{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}

module Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.CupProduct where

open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.Properties
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.CupProductTensor
  renaming (_⌣ₖ_ to _⌣ₖ⊗_ ; ⌣ₖ-0ₖ to ⌣ₖ-0ₖ⊗ ; 0ₖ-⌣ₖ to 0ₖ-⌣ₖ⊗)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.GradedCommTensor
  renaming (⌣ₖ-comm to ⌣ₖ⊗-comm)

open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.TensorProduct
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid.Base

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport

open import Cubical.HITs.EilenbergMacLane1
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation

open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_) renaming (elim to ℕelim ; _+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing

open AbGroupStr renaming (_+_ to _+Gr_ ; -_ to -Gr_)
open RingStr

open PlusBis

     ℓ' : Level

module _ {G'' : Ring } where
    G' = Ring→AbGroup G''
    G = fst G'
    _+G_ = _+Gr_ (snd G')

  TensorMult3Homₗ : AbGroupHom ((G'  G')  G') G'
  TensorMult3Homₗ =
    compGroupHom (inducedHom⨂ TensorMultHom
                 (idGroupHom {G = (AbGroup→Group G')}))

  EMTensorMult : (n : )  EM (G'  G') n  EM G' n
  EMTensorMult n = inducedFun-EM TensorMultHom n

  EMTensorMult3ₗ : (n : )  EM ((G'  G')  G') n  EM G' n
  EMTensorMult3ₗ n = inducedFun-EM TensorMult3Homₗ n

  EMTensorMultDistrLem : (n m : ) (x : EM (G'  G') n) (y : EM G' m)
     EMTensorMult _ (EMTensorMult n x ⌣ₖ⊗ y)  EMTensorMult3ₗ _ (x ⌣ₖ⊗ y)
  EMTensorMultDistrLem n m x y =
      cong (EMTensorMult (n +' m))
        ((λ i  EMTensorMult n x ⌣ₖ⊗ inducedFun-EM-id m y (~ i))
         ⌣ₖ-AbGroupHom-Distr TensorMultHom idGroupHom n m x y)
     sym (inducedFun-EM-comp _ _ (n +' m) (x ⌣ₖ⊗ y))

  _⌣ₖ_ : {n m : }  EM G' n  EM G' m  EM G' (n +' m)
  x ⌣ₖ y = EMTensorMult _ (x ⌣ₖ⊗ y)

  1ₖ : EM G' zero
  1ₖ = 1r (snd G'')

  ⌣ₖ-0ₖ : (n m : ) (x : EM G' n)  (x ⌣ₖ 0ₖ m)  0ₖ (n +' m)
  ⌣ₖ-0ₖ n m x = cong (EMTensorMult (n +' m)) (⌣ₖ-0ₖ⊗ n m x)  inducedFun-EM0ₖ _

  0ₖ-⌣ₖ : (n m : ) (x : EM G' m)  (0ₖ n ⌣ₖ x)  0ₖ (n +' m)
  0ₖ-⌣ₖ n m x = cong (EMTensorMult (n +' m)) (0ₖ-⌣ₖ⊗ n m x)  inducedFun-EM0ₖ _

  ⌣ₖ-1ₖ : (n : ) (x : EM G' n)  (x ⌣ₖ 1ₖ)  subst (EM G') (+'-comm zero n) x
  ⌣ₖ-1ₖ n x = cong (EMTensorMult (n +' zero)) (Neutral.⌣ₖ-1ₖ n x)
           ∙∙ sym (substCommSlice (EM (G'  G')) (EM G')
                   EMTensorMult (+'-comm zero n)
                   (inducedFun-EM (lIncl⨂ 1ₖ) n x))
           ∙∙ cong (subst (EM G') (+'-comm zero n))
                   (sym (inducedFun-EM-comp (lIncl⨂ 1ₖ) TensorMultHom n x)
                 ∙∙  i  inducedFun-EM (G→G⨂G→Gₗ i) n x)
                 ∙∙ inducedFun-EM-id n x)

