr 3 1 connSuspS²)

-- The version of η₃ we have been able to compute lies in π₃*S³'
η₃'-raw : (join   , inl base) →∙ (Susp  , north)
fst η₃'-raw (inl x) = north
fst η₃'-raw (inr x) = north
fst η₃'-raw (push a b i) =
  (σ ( , base) (S¹×S¹→S²' a b)  σ ( , base) (S¹×S¹→S²' a b)) i
snd η₃'-raw = refl

η₃' : π₃*S³' .fst
η₃' =  η₃'-raw ∣₂

-- We first have to show (manually) that the following iso sends η₃ to η₃'
π₃*S³≅π₃*S³' : GroupEquiv π₃*S³ π₃*S³'
π₃*S³≅π₃*S³' = postCompπ₃*Equiv _ _
        (isoToEquiv (congSuspIso (invIso S²IsoSuspS¹))
       , refl)

π₃*S³≅π₃*S³'-pres-η₃ : fst (fst π₃*S³≅π₃*S³') η₃  η₃'
π₃*S³≅π₃*S³'-pres-η₃ =
  cong ∣_∣₂
    (ΣPathP ((funExt  { (inl x)  refl
                        ; (inr x)  refl
                        ; (push a b i) j  lem a b j i}))
                        , sym (rUnit refl)))
  lem : (a b : )
     cong (suspFun SuspS¹→S²)
            (sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))  sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))
     (σ ( , base) (S¹×S¹→S²' a b)  σ ( , base) (S¹×S¹→S²' a b))
  lem a b =
      cong-∙ (suspFun SuspS¹→S²)
             (sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b))) (sym (σ₂ (S¹×S¹→S² a b)))
     cong  x  x  x)
           (cong sym (cong-∙
             (suspFun SuspS¹→S²) (merid (S¹×S¹→S² a b)) (sym (merid north)))
           cong sym (cong (σ S²∙) (SuspS¹→S²-S¹×S¹→S² a b))
           sym (S¹×S¹→S²-sym a b))

-- After this, we want to establish an iso π₃*S³'≅ℤ which is nice enough to compute.
-- This requires a bit of work and some hacking.

-- First iso: π₃*(Susp S²) ≅ π₁(S¹ →∙ Ω(Susp S²))
  map← : S₊∙ 1 →∙ (S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ) )
         (join   , inl base) →∙ Susp∙ 
  fst (map← f) (inl x) = north
  fst (map← f) (inr x) = north
  fst (map← f) (push a b i) = fst f a .fst b i
  snd (map← f) = refl

  map→ : (join   , inl base) →∙ Susp∙ 
         S₊∙ 1 →∙ (S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ) )
  fst (fst (map→ f) x) y =
       sym (snd f)
    ∙∙ cong (fst f)
        ((push base base  sym (push x base)) ∙∙ push x y ∙∙ sym (push base y))
    ∙∙ snd f
  snd (fst (map→ f) x) =
     cong (sym (snd f) ∙∙_∙∙ snd f)
       (cong (cong (fst f))
          ((λ j  (push base base   i  push x base (~ i  j)))
       ∙∙  i  push x base (i  j)) ∙∙ sym (push base base))
         cong (_∙∙ refl ∙∙ sym (push base base)) (sym (rUnit (push base base)))
         ∙∙lCancel (sym (push base base))))
         ∙∙lCancel (snd f)
  snd (map→ f) = coherence _
    λ x  cong (sym (snd f) ∙∙_∙∙ snd f)
             (cong (cong (fst f))
               (cong (_∙∙ push base x ∙∙ sym (push base x))
                 (rCancel (push base base))
                 rCancel (push base x)))
         ∙∙lCancel (snd f)
      coherence : (f : S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ))
         ((x : )  fst f x  refl)  f  ((λ _  refl) , refl)
      coherence f p = →∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousPath _ _) (funExt p)

