{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Categories.Instances.CommAlgebras where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.Algebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Instances.Unit

open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Terminal
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Limits
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Sets
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.CommRings

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

open Category hiding (_∘_) renaming (_⋆_ to _⋆c_)
open CommAlgebraHoms
open Cospan
open Pullback

   ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

module _ (R : CommRing ) where
  CommAlgebrasCategory : Category (ℓ-max  (ℓ-suc ℓ')) (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  ob (CommAlgebrasCategory {ℓ' = ℓ'}) = CommAlgebra R ℓ'
  Hom[_,_] CommAlgebrasCategory = CommAlgebraHom
  id CommAlgebrasCategory {A}   = idCommAlgebraHom A
  _⋆c_ CommAlgebrasCategory {A} {B} {C}     = compCommAlgebraHom A B C
  ⋆IdL CommAlgebrasCategory {A} {B}           = compIdCommAlgebraHom {A = A} {B}
  ⋆IdR CommAlgebrasCategory {A} {B}           = idCompCommAlgebraHom {A = A} {B}
  ⋆Assoc CommAlgebrasCategory {A} {B} {C} {D} = compAssocCommAlgebraHom {A = A} {B} {C} {D}
  isSetHom CommAlgebrasCategory               = isSetAlgebraHom _ _

  TerminalCommAlgebra : Terminal (CommAlgebrasCategory {ℓ' = ℓ'})
  fst TerminalCommAlgebra = UnitCommAlgebra R
  fst (fst (snd TerminalCommAlgebra A)) = λ _  tt*
  snd (fst (snd TerminalCommAlgebra A)) = makeIsAlgebraHom
                                            refl  _ _  refl)  _ _  refl)  _ _  refl)
  snd (snd TerminalCommAlgebra A) f = AlgebraHom≡ (funExt  _  refl))

  -- the forgetful functor into CommRings and SET
  open Functor
  ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRing : Functor (CommAlgebrasCategory {ℓ' = ℓ'}) CommRingsCategory
  F-ob ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRing      = CommAlgebra→CommRing {R = R}
  F-hom ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRing     = CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom _ _
  F-id ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRing      = RingHom≡ refl
  F-seq ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRing _ _ = RingHom≡ refl

  ForgetfulCommAlgebra→Set : Functor (CommAlgebrasCategory {ℓ' = ℓ'}) (SET ℓ')
  F-ob ForgetfulCommAlgebra→Set A    = A .fst , A .snd .CommAlgebraStr.is-set
  F-hom ForgetfulCommAlgebra→Set     = fst
  F-id ForgetfulCommAlgebra→Set      = refl
  F-seq ForgetfulCommAlgebra→Set _ _ = refl

  -- general limits
  module _ {ℓJ ℓJ' : Level} where

    open LimCone
    open Cone

      theℓ = ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓJ) ℓJ'
      ffA→SET = ForgetfulCommAlgebra→Set
      ffR→SET = ForgetfulCommRing→Set
      ffA→R = ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRing

