  Define finitely generated ideals of commutative rings and
  show that they are an ideal.
  Parts of this should be reusable for explicit constructions
  of free modules over a finite set.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming ( zero to ℕzero ; suc to ℕsuc
                                      ; _+_ to _+ℕ_ ; _·_ to _·ℕ_ ; _^_ to _^ℕ_
                                      ; +-assoc to +ℕ-assoc ; +-comm to +ℕ-comm
                                      ; ·-assoc to ·ℕ-assoc ; ·-comm to ·ℕ-comm)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Ideal.Sum
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.BinomialThm
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Quotient
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.BigOps
open import Cubical.Algebra.Matrix
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Reflection

     ℓ' : Level

module _ (Ring@(R , str) : CommRing ) where
  infixr 5 _holds
  _holds : hProp   Type 
  P holds = fst P
  open CommRingStr str
  open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring Ring)
  open Sum (CommRing→Ring Ring)

  linearCombination : {n : }  FinVec R n  FinVec R n  R
  linearCombination α V =   i  α i · V i)

  sumDist+ :  {n : } (α β V : FinVec R n)
            linearCombination  i  α i + β i) V  linearCombination α V + linearCombination β V
  sumDist+ α β V = ∑Ext  i  ·DistL+ (α i) (β i) (V i))  ∑Split  i  α i · V i)  i  β i · V i)

  dist- :  {n : } (α V : FinVec R n)
         linearCombination  i  - α i) V  - linearCombination α V
  dist- α V = ∑Ext  i  -DistL· (α i) (V i))  ∑Dist-  i  α i · V i)

  dist0 :  {n : } (V : FinVec R n)
         linearCombination (replicateFinVec n 0r) V  0r
  dist0 {n = n} V = ∑Ext  i  0LeftAnnihilates (V i))  ∑0r n

  isLinearCombination : {n : }  FinVec R n  R  Type 
  isLinearCombination V x = ∃[ α  FinVec R _ ] x  linearCombination α V

  {- If x and y are linear combinations of l, then (x + y) is
     a linear combination. -}
  isLinearCombination+ : {n : } {x y : R} (V : FinVec R n)
                          isLinearCombination V x
                          isLinearCombination V y
                          isLinearCombination V (x + y)
  isLinearCombination+ V = PT.map2 λ α β   i  α .fst i + β .fst i)
                                       , cong₂ (_+_) (α .snd) (β .snd)  sym (sumDist+ _ _ V)

  {- If x is a linear combinations of l, then -x is
     a linear combination. -}
  isLinearCombination- : {n : } {x : R} (V : FinVec R n)
                        isLinearCombination V x  isLinearCombination V (- x)
  isLinearCombination- V = PT.map λ α   i  - α .fst i) , cong (-_) (α .snd)  sym (dist- _ V)

  {- 0r is the trivial linear Combination -}
  isLinearCombination0 : {n : } (V : FinVec R n)
                        isLinearCombination V 0r
  isLinearCombination0 V =  _ , sym (dist0 V) ∣₁

  {- Linear combinations are stable under left multiplication -}
  isLinearCombinationL· : {n : } (V : FinVec R n) (r : R) {x : R}
                         isLinearCombination V x  isLinearCombination V (r · x)
  isLinearCombinationL· V r = PT.map λ α   i  r · α .fst i) , cong (r ·_) (α .snd)
                                                            ∙∙ ∑Mulrdist r  i  α .fst i · V i)
                                                            ∙∙ ∑Ext λ i  ·Assoc r (α .fst i) (V i)

  generatedIdeal : {n : }  FinVec R n  IdealsIn Ring
  fst (generatedIdeal V) = λ x  isLinearCombination V x , isPropPropTrunc
  CommIdeal.isCommIdeal.+Closed (snd (generatedIdeal V)) = isLinearCombination+ V
  CommIdeal.isCommIdeal.contains0 (snd (generatedIdeal V)) = isLinearCombination0 V
  CommIdeal.isCommIdeal.·Closed (snd (generatedIdeal V)) = λ r  isLinearCombinationL· V r