-- Iso for underlying type
π₃*S³'≅π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'-raw :
  Iso (π₃*S³' .fst) ((π'Gr 0 (S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ) )) .fst)
fun π₃*S³'≅π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'-raw = sMap map→
inv π₃*S³'≅π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'-raw = sMap map←
rightInv π₃*S³'≅π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'-raw =
  sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ f  cong ∣_∣₂
        (subst isHomogeneous
         (ua∙ {A = (Ω^ 2) (Susp∙ )} {B =  (S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ) )}
          (isoToEquiv (IsoΩSphereMap 1))
            (ΣPathP ((funExt  { base  refl ; (loop i)  refl})) , refl)))
                      (isHomogeneousPath _ _))
           (funExt λ x  →∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousPath _ _)
             (funExt λ y
                sym (rUnit
                   ((cong (fst (map← f)))
                       ((push base base
                        sym (push x base)) ∙∙ push x y ∙∙ sym (push base y))))
                         ∙∙ cong-∙∙ (fst (map← f))
                             (push base base
                             sym (push x base)) (push x y) (sym (push base y))
                         ∙∙  i  cong-∙ (fst (map← f))
                                    (push base base) (sym (push x base)) i
                                 ∙∙ f .fst x .fst y
                                 ∙∙ sym (snd f i .fst y))
                         ∙∙ cong (_∙∙ f .fst x .fst y ∙∙ refl)
                                 (cong₂ _∙_ (fst f base .snd) (cong sym (fst f x .snd))
                                    sym (rUnit refl))
                         ∙∙ sym (rUnit (f .fst x .fst y)))))
leftInv π₃*S³'≅π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'-raw =
  sElim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ f  cong ∣_∣₂ (ΣPathP
       { (inl x)  sym (snd f)
                     cong (fst f) (push base base  sym (push x base))
         ; (inr x)  sym (snd f)
                     cong (fst f) (push base x)
         ; (push a b i) j
            hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0) 
                                compPath-filler' (sym (snd f)) (cong (fst f)
                                  (push base base  sym (push a base))) k j
                             ; (i = i1) 
                                compPath-filler' (sym (snd f)) (cong (fst f)
                                  (push base b)) k j
                             ; (j = i1)  fst f (push a b i) })
                    (fst f (doubleCompPath-filler
                             (push base base  sym (push a base))
                             (push a b)
                             (sym (push base b)) (~ j) i))}))
                   , help f))
  help : (f : (join   , inl base) →∙ Susp∙ )
     PathP  i  (sym (snd f)
                    cong (fst f) (push base base  sym (push base base))) i
             refl (snd f)
  help f =
    flipSquare ((cong (sym (snd f) ∙_)
    (cong (cong (fst f))
      (rCancel (push base base)))  sym (rUnit (sym (snd f))))
     λ i j  snd f (i  ~ j))