    module _ where

      open CommAlgebraStr
      open IsAlgebraHom

      LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory : Limits {ℓ-max  ℓJ} {ℓJ'} (CommAlgebrasCategory {ℓ' = theℓ})
      fst (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) = lim (completeSET J (ffA→SET ∘F D)) .fst
      0a (snd (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D))) =
        cone  v _  0a (snd (F-ob D v)))
              e  funExt  _  F-hom D e .snd .pres0))
      1a (snd (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D))) =
        cone  v _  1a (snd (F-ob D v)))
              e  funExt  _  F-hom D e .snd .pres1))
      _+_ (snd (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D))) x y =
        cone  v _  _+_ (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _)
             ( λ e  funExt  _  F-hom D e .snd .pres+ _ _
              λ i  _+_ (snd (F-ob D _)) (coneOutCommutes x e i tt*) (coneOutCommutes y e i tt*)))
      _·_ (snd (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D))) x y =
        cone  v _  _·_ (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _)
             ( λ e  funExt  _  F-hom D e .snd .pres· _ _
              λ i  _·_ (snd (F-ob D _)) (coneOutCommutes x e i tt*) (coneOutCommutes y e i tt*)))
      (- snd (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D))) x =
        cone  v _  -_ (snd (F-ob D v)) _)
             ( λ e  funExt  z  F-hom D e .snd .pres- _
              λ i  -_ (snd (F-ob D _)) (coneOutCommutes x e i tt*)))
      _⋆_ (snd (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D))) = λ r x 
        -- why can't Agda parse with r x on the lhs?
        cone  v _  _⋆_ (snd (F-ob D v)) r (coneOut x v tt*))
             ( λ e  funExt  z  F-hom D e .snd .pres⋆ _ _
              λ i  _⋆_ (snd (F-ob D _)) r (coneOutCommutes x e i tt*)))
      isCommAlgebra (snd (lim (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D))) = makeIsCommAlgebra
        (isSetCone (ffA→SET ∘F D) (Unit* , _))
         _ _ _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  snd (F-ob D v) .+Assoc _ _ _)))
         _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  +IdR (snd (F-ob D v)) _)))
         _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  +InvR (snd (F-ob D v)) _)))
         _ _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  snd (F-ob D v) .+Comm _ _)))
         _ _ _  cone≡ λ v  funExt λ _  ·Assoc (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _ _)
         _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  ·IdL (snd (F-ob D v)) _)))
         _ _ _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  ·DistL+ (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _ _)))
         _ _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  snd (F-ob D v) .·Comm _ _)))
         _ _ _  cone≡ λ v  funExt λ _  ⋆Assoc (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _ _)
         _ _ _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  ⋆DistR+ (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _ _)))
         _ _ _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  ⋆DistL+ (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _ _)))
         _  cone≡  v  funExt  _  ⋆IdL (snd (F-ob D v)) _)))
        λ _ _ _  cone≡ λ v  funExt λ _  ⋆AssocL (snd (F-ob D v)) _ _ _
      fst (coneOut (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) v) =
        coneOut (limCone (completeSET J (funcComp ffA→SET D))) v
      pres0 (snd (coneOut (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) v)) = refl
      pres1 (snd (coneOut (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) v)) = refl
      pres+ (snd (coneOut (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) v)) = λ _ _  refl
      pres· (snd (coneOut (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) v)) = λ _ _  refl
      pres- (snd (coneOut (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) v)) = λ _  refl
      pres⋆ (snd (coneOut (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) v)) = λ _ _  refl
      coneOutCommutes (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)) e =
        AlgebraHom≡ (coneOutCommutes (limCone (completeSET J (funcComp ffA→SET D))) e)
      univProp (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D) c cc = uniqueExists
        ( ( λ x  limArrow (completeSET J (funcComp ffA→SET D))
                          (fst c , snd c .is-set)
                          (cone  v _  coneOut cc v .fst x)
                                 e  funExt  _  funExt⁻ (cong fst (coneOutCommutes cc e)) x))) x)
          , makeIsAlgebraHom
            (cone≡  v  funExt  _  coneOut cc v .snd .pres1)))
             x y  cone≡  v  funExt  _  coneOut cc v .snd .pres+ _ _)))
             x y  cone≡  v  funExt  _  coneOut cc v .snd .pres· _ _)))
             x y  cone≡  v  funExt  _  coneOut cc v .snd .pres⋆ _ _))))
         _  AlgebraHom≡ refl)
        (isPropIsConeMor cc (limCone (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D)))
         a' x  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsAlgebraHom _ _ _ _)
                         (funExt  y  cone≡ λ v  funExt  _  sym (funExt⁻ (cong fst (x v)) y)))))

    -- forgetful functor preserves limits
    ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRingPresLim : preservesLimits {ℓJ = (ℓ-max  ℓJ)} {ℓJ' = ℓJ'}
                                             (ffA→R {ℓ' = theℓ})
    ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRingPresLim = preservesLimitsChar ffA→R
      open isIso
      canonicalIso : (J : Category (ℓ-max  ℓJ) ℓJ')
                     (D : Functor J CommAlgebrasCategory)
                    CatIso CommRingsCategory
                            (LimitsCommRingsCategory J (ffA→R ∘F D) .lim)
                            (ffA→R {ℓ' = theℓ} .F-ob (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D .lim))
      coneOut (fst (fst (canonicalIso J D)) cc) = coneOut cc
      coneOutCommutes (fst (fst (canonicalIso J D)) cc) = coneOutCommutes cc
      snd (fst (canonicalIso J D)) = makeIsRingHom refl  _ _  refl) λ _ _  refl
      coneOut (fst (inv (snd (canonicalIso J D))) cc) = coneOut cc
      coneOutCommutes (fst (inv (snd (canonicalIso J D))) cc) = coneOutCommutes cc
      snd (inv (snd (canonicalIso J D))) = makeIsRingHom refl  _ _  refl) λ _ _  refl
      sec (snd (canonicalIso J D)) = RingHom≡ refl
      ret (snd (canonicalIso J D)) = RingHom≡ refl

      isConeMorCanonicalIso :  J D  isConeMor (LimitsCommRingsCategory J (funcComp ffA→R D) .limCone)
                                                (F-cone ffA→R (LimitsCommAlgebrasCategory J D .limCone))
                                                (canonicalIso J D .fst)
      isConeMorCanonicalIso J D v = RingHom≡ refl