-- two lemma for computing linear combination
module _
  (A'@(A , Ar) : CommRing )
  (B'@(B , Br) : Ring ℓ')
  (f'@(f , fr) : RingHom (CommRing→Ring A') B')

  open CommRingStr Ar using ()
    ( 0r        to 0A
    ; 1r        to 1A
    ; _+_       to _+A_
    ; -_        to -A_
    ; _·_       to _·A_ )

  open RingStr Br using ()
    ( 0r        to 0B
    ; 1r        to 1B
    ; _+_       to _+B_
    ; -_        to -B_
    ; _·_       to _·B_ )

  open CommRingStr
  open IsRingHom
  open Sum
  open SumMap (CommRing→Ring A') B'

  ∑A =  (CommRing→Ring A')
  ∑B =  B'

  cancelLinearCombination : (n : )  (a v : FinVec A n)  (fnull : (k : Fin n)  f (v k)  0B)
                                f (linearCombination A' a v)  0B
  cancelLinearCombination n a v fnull = f (∑A  i  a i ·A v i))
                                             ≡⟨ ∑Map f'  i  a i ·A v i) 
                                        ∑B  i  f (a i ·A v i))
                                             ≡⟨ ∑Ext B'  i  pres· fr (a i) (v i)) 
                                        ∑B  i  (f (a i)) ·B (f (v i)))
                                             ≡⟨ ∑Ext B'  i  cong  X  f (a i) ·B X) (fnull i)) 
                                        ∑B  i  f (a i) ·B 0B)
                                             ≡⟨ ∑Mulr0 B'  i  f (a i)) 

module _
  (A'@(A , Astr) : CommRing )

  Ar : Ring 
  Ar = CommRing→Ring A'

  open CommRingStr Astr
  open RingTheory

  genδ-FinVec-LinearCombi : (n : )  (k : Fin n)  (a : A)  (v : FinVec A n)
                                linearCombination A' (genδ-FinVec n (toℕ k) a 0r) v  (a · (v k))
  genδ-FinVec-LinearCombi ℕzero () a v
  genδ-FinVec-LinearCombi (ℕsuc n) zero a v = cong  X  a · (v zero) + X) (cong  X  foldrFin _+_ 0r X)
                                                    (funExt  x  0LeftAnnihilates Ar (v (suc x)))))
                                                cong  X  (a · v zero) + X) (Sum.∑0r Ar n)
                                                +IdR _
  genδ-FinVec-LinearCombi (ℕsuc n) (suc k) a v = cong  X  X + foldrFin _+_ 0r  x  genδ-FinVec n (toℕ k) a 0r x · v (suc x)))
                                                       (0LeftAnnihilates Ar _)
                                                   +IdL _
                                                   genδ-FinVec-LinearCombi n k a  z  v (suc z))

  genδ-FinVec-ℕLinearCombi : (n k : )  (infkn : k < n)  (a : A)  (v : FinVec A n)
                            linearCombination A' (genδ-FinVec n k a 0r) v  (a · (v (fromℕ' n k infkn)))
  genδ-FinVec-ℕLinearCombi ℕzero k infkn a v = ⊥.rec (¬-<-zero infkn)
  genδ-FinVec-ℕLinearCombi (ℕsuc n) ℕzero infkn a v = cong  X  a · (v zero) + X) (cong  X  foldrFin _+_ 0r X)
                                                       (funExt  x  0LeftAnnihilates Ar (v (suc x)))))