  1ₖ-⌣ₖ : (m : ) (x : EM G' m)  (_⌣ₖ_ {n = zero} 1ₖ x)  x
  1ₖ-⌣ₖ m x = cong (EMTensorMult m) (Neutral.1ₖ-⌣ₖ m x)
           ∙∙ sym (inducedFun-EM-comp (rIncl⨂ 1ₖ) TensorMultHom m x)
           ∙∙  i  inducedFun-EM (G→G⨂G→Gᵣ i) m x)
             inducedFun-EM-id m x

  distrR⌣ₖ : (n m : ) (x y : EM G' n) (z : EM G' m)
     ((x +ₖ y) ⌣ₖ z)  (x ⌣ₖ z) +ₖ (y ⌣ₖ z)
  distrR⌣ₖ n m x y z =
    cong (EMTensorMult (n +' m))
         (RightDistributivity.main n m x y z)
         inducedFun-EM-pres+ₖ _ (n +' m) _ _

  distrL⌣ₖ : (n m : ) (x : EM G' n) (y z : EM G' m)
     (x ⌣ₖ (y +ₖ z))  (x ⌣ₖ y) +ₖ (x ⌣ₖ z)
  distrL⌣ₖ n m x y z =
    cong (EMTensorMult (n +' m))
         (LeftDistributivity.main n m x y z)
         inducedFun-EM-pres+ₖ _ (n +' m) _ _

  assoc⌣ₖ : (n m l : ) (x : EM G' n) (y : EM G' m) (z : EM G' l)
          ((x ⌣ₖ y) ⌣ₖ z)  subst (EM G') (+'-assoc n m l) (x ⌣ₖ (y ⌣ₖ z))
  assoc⌣ₖ n m l x y z =
      EMTensorMultDistrLem _ _ (x ⌣ₖ⊗ y) z
     cong (EMTensorMult3ₗ ((n +' m) +' l)) (Assoc.main n m l x y z)
     sym (substCommSlice (EM ((G'  G')  G')) _
          (+'-assoc n m l)
          (inducedFun-EM (GroupEquiv→GroupHom ⨂assoc)
            (n +' (m +' l)) (x ⌣ₖ⊗ (y ⌣ₖ⊗ z))))
     cong (subst (EM G') (+'-assoc n m l))
           ((sym (inducedFun-EM-comp _ _ (n +' (m +' l)) (x ⌣ₖ⊗ (y ⌣ₖ⊗ z)))
             λ i  inducedFun-EM (lem i) (n +' (m +' l)) (x ⌣ₖ⊗ (y ⌣ₖ⊗ z)))
               (inducedHom⨂ idGroupHom TensorMultHom)
               TensorMultHom (n +' (m +' l)) (x ⌣ₖ⊗ (y ⌣ₖ⊗ z))
            cong (inducedFun-EM TensorMultHom (n +' (m +' l)))
               (sym (⌣ₖ-AbGroupHom-Distr idGroupHom TensorMultHom
                       n (m +' l) x (y ⌣ₖ⊗ z))
               i  inducedFun-EM-id _ x i
                ⌣ₖ⊗ inducedFun-EM TensorMultHom (m +' l) (y ⌣ₖ⊗ z))))
    lem : compGroupHom (GroupEquiv→GroupHom ⨂assoc) TensorMult3Homₗ
          compGroupHom (inducedHom⨂ idGroupHom TensorMultHom) TensorMultHom
    lem = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
            (funExt (⊗elimProp  _  is-set (snd G') _ _)
               a  ⊗elimProp  _  is-set (snd G') _ _)
                        b c  sym (·Assoc (snd G'') a b c))
                       λ b c ind ind2
                        cong₂ _+G_ ind ind2
                         sym (·DistR+ (snd G'') a
                              (fst TensorMultHom b) (fst TensorMultHom c)))
              λ x y ind ind2  cong₂ _+G_ ind ind2))

  EM→ΩEM+1-distr⌣ₖ0n : (n : )
     (x : EM G' zero) (y : EM G' (suc n))
     EM→ΩEM+1 (suc n) (_⌣ₖ_{n = zero} {m = suc n} x y)
      λ i  _⌣ₖ_ {n = suc zero} {m = suc n} (EM→ΩEM+1 0 x i) y
  EM→ΩEM+1-distr⌣ₖ0n n x y =
      EMFun-EM→ΩEM+1 (suc n) _

  EM→ΩEM+1-distr⌣ₖ0 : (n : )
     (x : EM G' (suc n)) (y : EM G' zero)
     EM→ΩEM+1 (suc n) (_⌣ₖ_{n = (suc n)} {m = zero} x y)
      λ i  _⌣ₖ_ {n = suc (suc n)} {m = zero} (EM→ΩEM+1 (suc n) x i) y
  EM→ΩEM+1-distr⌣ₖ0 n x y =
     EMFun-EM→ΩEM+1 (suc n) (_⌣ₖ⊗_{n = (suc n)} {m = zero} x y)
     cong (cong (inducedFun-EM TensorMultHom (suc (suc n))))
           (EM→ΩEM+1-distrₙ₀ n y x)