module PullbackFromCommRing (R : CommRing )
                            (commRingCospan : Cospan (CommRingsCategory { = }))
                            (commRingPB : Pullback _ commRingCospan)
                            (f₁ : CommRingHom R (commRingPB .pbOb))
                            (f₂ : CommRingHom R (commRingCospan .r))
                            (f₃ : CommRingHom R (commRingCospan .l))
                            (f₄ : CommRingHom R (commRingCospan .m))

 open AlgebraHoms
 open CommAlgChar R
 open CommAlgebraStr ⦃...⦄

  CommAlgCat = CommAlgebrasCategory { = } R {ℓ' = }

  A = commRingPB .pbOb
  B = commRingCospan .r
  C = commRingCospan .l
  D = commRingCospan .m

  g₁ = commRingPB .pbPr₂
  g₂ = commRingPB .pbPr₁
  g₃ = commRingCospan .s₂
  g₄ = commRingCospan .s₁

           A  →  B
        g₂ ↓     ↓ g₃

           C  →  D

 open RingHoms
 univPropCommRingWithHomHom : (isRHom₁ : isCommRingWithHomHom (A , f₁) (B , f₂) g₁)
                              (isRHom₂ : isCommRingWithHomHom (A , f₁) (C , f₃) g₂)
                              (isRHom₃ : isCommRingWithHomHom (B , f₂) (D , f₄) g₃)
                              (isRHom₄ : isCommRingWithHomHom (C , f₃) (D , f₄) g₄)
                              (E,f₅ : CommRingWithHom)
                              (h₂ : CommRingWithHomHom E,f₅ (C , f₃))
                              (h₁ : CommRingWithHomHom E,f₅ (B , f₂))
                             g₄ ∘r fst h₂  g₃ ∘r fst h₁
                             ∃![ h₃  CommRingWithHomHom E,f₅ (A , f₁) ]
                                 (fst h₂  g₂ ∘r fst h₃) × (fst h₁  g₁ ∘r fst h₃)
 univPropCommRingWithHomHom isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄
                             (E , f₅) (h₂ , comm₂) (h₁ , comm₁) squareComm =
    ((h₃ , h₃∘f₅≡f₁) , h₂≡g₂∘h₃ , h₁≡g₁∘h₃)
  , λ h₃'  Σ≡Prop  _  isProp× (isSetRingHom _ _ _ _) (isSetRingHom _ _ _ _))
                     (Σ≡Prop  _  isSetRingHom _ _ _ _)
                       (cong fst (commRingPB .univProp h₂ h₁ squareComm .snd
                         (h₃' .fst .fst , h₃' .snd .fst , h₃' .snd .snd))))
  h₃ : CommRingHom E A
  h₃ = commRingPB .univProp h₂ h₁ squareComm .fst .fst
  h₂≡g₂∘h₃ : h₂  g₂ ∘r h₃
  h₂≡g₂∘h₃ = commRingPB .univProp h₂ h₁ squareComm .fst .snd .fst
  h₁≡g₁∘h₃ : h₁  g₁ ∘r h₃
  h₁≡g₁∘h₃ = commRingPB .univProp h₂ h₁ squareComm .fst .snd .snd

  -- the crucial obervation:
  -- we can apply the universal property to maps R → A
  fgSquare : g₄ ∘r f₃  g₃ ∘r f₂
  fgSquare = isRHom₄  sym isRHom₃

  h₃∘f₅≡f₁ : h₃ ∘r f₅  f₁
  h₃∘f₅≡f₁ = cong fst (isContr→isProp (commRingPB .univProp f₃ f₂ fgSquare)
                        (h₃ ∘r f₅ , triangle1 , triangle2) (f₁ , (sym isRHom₂) , sym isRHom₁))
    triangle1 : f₃  g₂ ∘r (h₃ ∘r f₅)
    triangle1 = sym comm₂ ∙∙ cong (compRingHom f₅) h₂≡g₂∘h₃ ∙∙ sym (compAssocRingHom f₅ h₃ g₂)

    triangle2 : f₂  g₁ ∘r (h₃ ∘r f₅)
    triangle2 = sym comm₁ ∙∙ cong (compRingHom f₅) h₁≡g₁∘h₃ ∙∙ sym (compAssocRingHom f₅ h₃ g₁)