-- the iso
π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'≅π₃*S³' : GroupIso (π'Gr 0 (S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ) )) π₃*S³'
fst π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'≅π₃*S³' = invIso π₃*S³'≅π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'-raw
snd π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'≅π₃*S³' =
    (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
            λ f g  cong ∣_∣₂
              (ΣPathP ((funExt  { (inl x)  refl
                                  ; (inr x)  refl
                                  ; (push a b i) j  main f g a b j i}))
                      , refl)))
  main : (f g : S₊∙ 1 →∙ (S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ) )) (a b : )
     cong (fst (map← (∙Π f g))) (push a b)
     cong (fst (map← f +join map← g)) (push a b)
  main f g a b = (main-lem a b
              i   j  fst f a .fst b (j  i))
                   ∙∙ ((λ j  fst f a .fst b (j  i)))
                   ∙∙ fst g a .fst b))
             λ i  (rUnit (fst f a .fst b)  cong (fst f a .fst b ∙_)
                       (cong sym (sym (funExt⁻ (cong fst (snd f)) b)))
                       sym (cong-∙ (map← f .fst) (push a b) (sym (push base b)))) i
                  ∙∙ rUnit refl i
                  ∙∙ ((lUnit (fst g a .fst b)
              i  fst g base .snd (~ i)
                   ∙∙ sym (fst g a .snd (~ i))
                   ∙∙ cong (map← g .fst) (push a b)))
                     (sym (cong-∙∙ (map← g .fst)
                            (push base base) (sym (push a base)) (push a b)))) i
    JLem :  {} {A : Type } (* : A)
              (fab : *  *) (fabrefl : refl  fab)
              (gab : *  *) (gabrefl : refl  gab)
            (fl : fab  fab) (gl : gab  gab)
            PathP  i  (rUnit refl   i  fabrefl i  gabrefl i)) i
                           (rUnit refl   i  fabrefl i  gabrefl i)) i)
                    ((fabrefl ∙∙ fl ∙∙ sym fabrefl)
                     (gabrefl ∙∙ gl ∙∙ sym gabrefl))
                    (cong₂ _∙_ fl gl)
    JLem * =
      J> (J> λ fl gl
         flipSquare (sym (rUnit (rUnit refl))
                 ((flipSquare (cong₂ _∙_ (sym (rUnit fl)) (sym (rUnit gl))
                              ((λ i  (cong  x  rUnit x i) fl
                                       cong  x  lUnit x i) gl))
                              sym (cong₂Funct _∙_ fl gl))))
                 rUnit (rUnit refl))))

    pp : (b : )  refl  refl  fst (fst f base) b  fst (fst g base) b
    pp b i = fst (snd f (~ i)) b  fst (snd g (~ i)) b

    main-lem : (a b : )
       cong (fst (map← (∙Π f g))) (push a b)
        (fst f a .fst b  fst g a .fst b)
    main-lem base b = rUnit refl  pp b
    main-lem (loop i) b j =
      hcomp  r  λ {(i = i0)  (rUnit refl  pp b) j
                     ; (i = i1)  (rUnit refl  pp b) j
                     ; (j = i0)  lem (~ r) i
                     ; (j = i1) 
                       (fst f (loop i) .fst b  fst g (loop i) .fst b)})
            (JLem north
              (fst f base .fst b)  i  fst (snd f (~ i)) b)
              (fst g base .fst b)  i  fst (snd g (~ i)) b)
               i  fst f (loop i) .fst b)
               i  fst g (loop i) .fst b) j i)
      lem : cong  l  cong (fst (map← (∙Π f g))) (push l b)) loop
           ((λ i  fst (snd f (~ i)) b)
            ∙∙ funExt⁻ (cong fst (cong (f .fst) loop)) b
            ∙∙  i  fst (snd f i) b))
           ((λ i  fst (snd g (~ i)) b)
            ∙∙ funExt⁻ (cong fst (cong (g .fst) loop)) b
            ∙∙  i  fst (snd g i) b))
      lem =
          i  funExt⁻ (cong-∙ fst
                   (sym (snd f) ∙∙ cong (f .fst) loop ∙∙ snd f)
                   (sym (snd g) ∙∙ cong (g .fst) loop ∙∙ snd g) i) b)
         λ i  funExt⁻
                  (cong-∙∙ fst (sym (snd f)) (cong (f .fst) loop) (snd f) i
                  cong-∙∙ fst (sym (snd g)) (cong (g .fst) loop) (snd g) i) b

-- The goal now is to establish a homomorphism from π₁S¹→∙ΩS³' to ℤ.
-- We can then show that 1 is in its image via computation, establishing that it
-- is an iso (since we already know that π₁S¹→∙ΩS³' ≅ ℤ)