                                                       cong  X  (a · v zero) + X) (Sum.∑0r Ar n)
                                                       +IdR _
  genδ-FinVec-ℕLinearCombi (ℕsuc n) (ℕsuc k) infkn a v = cong  X  X + foldrFin _+_ 0r  x  genδ-FinVec n k a 0r x · v (suc x)))
                                                              ((0LeftAnnihilates Ar _))
                                                           +IdL _
                                                           genδ-FinVec-ℕLinearCombi n k (pred-≤-pred infkn) a  z  v (suc z))

open CommIdeal.isCommIdeal
genIdeal : {n : } (R : CommRing )  FinVec (fst R) n  CommIdeal.CommIdeal R
fst (genIdeal R V) x = isLinearCombination R V x , isPropPropTrunc
+Closed (snd (genIdeal R V)) = isLinearCombination+ R V
contains0 (snd (genIdeal R V)) = isLinearCombination0 R V
·Closed (snd (genIdeal R V)) r = isLinearCombinationL· R V r

syntax genIdeal R V =  V ⟩[ R ]

FGIdealIn : (R : CommRing )  Type (ℓ-suc )
FGIdealIn R = Σ[ I  CommIdeal.CommIdeal R ]
                   ∃[ nV  Σ[ n   ] FinVec (fst R) n ] I   nV .snd ⟩[ R ]

-- The lattice laws
module _ (R' : CommRing ) where
 open CommRingStr (snd R')
 open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring R')
 open CommIdeal R'
 open Sum (CommRing→Ring R')
 open KroneckerDelta (CommRing→Ring R')
 open IdealSum R'
  R = fst R'
  ⟨_⟩ : {n : }  FinVec R n  CommIdeal
   V  =  V ⟩[ R' ]

 inclOfFGIdeal : {n : } (V : FinVec R n) (I : CommIdeal)
      (∀ i  V i  I)   V   I
 inclOfFGIdeal V I ∀i→Vi∈I x = PT.elim  _  I .fst x .snd) inclOfFGIdealΣ
  inclOfFGIdealΣ : Σ[ α  FinVec R _ ] x  linearCombination R' α V  x  I
  inclOfFGIdealΣ (α , x≡α·V) = subst-∈ I (sym x≡α·V) (∑Closed I  i  α i · V i)
                             λ i  ·Closed (I .snd) _ (∀i→Vi∈I i))

 indInIdeal :  {n : } (U : FinVec R n) (i : Fin n)  U i   U 
 indInIdeal U i =  (δ i) , sym (∑Mul1r _ U i) ∣₁

 sucIncl :  {n : } (U : FinVec R (ℕsuc n))   U  suc    U 
 sucIncl U x = PT.map λ (α , x≡∑αUsuc)   { zero  0r ; (suc i)  α i }) , x≡∑αUsuc  path _ _
  path :  s u₀  s  0r · u₀ + s
  path = solve R'

 emptyFGIdeal :  (V : FinVec R 0)   V   0Ideal
 emptyFGIdeal V = CommIdeal≡Char  _   PT.rec (is-set _ _) snd)
                                  _ x≡0    ()) , x≡0 ∣₁)

 0FGIdealLIncl : {n : }   replicateFinVec n 0r   0Ideal
 0FGIdealLIncl x = PT.elim  _  is-set _ _)
         λ (α , x≡∑α0)  subst-∈ 0Ideal (sym x≡∑α0) (∑Closed 0Ideal  i  α i · 0r)
         λ i  subst-∈ 0Ideal (sym (0RightAnnihilates _)) refl)

 0FGIdealRIncl : {n : }  0Ideal   replicateFinVec n 0r 
 0FGIdealRIncl x x≡0 = subst-∈  replicateFinVec _ 0r  (sym x≡0)
                        ( replicateFinVec _ 0r  .snd .contains0)

 0FGIdeal : {n : }   replicateFinVec n 0r   0Ideal
 0FGIdeal = CommIdeal≡Char 0FGIdealLIncl 0FGIdealRIncl