 algCospan : (isRHom₁ : isCommRingWithHomHom (A , f₁) (B , f₂) g₁)
             (isRHom₂ : isCommRingWithHomHom (A , f₁) (C , f₃) g₂)
             (isRHom₃ : isCommRingWithHomHom (B , f₂) (D , f₄) g₃)
             (isRHom₄ : isCommRingWithHomHom (C , f₃) (D , f₄) g₄)
            Cospan CommAlgCat
 l (algCospan isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlg (C , f₃)
 m (algCospan isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlg (D , f₄)
 r (algCospan isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlg (B , f₂)
 s₁ (algCospan isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₄ isRHom₄
 s₂ (algCospan isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₃ isRHom₃

 algPullback : (isRHom₁ : isCommRingWithHomHom (A , f₁) (B , f₂) g₁)
               (isRHom₂ : isCommRingWithHomHom (A , f₁) (C , f₃) g₂)
               (isRHom₃ : isCommRingWithHomHom (B , f₂) (D , f₄) g₃)
               (isRHom₄ : isCommRingWithHomHom (C , f₃) (D , f₄) g₄)
              Pullback CommAlgCat (algCospan isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄)
 pbOb (algPullback isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlg (A , f₁)
 pbPr₁ (algPullback isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₂ isRHom₂
 pbPr₂ (algPullback isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) = toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₁ isRHom₁
 pbCommutes (algPullback isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) =
               AlgebraHom≡ (cong fst (pbCommutes commRingPB))
 univProp (algPullback isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄) {d = F} h₂' h₁' g₄∘h₂'≡g₃∘h₁' =
  (k , kComm₂ , kComm₁) , uniqueness
  E = fromCommAlg F .fst
  f₅ = fromCommAlg F .snd

  h₁ : CommRingHom E B
  fst h₁ = fst h₁'
  IsRingHom.pres0 (snd h₁) = IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd h₁')
  IsRingHom.pres1 (snd h₁) = IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd h₁')
  IsRingHom.pres+ (snd h₁) = IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd h₁')
  IsRingHom.pres· (snd h₁) = IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd h₁')
  IsRingHom.pres- (snd h₁) = IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd h₁')

  h₁comm : h₁ ∘r f₅  f₂
  h₁comm = RingHom≡ (funExt  x  IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd h₁') x 1a
                                      ∙∙ cong (fst f₂ x ·_) (IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd h₁'))
                                      ∙∙ ·IdR _))
    _ = snd F
    _ = snd (toCommAlg (B , f₂))

  h₂ : CommRingHom E C
  fst h₂ = fst h₂'
  IsRingHom.pres0 (snd h₂) = IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd h₂')
  IsRingHom.pres1 (snd h₂) = IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd h₂')
  IsRingHom.pres+ (snd h₂) = IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd h₂')
  IsRingHom.pres· (snd h₂) = IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd h₂')
  IsRingHom.pres- (snd h₂) = IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd h₂')

  h₂comm : h₂ ∘r f₅  f₃
  h₂comm = RingHom≡ (funExt  x  IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd h₂') x 1a
                                      ∙∙ cong (fst f₃ x ·_) (IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd h₂'))
                                      ∙∙ ·IdR _))
    _ = snd F
    _ = snd (toCommAlg (C , f₃))

  commRingSquare : g₄ ∘r h₂  g₃ ∘r h₁
  commRingSquare = RingHom≡ (funExt  x  funExt⁻ (cong fst g₄∘h₂'≡g₃∘h₁') x))

  uniqueH₃ : ∃![ h₃  CommRingWithHomHom (E , f₅) (A , f₁) ] (h₂  g₂ ∘r fst h₃) × (h₁  g₁ ∘r fst h₃)
  uniqueH₃ = univPropCommRingWithHomHom isRHom₁ isRHom₂ isRHom₃ isRHom₄
                                          (E , f₅) (h₂ , h₂comm) (h₁ , h₁comm) commRingSquare

  h₃ : CommRingHom E A
  h₃ = uniqueH₃ .fst .fst .fst

  h₃comm = uniqueH₃ .fst .fst .snd

  k : CommAlgebraHom F (toCommAlg (A , f₁))
  fst k = fst h₃
  IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd k) = IsRingHom.pres0 (snd h₃)
  IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd k) = IsRingHom.pres1 (snd h₃)
  IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd k) = IsRingHom.pres+ (snd h₃)
  IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd k) = IsRingHom.pres· (snd h₃)
  IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd k) = IsRingHom.pres- (snd h₃)
  IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd k) =
    λ r y  sym (fst f₁ r · fst h₃ y ≡⟨ cong ( fst h₃ y) (sym (funExt⁻ (cong fst h₃comm) r)) 
                 fst h₃ (fst f₅ r) · fst h₃ y ≡⟨ sym (IsRingHom.pres· (snd h₃) _ _) 
                 fst h₃ (fst f₅ r · y) ≡⟨ refl 
                 fst h₃ ((r  1a) · y) ≡⟨ cong (fst h₃) (⋆AssocL _ _ _) 
                 fst h₃ (r  (1a · y)) ≡⟨ cong  x  fst h₃ (r  x)) (·IdL y) 
                 fst h₃ (r  y) )
    _ = snd F
    _ = (toCommAlg (A , f₁) .snd)