-- We first introduce the following base change map defined via pattern
-- matching for better computational behaviour
ΩK₂-basechange : (x : K₂)  Ω (K₂ , x) →∙ Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄)
ΩK₂-basechange =
     _  isOfHLevelΣ 4
              (isOfHLevelΠ 4  _  isOfHLevelPath 4 squash₄ _ _))
               λ _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelPath 4 squash₄ _ _) _ _)
    λ { base  idfun∙ _
      ; (surf i j)  coherence i j}
  K₂≃coHomK2 : Iso K₂ (coHomK 2)
  K₂≃coHomK2 = compIso 2GroupoidTruncTrunc4Iso (mapCompIso S²IsoSuspS¹)

  ΩK₂≡S¹ : Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄)  S¹∙
  ΩK₂≡S¹ = ua∙ (isoToEquiv (compIso (congIso K₂≃coHomK2)
           (invIso (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 1))
           (truncIdempotentIso 3 isGroupoidS¹)))) refl

  coherence :
    SquareP  i j  Ω (K₂ ,  surf i j ∣₄) →∙ Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄))
             _  idfun∙ (Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄)))
             _  idfun∙ (Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄)))
             _  idfun∙ (Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄)))
            λ _  idfun∙ (Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄))
  coherence =
      (isOfHLevelPath' 1 (subst isSet  i  ΩK₂≡S¹ (~ i) →∙ Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄))
        (subst isSet
            (equivToIso (Ω→SphereMap 1 {A = Ω (K₂ ,  base ∣₄) }
            , isEquiv-Ω→SphereMap 1))) (squash₄ _ _ _ _))) _ _ _ _)

-- The three homomorphisms
π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'→π₁S¹→∙K₂ :
  GroupHom (π'Gr 0 (S₊∙ 1 →∙ Ω (Susp∙ ) ))
           (π'Gr 0 (S₊∙ 1 →∙ (K₂ ,  base ∣₄ ) ))
π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'→π₁S¹→∙K₂ =
  π'∘∙Hom 0 ((λ f   x  f7' (fst f x)) , (cong f7' (snd f))) , refl)

π₁S¹→∙K₂→π₁S¹ :
  GroupHom (π'Gr 0 (S₊∙ 1 →∙ (K₂ ,  base ∣₄ ) )) (π'Gr 0 (S₊∙ 1))
π₁S¹→∙K₂→π₁S¹ = π'∘∙Hom 0 mainMap∙
  mainMap : (  K₂)  
  mainMap f =
    GroupoidTrunc.rec isGroupoidS¹  x  x)
      (encodeTruncS² (ΩK₂-basechange _ .fst (cong f loop)))

  mainMap∙ : ((S₊∙ 1 →∙ (K₂ ,  base ∣₄) ) →∙ S₊∙ 1)
  fst mainMap∙ f = mainMap (fst f)
  snd mainMap∙ = refl

π₁S¹→ℤ : GroupHom ((π'Gr 0 (S₊∙ 1))) ℤGroup
π₁S¹→ℤ =
    ((sMap  f  basechange2⁻ _ (cong (fst f) loop)))
     , makeIsGroupHom (sElim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
       λ f g i
           (basechange2⁻ (snd f (~ i))
                (sym (snd f))  i  fst f (loop i)) (snd f) (~ i))
             basechange2⁻ (snd g (~ i))
                (sym (snd g))  i  fst g (loop i)) (snd g) (~ i))) ∣₂))
       (_ , πₙSⁿ≅ℤ 0 .snd)

-- We combine them into one
computer : GroupHom π₃*S³' ℤGroup
computer = compGroupHom
      (GroupEquiv→GroupHom (invGroupEquiv (GroupIso→GroupEquiv π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'≅π₃*S³')))
      (compGroupHom (compGroupHom π₁S¹→∙ΩS³'→π₁S¹→∙K₂ π₁S¹→∙K₂→π₁S¹) π₁S¹→ℤ)