 FGIdealAddLemmaLIncl : {n m : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m)
                        U ++Fin V   ( U  +i  V )
 FGIdealAddLemmaLIncl {n = ℕzero} U V x x∈⟨V⟩ =
                                   (0r , x) ,  U  .snd .contains0 , x∈⟨V⟩ , sym (+IdL x) ∣₁
 FGIdealAddLemmaLIncl {n = ℕsuc n} U V x = PT.rec isPropPropTrunc helperΣ
   helperΣ : Σ[ α  FinVec R _ ] (x   λ i  α i · (U ++Fin V) i)  x  ( U  +i  V )
   helperΣ (α , p) = subst-∈ ( U  +i  V ) (sym p)
                              (( U  +i  V ) .snd .+Closed zeroIncl sumIncl)
    zeroIncl : (α zero · U zero)  ( U  +i  V )
    zeroIncl = +iLincl  U   V  (α zero · U zero)
                 ( U  .snd .·Closed (α zero) (indInIdeal U zero))

    sumIncl : ( λ i  (α  suc) i · ((U  suc) ++Fin V) i)  ( U  +i  V )
    sumIncl = let sum =  λ i  (α  suc) i · ((U  suc) ++Fin V) i in
         +iRespLincl  U  suc   U   V  (sucIncl U) sum
           (FGIdealAddLemmaLIncl (U  suc) V _  (α  suc) , refl ∣₁)

 FGIdealAddLemmaRIncl : {n m : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m)
                       ( U  +i  V )   U ++Fin V 
 FGIdealAddLemmaRIncl U V x = PT.rec isPropPropTrunc (uncurry3 helper)
   helperΣ : ((y , z) : R × R)
            Σ[ α  FinVec R _ ] (y   λ i  α i · U i)
            Σ[ β  FinVec R _ ] (z   λ i  β i · V i)
            x  y + z
            x   U ++Fin V 
   helperΣ (y , z) (α , y≡∑αU) (β , z≡∑βV) x≡y+z =  (α ++Fin β) , path ∣₁
    path : x   λ i  (α ++Fin β) i · (U ++Fin V) i
    path = x                                               ≡⟨ x≡y+z 
           y + z                                           ≡⟨ cong₂ (_+_) y≡∑αU z≡∑βV 
           ( λ i  α i · U i) + ( λ i  β i · V i)       ≡⟨ sym (∑Split++  i  α i · U i) _) 
           ( ((λ i  α i · U i) ++Fin  i  β i · V i))) ≡⟨ ∑Ext (mul++dist α U β V) 
           ( λ i  (α ++Fin β) i · (U ++Fin V) i)         

   helper : ((y , z) : R × R)
           ∃[ α  FinVec R _ ] (y   λ i  α i · U i)
           ∃[ β  FinVec R _ ] (z   λ i  β i · V i)
           x  y + z
           x   U ++Fin V 
   helper _ = PT.rec2 (isPropΠ  _  isPropPropTrunc)) (helperΣ _)

 FGIdealAddLemma : {n m : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m)
                   U ++Fin V    U  +i  V 
 FGIdealAddLemma U V = CommIdeal≡Char (FGIdealAddLemmaLIncl U V) (FGIdealAddLemmaRIncl U V)

 IdealAddAssoc :  {n m k : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m) (W : FinVec R k)
                 U ++Fin (V ++Fin W)     (U ++Fin V) ++Fin W 
 IdealAddAssoc {n = n} {m = m} {k = k} U V W =
   let genIdealExpl : (n : )  FinVec R n  CommIdeal
       genIdealExpl _ V =  V 
   in  cong₂ genIdealExpl (+ℕ-assoc n m k) (++FinAssoc U V W)

 ++FinComm :  {n m : } (V : FinVec R n) (W : FinVec R m)
             V ++Fin W    W ++Fin V 
 ++FinComm V W = FGIdealAddLemma V W ∙∙ +iComm  V   W  ∙∙ sym (FGIdealAddLemma W V)