  kComm₂ : h₂'  toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₂ isRHom₂ ∘a k
  kComm₂ = AlgebraHom≡ (cong fst (uniqueH₃ .fst .snd .fst))

  kComm₁ : h₁'  toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₁ isRHom₁ ∘a k
  kComm₁ = AlgebraHom≡ (cong fst (uniqueH₃ .fst .snd .snd))

  uniqueness : (y : Σ[ k'  CommAlgebraHom F (toCommAlg (A , f₁)) ]
                       (h₂'  toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₂ isRHom₂ ∘a k')
                     × (h₁'  toCommAlgebraHom _ _ g₁ isRHom₁ ∘a k'))
              (k , kComm₂ , kComm₁)  y
  uniqueness (k' , k'Comm₂ , k'Comm₁) = Σ≡Prop  _  isProp× (isSetAlgebraHom _ _ _ _)
                                                              (isSetAlgebraHom _ _ _ _))
                                               (AlgebraHom≡ (cong (fst  fst  fst) uniqHelper))
   h₃' : CommRingHom E A
   fst h₃' = fst k'
   IsRingHom.pres0 (snd h₃') = IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd k')
   IsRingHom.pres1 (snd h₃') = IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd k')
   IsRingHom.pres+ (snd h₃') = IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd k')
   IsRingHom.pres· (snd h₃') = IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd k')
   IsRingHom.pres- (snd h₃') = IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd k')

   h₃'IsRHom : h₃' ∘r f₅  f₁
   h₃'IsRHom = RingHom≡ (funExt  x  IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd k') x 1a
                                      cong (fst f₁ x ·_) (IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd k'))
                                      ·IdR (fst f₁ x)))
     _ = snd F
     _ = (toCommAlg (A , f₁) .snd)

   h₃'Comm₂ : h₂  g₂ ∘r h₃'
   h₃'Comm₂ = RingHom≡ (cong fst k'Comm₂)

   h₃'Comm₁ : h₁  g₁ ∘r h₃'
   h₃'Comm₁ = RingHom≡ (cong fst k'Comm₁)

   -- basically saying that h₃≡h₃' but we have to give all the commuting triangles
   uniqHelper : uniqueH₃ .fst  ((h₃' , h₃'IsRHom) , h₃'Comm₂ , h₃'Comm₁)
   uniqHelper = uniqueH₃ .snd ((h₃' , h₃'IsRHom) , h₃'Comm₂ , h₃'Comm₁)

module LimitFromCommRing {ℓJ ℓJ' : Level} (R A : CommRing )
                         (J : Category ℓJ ℓJ')
                         (crDiag : Functor J (CommRingsCategory { = }))
                         (crCone : Cone crDiag A)
                         (toAlgCone : Cone crDiag R)

  open Functor
  open Cone

  open AlgebraHoms
  open CommAlgChar R
  open CommAlgebraStr ⦃...⦄

  algDiag : Functor J (CommAlgebrasCategory R {ℓ' = })
  F-ob algDiag v = toCommAlg (F-ob crDiag v , coneOut toAlgCone v)
  F-hom algDiag f = toCommAlgebraHom _ _ (F-hom crDiag f) (coneOutCommutes toAlgCone f)
  F-id algDiag = AlgebraHom≡ (cong fst (F-id crDiag))
  F-seq algDiag f g = AlgebraHom≡ (cong fst (F-seq crDiag f g))

  module _ (φ : CommRingHom R A)
           (isConeMorφ : isConeMor toAlgCone crCone φ) where

   B = toCommAlg (A , φ)

   algCone : Cone algDiag B
   coneOut algCone v = toCommAlgebraHom _ _ (coneOut crCone v) (isConeMorφ v)
   coneOutCommutes algCone f = AlgebraHom≡ (cong fst (coneOutCommutes crCone f))

   module _ (univProp : isLimCone _ _ crCone) where

    univPropWithHom :  (C,ψ : CommRingWithHom) (cc : Cone crDiag (fst C,ψ))
                     isConeMor toAlgCone cc (snd C,ψ)
                     ∃![ χ  CommRingWithHomHom C,ψ (A , φ) ]
                          isConeMor cc crCone (fst χ)
    univPropWithHom (C , ψ) cc isConeMorψ = uniqueExists
      (χ , triangle)
        (univProp C cc .fst .snd)
           _  isPropIsConeMor _ _ _)
            λ _ x  Σ≡Prop  _  isSetRingHom _ _ _ _)
                           (cong fst (univProp C cc .snd (_ , x)))
      χ = univProp C cc .fst .fst