-- We show that it's an iso by computation: 1 lies in its image

-- It's witnessed by the following element:
1∈π₃*S³' : π₃*S³' .fst
1∈π₃*S³' =
    { (inl x)  north
       ; (inr x)  north
       ; (push a b i)  σ S²∙ (S¹×S¹→S²' b a) i}) , refl ∣₂

-- By computation, it maps to 1
1∈π₃*S³'↦1 : fst computer 1∈π₃*S³'  1
1∈π₃*S³'↦1 = refl

-- This implies that computer indeed is an iso
computerIso : GroupEquiv π₃*S³' ℤGroup
fst (fst computerIso) = fst computer
snd (fst computerIso) =
  1∈Im→isEquiv π₃*S³'
            (πₙ'Sⁿ≅ℤ 2)))
     1∈π₃*S³' , 1∈π₃*S³'↦1 ∣₁
snd computerIso = snd computer

-- We now verify via computation that η₃' maps to -2
computerIsoη₃ : fst computer η₃'  -2
computerIsoη₃ = refl

-- Putting this together with the info from the beginning of the file, we have an iso
-- π₃S² ≅ π₃*S³' ≅ ℤ, mapping η ↦ η₃' ↦ -2
BrunerieGroupEquiv' : GroupEquiv (π'Gr 3 (S₊∙ 3)) (ℤGroup/ (abs (fst computer η₃')))
BrunerieGroupEquiv' =
          (π'Gr 2 (S₊∙ 3)) (π'Gr 2 (S₊∙ 2)) (π'Gr 2 coFib-fold∘W∙)
            (invGroupEquiv (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))
                (fst π₃*S³≅ℤ-abs)))
            (π'∘∙Hom 2 (fold∘W , refl))
            (cong abs ((cong (m1  m2  m3  m4)
                  ((cong (sMap (_∘∙_ (fold∘W , refl)))
                      (sym (cong (invEq (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))) (gen↦1 2))
                     retEq (fst (π₃'S³≅ℤ-abs 2))  idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂))
                      _  η)))
             cong (m1  m2  m3) η↦η₁-abs
             cong (m1  m2) η₁↦η₂-abs
             cong m1 η₂↦η₃-abs)
             cong abs (snd π₃*S³≅ℤ-abs)))))
    (abstractℤ/≅ℤ (abs (fst computer η₃')))
    η₃-abs : Σ[ x  _ ] x  η₃
    η₃-abs = η₃ , refl

    η₃-abs-pres : fst π₃*S³≅π₃*S³' .fst (fst η₃-abs)   η₃'-raw ∣₂
    η₃-abs-pres = π₃*S³≅π₃*S³'-pres-η₃

  π₃*S³≅ℤ : GroupEquiv π₃*S³ ℤGroup
  π₃*S³≅ℤ = compGroupEquiv π₃*S³≅π₃*S³' computerIso

  π₃*S³≅ℤβ≡-2 : fst (fst π₃*S³≅ℤ) η₃  fst computer η₃'
  π₃*S³≅ℤβ≡-2 = (cong (fst (fst π₃*S³≅ℤ)) (sym (snd η₃-abs))
                   cong (fst computer) η₃-abs-pres)

    π₃*S³≅ℤ-abs : Σ[ f  GroupEquiv π₃*S³ ℤGroup ] (fst (fst f) η₃  fst computer η₃')
    π₃*S³≅ℤ-abs = π₃*S³≅ℤ , π₃*S³≅ℤβ≡-2

  m1 = fst (fst (fst π₃*S³≅ℤ-abs))
  m2 = fst (fst π₃*joinS¹S¹≅π₃*S³-abs)
  m3 = fst (fst π₃*S²≅π₃*joinS¹S¹-abs)
  m4 = fst (fst π₃S²≅π₃*S²-abs)

-- We hence get the following by computation:
BrunerieGroupEquiv'' : GroupEquiv (π'Gr 3 (S₊∙ 3)) (ℤGroup/ 2)
BrunerieGroupEquiv'' = BrunerieGroupEquiv'