 open ProdFin R'
 prodIn··Ideal : {n m : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m) (x y : R)
           (x   U )  (y   V )  (x · y)   U ··Fin V 
 prodIn··Ideal {n = n} {m = m} U V x y = PT.map2 Σhelper
  Σhelper : Σ[ α  FinVec R n ] x  linearCombination R' α U
           Σ[ β  FinVec R m ] y  linearCombination R' β V
           Σ[ γ  FinVec R (n ·ℕ m) ] (x · y)  linearCombination R' γ (U ··Fin V)
  Σhelper (α , x≡∑αU) (β , y≡∑βV) = α ··Fin β , path
   path : x · y   λ i  (α ··Fin β) i · (U ··Fin V) i
   path = x · y ≡⟨ cong₂ (_·_) x≡∑αU y≡∑βV 
          ( λ i  α i · U i) · ( λ i  β i · V i) ≡⟨ ∑Dist··Fin  i  α i · U i) _ 
          ( λ j  ((λ i  α i · U i) ··Fin  i  β i · V i)) j) ≡⟨ ∑Ext (·Dist··Fin α U β V) 
          ( λ i  (α ··Fin β) i · (U ··Fin V) i) 

 FGIdealMultLemmaLIncl : {n m : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m)
                         U ··Fin V   ( U  ·i  V )
 FGIdealMultLemmaLIncl U V x = PT.elim  _  isPropPropTrunc)
   λ (α , x≡∑αUV)  subst-∈ ( U  ·i  V )  (sym x≡∑αUV) --replace x by ∑αᵢⱼUᵢVⱼ
     (∑Closed ( U  ·i  V )  i  α i · (U ··Fin V) i) --show that each αᵢ(U··V)ᵢ is in product
       λ i  ( U  ·i  V ) .snd .·Closed (α i) --drop the α's
         (flattenElim {P = _∈ ( U  ·i  V )} (toMatrix U V) --show theat UᵢVⱼ is in product
            j k  prodInProd  U   V  (U j) (V k) (indInIdeal U j) (indInIdeal V k)) i))

 FGIdealMultLemmaRIncl : {n m : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m)
                        ( U  ·i  V )   U ··Fin V 
 FGIdealMultLemmaRIncl U V x = PT.elim  _  isPropPropTrunc)
   λ (_ , (α , β) , ∀α∈⟨U⟩ , ∀β∈⟨V⟩ , x≡∑αβ)  subst-∈  U ··Fin V  (sym x≡∑αβ)
     (∑Closed  U ··Fin V  _  i  prodIn··Ideal U V (α i) (β i) (∀α∈⟨U⟩ i) (∀β∈⟨V⟩ i)))

 FGIdealMultLemma : {n m : } (U : FinVec R n) (V : FinVec R m)
                   U ··Fin V    U  ·i  V 
 FGIdealMultLemma U V = CommIdeal≡Char (FGIdealMultLemmaLIncl U V) (FGIdealMultLemmaRIncl U V)

-- A useful lemma for constructing the structure sheaf
module GeneratingPowers (R' : CommRing ) (n : ) where
 open CommRingStr (snd R')
 open CommRingTheory R'
 open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring R')
 open Sum (CommRing→Ring R')
 open Exponentiation R'
 open BinomialThm R'
 open CommIdeal R'

  R = fst R'
  ⟨_⟩ : {n : }  FinVec R n  CommIdeal
   V  =  V ⟩[ R' ]
  _ⁿ : {m : }  FinVec R m  FinVec R m
  U  = λ i  U i ^ n

 lemma : (m : ) (α U : FinVec R (ℕsuc m))
        (linearCombination R' α U) ^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n)   U  
 lemma ℕzero α U =  α  , path ∣₁
  path : (α zero · U zero + 0r) ^ (n +ℕ 0)  α zero ^ n · U zero ^ n + 0r
  path = (α zero · U zero + 0r) ^ (n +ℕ 0) ≡⟨ cong (_^ (n +ℕ 0)) (+IdR _) 
         (α zero · U zero) ^ (n +ℕ 0)      ≡⟨ cong ((α zero · U zero) ^_) (+-zero n) 
         (α zero · U zero) ^ n              ≡⟨ ^-ldist-· _ _ n 
          α zero ^ n · U zero ^ n           ≡⟨ sym (+IdR _) 
          α zero ^ n · U zero ^ n + 0r 

 lemma (ℕsuc m) α U = subst-∈  U   (sym (BinomialThm (n +ℕ (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) x y)) ∑Binomial∈⟨Uⁿ⟩
  x = α zero · U zero
  y = linearCombination R' (α  suc) (U  suc)