      triangle : χ ∘cr ψ  φ
      triangle = cong fst (isContr→isProp (univProp R toAlgCone)
                                          (χ ∘cr ψ , isConeMorComp) (φ , isConeMorφ))
        isConeMorComp : isConeMor toAlgCone crCone (χ ∘cr ψ)
        isConeMorComp = isConeMorSeq toAlgCone cc crCone
                          isConeMorψ (univProp C cc .fst .snd)

    reflectsLimits : isLimCone _ _ algCone
    reflectsLimits D cd = uniqueExists ξ isConeMorξ
                             _  isPropIsConeMor _ _ _)
      C = fromCommAlg D .fst
      ψ = fromCommAlg D .snd

      cc : Cone crDiag C
      fst (coneOut cc v) = fst (coneOut cd v)
      IsRingHom.pres0 (snd (coneOut cc v)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd (coneOut cd v))
      IsRingHom.pres1 (snd (coneOut cc v)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd (coneOut cd v))
      IsRingHom.pres+ (snd (coneOut cc v)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd (coneOut cd v))
      IsRingHom.pres· (snd (coneOut cc v)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd (coneOut cd v))
      IsRingHom.pres- (snd (coneOut cc v)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd (coneOut cd v))
      coneOutCommutes cc f = RingHom≡ (cong fst (coneOutCommutes cd f))

      isConeMorψ : isConeMor toAlgCone cc ψ
      isConeMorψ v = RingHom≡ (funExt  x 
           IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd (coneOut cd v)) x 1a
        ∙∙ cong (fst (coneOut toAlgCone v) x ·_) (IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd (coneOut cd v)))
        ∙∙ ·IdR _))
          _ = snd D
          _ = snd (F-ob algDiag v)

      uniqueχ : ∃![ χ  CommRingWithHomHom (C , ψ) (A , φ) ] isConeMor cc crCone (fst χ)
      uniqueχ = univPropWithHom _ cc isConeMorψ

      χ = uniqueχ .fst .fst .fst
      χComm = uniqueχ .fst .fst .snd

      ξ : CommAlgebraHom D B
      fst ξ = fst χ
      IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd ξ) = IsRingHom.pres0 (snd χ)
      IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd ξ) = IsRingHom.pres1 (snd χ)
      IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd ξ) = IsRingHom.pres+ (snd χ)
      IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd ξ) = IsRingHom.pres· (snd χ)
      IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd ξ) = IsRingHom.pres- (snd χ)
      IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd ξ) = λ r y  sym (
        fst φ r · fst χ y         ≡⟨ cong ( fst χ y) (sym (funExt⁻ (cong fst χComm) r)) 
        fst χ (fst ψ r) · fst χ y ≡⟨ sym (IsRingHom.pres· (snd χ) _ _) 
        fst χ (fst ψ r · y)       ≡⟨ refl 
        fst χ ((r  1a) · y)      ≡⟨ cong (fst χ) (⋆AssocL _ _ _) 
        fst χ (r  (1a · y))      ≡⟨ cong  x  fst χ (r  x)) (·IdL y) 
        fst χ (r  y) )
          _ = snd D
          _ = snd B

      isConeMorξ : isConeMor cd algCone ξ
      isConeMorξ v = AlgebraHom≡ (cong fst (uniqueχ .fst .snd v))

      uniqueξ : (ζ : CommAlgebraHom D B)  isConeMor cd algCone ζ  ξ  ζ
      uniqueξ ζ isConeMorζ = AlgebraHom≡ (cong (fst  fst  fst)
                                         (uniqueχ .snd ((ϑ , triangleϑ) , isConeMorϑ)))
        ϑ : CommRingHom C A
        fst ϑ = fst ζ
        IsRingHom.pres0 (snd ϑ) = IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd ζ)
        IsRingHom.pres1 (snd ϑ) = IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd ζ)
        IsRingHom.pres+ (snd ϑ) = IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd ζ)
        IsRingHom.pres· (snd ϑ) = IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd ζ)
        IsRingHom.pres- (snd ϑ) = IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd ζ)

        triangleϑ : ϑ ∘cr ψ  φ
        triangleϑ = RingHom≡ (funExt  x 
             IsAlgebraHom.pres⋆ (snd ζ) x 1a
          ∙∙ cong (fst φ x ·_) (IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd ζ))
          ∙∙ ·IdR (fst φ x)))
           _ = snd D
           _ = snd B

        isConeMorϑ : isConeMor cc crCone ϑ
        isConeMorϑ v = RingHom≡ (cong fst (isConeMorζ v))

module PreSheafFromUniversalProp (C : Category  ℓ') (P : ob C  Type )
         {R : CommRing ℓ''} (𝓕 : Σ (ob C) P  CommAlgebra R ℓ'')
         (uniqueHom :  x y  C [ fst x , fst y ]  isContr (CommAlgebraHom (𝓕 y) (𝓕 x)))