  EM→ΩEM+1-distr⌣ₖ : (n m : )
     (x : EM G' (suc n)) (y : EM G' (suc m))
     EM→ΩEM+1 (suc n +' suc m) (_⌣ₖ_{n = (suc n)} {m = suc m} x y)
      λ i  _⌣ₖ_ {n = suc (suc n)} {m = suc m} (EM→ΩEM+1 (suc n) x i) y
  EM→ΩEM+1-distr⌣ₖ n m x y =
      EMFun-EM→ΩEM+1 _ (_⌣ₖ⊗_{n = (suc n)} {m = suc m} x y)
     cong (cong (inducedFun-EM TensorMultHom (suc (suc n) +' suc m)))
           (EM→ΩEM+1-distrₙsuc n m x y)

-- graded commutativity
module _ {G'' : CommRing } where
    G' = CommRing→AbGroup G''
    G = fst G'
    _+G_ = _+Gr_ (snd G')

  ⌣ₖ-comm : (n m : ) (x : EM G' n) (y : EM G' m)
            x ⌣ₖ y  subst (EM G') (+'-comm m n) (-ₖ^[ n · m ] (y ⌣ₖ x))
  ⌣ₖ-comm n m x y =
      cong (EMTensorMult (n +' m)) (⌣ₖ⊗-comm n m x y)
     sym (substCommSlice (EM (G'  G')) (EM G')
            EMTensorMult (+'-comm m n)
            (-ₖ^[ n · m ] (comm⨂-EM (m +' n) (y ⌣ₖ⊗ x))))
     cong (subst (EM G') (+'-comm m n))
        (-ₖ^< n · m >-Induced (m +' n) (evenOrOdd n) (evenOrOdd m) _ _
       cong (-ₖ^[ n · m ])
        (sym (inducedFun-EM-comp
         (GroupEquiv→GroupHom ⨂-comm) TensorMultHom (m +' n) _)
       λ i  inducedFun-EM (isTrivComm i) (m +' n) (y ⌣ₖ⊗ x)))

    isTrivComm : compGroupHom (GroupEquiv→GroupHom ⨂-comm)
                  (TensorMultHom {G' = CommRing→Ring G''})
    isTrivComm =
      Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
        (funExt (⊗elimProp  _  CommRingStr.is-set (snd G'') _ _)
           a b  CommRingStr.·Comm (snd G'') b a)
          λ p q r s  cong₂ _+G_ r s))

⌣[]ₖ-syntax :  {} {n m : } (R : Ring )
   EM (Ring→AbGroup R) n
   EM (Ring→AbGroup R) m
   EM (Ring→AbGroup R) (n +' m)
⌣[]ₖ-syntax R x y = x ⌣ₖ y

⌣[]Cₖ-syntax :  {} {n m : } (R : CommRing )
   EM (Ring→AbGroup (CommRing→Ring R)) n
   EM (Ring→AbGroup (CommRing→Ring R)) m
   EM (Ring→AbGroup (CommRing→Ring R)) (n +' m)
⌣[]Cₖ-syntax R x y = x ⌣ₖ y

⌣[,,]ₖ-syntax :  {} (n m : ) (R : Ring )
   EM (Ring→AbGroup R) n
   EM (Ring→AbGroup R) m
   EM (Ring→AbGroup R) (n +' m)
⌣[,,]ₖ-syntax n m R x y = x ⌣ₖ y

⌣[,,]Cₖ-syntax :  {} (n m : ) (R : CommRing )
   EM (Ring→AbGroup (CommRing→Ring R)) n
   EM (Ring→AbGroup (CommRing→Ring R)) m
   EM (Ring→AbGroup (CommRing→Ring R)) (n +' m)
⌣[,,]Cₖ-syntax n m R x y = x ⌣ₖ y

syntax ⌣[]ₖ-syntax R x y = x ⌣[ R R]ₖ y
syntax ⌣[]Cₖ-syntax R x y = x ⌣[ R R]Cₖ y
syntax ⌣[,,]ₖ-syntax n m R x y = x ⌣[ R , n , m ]ₖ y
syntax ⌣[,,]Cₖ-syntax n m R x y = x ⌣[ R , n , m ]Cₖ y