  binomialSummand∈⟨Uⁿ⟩ :  (i : Fin _)  BinomialVec (n +ℕ (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) x y i   U  
  binomialSummand∈⟨Uⁿ⟩ i with ≤-+-split n ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) (toℕ i) (pred-≤-pred (toℕ<n i))
  ... | inl n≤i = subst-∈  U   (·CommAssocr _ _ (x ^ (toℕ i)))
                                  ( U   .snd .·Closed _ (xHelper (toℕ i) n≤i))
   xHelper :  k  n  k  x ^ k   U  
   xHelper k n≤k = subst-∈  U   path ( U   .snd .·Closed _ (indInIdeal R' (U ) zero))
    path : α zero ^ k · U zero ^ (k  n) · U zero ^ n  x ^ k
    path = α zero ^ k · U zero ^ (k  n) · U zero ^ n
         ≡⟨ sym (·Assoc _ _ _) 
           α zero ^ k · (U zero ^ (k  n) · U zero ^ n)
         ≡⟨ cong ((α zero ^ k) ·_) (·-of-^-is-^-of-+ (U zero) (k  n) n) 
           α zero ^ k · U zero ^ ((k  n) +ℕ n)
         ≡⟨ cong  l  (α zero ^ k) · (U zero ^ l)) (≤-∸-+-cancel n≤k) 
           α zero ^ k · U zero ^ k
         ≡⟨ sym (^-ldist-· (α zero) (U zero) k) 
           x ^ k 

  ... | inr [m+1]n≤n+[m+1]n-i =  U   .snd .·Closed _ (yHelper (toℕ i) [m+1]n≤n+[m+1]n-i)
   powSucIncl :  (U  suc)     U  
   powSucIncl = inclOfFGIdeal R' ((U  suc) )  U    i  indInIdeal R' (U ) (suc i))

   inductiveStep : y ^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n)   U  
   inductiveStep = powSucIncl _ (lemma m (α  suc) (U  suc))

   yHelper :  k
            (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n  n +ℕ (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n  k
            y ^ (n +ℕ (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n  k)   U  
   yHelper k [m+1]n≤n+[m+1]n-k = subst-∈  U   path ( U   .snd .·Closed _ inductiveStep)
    n+[m+1]n-k = n +ℕ (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n  k
    [m+1]n = (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n
    path : y ^ (n+[m+1]n-k  [m+1]n) · y ^ [m+1]n  y ^ n+[m+1]n-k
    path =
      y ^ (n+[m+1]n-k  [m+1]n) · y ^ [m+1]n ≡⟨ ·-of-^-is-^-of-+ y (n+[m+1]n-k  [m+1]n) [m+1]n 
      y ^ ((n+[m+1]n-k  [m+1]n) +ℕ [m+1]n)  ≡⟨ cong (y ^_) (≤-∸-+-cancel [m+1]n≤n+[m+1]n-k) 
      y ^ n+[m+1]n-k 

  ∑Binomial∈⟨Uⁿ⟩ :  (BinomialVec (n +ℕ (ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) x y)   U  
  ∑Binomial∈⟨Uⁿ⟩ = ∑Closed  U   _ binomialSummand∈⟨Uⁿ⟩

 thm :  (m : ) (U : FinVec R m)  1r   U   1r   U  
 thm ℕzero U 1∈⟨U⟩ = 1∈⟨U⟩
 thm (ℕsuc m) U = PT.elim  _  isPropPropTrunc) Σhelper
  Σhelper : Σ[ α  FinVec R (ℕsuc m) ] 1r  linearCombination R' α U
           1r   U  
  Σhelper (α , p) = subst-∈  U   path (lemma m α U)
   path : linearCombination R' α U ^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n)  1r
   path = linearCombination R' α U ^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) ≡⟨ cong (_^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n)) (sym p) 
          1r ^ ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n)                       ≡⟨ 1ⁿ≡1 ((ℕsuc m) ·ℕ n) 