  ∥P∥ :  (ob C)
  ∥P∥ x  =  P x ∥₁ , isPropPropTrunc
  ΣC∥P∥Cat = ΣPropCat C ∥P∥
  CommAlgCat = CommAlgebrasCategory { = ℓ''} R {ℓ' = ℓ''}

 𝓕UniqueEquiv : (x : ob C) (p q : P x)  isContr (CommAlgebraEquiv (𝓕 (x , p)) (𝓕 (x , q)))
 𝓕UniqueEquiv x = contrCommAlgebraHom→contrCommAlgebraEquiv (curry 𝓕 x) λ p q  uniqueHom _ _ (id C)

 theMap : (x : ob C)   P x ∥₁  CommAlgebra R ℓ''
 theMap x = recPT→CommAlgebra (curry 𝓕 x)  p q  𝓕UniqueEquiv x p q .fst)
                                         λ p q r  𝓕UniqueEquiv x p r .snd _

 theAction : (x y : ob C)  C [ x , y ]
            (p :  P x ∥₁) (q :  P y ∥₁)  isContr (CommAlgebraHom (theMap y q) (theMap x p))
 theAction _ _ f = elim2  _ _  isPropIsContr) λ _ _  uniqueHom _ _ f

 open Functor
 universalPShf : Functor (ΣC∥P∥Cat ^op) CommAlgCat
 F-ob universalPShf = uncurry theMap
 F-hom universalPShf {x = x} {y = y} f = theAction _ _ f (y .snd) (x. snd) .fst
 F-id universalPShf {x = x} = theAction (x .fst) (x .fst) (id C) (x .snd) (x .snd) .snd _
 F-seq universalPShf {x = x} {z = z} f g = theAction _ _ (g ⋆⟨ C  f) (z .snd) (x .snd) .snd _

 -- a big transport to help verifying the pullback sheaf property
 module toSheafPB
                (x y u v : ob ΣC∥P∥Cat)
                {f : C [ v .fst , y . fst ]} {g : C [ v .fst , u .fst ]}
                {h : C [ u .fst , x . fst ]} {k : C [ y .fst , x .fst ]}
                (Csquare : g ⋆⟨ C  h  f ⋆⟨ C  k)
                    v → y
                    ↓   ↓
                    u → x
                (AlgCospan : Cospan CommAlgCat)
                (AlgPB : Pullback _ AlgCospan)
                (p₁ : AlgPB .pbOb  F-ob universalPShf x) (p₂ : AlgCospan .l  F-ob universalPShf u)
                (p₃ : AlgCospan .r  F-ob universalPShf y) (p₄ : AlgCospan .m  F-ob universalPShf v)

   -- just: 𝓕 k ⋆ 𝓕 f ≡ 𝓕 h ⋆ 𝓕 g
   inducedSquare : seq' CommAlgCat {x = F-ob universalPShf x}
                                   {y = F-ob universalPShf u}
                                   {z = F-ob universalPShf v}
                                   (F-hom universalPShf h) (F-hom universalPShf g)
                  seq' CommAlgCat {x = F-ob universalPShf x}
                                   {y = F-ob universalPShf y}
                                   {z = F-ob universalPShf v}
                                   (F-hom universalPShf k) (F-hom universalPShf f)
   inducedSquare = F-square universalPShf Csquare

   f' = F-hom universalPShf {x = y} {y = v} f
   g' = F-hom universalPShf {x = u} {y = v} g
   h' = F-hom universalPShf {x = x} {y = u} h
   k' = F-hom universalPShf {x = x} {y = y} k

   gPathP : PathP  i  CommAlgCat [ p₂ i , p₄ i ]) (AlgCospan .s₁) g'
   gPathP = toPathP (sym (theAction _ _ g (v .snd) (u .snd) .snd _))

   fPathP : PathP  i  CommAlgCat [ p₃ i , p₄ i ]) (AlgCospan .s₂) f'
   fPathP = toPathP (sym (theAction _ _ f (v .snd) (y .snd) .snd _))

   kPathP : PathP  i  CommAlgCat [ p₁ i , p₃ i ]) (AlgPB .pbPr₂) k'
   kPathP = toPathP (sym (theAction _ _ k (y .snd) (x .snd) .snd _))

   hPathP : PathP  i  CommAlgCat [ p₁ i , p₂ i ]) (AlgPB .pbPr₁) h'
   hPathP = toPathP (sym (theAction _ _ h (u .snd) (x .snd) .snd _))

   fgCospan : Cospan CommAlgCat
   l fgCospan = F-ob universalPShf u
   m fgCospan = F-ob universalPShf v
   r fgCospan = F-ob universalPShf y
   s₁ fgCospan = g'
   s₂ fgCospan = f'

   cospanPath : AlgCospan  fgCospan
   l (cospanPath i) = p₂ i
   m (cospanPath i) = p₄ i
   r (cospanPath i) = p₃ i
   s₁ (cospanPath i) = gPathP i
   s₂ (cospanPath i) = fPathP i

   squarePathP : PathP  i  hPathP i ⋆⟨ CommAlgCat  gPathP i  kPathP i ⋆⟨ CommAlgCat  fPathP i)
                      (AlgPB .pbCommutes) inducedSquare
   squarePathP = toPathP (CommAlgCat .isSetHom _ _ _ _)

   lemma : isPullback CommAlgCat fgCospan {c = F-ob universalPShf x} h' k' inducedSquare
   lemma = transport  i  isPullback CommAlgCat (cospanPath i) {c = p₁ i}
                                                  (hPathP i) (kPathP i) (squarePathP i))
                     (AlgPB .univProp)

 module toSheaf
          {J : Category ℓ'' ℓ''}
          {D : Functor J (ΣC∥P∥Cat ^op)} {c : ob ΣC∥P∥Cat} (cc : Cone D c) -- will be B⋁Cone
          {algDiag : Functor J CommAlgCat}
          (algCone : Cone algDiag (F-ob universalPShf c))
          (p : (v : ob J)  F-ob algDiag v  F-ob (universalPShf ∘F D) v) where

  open Cone
   diagHomPathPs :  {u v : ob J} (f : J [ u , v ])
                  PathP  i  CommAlgebraHom (p u i) (p v i))
                         (F-hom algDiag f)
                         (F-hom universalPShf (F-hom D f))
   diagHomPathPs f = toPathP (sym (theAction _ _ (F-hom D f) _ _ .snd _))

   diagPathAlg : algDiag  universalPShf ∘F D
   diagPathAlg = Functor≡ p diagHomPathPs

   coneHomPathPs :  (v : ob J)
                  PathP  i  CommAlgebraHom (universalPShf .F-ob c) (diagPathAlg i .F-ob v))
                         (algCone .coneOut v) (F-cone universalPShf cc .coneOut v)
   coneHomPathPs v = toPathP (sym (theAction _ _ (cc .coneOut v) _ _ .snd _))

   conePathPAlg : PathP  i  Cone (diagPathAlg i) (F-ob universalPShf c))
                     algCone (F-cone universalPShf cc)
   conePathPAlg = conePathPDiag coneHomPathPs

   intermediateTransport : isLimCone _ _ algCone  isLimCone _ _ (F-cone universalPShf cc)
   intermediateTransport univProp = transport  i  isLimCone _ _ (conePathPAlg i)) univProp

   -- now for composition with forgetful functor
   CommRingsCat = CommRingsCategory { = ℓ''}
   Forgetful = ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRing { = ℓ''} R {ℓ' = ℓ''}
   𝓖 = Forgetful ∘F universalPShf

  module _ (isLimAlgCone : isLimCone _ _ algCone) where

    presLimForgetful : preservesLimits Forgetful
    presLimForgetful = ForgetfulCommAlgebra→CommRingPresLim R {ℓJ = ℓ''} {ℓJ' = ℓ''}

    assocDiagPath : Forgetful ∘F (universalPShf ∘F D)  𝓖 ∘F D
    assocDiagPath = F-assoc

    conePathPCR : PathP  i  Cone (assocDiagPath i) (F-ob (Forgetful ∘F universalPShf) c))
                   (F-cone Forgetful (F-cone universalPShf cc)) (F-cone 𝓖 cc)
    conePathPCR = conePathPDiag -- why does everything have to be explicit?
             v _  (Forgetful ∘F universalPShf) .F-hom {x = c} {y = D .F-ob v} (cc .coneOut v))

   toLimCone : isLimCone _ _ (F-cone 𝓖 cc)
   toLimCone = transport  i  isLimCone _ _ (conePathPCR i))
                         (presLimForgetful _ (intermediateTransport isLimAlgCone))